Author Topic: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!  (Read 17263 times)


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Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« on: November 19, 2012, 02:17:12 pm »
Hey folks!

So, coming this Saturday, November 24, at 1pm SLT, we would like to hold an OOC in-world meeting to toss around and discuss some new ideas for the sim. We have some big plans we're working on, and some player input is always appreciated! And this time instead of making a Forum discussion about it, we're gonna see how it goes to chat about it in-world!

So yes, Saturday, the 24th, at 1pm SLT, be in-world or you're going to miss it.
If you can't make it, logs will be posted here in the Forums and you're all welcome to post comments and all that.


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 03:42:31 pm »
Dont think I can make 1pm.. and chance of moving it to 3-5pm?


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2012, 07:31:21 pm »
[13:02]  Ashtyn Ninetails: ******************************************************
Alrighty, it's 1pm SLT, and unlike events where we have to wait for people to get ready and be available and sometimes for micro-plots to lead to the main event, this meeting we can start right on time! ;)
For anyone who wonders, Avatar (the glowwy thing behind me) is here to log the meeting. My LocalChat is notoriously messy with dozens of people logging in and out all the time and the occasional sales transaction and other random chatter, so to save myself the trouble of cleaning the chat up afterwards, we'll just log it from a 'cleaner' account.
[13:02]  Lyle Watanabe: when the cloak goes forward I see a bare green woof ass
[13:03]  Felix Stourmead: XD
[13:03]  Wolf601 Resident: Well I can't quite find a more motionless AO.
[13:03]  Darius Naglo: hmm
[13:03]  Darius Naglo: give me 2 shakes
[13:03]  Ashtyn Ninetails shakes shakes Darius, "Ready?"
[13:03]  Lyle Watanabe: I'm not complaining about looking at a bare woof ass
[13:03]  Lyle Watanabe: just mentioning the lack of tail
[13:04]  Darius Naglo: try that lou
[13:04]  Tenaar Feiri: It doesn't really matter anyway.
[13:04]  Wolf601 Resident: Thanks Darius, I'll give it a try.
[13:05]  Ashtyn Ninetails: ...everybody ready?
[13:05]  Zerahcero Resident: Yesh
[13:05]  Tenaar Feiri: More or less.
[13:05]  Darius Naglo: i don't have my plastic straw and paper to make spit balls out of, but yes, i'm ready
[13:05]  Novaku Sirnah: Ready whenever
[13:06]  Novaku Sirnah: And there goes a Felix
[13:06]  Novaku Sirnah: Welcome back Felix
[13:07]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok. Basically the main reason for this meeting is so we can bounce off some ideas, to hear our players opinions and wishes, and plan for the future of the RP.
[13:08]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So make yourselves comfortable. lap is already taken it seems, but I'm sure there's plenty other comfy places to settle in and enjoy. The main purpose of this is so we can chat, discuss things, not piss off anyone, so please no drama.
[13:08]  Felix Stourmead: thanks
[13:09]  Darius Naglo: well i think i may have an idea, it might not bring role play but it may prove a point that couldbe deemed as a problem for future events
[13:10]  Darius Naglo: "where are the faction leaders" I know that not everyone can be on and that rl is priority, but even they should be at least meetings or on sim at least a few hours a day to maintain some form of presence
[13:10]  Ashtyn Ninetails: The reason for us to meet every now and then and discuss RP stuffs is because RP has to continuously evolve, otherwise it gets stagnant, and then it dies out. It's no secret, or shame, that our attendance numbers are on the low side lately, but every RP sim goes through high attendance and low attendance phases. It's being able to stay afloat during the low times that ensures our continuity. :)
[13:12]  Ani Aunerfal: I've been trying to host meetings for the desert faction and city, but the times i've tried nobody showed up.
[13:12]  Ashtyn Ninetails nods to Darius, "Indeed, you have a good point, and we'll get to it in a bit. ;) "
[13:12]  Darius Naglo: Well I mean no offense but it appears Ursa has just up and left
[13:12]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Yes, she has.
[13:13]  Darius Naglo: Xela's in england, or somewhere so her times i know are weird as all bloody hell so i don't really have an arguement with her. Perhaps a co-leader to help her in tandim perhaps?
[13:13]  Darius Naglo: Novaku, you're always around when we need you X3
[13:13]  Felix Stourmead: well I try to get on Relina when there is someone at the Zenko
[13:13]  Darius Naglo: as for Zenko well yeah
[13:13]  Darius Naglo: thanks felix X3
[13:14]  Darius Naglo: nice reaction time on that
[13:14]  Felix Stourmead: anything your concerned about with the Zenko?
[13:14]  Felix Stourmead: hehe
[13:14]  Darius Naglo: nothing to big actually, just feel a little more time spent can be fruitful
[13:14]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Well, let's hold on to the ideas and suggestions and complaints for a moment, I have a major bomb to drop, so let's get that taken care of and then go from there (and here is where Ani will get really mad at me - Ani doesn't like changes! ;) ).
[13:14]  Zerahcero Resident: Could use more trainers. I only know of one trainer in the Zenko.
[13:15]  Felix Stourmead: if anyone would like to train ill need people to let me know and show up ^^
[13:16]  Darius Naglo: let's stick to ashtyn's layouts a little here
[13:16]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We need a MAJOR CHANGE in the sim. We have spread out too wide and too thin. RP is not sustainable when you have such a wide-spread variety of options without enough population to act in them.
