Action Log
Lismore destroyed or captured all spies operating in Lismore, therefore crushing his intelligence operations almost completely. (Effect: Intelligence - 80%)
Lismore released Collie, allowing him to exact his revenge against Doncoutle. (Effect: Old World Operations and Artifact Search -2% per action by other players.)
Ceci infiltrated an enemy camp, gathering minor information on organization and securing the master gatestone. (Effect: Gained master keystone)
Zeela infiltrated an enemy facility, permenantly disabling an enemy siege weapon with her antimagic. (Effect: Siege weapon destroyed, -3% old world operations.)
Aisling, Dru and Relina captured a hidden outpost hidden in Crimson Empire territory. (Effect: Skyland Operations - 5%, intelligence -5%)
Abbadon lead Astrid, Sansha and Tari to an enemy laboratory in the oldworld and seized as many materials related to the artifact as possible that the enemy possessed at that location. The remainder of the lab was destroyed before leaving. (Potential Results: Artifact Search -10% Abbadon believes they may now have sufficient information to find the artifact.)
Xela and Jules looted resource cache in the skylands. (Results: Skyland Operations -3%, Artifact Search -3%)
Athian, Jo'al and Kyle attacked an enemy outpost containing an object that will prevent Doncoutle from sealing shut any portals that Lismore decides to use against him. (Results: Skyland Operations -3%, Artifact Search -3%, gained Everlasting Keystone.)
High Queen Char, general of Doncoutle's forces, has been captured and imprisoned. (Results: Artifact Search and all operations -10%. Enemy forces have severely lost coordination.
Sloth was captured/rescued, and will now be an asset for Lismore's use in addition to the fact that she will not assist her archdemon when they are confronted. Sloth is the third of seven sin demons to be rescued.
Radem intercepted and managed to save a courier of Doncoutle. The information the Courier was carrying may allow Lismore the opportunity to intercept the Sin Demon, Greed. (Results: Intelligence -2%)Kira and Alvin are going to infiltrate an intelligence facility in the old world. (Results: Intelligence -3%, decryption material retrieved.)
Amon, Farago, Miriamella and Cadence attacked a cursed weapons cache, and after defeating its garrison, encountered a splinter group from the desert faction, seemingly lead by its former general, Bomber, which had attacked the facility from the other side. The splinter group seemed to have been expecting Lismore's fighters, and accepted a trade for the cursed weapons, which the splinter group intends to use in it's own war against Doncoutle. Lismore is now in possession of a living superweapon, a foxramau who is currently in some type of stasis, and has been imbued with a full measure of demonic blood, and incredible magical and physical power. The foxramau is said to have been given great power, but was not trained or programmed, making him a blank slate for Lismore's use. (Results: Skyland Operations -3%, Oldworld Operations -3%, Artifact Search -3%. Gained "Altered Foxramau".)
Ausar, Navaru, Xela and Anzhelina attacked the Fortress of Destruction, briefly fighting and convincing the archdemon Indictus to defect. (Results: Obsidian Palace Barrier - 12.5%, Fortress of Destruction Disabled, all operations -5%)
Ausar, Aurora, Zathiel, Bellatrix and Rune intercepted the sin demon, Greed, while he was being moved from one location to another. Greed was captured, and one of Doncoutle's soldiers, apparently having no manner of binding whatsoever, defected mid-combat. Greed and Sloth will likely have information to share as soon as they're unbinded. (Results: Intelligence -3%, All operations -5%, Greed was captured!)