Author Topic: Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20004 (08/20/16)  (Read 48057 times)

Tenaar Feiri

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(unreleased, changelog) Neckbeard RP Tool v0.18 (09/17/14)
« Reply #75 on: September 16, 2014, 09:23:24 pm »
Changelog for v0.18 of the Neckbeard RP Tool alpha:

  • Fixed issue that prevented name changes from reflecting in the chatter when using the HUD to change your name.
  • Started developing a post queue module for the HUD to help setup & manage post queues. It may not be ready for the next closed alpha release.
  • The titler will now show energy as "100 / 100" by default when you turn percent off.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.2.2.1 (01/12/14)
« Reply #76 on: November 14, 2014, 10:19:53 am »
Neckbeards Anonymous RP Tool Pro is now in public alpha!
An update has been deployed to the Lismore RP Tool which includes a boxed alpha release for those who want to engage in testing.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.2.2.1 (01/12/14)
« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2014, 09:34:24 am »
Neckbeards Anonymous RP Tool Pro update 0.21 released.


  • Fixed titler parsing. You can now hide things in the titler.
  • Fixed issue that sometimes causes character handler to crash.
  • Tool now records version number to server for more efficient support.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 02:15:30 pm by Tenaar Feiri »


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.2.2.1 (01/12/14)
« Reply #78 on: November 16, 2014, 01:57:15 pm »
...feature suggestion for future versions:
Make it remember the position of the things on your screen! Every time I install the new one, I have to re-arrange my HUD and that's sooOOoOOOoo much hassle!  ;)

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.2.2.2 (11/18/14)
« Reply #79 on: December 10, 2014, 10:02:16 pm »
Planned changes for next Neckbeard RP Tool Pro alpha update: 0.22

  • Improve dice rolling algorithm to offer customization & more statistically random die rolls to be competitive with Firestorm's integrated dice roller. (implemented)
  • Dice rolling customization. Currently only defining # of die sides is implemented (2 minimum), more to come.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.2.2.2 (11/18/14)
« Reply #80 on: March 01, 2015, 08:11:59 pm »
Neckbeard RP Tool Pro alpha update: 0.23 released.


  • Improved dice rolling algorithm to offer better randomization. You can now define how many sides to the die you want (between 2 and... Idk, 4000? Experiment to see how far you can go, 'cause I haven't set a limit.) To do so, just type: "/1 roll x" where "x" is how many sides you want. Like... "/1 roll 100". Without the quotes of course.
  • Fixed an issue with the HUD that made it respond to other people's HUDs when they clicked the "Backup" and "Restore" buttons. They should now only obey their owners once more.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.2.2.2 (11/18/14)
« Reply #81 on: September 02, 2015, 05:14:09 am »
Neckbeard RP Tool Pro alpha update: 0.24 released.


  • Fixed an issue that caused chatter-related HUD commands to interact with other people's RP tools. This had no impact on people using chat commands.
  • Attempted fix on an issue that caused "changetitle" to drop the last letter from the name when communicating it with the chatter script.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.2.2.2 (11/18/14)
« Reply #82 on: March 30, 2016, 04:29:20 pm »
We are getting closer to an upgrade from the Lismore Titler v1.2.2.2 to the Neckbeards RP Tool Pro r2001.

Key features will include:

  • Completely redone codebase for more customization & flexible saving
  • All network connectivity removed; No more server.
  • Notecard backups! You can now back your savefiles to a notecard, and load them. Notecard backups work like templates; you can have multiple cards in your titler inventory and load them as you need them, in practice allowing you near infinite character save files per account.
  • Improvements to the chatter program.
  • Customize your command channels! Does /1 conflict with other attachments? Change it to whichever channel you like!
  • Changing text colour can now be done using a preset or a RGB value in one command.
  • Display your character's energy level as a number, percentage or min / max format. Can also use as a normal title to no ill effects.
  • No more timed energy regeneration. Removed per popular request.
  • Improved dice rolling system for more randomization.
  • And much more!

