Author Topic: Neckbeard RP Tool PRO r20004 (08/20/16)  (Read 48038 times)

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.3 (01/19/13)
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2013, 02:29:38 am »
Updated to v1.0.1.4 .

Hotfix: Having the words "name", "species" or "energy" in your titles should no longer cause the RP tool to act weirdly.


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.3 (01/19/13)
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2013, 06:18:29 am »
Possible bug submission:

Using /3 to post adds a colon onto the start of the line.

For example "/3 A dark cloud moves overhead" becomes ": A dark cloud moves overhead"

When posting using /4 and adding brackets around the post to designate an OOC comment, no ooc markings are shown.

For example "/4 ((The sky will rain blood))" becomes "Xela ((The sky will rain blood)" where as the old titler would make it "Xela OOC: The sky will rain blood"

Minor documentation issue. The examples for rgb colour changing are incorrect.

-rgb colors set via /1 colorrgb r g b IE:
/1 color 255 0 0 (will set color to red)
/1 color 0 0 255 (will set color to blue)

The lines should start /1 colourrgb
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 06:30:00 am by Xela »

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.3 (01/19/13)
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2013, 10:08:26 am »
Planned changes for v1.0.1.5 (this update is being tested & has not been released)
- "/4 ((something))" will now post as "Yourcharname (YourSLname) OOC: something" in the chat. This will happen regardless of whether you put "))" at the end.
- Minor documentation error fixed. The help file will no longer be rude & give you the wrong command to change titler colours by RGB.
- The RP tool has recently gained an aversion to unwelcome colons & has applied a colon-repellent coating to its privates. "/3 something" should now no longer appear as ": something" in some viewers.

Known bugs:
- Post regen settings don't save to the save slots. They are not backed up to the server either. (not really a bug, but we're looking at making a more efficient way to store it so stay tuned!)

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.3 (01/19/13)
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2013, 02:36:37 pm »
Update pushed.


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.5 (01/20/13)
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2013, 03:14:05 am »
Here's a bug for ya:

When you accidentally type /1 title (insertwhateverhere)  it will change whatever was in title8

So when I wanted to change my titler's mood, but accidently typo'd it to be /1 title 3 Troubled
I ended up having my titler change the title for title8, ending up reading Mana: 3 Troubled
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Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.5 (01/20/13)
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2013, 07:23:09 am »
Here's a bug for ya:

When you accidentally type /1 title (insertwhateverhere)  it will change whatever was in title8

So when I wanted to change my titler's mood, but accidently typo'd it to be /1 title 3 Troubled
I ended up having my titler change the title for title8, ending up reading Mana: 3 Troubled

This will be fixed in the next release.
Typing "/1 title 3 something" is going to update title3 properly. "/1 title  3 something" however, will not. But if the RP tool can't process the commands you give it, then it's going to tell you that it can't & show you your input so you can see what you did wrong. This has also been applied to constant updates. Additionally, title8 (or energy, as you know it) will now only show numerical values so even if you type "/1 energy 100askjljsfg", it will still only show "100". If you type "/1 energy absomething", then it will complain to you & do nothing instead of showing it in title8.

The next release will include a fix that should make the RP tool compatible with all HUDs & scripts that use the channels it uses, so if a different HUD or script uses channel 1 for communication (for instance), it will be completely ignored by the RP tool.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 07:27:10 am by Tenaar Feiri »

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.1.5 (01/20/13)
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2013, 08:11:15 am »
v1.0.2.3 released.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri & Erika Fluffy
- Fixed compatibility issues with other HUDs using /1.
- Added MOTD string + contact information.

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri.
- Added fool-proofing to the listen conditionals for title updating. RP Tool will now bitch if it really can't process the input, or you give an invalid title number.
- Energy (title8) will no longer show non-numericals, and you will error if you do "/1 energy abc", "/1 energy a123" etc. You will not receive an error if you do "/1 energy 45abc"; the tool will process this correctly as "45" and forget all about any letters you have. If you do "/1 energy 10abc5", then it will still only show up on your titler as "10".
- Added leniency for one single space between command & the number. If you do "/1 title 3 something" then it will still process correctly. "/1 title  3 something" will error. "/1 title something" will also error. "/1 title0 something" & "/1 title9 something" will also produce error messages.
- All error messages will tell you what you wrote to cause the problem so you can correct it.


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.3 (01/22/13)
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2013, 10:33:39 am »
Here's an out-of-the-box, I-didn't-read-the-freaking-manual review on the titler:

First Impressions:
    I think the name on the titler object should say it's a titler. The current object name is "NBA Lismore RP Tool v1.0.2.3". I think it should include "titler" somewhere in there, for us who use only the titler and not the HUD so there's no doubt what it is we're attaching to ourselves.

    Fantastic! I know that I've been consulted about this tool during its development so I could be biased, but not all things I suggested have been implemented, so, there's always still room for surprises. But in this case, I attached the titler bit to my left eyeball, because other attachment points are used for other things, and right away I wanted to change the color of the titler. All I had to do was type "/1 color yellow" and it worked!
    Next, setting up the fields. Name, same thing, no brainer, "/1 name", it works! Species, ... Mood took three attempts: /1 mood didn't work, /1 Mood didn't work. /1 mood: worked!
    "Status" ...not sure what to use this field for, so I wanted to hide it. /1 status: hide didn't work. Variations of that didn't work, so time to peek at the manual! Because it took me more than a split-second glance to figure this one out, I'm gonna make a suggestion to be added to the instructions: Put somewhere in there what is the default lineup of the "consts" and "titles". Took a few seconds of reading, but I figured that to hide a whole field apparently I need to do /1 const4 hide and then /1 title4 hide. It's not terribly complicated but I was only guessing that "const4" was the "status" field.
    "Scent", no problem setting that.
    "Body".... didn't need that one, so, /1 const6 hide and /1 title6 hide did the job. The problem with this is that because I hid the "Status" field, now counting down from the top would make "Body" seem like it's const5, not const6. Again, here is where a list of what consts are named in the default titler would be useful. I'll even write one for you!

