Author Topic: Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20004 (08/20/16)  (Read 48053 times)

Tenaar Feiri

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Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20004 (08/20/16)
« on: December 16, 2012, 10:58:39 am »

We have finally released the new version of the RP tool after 2 years of hard work and lots of field-testing! The tool has been rebuilt from scratch to offer much more customizability and stability than the previous iterations, and you can find more details here:

Source code:


Details further down in this post remain from the old release of the tool and may not be 100% up to date.

For those of you having trouble with the RP tool resetting randomly, see here:[/b]

That's right folks, we're out of beta at last!
It's been a long run with lots of testing, hard work, blood, sweat and, at times, tears, but we're finally here!

Neckbeards Anonymous, consisting of Tenaar Feiri, Erika Fluffy & Xela Soulstar, is proud to introduce you to what we are willing to claim is the most feature rich, advanced RP tool in SL!

Thank you all who have participated in the beta test & reported bugs, requested features & so on. The Lismore RP Tool couldn't have gotten this good without you.

Current version:


Highly powerful RP tool with a focus on maximum performance & reliability.

Redesigned 4-prim HUD for maximum efficiency & performance.

8 titles total, out of which 6 are fully customizeable!

Custom titler colours!

Advanced energy regeneration which allows you to regenerate over time or by post, as well as define a maximum amount of energy you want.

The ability to remove & add the % on title8 as you please.

Complete & fully functional chatter with commands identical to the original RP tool!

Online server backups! - Never have to re-enter your character data because of an update ever again!

Up to 9 save slots, allowing you to worry about only one RP tool at any one time. Save & Load buttons conveniently placed for ease of access!

Die roll, with an option to tell you the result privately. Uses a d20 die.

Highly user-friendly title management. Set title values via HUD textboxes! Even set your energy count with them!

Reliable IC, OOC & AFK buttons that will pause your titler & inform others of your current situation. Optional: Leave a message for people to see with "/1 ooc text" or "/1 afk text" (no quotes).

Informs you when there are updates available!

Completely streamlined updating - never unpack an update ever again!

Optional on-screen radar which lets you keep track of the people around you without having open the map windows in your viewer!

Integrated LFRP system. Never wonder who is really IC again!

Automatic updates delivered right to your inventory.

Come down here to obtain the RP tool:
OR get it from the marketplace:

We at Neckbeards Anonymous hope you'll enjoy the tool. Do have fun!

Known bugs:

- Typing "helping" or any other word with "help" in it when changing titles delivers the RP tool helpfile instead of updating the title as intended. (Fixed for next release.)

Last changes up until release:

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed /1 const8name number not adding "%" on the end
- Change the title length warning limit up to 255 bytes, due to redesign of HTTP backup/restore code, no longer needing to maintain 224 Bytes per titlestring per character.
- Fixed regen timer so it correctly appends "%"

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri.
- Added a comma identifier to the chatter.

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Major code cleanup
- Updated changelog to simply link to forums due to a large amount of changes since last release
- Fixed ColorRGB vector parsing, should work properly now

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Seperators changed yet again to [|] = key/data, ]|[ = slot, @~@ = values, @|@ = title/const due to headaches getting mysql, lsl, and perl to all happily speak UTF-8. FML.
- llParseString2List changed to llParseStringKeepNulls to prevent issues occuring if someone sets a title/value/constant to a null value.
- Fixed OOC/AFK Messages so they properly display and persist through afk/ooc/ic states as intended
- Added update checker code; api?do=2&data=verNum to web API, return 1 = update availible, return 0 = up to date.
- Fixed bug where setting afk/ooc messages to 'none' would cause entire [AFK]\nname to disappear as well.
- Reworked chatter code for speed/readability, improved some chatter functions
- Added WebAPI exception support (experimental)
- Added code to update titles when AFK/OOC
- Added newchar command for GUI based configuration
- Added dumpConstNames function for HUD GUI titles config
- Added more descriptive messages for updating titles/consts while ooc or afk.
- Added toggle for % on title8

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed commas in chats.