[13:16]  Ashtyn Ninetails: ...Bamika (Fawn) suggested we flood the island and put everybody in a ship and declare RP OR DIE!!, but I don't think that would work...
[13:17]  Novaku Sirnah: Too many sea sick furs
[13:17]  Felix Stourmead: Oo
[13:17]  Darius Naglo: that's her for ya
[13:17]  Darius Naglo: lol
[13:17]  Tenaar Feiri: I suggested a meteor apocalypse.
[13:17]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We got a bunch of suggestions. :)
[13:17]  Darius Naglo: nah, cause then everyone would dig a hole, bury themselves and wait for it to end then come back out
[13:17]  Lyle Watanabe: Volcanic eruption drives everyone to the caves, then when they get back the landscape is dramaticly changed?
[13:17]  Darius Naglo: no change to any thing
[13:18]  Novaku Sirnah: Meteor's, earthquakes, foreign invasions, all sorts of stuff have been thought up.
[13:18]  Lyle Watanabe: could say the caves are safe due to Hazel/Ashtyn/everyone working together
[13:18]  Zerahcero Resident: What of internal conflict?
[13:18]  Ashtyn Ninetails: But the fact is, we need a catastrophe that will not only perk up people's interest, but force them in a corner, together, from where RP can be sustained, and grow. Basically, put everyone in one place and tell them RP or DIE!, like Bam put it.
[13:18]  Darius Naglo: Well, a meteor would wipe out the civilization simply due to the world wide catastrophe that would happe
[13:19]  Lyle Watanabe: Volcano tho would release lava and rock monsters
[13:19]  Felix Stourmead: hmm then there was a plague idea but the thing I dont like about the natural disaster option is no one would be able to do much to stop it
[13:19]  Darius Naglo: and lava flows through sub quakes leading up to the eruptions
[13:19]  Lyle Watanabe: the caves become a battle ground with only a sheild keeping the castle safe
[13:19]  Darius Naglo: to WoWesque lyle
[13:20]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok, ok, hold on with the ideas and suggestions... First let's make sure we're all on the same page! Do you all understand what I've been saying so far? Do you agree? Do you disagree?
[13:20]  Lyle Watanabe: I agree
[13:20]  Novaku Sirnah: Not to mention that we will want to keep it on the mainland
[13:20]  Darius Naglo: reminds me of the landing shores
[13:20]  Lyle Watanabe: just unwell
[13:20]  Tenaar Feiri: I do agree too.
[13:20]  Darius Naglo: i agree
[13:20]  Wolf601 Resident: Not to shoehorn my opinion into the discussion, being the new guy and all, but that all sounds a little too drastic. Compacting an RP area isn't a terrible idea but the way you guys are saying to go about it just sounds like it would cut down on too much.
[13:20]  Xela Soulstar: ((heya all))
[13:20]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I know change is scary, but the goal is to enable future growth, and future development. And there's Xela.
[13:20]  Zerahcero Resident: Not to sure about the volcano due to the fact that phoenix castle is sitting on top of one of the lava chambers.
[13:21]  Zerahcero Resident: If it blows, the castle goes as well...
[13:21]  Xela Soulstar: can I please have logs?
[13:21]  Darius Naglo: yeah a shield would only be good from the outside
[13:21]  Xela Soulstar: talking of destroying phoenix?
[13:21]  Darius Naglo: anyone inside is almost dead
[13:21]  Ashtyn Ninetails: And Wolf601 (that's how I see your name), new guy or old, you're most welcome to speak your mind just like everyone else. :)
[13:21]  Zerahcero Resident: Talking about a mass event for Lismore to change things.
[13:21]  Darius Naglo: well well Xela old girl, X3 need another blood bath?
[13:22]  Zerahcero Resident: @.\\ I have an idea... but it would take a long arse time.
[13:22]  Felix Stourmead: I like the idea of changing but just having everything destroyed all at once wont be good imo
[13:22]  Zerahcero Resident: Not to mention it would need a lot of people as well.
[13:22]  Darius Naglo moves a foot to push the idea to her muzzle.
[13:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Oh no, the idea is NOT to whipe everything out and start anew, no!
[13:22]  Xela Soulstar: Zerah and I have a few ideas for phoenix, I'd like to comment. And hi there
[13:23]  Novaku Sirnah: The idea is to wreck and rebuild, not to wipe clean. We want to make it an IC experience
[13:23]  Xela Soulstar: can someone please send me logs?
[13:23]  Novaku Sirnah: Moment
[13:24]  Darius Naglo: We really did just start Xela X3 we're talking about events to rebirth the land
[13:24]  Zerahcero Resident: I think my idea would do good with that.... I already mentioned it to you, xela, and bomber.
[13:24]  Zerahcero Resident: @.\\ Though not sure...
[13:24]  Darius Naglo: i just thought of something but that's me kinda going hmm to myself
[13:25]  Darius Naglo: i don't think it would work though considering that it would kill the character who does it
[13:25]  Novaku Sirnah: Let's keep the ideas down for now and let Ash explain further.
[13:25]  Zerahcero Resident: Alrighty
[13:25]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Hold on to the intricate plot ideas for now, first we need to address the big picture. ;)
[13:25]  Darius Naglo: roger roger
[13:27]  Xela Soulstar: Ok, I think I'm up to date now
[13:28]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Another issue that needs to be addressed is the "there's nothing to do" complaint. The most vocal one about it is FireFox - too vocal about it in fact, which diminishes his credibility (he's been said to complain too much), but I've heard it from other people too...