                    const1 = Name:   |   title1 = "your name",   const2 = Species:  |   title2 = "your species"
                    const3 = Mood:   |   title3 = "your mood"
                    const4 = Status:   |   title4 = "your status"
                    const5 = Scent:   |   title5 = "your scent"
                    const6 = Body:   |   title6 = "your body"
                    const7 = Info:   |   title7 = "your info"
                    const8 = Energy:   |   title8 = "your energy"

    Got the rest set up fine, until I got to the "Energy" field. I didn't want energy, I wanted to hide it, so I tried /1 const8 hide, and it worked, but left the 100% title bit, so I tried /1 title8 hide, and got this:

[10:22:44] NBA Lismore RP Tool You have made a typo & titles/constants were not updated, OR you have specificed an invalid title/constant number.
If you were trying to change your energy, please remember that only numbers are valid title8/energy inputs.
Please review & correct your input.
You wrote: /1 title8 hide

    So I tried /1 title8 0, and got this:

[10:23:16] NBA Lismore RP Tool You have made a typo & titles/constants were not updated, OR you have specificed an invalid title/constant number.
If you were trying to change your energy, please remember that only numbers are valid title8/energy inputs.
Please review & correct your input.
You wrote: /1 title8 0

    Back to the manual to see how to hide the energy percentage... Uhmmm Nothing there about that. Time to call tech support! OoOh it's a bug! Tenaar will have it fixed ASAP.  :)

    So yes, that's my out-of-the-box I-didn't-read-the-manual experience with the new titler so far! It's looking great, it's working great and hardly requires any brainpower to use!

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.3 (01/22/13)
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2013, 05:54:41 pm »
Thank you very much for the review Ashtyn =) We have addressed numerous issues & done some revising thanks to that.

We also have a bit of saddening news... The titler with the chatter in it is taking too much memory. As it turns out, we forgot that the 64KB memory limit in Mono includes the compiled execution code, which is 40KB for the titler alone. Add on all our variables and we're quickly approaching 60KB used memory of 64KB available, which has sometimes resulted in stack-heap collisions when making large posts while the titler is full of data. (A 'collision' is simply put an error message about something using more memory than what is allocated for it)
This is a technical oversight on our part and we're sorry. We could spend countless hours on reworking the code for maximum efficiency, but as long as it includes a chatter then we're simply not going to be able to fully optimize the titler without limiting player post counts to prevent collisions.
We have therefore decided to move all chatter functions to the HUD, as it has plenty of free memory and most decidedly will not collide (you'll hit the hardcoded SL character limit long before it will). We realize that this is unfortunately going to make the HUD obligatory if you require a functioning chatter. On a bright note, it will also eliminate the swirly.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.3 (01/22/13)
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2013, 03:36:39 am »
Quick update: the chatter and titler scripts will both still be in the rp-tool-titler itself, not the hud, so the hud is still optional.
Code: [Select]
(defun fuuu (print (cons 'well (list 'okay))))

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.3 (01/22/13)
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2013, 09:43:33 am »
I have just finished an easy-to-use updater for the RP tool & implemented it. As of next release, updating will go like this:

Retrieve updater from update sphere/notice -> Rez updater anywhere -> say "backup" in local if you wanna back up before the update -> click the object -> wait for the update to finish -> object deletes itself when done.

If you said "backup" before starting the update process then the updater will also automatically reload the charlist on the server.

Bottom line: You'll never have to unpack anything again following the next update! More importantly, you don't even have to detach the RP tool & HUD to do the update! Just rez, update & go. Simples!

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.5 (01/22/13)
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2013, 05:48:30 am »
New release. Version is now!


- Fixed the stack-heap errors that occur sometimes when you make a post.
- Added a streamlined updating system that will make future updates a breeze & never will require you to unpack a new version ever again.
- Added filtering for const-based title updating. If you have a colon after your title constants such as "Mood:" then you will still be able to change it by doing: /1 mood xya
- Added optional weather sounds to the weather button. While in Lismore, click the weather icon to enable and disable the sounds!
- Fixed error messages accidentally triggering when doing certain commands.
- Title8 will now ONLY show numbers. It will tell you what you did wrong if you do a command like /1 title8 abc . It will also filter out non-numerical letters so doing /1 title8 89abc will still only make it show "89".
- Numerous bug fixes & code optimizations.

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.5 (02/02/13)
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2013, 10:40:20 am »
Version (hotfix)

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri:
- Fixed issue causing /1 title8 0 to error out. This was an oversight by myself. Sorry!

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.6 (02/02/13)
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2013, 05:43:24 pm »
Version (bugfix)

- Fixed parsing with colons. Should work properly now!
- Fixed the resource button on the HUD.

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Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.7 (02/02/13)
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2013, 04:52:31 am »
Version (bugfix) is prepared but not yet released. It addresses an issue with spaces when using "/1 constname title". Meanwhile, "/1 title# title" still works. It also addresses an issue where /4! triggered both the shouting and the normal emote. This was due a conditional hierarchy oversight. It will work properly as of
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 05:10:36 am by Tenaar Feiri »