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed loading characters while ooc/afk triggering reparse
- Added post-based energy regen
- Added max regen pool to postregen and time regen
- Added throttling to post regen based on uTime

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri
- Fixed AFK/OOC states to reflect name changes while active.
- Release version.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri
- Hotfix: Having the words "name", "species" or "energy" in your titles should no longer cause the RP tool to act weirdly.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri
- "/4 ((something))" will now post as "Yourcharname (YourSLname) OOC: something" in the chat. This will happen regardless of whether you put "))" at the end.
- Minor documentation error fixed. The help file will no longer be rude & give you the wrong command to change titler colours by RGB.
- The RP tool has recently gained an aversion to unwelcome colons & has applied a colon-repellent coating to its privates. "/3 something" should now no longer appear as ": something" in some viewers.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri & Erika Fluffy
- Fixed compatibility issues with other HUDs using /1.
- Added MOTD string + contact information.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri.
- Added fool-proofing to the listen conditionals for title updating. RP Tool will now bitch if it really can't process the input, or you give an invalid title number.
- Energy (title8) will no longer show non-numericals, and you will error if you do "/1 energy abc", "/1 energy a123" etc. You will not receive an error if you do "/1 energy 45abc"; the tool will process this correctly as "45" and forget all about any letters you have. If you do "/1 energy 10abc5", then it will still only show up on your titler as "10".
- Added leniency for one single space between command & the number. If you do "/1 title 3 something" then it will still process correctly. "/1 title  3 something" will error. "/1 title something" will also error. "/1 title0 something" & "/1 title9 something" will also produce error messages.
- All error messages will tell you what you wrote to cause the problem so you can correct it.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri & Erika Fluffy:

- Fixed the stack-heap errors that occur sometimes when you make a post.
- Added a streamlined updating system that will make future updates a breeze & never will require you to unpack a new version ever again.
- Added filtering for const-based title updating. If you have a colon after your title constants such as "Mood:" then you will still be able to change it by doing: /1 mood xya
- Added optional weather sounds to the weather button. While in Lismore, click the weather icon to enable and disable the sounds!
- Fixed error messages accidentally triggering when doing certain commands.
- Title8 will now ONLY show numbers. It will tell you what you did wrong if you do a command like /1 title8 abc . It will also filter out non-numerical letters so doing /1 title8 89abc will still only make it show "89".
- Numerous bug fixes & code optimizations.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Fixed issue causing /1 title8 0 to error out. This was an oversight by myself. Sorry!

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri & Erika Fluffy:
- Fixed parsing with colons. Should work properly now!
- Fixed the resource button on the HUD.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Fixed chatter issues with weird duplicates when shouting.
- Fixed issues with spaces when using "/1 constname title". It should now parse correctly.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri & Erika Fluffy:
- Fixed the word "color" not working with the titles.
- Made updating more efficient.
- Added an optional radar to the HUD which will help you keep track of the people around you! (Toggleable by touching the icon)
- Updater will now deliver a completely new HUD for you to use if we add more stuff to it.
- Updater now tells you in the text above it what it's updating, when it is.
- Numerous misc. bugfixes.
- Hopefully fixed the weird reset issue.
- Added optional autoload feature to the char-handler. When enabled, it will reload the last char you loaded or saved upon HUD attach, or login. It's off by default, but you can enable it by typing "/44 auto on", and disable it with "/44 auto off". (no quotes)

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri & Erika Fluffy:
- Fixed some chatting errors.
- Added LFRP functionality to the HUD. LFRP is a new service in Lismore that allows players to find other players that are looking for RP. The "LFRP" button on the HUD is green if there is at least one person seeking RP.
- Minor optimizations here and there.
- Obsolete "command" list commands in the RP tool removed.
- Obsolete "changelog" command removed.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Critical update! Added support for an overhauled weather system, removed old & deprecated code.
- Removed sound effects.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Fixed radar spam when teleporting.
- Misc. "whoah, better cover my ass before they notice it's broken"-fixes.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Updated the update reminder text to reflect sim migration.

Changelog for & - Tenaar Feiri:
- Updated to use the new server.
- Added API for automatic update deliveries.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Added support for Instant Message changelogs.
- Started work on implementing /1 update (not yet activated; still in closed testing). This command, once activated, will tell the server to give you a completely fresh copy of the entire RP tool. This should make updating a breeze even if you don't update the tool for a while & find yourself stuck using the automatic updater.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Implemented /1 update. Type "/1 update" without the quotes in local to receive a completely fresh copy of the RP tool, wherever you are. (No more trouble with incompatible updaters!)