[13:29]  Xela Soulstar: I think its a slight visous cycle there.. but mainly, we need people like me to run more events
[13:29]  Wolf601 Resident: That complaint is always meaningless. It's RP. Everyone can make things happen. It's just as much up to event planners as it is up to players to have things going on.
[13:29]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I know for a fact that Ani tends to run himself ragged running events. We've told him to tone it down but he keeps going back to doing it. ;P
[13:30]  Lyle Watanabe: I've offered to help him but he never grabs me to help
[13:30]  Xela Soulstar: I tend to plan events but dont get enough interest to run
[13:30]  Ani Aunerfal: We have plenty of ECs and plenty of people trying to run events. I keep trying to run them myself and most of the time i end up just waiting 10-20 minutes for people to show up and nobody does. You guys need to give us some feedback on why what we're doing doesn't appeal to you. Time? The content of the events itself? What is it?
[13:30]  Novaku Sirnah: And while there is of course partial truth to the complaint, but people also don't take initiative to do things or contact people.
[13:30]  Darius Naglo: my usual problem is time constraints
[13:30]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Exactly!
[13:31]  Ashtyn Ninetails: People don't take the initiative. ...why? Are they too shy? Don't know who to contact? Don't care?
[13:31]  Darius Naglo: i would take initiative
[13:31]  Darius Naglo: no questions
[13:31]  Wolf601 Resident: In personal opinion people are too stuck on the idea that "event planners and GMs are here to do that for me".
[13:31]  Darius Naglo: problem is the events usually come when i'm like 20 minutes from having to log out
[13:31]  Ani Aunerfal: I've posted alot of times, and i know this is the same for most of the other ECs - if you guys have nothing to do, you should IM us and let us know. but that doesn't happen despite all the complaints


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2012, 07:32:55 pm »
[13:32]  Novaku Sirnah: One common thing I have seen, and not just here in our sim is one major flaw to such complaints. I have seen times where several people would be in sim, like 5 or 6 people. One couple and the rest stands all alone, scattered around the sim.
[13:32]  Zerahcero Resident: Is the challenge tower still up?
[13:32]  Ani Aunerfal: Yes it is.
[13:32]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Right again, Wolf! People are too used to things like WoW, where they go in to be entertained, without having to do anything but buttonmash for a while.
[13:32]  Darius Naglo: well ani, how many times have i tried to tell you "I can do events, just call me"
[13:32]  Xela Soulstar: :3 Thieves guild events!
[13:32]  Zerahcero Resident: X3 Its fun.
[13:32]  Zerahcero Resident: How many members do we have Xela?
[13:32]  Darius Naglo: "Help me, help you!"
[13:32]  Xela Soulstar: Umm.... active?
[13:32]  Tenaar Feiri: I agree with Wolf and Ash'. And also with Ani.
[13:33]  Felix Stourmead: hehe I would love to fight matches in the challenge tower
[13:33]  Zerahcero Resident: General.
[13:33]  Ani Aunerfal: ... I know you have. But that doesn't help the issue.
[13:33]  Xela Soulstar: generally, about 6 or so.. active, 2-4 ecluding myself
[13:33]  Novaku Sirnah: It is not that we need players help us run events, that has never been the case
[13:33]  Felix Stourmead: and one thing I also notice is we tend to get some good ideas for events but we didnt get started
[13:33]  Xela Soulstar: Just need to drag Nova and Ani kicking and screaming to play their rogues
[13:33]  Ani Aunerfal: As I said, there is plenty of event hosters and helpers and everything. But people don't hardly show up or request events.
[13:33]  Zerahcero Resident: I could think of something for the guild, but my ranks to low to make such a task. X3
[13:34]  Novaku Sirnah: People either take no interest, or no initiative
[13:34]  Darius Naglo: i actually have a disposable character now as is
[13:34]  Xela Soulstar: May I ask a question, oh mighty Ash?
[13:34]  Novaku Sirnah: Yet they do still dare to complain
[13:34]  Ani Aunerfal: Then tell me about it in ims. :) This is what we mean with initiative. not the willingness to do things, but the actual doing it
[13:34]  Tenaar Feiri: && I think we need a post order.
[13:35]  Wolf601 Resident: Novaku; I've seen people behaving like this on a lot of communities. So it's not just with the players in this group.
[13:35]  Novaku Sirnah: Aye, very correct Lou.
[13:35]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I don't want to dismiss the "there's nothing to do" complaint as 'meaningless', but I need to know what people want to do. Just a shrug and "I dunno, entertain me!" won't do. We will start charging a fee like any self-respecting entertainer does (heck, even the people playing a fiddle in a subway station gets paid!) if we're gonna have to run everything 24/7 to appease people's need to be entertained without doing anything themselves.
[13:35]  Xela Soulstar: I have an idea, actually
[13:36]  Xela Soulstar: what about 'Plot Items' we could skatter about the sim when an plot is 'in progress'
[13:36]  Zerahcero Resident: Reward items rather then gold would make events more favorable as well.
[13:36]  Novaku Sirnah: Has been suggested, and I will note that players are dense and won't see unless it's pointed at with a big red arrow.
[13:36]  Xela Soulstar: For example, say there is a beast out in the forest somewhere. There could be little signs of such placed around, and if clicked, could give the clicker a notecard giving more info. So they can start talking about it ICly
[13:37]  Xela Soulstar: or looking out for more
[13:37]  Ashtyn Ninetails: like Xela does with me (but respectfully): You see someone who can provide you with RP is online? IM them! Ask them what they are up to and if you can join or if they want to participate on something you want to do!
