Being part of the Cruentus Faction naturally means that you get paid daily for your loyalty, down here are written the current wages from Cruentus and to which rank they apply, as well as special wages.
Cruentus Commander: 6 gold coins per day, weekends included thus, 42 gold coins per week.
Cruentus Protector: 5 gold coins per day, weekends included thus, 35 gold coins per week.
Cruentus Advisor: 4 gold coins per day, weekends included thus, 28 gold coins per week.
The following ranks are of equal pay: Arilator, Engineer, Executioner, Guard, Healer, Dockmaster
They all get 2 gold coins per day, weekends included thus, 14 gold coins per week.
The Underling rank gets 1 gold coin per day, weekends included thus, 7 gold coins per week.
Members of Cruentus are paid extra for completing missions/task successfully, depending on the danger of the mission/task and the amount of success, these extra payments can rank up from 5 gold coins, to 20.
Housepets gain no payment and are the responsibilities of their owners.