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:

- Added "/1 comma" (without quotes) to toggle between a comma display, or a linebreak display for the first two titles (traditionally Name & Species).

- Upgraded HUD. Now uses mesh, loads faster and operates faster.

- OOC/IC/AFK now toggles when touched. OOC/IC are also considered one button.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:

- Upgraded the Updater to be more reliable.

- Upgraded update API in all scripts.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:

- Prepared weather button for temperature beta. (Lismore exclusive - for now.)

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:

- RP Tool and HUD will no longer desynchronize if you use chat commands to go AFK/OOC.

- You are now able to use the words "afk", "ooc", "ic" and "back" in any title without trouble.

- Radar will no longer reset after teleporting.

- Radar auto-throttle greatly reduced. Now scans every 60 second when sim performance is at its poorest, rather than every 240 seconds.

- Further updates will now be deployed on Thursdays (if there are any).

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri

- HUD update: Added codebase for remote donations to Neckbeards Anonymous and alternatively, Lismore. (presently disabled to the end-user pending testing)

- Titler Bugfix: Fixed OOC and AFK information updating. It should no longer toggle back to IC when trying to do "/1 ooc something here" or "/1 afk something here" while already OOC or AFK.

- Titler Bugfix: Fixed OOC and AFK interfering with each other. You can now go AFK from OOC, & OOC from AFK without needing to go IC in-between.

- Titler Bugfix: OOC/AFK messages now persist upon character load.

- RP Tool feature: Added the option to toggle the automatic update check on & off using "/1 toggleupdate". Automatic updates are enabled by default.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri

- Chatter update: Added option to toggle between full & first name displays in chat. The command for this is "/1 togglename" (without the quotes).

- HUD update: Added donation feature to the HUD. If you wish to support us by donating Lindens, activate by typing "/1 donate" (without the quotes). Permission to take money from you is requested only when you confirm your donation, and it is immediately
If you are in Lismore, you will be given a second option to donate directly to the sim funds instead of to Neckbeards Anonymous.

- HUD update: All default HUD & titler scripts now check the integrity of its inventory, and deletes foreign & potentially malicious objects.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:

- Chatter now removes any "/me" commands from its posts if you use a Viewer that can chat automatically to channel 4, allowing you to /me accidentally to your heart's content!

- The radar module has overstayed its welcome & is now deprecated. It will inform you to rez the HUD on the ground when you're finished updating and if you do that, then the module will unlink & delete itself, hassle-free!

- A new LITE HUD has been added that takes up less screen space. You cannot use the original & the LITE version at the same time.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:

- Character handler has been optimized.
- Revised the way loading works; Characters can now have long names without breaking llDialog.
- Added a name filter to the chatter that will prevent "??" from showing up in your name that occurs when you use a name with special characters that object names do not support.
- You should now be able to have multiple character saves with identical names.
- *NEW FEATURE* You may now use the command "/1 togglewhisper" to toggle between 20m chatrange & 10m chatrange when posting through the /4 & /3 channels.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Included the alpha version of the new RP Tool upgrade.
- Very minor optimizations.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 04:10:11 pm by Tenaar Feiri »

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2012, 04:53:20 am »
Discovered that /22 wasn't working. Fixed it, updated to build

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2012, 09:28:59 am »
Major update. Integrated Erika Fluffy's new code-base. The RP tool is now at version


12.17.12 #2

  • Integrated new codebase into the RP tool.
  • Temporarily removed support for weather station.
  • A whole lot of features fixed & are now running.
  • HUD support added (although actual HUD is still to be developed.
  • Support for saved character presets added (but not activated yet.)
  • Shouting diabled. (bugged)
  • Die roll system added! Type /1 roll to roll a d20 die. Using the roll system is encouraged!
  • Updated titler processing.
  • You can now have up to 8 titles at the same time (includes Name, Species & Energy). /1 const1-8 changes title names, & /1 title1-8 changes the title value. /1 name and /1 species and /1 energy are now deprecated, as title1, title2 & title8 respectively handles these values.
  • Energy regeneration added. Type /1 regen x y to set it. y = the amount of energy you'd like to regen each tick, and y = (in minutes) the amount of time you'd like to pass between ticks. Defaults to 0 0 when you attach the titler the first time.
  • You should now be able to set the colour of the titler.