[13:37]  Xela Soulstar: :3
[13:37]  Ashtyn Ninetails: (Xela IMs me all the time asking if I'm available to play ;) )
[13:38]  Ashtyn Ninetails: (Ani did it once last week! That's good!)
[13:38]  Ashtyn Ninetails: (Radem often asks me if there's any RP to be had)
[13:38]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So, RP is there, you just might need to go after it.
[13:38]  Tenaar Feiri: As for scattering plot items around sim, I've forwarded a more advanced version of that idea already, but it's a fairly long idea about a concept I call 'cascading events', which includes scripted encounters, automated NPCs and wearables.
[13:38]  Felix Stourmead: yeah I tend to bug people to start RPs :P
[13:38]  Novaku Sirnah: We staff are practically daily in the sim, at various times and length's of times. We are always approachable for RP unless we are really caught up into things.
[13:38]  Tenaar Feiri: So I'll bring it back up later.
[13:39]  Wolf601 Resident: I like Xela's idea though what kind of plot items is the question. Not to bash any of the players in the group but if it's not interesting enough, people just won't want to look for them.
[13:39]  Lyle Watanabe: Everytime I've asked Radem or Ani if they want to RP they always rtespond they are busy
[13:39]  Lyle Watanabe: either in private RP or doing something else
[13:39]  Ashtyn Ninetails: And I realize I'm saying this to pretty much all the people who have no problems with finding RP. But I'm saying it anyway because this will go on the logs on the Forums and maybe someone will read it and it will help them realize RP "something to do" might be just an IM away from them. :)
[13:39]  Lyle Watanabe: Maybe I'm asking at bad times but thats the responce i have always gotten from them
[13:39]  Wolf601 Resident: Also, when players think of "important item to look for", they think of something to empower their character more often than not.
[13:39]  Felix Stourmead: hey bug me, tenners, or Nova then
[13:40]  Xela Soulstar: or me? >>
[13:40]  Felix Stourmead: oh sorry X3
[13:40]  Zerahcero Resident: @.\\ I have an idea about events in the future.
[13:40]  Xela Soulstar: yeah, most people think for their own gain... Whats your idea, Zerah?
[13:40]  Tenaar Feiri: Nova already knows it :3 I'll bug you others in a bit when we've gotten the more important stuff out of the way so the chat isn't so crowded. I still say we need a post order.
[13:41]  Tenaar Feiri: And an organized list of subjects to go thru one by one.
[13:41]  Novaku Sirnah: I think that might help yes
[13:41]  Tenaar Feiri: Cuz we're all over the place now.
[13:41]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Yes bug Xela. She is one of our mos dedicated RPers! ...she may have some occasional personal drama attacks (poor thing thinks she doesn't make a difference. OF COURSE YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!), but Xela is an excellent RPer, specially if you're doing something she's into.
[13:41]  Novaku Sirnah: Topics first, then questions/suggestions.
[13:41]  Xela Soulstar: something I'm into... nudge nudge, wink wink
[13:41]  Xela Soulstar: say no more, say no more
[13:41]  Zerahcero Resident: Could give some of the people actual rewards other then gold which everyone seems to have an infinate ammount of already. Like maybe a special item to be added to their card for future use?
[13:41]  Novaku Sirnah prods Ash to come with a post order
[13:42]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Post order? This isn't combat! ;)
[13:42]  Novaku Sirnah: No but we're all over the place :P
[13:42]  Ani Aunerfal: I've been doing that, Zerah. Or trying to.
[13:42]  Xela Soulstar: Hmm, I think thats supposed to be the idea around smiths, but people tend to just assume they got it.
[13:42]  Tenaar Feiri: Please Ash? D:
[13:42]  Tenaar Feiri: I can't keep track.
[13:42]  Xela Soulstar: but magic items, or artifacts.. that would be good
[13:42]  Wolf601 Resident: For the sake of organization and so people won't be trampling all over one another, I'm with Tenaar's suggestion for a post order.
[13:42]  Xela Soulstar: like, there was that cursed sword I tried to get hold of a while back... 'killed' Ashten in the process
[13:43]  Zerahcero Resident: I have not noticed in all the events I been in though, but probably hard to figure who gets the shiney and who does not.
[13:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok I'm gonna go by the order I see people on my radar: Post order --> Tenaar, Lyle, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Darius, Zera.
[13:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails: ...and me.
[13:43]  Novaku Sirnah: And yourself before Tenaar?
[13:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So....Tenaar, Lyle, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Darius, Zera, Ash.
[13:43]  Xela Soulstar: whos post now?
[13:43]  Tenaar Feiri: You first imo, Ash'. Cuz you're leading this meeting.
[13:43]  Felix Stourmead: sure
[13:44]  Lyle Watanabe: Skip me mostly, as I'm rather unpleasantly ill and only responding now and then
[13:44]  Ani Aunerfal: I'm honestly probably not going to be saying much from this point
[13:44]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Then just post an "Ok" to acknowledge.
[13:44]  Xela Soulstar: an what is the topic?
[13:44]  Ashtyn Ninetails: "There's nothing to do".
[13:45]  Novaku Sirnah: Tenaar first then :P
[13:45]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Unless we're done with that.
[13:45]  Tenaar Feiri: We can still elaborate on it. Posting.
[13:45]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So yes. Go Tenaar!
