Hello everyone! This topic is here to let everyone know that we do offer events on request! All you have to do in order to request one is get in touch with one of the sim's event coordinators, either by posting in this topic or leaving us a notecard/IM on SL, and giving us an idea of what you're after! Check below for a list of our event coordinators.
NEVER feel bad about asking for this kind of stuff - we wouldn't offer to do events and encounters like this if we didn't love doing it!
If you plan on posting here, here's a template you could use!SL Name (Who should we contact about this?):
Preferred Event Type:
Number of people you plan on having attend your event:
When would you like this to be done?:
Special requests? (Specific monster type, etc.):
List of Event Coordinators
Ani Aunerfal
Xela Soulstar
Felix Stourmead