A note that was written in a neat hand was attached to a 'jobs wanted' board in Lismore. It was written in a neat hand, a well trained hand. however, misspellings were common, since standardized spelling does not exist yet.
"Hello, my name is Samuel Bellamy. I wish to seek job as a sailor, or a ship captain. If hired onto a merchant ship, I know every trick, and tactic, that pirates use to steal goods. I know what captains really do when the ship is away from their port. I know that a happy, healthy crew is far superior to a crew that have been whipped, beaten, and have had their wills ground into a pulp. I am a fair captain, a rare sight in this day and age where a captain is king of the vessel while on the sea, and press-ganging, and poor treatment is common. Although, I don't just sit back and let my crew swing the lead.
If you wish to seek me out, I could be found either in the tavern, or at The Cat's Eye. Seek the Fennec with black hair and a red coat.
PS: Please do not seek me out if your specialty is the slave trade. I wish not to work on a slave ship."