So I spent the last couple of days making new, better trees for Lismore, and now that they are made, I installed them in place of our old trees on the Great Forest level of the sim.
Here's the hard data, to show how much it matters to re-do aging areas of the sim with the new, current technologies:
(smaller numbers are better!)
Old Forest:
330 prims
600.5 Download
552.8 Physics
187.3 Server
1481928 Display
2446 vertices per tree
2640K of memory (on the leaves script)
New Forest:
230 Land Impact (173 prims (LI is higher because LL hates sculpties))
239.5 Download
19.9 Physics
103.3 Server
815685 Display
590.5 vertices per tree
287K of memory (on the leaves script)
The old forest was 165 trees. The new forest is 230 trees (here higher numbers are better).
Theoretically, the new forest should be easier for both the server and your viewer to render!
The trees on the ground level will be replaced after Sunday's event. They will catch fire, and burn. Burn! BURN! MUHAHAHAH! ...ok, I need sleep. See you folks around!