[13:49]  Tenaar Feiri: My main issue with the "there's nothing to do"-excuse is that there is indeed nothing to do if you're not doing anything. Lismore is an open RP sandbox with plenty of accessible areas with plenty of props to make use of if you want (or not if you're not into that sort of thing) that it's virtually impossible to NOT have at least SOMETHING to do! This complaint doesn't originate from a feeling of "nothing to do" as much as it does from "it's lonely in here"; it's a vicious circle. If there's nothing to do here, then players will leave for other sims, but RP is inherently only entertaining if you're doing it with someone else, and when there's nobody around, then sure you don't have anything to do. And because few people are willing to bite the bullet, there aren't enough players around here to keep interest because they take one glance at the minimap & decide that 'no, this isn't going to be entertaining' and move on to more populated sims. So the "there's nothing to do" excuse is a contradiction and, in my
[13:49]  Tenaar Feiri:  personal opinion, valid only up until the point when there are two or more person in the RP areas of the sim. Because if there is another person IC here, then you have something to do. You're just choosing not to do it.
[13:50]  Tenaar Feiri: Put shortly, complaining that there's nothing to do inherently adds to the root of the complaint: inactivity. </endpost>
[13:50]  Novaku Sirnah: Since Lyle is ill...that makes it my post...
[13:50]  Ashtyn Ninetails: ...and we skip Lyle unless he wants to say anything.
[13:51]  Lyle Watanabe: no sorry:)
[13:54]  Novaku Sirnah: I do agree with Tenaar on her comment, another thing that is a main flaw in these complaints is lack of interest, which is well obviously shown right now. About 40+ people in the Lismore group are online right now, only 10 are here at the meeting and of that 10 the majority is staff. We cannot exactly help with complaints when people don't even take the interest to come to a meeting where we want to help fix these complaints. I can understand that people can be busy elsewhere, but the point is glaringly obvious in my opinion. People lately do not show initiative or interest to actually do something, but do still keep complaining. I won't pull out specific names, but I have people complain at me that there is nothing to do but yet fail to make a single suggestion as to what we can do to improve it.
[13:55]  Novaku Sirnah: Fact is, we want to help, we want to keep people happy, but we want to hear people's opinion too, hence why we made this meeting in the first place.
[13:55]  Felix Stourmead: Ill agree with tenners that its a matter of people being on sim, even though im active in other sims I try to be here when I can
[13:56]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ani saying anything or skipping?
[13:59]  Ani Aunerfal: Nothing that hasn't really been said already, but as a bottom line - we're always ready and willing to help. But understand that from our end, all we see is people not doing things we set up. There's no way for us to know what it is we're doing that you don't like or would like to see differently, if you don't tell us. That's why we try hard to encourage people to approach us if there's something they would like done - there's no better way for us to make an event you guys will like, than for you to come forward and tell us exactly what it is that you need. That's not a presumptious or rude thing to do, that's a wonderful idea. People just need to start doing it now if we're going to get any further with that point.
[14:00]  Xela Soulstar: ._.
[14:00]  Ookamisuke Babenco: (Did I miss the OOC meeting?)
[14:00]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Nope, it's still going.
[14:00]  Darius Naglo: you got here just as we opened to discussion little miss late
[14:00]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We're debating the complaint "there's nothing to do". If you want in we have a pose order going, to keep things organized.
[14:00]  Xela Soulstar: ((we have a post order ^^ best to post after Ashy ash. And nope, just starting.))
[14:01]  Ookamisuke Babenco: I'll chime in when appropriate. For now, carry on))
[14:01]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Tenaar, Lyle, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Darius, Zera, Ash, Ookamisuke
[14:01]  Darius Naglo: so is it my turn or haveyou anything to say Xela?
[14:01]  Tenaar Feiri: Which reminds me: Wolf? You're up?
[14:01]  Xela Soulstar: ((wait, did wolf post?))
[14:01]  Wolf601 Resident: Nope, working on it.
[14:01]  Darius Naglo: oh X3
[14:02]  Darius Naglo: lol okay forget me thenlol missing people that are in the order makin my brain shut downand restart
[14:03]  Felix Stourmead: >:O
[14:03]  Felix Stourmead: useless video card!
[14:04]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Welcome back Felix.
[14:04]  Darius Naglo: gummibear in the bear traps!
[14:04]  Darius Naglo: lol
[14:05]  Felix Stourmead: XD
[14:05]  Wolf601 Resident: While I agree that it is, in a big way, the fault of the players for not being active enough to suggest solutions to the "there's nothing to do" problem, or better yet, making things happen spontaneously should be the goal of the player. Not something big or that has a heavy impact on the story, but for hell's sake even just suggesting to another player to have a friendly competition or having a conversation can develop characters and relationships just as much as a big event. However, I would say that if the players aren't being active and enthusiastic enough it should be the staff's job to kick them in the ass for it. This is only how I would handle it and probably not the best of choice but I would start handing out warnings to people who aren't very active to *be* active or be removed.
[14:05]  Felix Stourmead: whos post?
[14:05]  Wolf601 Resident: T'was me.
[14:06]  Novaku Sirnah: Xela's post
[14:10]  Xela Soulstar: Ok, I'm half expecting to by lynched for this... but I disagree with the view 'Its not the staff's fault, its the players'. I do agree, players should put in more efforts.. I mean, I used to keep recruiting people into Phoenix and the thieves guild, only to never see them on sim again after that day.. But at the same time, I think its part of the job to waft plots under the noses of the players to get them to bite. I get mixed views from people, some who view that there is nothing to do at Lismore due to the main visible plots being 'high powered' and kinda off limits to the casual player. And others who seem to view the sim as only having idle conversation or sex to rp."