Tenaar Feiri

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RELEASED: Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20001
« Reply #83 on: March 31, 2016, 06:39:48 pm »
After two years of development, we are finally deploying the latest RP tool upgrade onto the grid!
This is presently the most customizeable and open tool to date, and now it is completely Open Source! ( )

I've tried to include as many features in this list as I can, but there's a lot of under-the-hood work that's been done which is not mentioned.
Some features:

(as of r20001)

- Though not a true dice rolling algorithm, this tool offers an improved dice rolling feature from the last one, allowing you custom dice rolls and somewhat more pseudo-random numbers.

- The title parsing has updated to be more flexible and reliable with complicated sets of data.

- Energy title can now be used as a normal non-numeric title.

- Timed energy regeneration has been removed; It is now per post.

- Postregen now doubles as regen indicator and a max value indicator. Used in combination with the toggleable value "showcap" to display current / maximum energy.

- Codebase has been mostly redone to allow for improved functionality and modability.

- All online features have been removed from the RP Tool.

- Character backups now use a notecard system; back up your save files to a notecard, save and use multiple notecards for virtually unlimited character slots, and even trade notecards.

- Employs a new, mod-able HUD with 2 default pages, and a 3rd for modding usage. (UPDATE button still persists on page 2, but as the tool is now Open Source, an enterprising modder may wish to make use of it for AddOns)

- The "showcap" command (/1 showcap) now toggles between displaying a raw numerical value or current energy vs maximum energy on title8, when percent is disabled.

- Toggle between using your character's full name in the chat or its first name.

- Toggle between chatting in whispers (10m range) or normal says (20m range); excellent for smaller RP sims or areas where you don't want people outside a certain range to listen in to your object chatter.

- The save syntax has been updated and made mutable; add your own character values to your RP tool by editing its scripts, and save and load them properly with little to no hassle!

- Improved chatter functionality! Togglename is now reliable. New feature: Corrects the usage of apostrophe when character name ends with the letter "s". Removed experimental word detection (used during debug, or when the script can't settle on a way to parse them).

- The text colour command has now been concatenated to just "/1 color", and it will respond to the name of a preset or that of a normal RGB (ex.: 255 255 255).

- The RP Tool is now completely independent of its HUD, with every feature operable via chat commands if the HUD is not to your liking.

- You can have multiple character save slots with the same name.

- RP Tool supports up to 12 different character save slots per backup.

- Change which channel you send your commands to. Is /1 taken by a different attachment? Change it to channel 5, or whichever other channel you want! Note: You have to have the HUD attached in order to have the change reflected on the HUD.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 06:43:07 pm by Tenaar Feiri »

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20002 (04/03/16)
« Reply #84 on: April 07, 2016, 12:17:36 pm »
Known issues:

  • Notecard backups would give errors or load incompletely when parsing large savefiles. (Resolved; Added to patchlist.)

Tenaar Feiri

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Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20004 (08/20/16)
« Reply #85 on: August 19, 2016, 04:08:54 pm »
Updated to version r20004.


Titler changes:
    - Fixed bug preventing $p tag adding a linebreak if last in the string.
    - Fixed bug showing tags in OOC chat. Hopefully.

Charhandler changes:
    - Fixed issue causing constants of save file #12 to be added to the name of saved char #1.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20004 (08/20/16)
« Reply #86 on: April 06, 2017, 10:42:27 am »
Updated to version r20005.


Titler changes:
   - Speculative fix for tags displaying in save/load dialog menu.
   - Applied new stripTags() function to character selection dialog.
   - Applied new stripTags() function to character successfully loaded msg.
   - Applied new stripTags() function to dice roll outputs, preventing tags from displaying in the object name when chatting dice results.
   - Minor bugfix to dice rolls.
   - Added new greeting that displays every time the tool is reset, gets a new owner or is attached.

Chatter changes:
   - Fixed chatter issue causing $n to display on character name when chatting to channel 22 (ooc chat).
   - Fixed chatter issue causing other $ tags to display in the character name during /4 chat.