Known bugs:
None at this time.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 10:52:14 am by Tenaar Feiri »

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 11:34:26 am »
Another update has been pushed. You may retrieve it at the landing point by clicking the wooden sphere with the hovering text "Click here for a free titler!"

The RP tool is now at version


  • Fixed chat issues on channel 4. All /4 chat options should now work as intended.
  • Removed support for saved character presets. Reason: HUD implementation not yet complete.
  • Due to popular request, re-added the possibility to use /1 name, /1 species & /1 energy to set the values of Name, Species & Energy respectively. You can still also use /1 title1, /1 title2 & /1 title8 respectively to set the same values.
  • You can now set the constants of Name, Species & Energy with /1 nn_title, /1 sp_title & /1 en_title respectively. The old /1 const1, /1 const2 & /1 const8 may also be used.
  • Automatic update delivery is being developed. More information will be released as it's made available.
  • The RP tool should now consistently inform the wearer of the command that gives the help file every time the tool is rezzed.

Known bugs:
- /3 chat isn't working as intended.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 02:43:56 pm by Tenaar Feiri »

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2012, 03:17:42 am »

The RP tool is now at version (Alpha)


  • Fixed all known chat bugs. Everything should now work as intended.
  • The tool now has a HUD.
  • Weather system implemented. (HUD feature )
  • Weather HUD works, but textures aren't implemented yet. Stay tuned.
  • Save and Load characters is now implemented. (HUD feature)
  • Misc. performance enhancements.
  • Numerous base code improvements.
  • The Character Handler, when clicked, now gives you 30 seconds to select a slot to save your character in (or load a character) before it times out, and you must click it again. This is intended behaviour.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic! (BETA)
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2012, 03:34:47 am »
Another fairly major update has been made, which has addressed what I hope were the last few remaining bugs in the titler.

We are now at version Beta, and this particular version is a release candidate!

This includes a HUD update. Remember that if you have characters saved in the old HUD, you can 'transfer' them to the new HUD by attaching the old one, loading the character, then detaching the old one, attaching the new one, and then saving the character there. Repeat this until all your characters are saved.


  • Weather system fully implemented, with icons courtesy of Xela Soulstar!
  • Weather system now sees the difference between night & day in-world. (60 sec delay)
  • The weather icons will now change to a big ? if weather is disabled, or if you leave the region. (60 sec delay)
  • You can now query the weather station by clicking on "Weather" in the HUD. This will also update every HUD in the region if yours is out of sync, ensuring that everyone's aware of today's weather reports! (This is non-spammy, so clicking it repeatedly won't annoy others with a waterfall of weather notices ;))
  • Numerous performance enhancements!
  • All 9 character save slots now work properly.
  • Energy (or title8) now has a permanent % marker. If your resource isn't percentage based, you should use the other titles to keep track of this.
  • Typing /1 title1 none (or any of the other titles), as well as /1 const1 none will both require you to insert a new constant if you want this title back. This is intended behaviour.
  • Character backup feature implemented. (Currently disabled pending server-side installation. This is not a priority for release & may be activated at a later stage.)
  • Private dice roll added. Type /1 silentroll if you need to make a roll, the result of which only you can see. (This is not permitted to use in combat situations.)
  • Help files updated to reflect recent changes. (May still be a little outdated; I'm making new testing builds almost every 4 hours, so it's hard to keep track sometimes.)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 04:08:16 am by Tenaar Feiri »


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2012, 07:35:30 am »
I'm copy&pasting here the feedback I gave Tenaar in-world so it stays on record:

[07:24:18] Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok, I have a suggestion...!

[07:24:33] NBA Lismore RP Tool (Beta): Sorry, I didn't understand that command. Try /1 help

[07:28:31] Ashtyn Ninetails: See how when I put it on right out of the box, it has all these fields for info? the 'name' and 'species' fields respond to '/1 name' and '/1 species' respectively, but the other fields don't respond to '/1 mood', for example... So could it be made that the fields respond to whatever they are set to display? /1 mood, /1 status, /1 scent, /1 body, /1 info, etc.....

[07:29:10] Ashtyn Ninetails: This way it's intuitive. If I know "/1 name" changes my name, I'm gonna try the same thing with the other fields and if it works, I never have to read the manual. ;)

[07:29:57] Ashtyn Ninetails: ......and another suggestion.....