[14:12]  Xela Soulstar: and yes.. I agree I've been doing a bad job >.>
[14:12]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Darius, you're up! ;)
[14:13]  Darius Naglo: I'lll admit i'm guilty to of the "Nothing to do act" but since coming back recently i've been looking more; not at the dots but at those actually on sim and who i haven't interacted with. Though i will agree it's the players fault it is also partially the staffs, Xela has another point to emphasize and that's the "Casual players are too weak" I feel this way when an event comes up and I can't even scratch my opponent, for example my catboy soldier vs the firey demon. Played by nova awhile ago. I managed to actually enrage him worse though all it really succeeded in doing was ruining a katana. I admit yes a cuntboi cat isn't going to be strong to start off, but shouldn't the beast of been dripping magma from said impalement spot? Just a note of "High power vs low power"
[14:14]  Darius Naglo: Otherwise it's mainly needing an effort on both player and staff side to encourage and improve the role play all over. Even what these few here are now to do both ic and ooc is a big difference than not having a meeting at all.
[14:14]  Novaku Sirnah played no firedemon :P
[14:14]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Zera, go! :)
[14:15]  Darius Naglo: or was it caex, eitehr way
[14:15]  Darius Naglo: yeah i just remembered it was Caex playing the demon
[14:19]  Darius Naglo waits for there turn again as they did have another point
[14:20]  Zerahcero Resident: Well for me it would mostly due with how I am. New faces make me nervous and I always try to give the best example, but the thought of failing makes me fall back to a little corner and cry. I can't really say I am the best example since I been on and off Lismore for a while, but the whole nothing to do is somewhat there. As said before, people stop coming and then there really isn't much to do other then twiddle your thumbs and loot a certain felines pantie drawer which wouldn't even count IC sine no one is there to react to it. The fact that event bosses are harder though, is because they need to be. I would assume the EC's try to plan like an army is going to fight against them and it would just suck if they where as strong as one soldior when they have to fight many. Sure you might be weak, but look at my character. She only started off with a hand full of illusion spells and a good idea of how to move with a blade and dagger. Now she is close to OP standard to ash through developments that I managed
[14:21]  Zerahcero Resident: though my IC time spent which was over half a rl year. Though that development was through events and people I managed to rp with and I am thankful for it, but I still feel my characters capped on developing which is why I hardly come around other then to rp with friends.
[14:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ookamisuke, go before me.


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2012, 07:33:43 pm »
[14:23]  Ookamisuke Babenco: I don't really have much of anything to interject, other than the whole mana corruption thing. If someone *does* succeed in it, it would be a good way for a character who has little more to develop to begin to develop more things. I'm mainly here to listen, not talk. I've been out of the RP alot lately, and even onw when I am on sim, I'm at a point in my RP where I can't RP, due to the stages of corruption.
[14:24]  Ookamisuke Babenco: So I don't really have any points to bring up. Please, continue.
[14:28]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok. Those are valid and interesting points. Specifically, we are not to put all the blame on the players, no, we don't want to come off as grumpy old staff members who think the players are to blame while we sit here. ;) The problem is both players and staff, but unfortunately there's more players than staff, so by a matter of proportions, they get more of the blame. Still, often it happens, as it's been pointed out, that there's a dot on the map here where we are, and then another dot at the Zenko, and another at the Temple, and another in the sky in the Caves... Why don't these people get together and make something happen? The fact that you are a Zenko member doesn't mean you can't socialize with someone from somewhere else. Zera hits the nail in the head with the "I'm shy" issue. Unfortunately we can not cure people of that with a wish, but we can offer the opportunity for people to interact with eachother without being terribly judged. (more)
[14:30]  Maxwell Mohr is Online
[14:32]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I personally like to think we have a pretty good player base, that is not a bunch of judgmental jerks. Usually those don't last long around here. So if you're shy and you're reading this, don't be afraid! And if you are not shy and you are being approached by someone, don't be a jerk! And above all, DON'T BE AN ELITIST! Elitists are a major issue, and form cliques that are the bad version of a clique (there can be good cliques, believe it or not!). Be tolerant of someone whose spelling skills aren't the best! Indulge someone who's in for a bit of fun, or perhaps some self-drama, it won't ruin your day to interact with these people for a bit!
[14:33]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We as the staff are constantly striving to promote RP. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don't. But unfortunately we can't please EVERYBODY, specially if we don't know you want to do something, so it brings us back to the point: If you want to RP, IM people!
[14:35]  Ashtyn Ninetails: On events that are only for the super-heroes, I know for a fact we tried dozens of times events for people who can't take on an undead skeleton warrior of doom. My impression from those is that only a select few ever show interest, and never talk about it like the big battle events get talked about, so they likely go under the radar for most people. But our events are always announced, in notices here and in posts on the Forums. So, the info is there, the resources are there, people just need to look for it.
[14:35]  Ashtyn Ninetails pants pants, "...I think that was it. Anyone has any thoughts still on this matter?"
[14:36]  Darius Naglo: if i might add my last point?
[14:36]  Xela Soulstar raises a paw
[14:36]  Tenaar Feiri: Darius, then Xela.
[14:36]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Go on the pose order then! ;) Tenaar, Lyle, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Darius, Zera, Ookamisuke, Ash
[14:37]  Lyle Watanabe: I'm still listening no input
[14:37]  Tenaar Feiri: I'm passing my post to Darius because my response will depend on his complete point.
