Options for reaching Ashtyn Ninetails, Lord of the city of Lismore:
Write Ashtyn a letter ICly, and then deliver it as a notecard. My IMs tend to get capped so an IM is not a reliable way to reach me IC or OOC.
If it's something that needs to be done ICly in the sim, send me a notecard about it or send me an IM if I am online. Unfortunately my tight schedule doesn't allow for me to sit around IC idly waiting for something to happen. When I am online I'm usually dealing with one thing or another, sim or business related. So if you need to get a hold of Ash, we usually need to arrange for it OOCly through IMs or notes.
Alternatives to Ashtyn, for IC city-related matters:. Asha Repine, Captain of the Guard.
For any OOC matter, send me an IM if I am online, and a notecard if I'm offline.
Options for reaching Jesk Skyfangs Levethix, Lord Zenko
Write a letter ICly and Send an IM to ERICK MOUSEHOLD, PM to me here , Or Notecard Again to ERICK MOUSEHOLD.
My Im's don't get capped .. or haven't yet.. so don't be afraid to contact me OOC while i'm offline. If its something ICly in the sim.. By all means.. LET ME KNOW! I can't take care of something no-one tells me about.
Alternatives to Jesk are Mjern ( Sionnach Mager ) , Caex (he'll get word to me.), and currently Feame ( Feame Yalin )
Options for reaching Ursa
-If I am on SL, IM me, I'm usually just building and will welcome a break
-If I am not on SL, send me a notecard, I cap out IM's faster than you can send them, so it's just safer.
-If you *really* need me and I'm not on, you can leave messages here, ask Naurel to bug me on Messengers, go to the furnet IRC Room #Lismore, or, if Bris/Ardyn is on, message her and she'll tap me on the shoulder in the RL.
Alternatives to Ursa
-I doubt most of the faith related things will be so urgent that they can't wait to reach me, but any Guardian can deal with issues to do with the jail. (Ewan, Haiden, Lillith)
-Ardyn/Bris can log on as me to remove/add to the ban script for the IC notices, other wise, make sure I have a note and you add it to the forum, I read this at least once a day, or I'll leave a note that Im off.
Options for reaching Xela Soulstar, Leader of Phoenix:
Stopping by the castle is your best bet. You can leave a message with one of her staff if needed
Send her a letter! PM Xela Soulstar on SL.
Leave a message on the Phoenix section of the forum! I'll get back to you OOC, or organise a way to interact IC if needed