[07:32:22] Ashtyn Ninetails: Make 'hide' and 'show' command words so it can be used like '/1 mood hide', to hide the 'Mood' field, and then '/1 mood show' to show it again. ('mood' in this case being the example, it should do it for all the fields)

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 07:53:00 am »
I explained in-world that this would be a fairly difficult thing to implement with the current code structure. I've added the suggestions to our list of things we could implement, but as I also mentioned in-world, it's not something we'll prioritize unless it becomes a popular request. Atm we're focusing on webserver backups for the character lists, which will take some time to install, & optimizing the character handler.


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 10:00:56 am »
I'm copy&pasting here the feedback I gave Tenaar in-world so it stays on record:

[07:24:18] Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok, I have a suggestion...!

[07:24:33] NBA Lismore RP Tool (Beta): Sorry, I didn't understand that command. Try /1 help

[07:28:31] Ashtyn Ninetails: See how when I put it on right out of the box, it has all these fields for info? the 'name' and 'species' fields respond to '/1 name' and '/1 species' respectively, but the other fields don't respond to '/1 mood', for example... So could it be made that the fields respond to whatever they are set to display? /1 mood, /1 status, /1 scent, /1 body, /1 info, etc.....

[07:29:10] Ashtyn Ninetails: This way it's intuitive. If I know "/1 name" changes my name, I'm gonna try the same thing with the other fields and if it works, I never have to read the manual. ;)

[07:29:57] Ashtyn Ninetails: ......and another suggestion.....

[07:32:22] Ashtyn Ninetails: Make 'hide' and 'show' command words so it can be used like '/1 mood hide', to hide the 'Mood' field, and then '/1 mood show' to show it again. ('mood' in this case being the example, it should do it for all the fields)

My main issue with that is with weapons and the like. For example "/1 draw sword" draws my sword.. but would also prompt that message. :o


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2012, 08:25:02 pm »
IMPORTANT NOTE FROM TENAAR: colorrgb still doesn't work like intended, but is now a priority fix. Due to the changes made to the character handler & the RP tool update, the old version of the HUD is INCOMPATIBLE with this new release. This unfortunately means that you cannot transfer your old character saves to the new version of the RP tool & HUD. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, & remind you that though we do not mean to update the character handler in this way any more than necessary, we are still in beta and there is always a small chance that incompatibility might occur. Any further changes to the character handler *should* not affect compatibility. Once again, we're sorry for the inconvenience.

Second note: For the colorrgb command, it will function, just not as intended. Rather than /1 colorrgb 255 255 255 for white, you would need to type /1 colorrgb 1.0 1.0 1.0. Similarly, for grey, rather than 128 128 128, 0.5 0.5 0.5, etc. This should be fixed very soon.

(I am Erika Fluffy, prolly should have made that my username on the forums. xD)

Changelog for titler and 1.0.2 char-handler;
- Removed error on channel 1 due to large amount of scripted items using it for communication.
- Added 'show/hide' commands for all titles and constants that will hide a title or constant while preserving the data stored within it.
- Switched from llList2CSV/llCSV2List to llDumpList2String/llParseString2List to prevent character save/loads from breaking when the data contains commas. "█" is used for const/title seperator, "▄" is used for data seperator, and "▀" is used for slot seperator for web API. These characters were chosen due to it being highly unlikely for them to be used in the       titler. Using these characters in the titles will cause characters to not backup and restore correctly.
- Added the ability to update a title using a constant's name, eg /1 smell: stinky would change the line containing the constant smell to "stinky". Take note that the constant name must be typed exactly, although it is case insensitive. This means /1 scent: and /1 Scent: are the same thing, but /1 scent: and /1 scent are not.
- Added exception code for llSetText's length limit, so if the titlestring is longer than 224 bytes, it will complain rather than chopping things off silently.
- 224 byte limit is lower than llSetText's 255 byte limit, this is to prevent overflowing llHTTPRequests's 2048byte limit when backingup/restoring characters to the web API. Thanks for being retarded   LSL.
- Fixed 'colorrgb' command not being parsed due to color being matched first
- Fixed updateTitle() and updateConst() commands being matched incorrectly inside a message rather than at the beginning of message.
- Stack-heap error is fixed. Long posts should once again be possible.