[14:38]  Tenaar Feiri: I'll post after your turn again Ashy =P
[14:38]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So... Nova, go if you will. :)
[14:40]  Tenaar Feiri: (I actually meant that Darius could have my turn this round >.>)
[14:41]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ah. Ok. Well, hold your horses then Nova! ;)
[14:41]  Darius Naglo: Well as Zerah was saying "event monsters, bosses, people, whatever you wanna call them" yes i get they are meant to be super human in comparison to the casual character, but even teh casual character can surprise teh villian with there behavior, For example, a badly wounded civilian whose near death getting up for another round is gonna make the villian question "why did he get up when he knows the next clash WILL kill him?" the morale gets broken, the body is asunder, and atop of it all he's weak, almost useless and ready to give it all for one final chance. "heroic last stands of characters the players want to remove" to free up space allows a chance to either wound or even SCAR the villian to encourage others that "Hey, I may be weak but i can still make a difference if i work together with friend and stranger alike. IT can some times help improve an RP, and other times a detriment. But all in all, if a casual player can at least make a villian recoil even if breifly in pain, it can give a chance to
[14:41]  Darius Naglo:  retreat, or for re-inforcements to arrive.
[14:42]  Darius Naglo: shortened it's about trying to encourage teh weaker players that "I may be weak, but if I can get allies together, you can't beat those who won't give up, no matter the cost"
[14:43]  Ookamisuke Babenco: I have to go. I do apologisze.
[14:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Alrighty! See ya around!
[14:43]  Tenaar Feiri: K, TC.
[14:43]  Novaku Sirnah: I will address the brief complained about "OP NPC's" for a moment which ties into these complaints apparently. Please do keep in mind that we do have to make events challenging, usually with a combat event the bad guy is surrounding by multiple good guys, if he dies in one or two rounds then there's just no point into having an event. We know that they may seem OP but they are so for a reason as to not get near instantly killed by people. Usually we implement hidden ways to deal with our bad guys, like hitting them at a specific point, or being more damageable by magic rather then melee attacks..
[14:44]  Felix Stourmead: cyas rain
[14:44]  Darius Naglo: i just pointed that out.....
[14:45]  Novaku Sirnah: We do try to keep things fair for everyone, but once again, we cannot please everyone, and if you want to have a moment to shine or have a good idea, then IM the EC with said idea.
[14:46]  Novaku Sirnah: Felix >.>
[14:48]  Felix Stourmead: well if its my turn, then I would like to add that many characters are also having children and I dont see anyone really taking the occasion for that i maen if there really isnt anything to do. I also notice that we tend to like to delay an encounter with the main bad guy without getting closer to facing him
[14:49]  Ani Aunerfal: Can you elaborate a bit? I'm not quite sure what you mean by either of those points
[14:49]  Darius Naglo: i think i know what he means
[14:50]  Darius Naglo: you say the boss is gonna show up, and all he does is gives a speech through a "shadow" of himself saying to give up, no real confrontation and no real chance to further hamper the plans of said enemy. >_>/ that about right Felix?
[14:52]  Felix Stourmead: yeah pretty much it mostly seems like AHA I capture everyone who gives ooc consent but there isnt much idea given to sort of hamper the plans of the enemy
[14:52]  Darius Naglo nahms fishy caex.
[14:53]  Darius Naglo: that goes back to the serial killer bat, which was a point i was gonna bring up in my next turn
[14:53]  Novaku Sirnah: Hey Caex, we're following a post order, you're after Zerah
[14:54]  Ashtyn Ninetails: And there's a Caex! We're debating things with a pose order, Caex, to keep things organized. If you want in, the current order is Tenaar, Lyle, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Darius, Zera, Caex, Ash
[14:54]  Caex Silverfall: noted
[14:54]  Felix Stourmead: now its Ani's turn
[14:55]  Ani Aunerfal: No comment.
[14:55]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Woof.

[14:56]  Xela Soulstar: nothing more to add, kinda forgot my point X.x
[14:59]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Zera, Caex, anything to say?
[14:59]  Xela Soulstar: ((sorry, accidentally skipped Lou/wolf))
[15:00]  Darius Naglo: you got anything lou?
[15:00]  Zerahcero Resident: I have something. One bit.
[15:00]  Wolf601 Resident: Well then. I don't really have a comment regarding that since I know absolute jack about the events you've done and what the difficulty of the villains is, but I do have to comment that you're all straying a bit from the topic. Toning villains down is only a temporary fix, people will get interested for a time until they realize "Hey, none of this is a challenge, what am I doing here?". The way you make players be more active and interested is either telling them and "encouraging" them to be active. There's no real way to make someone be interested in whatever event or story you're doing if it doesn't appeal to them, and it's impossible to appeal to everyone.
[15:02]  Caex Silverfall: i dont know enough about the conversation at this point to make a valid comment. possibly after next turn i can interject with solmething, however at the moment, i'm at a complete loss
[15:02]  Wolf601 Resident: However, one more concrete suggestion I can offer is perhaps allow players to have more of an important role in the stories and factions. Let the staff become more of a sideline thing, the people in the backstage of a theater working the lights and curtains.
[15:02]  Zerahcero Resident: The whole last stand thing does sound good in theory, though when everyone starts doing it then it just loses it's meaning. Everyone wants to be the hero after all despite some events being team related. Even with the Balrog, people where to focused on a task to help out someone who asked for assistance. Yes I am pulling that up again because it still ticks me off and why I don't do events here anymore. Other then that I don't have a comment for.
[15:03]  Wolf601 Resident: Sorry to trample over whoever is after me and Zerah, but to expand on my point.