- Switched from b64 backup/restore to stringdump
- Added HTTPRequest code for communication with web API;
    -Protocol Spec;<command>:<avkey>:<chardump>
        save ex:
            -returns true on sucess
            -returns false on failue
        load ex:
            -returns most recent chardump on sucess
            -returns exception on failure
- Added simple web-api functionality, still needs testing, lookups are 'dumb', based simply on avatar key, most recent save is pulled from DB, web API communication limited to Linden Labs subnet for security. This function is disabled to end-users while in testing.
- You can now see where your characters are saved, when you save them.

Todo for titler and 1.0.2 char-handler;
- Currently, when using the show/hide commands on a title or constant, then saving and restoring the character, the 'hidden' data is not preserved. For example, if you set title2 to "Hello", and then hide it, then save the character, when restored, the title should still be hidden, but when you use the "show" command, nothing will happen, because there is no data to un-hide, so you have to type "/1 title2 Hello" again to add it back.
- Improve web api functionality extend the system to be capable of saving/restoring all 9 'full' character slots. Currently, due to LSL limitations, only about 6 can be retrieved.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 10:30:59 pm by Xariah »
Code: [Select]
(defun fuuu (print (cons 'well (list 'okay))))

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2012, 09:27:34 pm »
Quick note: OOC and AFK messages (not the actual states) are currently disabled.


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2012, 11:33:15 pm »
Important note:

Okay, so, long story short, I use notepad++ to edit LSL scripts and I derped and forgot I had it set to UTF-8 (character set) so when I copy and pasted all the code into secondlife, the in-game LSL editor broke some of the characters and replaced them. This means that: If you use an underscore _, a broken vertical pipe ¦, or a macron ¯, character in your titles, saving and loading characters will not work.

Code: [Select]
(defun fuuu (print (cons 'well (list 'okay))))


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2013, 08:51:37 am »
New version on the way!

Okay so, web API is fully functional for backups/restores and update checking, metric fuckton of bugfixes and new features including: showing/hiding titles, speed/efficiency improvements, Resource "%" toggle, New Hud, GUI title updating, GUI resource management, etc. Long and possibly over-detailed changelogs to follow:


Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed /1 const8name number not adding "%" on the end
- Change the title length warning limit up to 255 bytes, due to redesign of HTTP backup/restore code, no longer needing to maintain 224 Bytes per titlestring per character.
- Fixed regen timer so it correctly appends "%"

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri.
- Added a comma identifier to the chatter.

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Major code cleanup
- Updated changelog to simply link to forums due to a large amount of changes since last release
- Fixed ColorRGB vector parsing, should work properly now

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Seperators changed yet again to [|] = key/data, ]|[ = slot, @~@ = values, @|@ = title/const due to headaches getting mysql, lsl, and perl to all happily speak UTF-8. FML.
- llParseString2List changed to llParseStringKeepNulls to prevent issues occuring if someone sets a title/value/constant to a null value.
- Fixed OOC/AFK Messages so they properly display and persist through afk/ooc/ic states as intended
- Added update checker code; api?do=2&data=verNum to web API, return 1 = update availible, return 0 = up to date.
- Fixed bug where setting afk/ooc messages to 'none' would cause entire [AFK]\nname to disappear as well.
- Reworked chatter code for speed/readability, improved some chatter functions
- Added WebAPI exception support (experimental)
- Added code to update titles when AFK/OOC
- Added dumpConstNames function for HUD GUI titles config
- Added more descriptive messages for updating titles/consts while ooc or afk.
- Added toggle for % on title8

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy

Character Handler:

Changelog for 1.0.3 - Erika Fluffy
- Switched to HTTP POST and set up more efficient API functionality, fully working now

Changelog for 1.0.4 - Erika Fluffy
- MAJOR API functionality overhaul
- Changed llParseString2List to llParseStringKeepNulls as with rp-tool.
- Changed seperators to match rp-tool.
- Added confirmation message to API backup/restore with timeout.
- Fixed timeout issue with load/save & backup/restore occuring simultaneously.
- Added WebAPI exception support (experimental)
- Spelling Errors fixed Dx
- Fixed timeouts so they only occur if save/load/backup/restore are *NOT* completed sucessfully.
- Added link_message code for HUD communication.

Hud Control:

Changelog for 1.0.0 - Erika Fluffy
- Codebase for new HUD
- Added llTextBox Functionality for Titles
- Added llTextBox Functionality for Resource Pool
- Codebase written to use single-prim hud based on x,y coordinates
- All initial functions added and preliminary testing done.
- Fixed newline being stripped properly from title update strings.
- Fixed newline being stripped properly from resource update strings.
- Added changed/changeowner state reset to prevent issues.

Hopefully will be released soon, just testing now :D
Code: [Select]
(defun fuuu (print (cons 'well (list 'okay))))

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2013, 09:09:59 am »
Please also note that as we've got some reliable sources saying that V1 is going to be phased out completely this year, we have reduced support for V1 viewers in favour of new functionalities only available with a V2/V3 viewer, that enable us to make the RP tool much more user-friendly. Repeat: The HUD *may not* work as intended with V1 viewers! The RP tool MAY have bugs in V1 viewers that won't appear in V2/V3.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 11:40:46 am by Tenaar Feiri »

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.3 (01/19/13)
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2013, 11:46:48 am »


That's right folks, we're out of beta & have at last released version of the NBA Lismore RP Tool!
It's been a long run with lots of testing, hard work, blood, sweat and, at times, tears, but we're finally here!

Neckbeards Anonymous, consisting of Tenaar Feiri, Erika Fluffy & Xela Soulstar, is proud to introduce you to what we are willing to claim is the most feature rich, advanced RP tool in SL!

Thank you all who have participated in the beta test & reported bugs, requested features & so on. The Lismore RP Tool couldn't have gotten this good without you.


Highly powerful RP tool with a focus on maximum performance & reliability.

Redesigned 2-prim HUD for maximum efficiency & performance.

8 fully customizeable titles.

Custom titler colours!

Advanced energy regeneration which allows you to regenerate over time or by post, as well as define a maximum amount of energy you want.

The ability to remove & add the % on title8 as you please.

Complete & fully functional chatter with commands identical to the original RP tool!

Online server backups! - Never have to re-enter your character data because of an update ever again!

Up to 9 save slots, allowing you to worry about only one RP tool at any one time. Save & Load buttons conveniently placed for ease of access!

Die roll, with an option to tell you the result privately. Uses a d20 die.

Highly user-friendly title management. Set title values via HUD textboxes! Even set your energy count with them!

Reliable IC, OOC & AFK buttons that will pause your titler & inform others of your current situation. Optional: Leave a message for people to see with "/1 ooc text" or "/1 afk text" (no quotes).

Informs you when there are updates available!

Come down here to obtain the RP tool:

We at Neckbeards Anonymous hope you'll enjoy the tool. Do have fun!

Known bugs:

Last changes up until release:

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed /1 const8name number not adding "%" on the end
- Change the title length warning limit up to 255 bytes, due to redesign of HTTP backup/restore code, no longer needing to maintain 224 Bytes per titlestring per character.
- Fixed regen timer so it correctly appends "%"

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri.
- Added a comma identifier to the chatter.

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Major code cleanup
- Updated changelog to simply link to forums due to a large amount of changes since last release
- Fixed ColorRGB vector parsing, should work properly now

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Seperators changed yet again to [|] = key/data, ]|[ = slot, @~@ = values, @|@ = title/const due to headaches getting mysql, lsl, and perl to all happily speak UTF-8. FML.
- llParseString2List changed to llParseStringKeepNulls to prevent issues occuring if someone sets a title/value/constant to a null value.
- Fixed OOC/AFK Messages so they properly display and persist through afk/ooc/ic states as intended
- Added update checker code; api?do=2&data=verNum to web API, return 1 = update availible, return 0 = up to date.
- Fixed bug where setting afk/ooc messages to 'none' would cause entire [AFK]\nname to disappear as well.
- Reworked chatter code for speed/readability, improved some chatter functions
- Added WebAPI exception support (experimental)
- Added code to update titles when AFK/OOC
- Added newchar command for GUI based configuration
- Added dumpConstNames function for HUD GUI titles config
- Added more descriptive messages for updating titles/consts while ooc or afk.
- Added toggle for % on title8

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed commas in chats.

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed loading characters while ooc/afk triggering reparse
- Added post-based energy regen
- Added max regen pool to postregen and time regen
- Added throttling to post regen based on uTime

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri
- Fixed AFK/OOC states to reflect name changes while active.
- Release version.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 11:49:56 am by Tenaar Feiri »