[15:03]  Darius Naglo: okay, this is goin back to when i first joined lismore. The "Serial Killer bat" event, yes he eventaully went down, but there was never really any way to change his plans around from what I saw. Even the best villians finds that plans have to change to keep there plot afloat until it's eventual downfall.
[15:04]  Novaku Sirnah: Darius :P Keep in line
[15:04]  Felix Stourmead: err the serial killer bat went down? Oo
[15:04]  Darius Naglo: ... it went from wolf to zerah, xela and i where literally skipped..
[15:05]  Wolf601 Resident: If the players are given a position of power, they will want to maintain it. They will want to show they are worth that power and can make interesting and fun things happen. This is how another community I was in operated, factions lead by players that had to come up with their own things to do and cross-check with the staff that it was within realistic limits to be done. The staff had full right to do events that were beyond the control of the factions however.
[15:05]  Novaku Sirnah: Cause Zerah spoke before her turn :P Zerah needs to keep in line too please.
[15:05]  Zerahcero Resident: XP I was asked if I had any words to speak...
[15:06]  Wolf601 Resident: The antagonist Desert faction I say should still be staff-controlled, but all the others could be in the hands of the players and moderated by the staff to make sure they're not stepping out of line.
[15:06]  Zerahcero Resident: So shush.
[15:06]  Darius Naglo: that would have been a simple yes, and wait for your turn Zer
[15:06]  Tenaar Feiri: We lost track of the post order. Lou's not done with her turn yet. & Y'all should prolly let us clearly know when you're done.
[15:06]  Tenaar Feiri: Otherwise, try not to speak out of turn.
[15:06]  Wolf601 Resident: I'm done now, so whoever's after me is free to go.
[15:07]  Novaku Sirnah: That would be Darius
[15:07]  Darius Naglo: okay, i'll just repost this then
[15:07]  Darius Naglo: okay, this is goin back to when i first joined lismore. The "Serial Killer bat" event, yes he eventaully went down, but there was never really any way to change his plans around from what I saw. Even the best villians finds that plans have to change to keep there plot afloat until it's eventual downfall.
[15:08]  Darius Naglo: mind you i prolly joined late and caught the tail end of the event
[15:08]  Ani Aunerfal: Can I step in very quickly to clarify something?
[15:08]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Yes ANi?
[15:08]  Darius Naglo: yes ani
[15:09]  Ani Aunerfal: The event you're talking about is actually more of a storyline element. Julian is a long term villian who's choice of victims has been volunteered by the players themselves up to this point. It's not over yet, and there have been times when he's had to change his plans, or was even stopped from doing something he wanted to. I mean this in a respectful tone of course, but if you're unsure of how an event is going, you should ask before assuming.
[15:11]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Also do remember something I've been saying ever since the beginning: Players are welcome to change the outcome of events or commonplace situations IF THEY HAVE A GOOD IDEA! Some rambling ninja-wannabe won't get to kill the lord of the Zenko just because you felt like causing some trouble! But if you have a DAMN GOOD IDEA to depose Relina, we're always willing to listen!
[15:11]  Caex Silverfall: thats all they realy can do ani, it's not like we share with them the ultimate goal and our progress updates
[15:12]  Darius Naglo: well i haven't seen hide nor hair of julian for months. I know that a stoy may not be over, but if you don't see a long-term villian or even hear that he's been spotted again after so many months. you kinda go "So is it over?" No offense but he doesn't seem to come around even after any other characters to abduct, kill, or even to torture. I mean no harm in this, but if he's long term villian shouldn't he be more consistent?
[15:13]  Felix Stourmead: meeps! gee thanks Ash XD
[15:13]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I love you Felix! ;)
[15:13]  Caex Silverfall: not realy, a consistant villin like him would warrent an angry mob... we've done that in the past, eventualy had a coward hide on an island and refus rp.... long story
[15:14]  Ani Aunerfal: Won't you get bored of him if he snags a victim every couple of days?
[15:14]  Darius Naglo: Hell i've even IMed the player of the bat and told them i can always make disposable characters to help him pop up even once a fucken month!
[15:14]  Xela Soulstar: Ani is the bat player >.>
[15:14]  Wolf601 Resident: Post order break warning - Darius, that's your vision of a serial killer. He may not operate like that and he's not your character to know how he works or what his motives are. That does not mean that your current character would also just forget about him just because there's been no word of him. In no realistic manner would you think a threat is gone simply because there's been no positive or negative news.
[15:14]  Ani Aunerfal: .. That would be me, I don't remember you saying that.
[15:15]  Novaku Sirnah: And have not exactly been too active, you do not know about Julian having kidnapped Amelie, Derrin and Relina in the past two months.
[15:15]  Novaku Sirnah: Or that he had Cala's son killed.
[15:15]  Wolf601 Resident: Apologies for the burst, I'll put a plug in it.
[15:16]  Novaku Sirnah: It's fine Lou
[15:16]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Concerning events, we did revise our rules to allow minor events to take place anytime, as you can read in the Forums post So, I won't say the staff is flawless and not to blame for some things, but the players can not say we don't offer them every opportunity there is to make something happen, or to take part into something. So yes.
And that brings me to the next topic, if we're done with this one......
[15:16]  Novaku Sirnah: We kinda are since we've been falling off topic and onto events
[15:16]  Darius Naglo: no ones around or whispering about it, so how am i to know this? Also, as a muut point, Im throwing the info AS I KNOW IT out. Yes i have been gone awhile -.=.- but i am trying to return, get back into the swing of things, and yes even be far more soical
[15:16]  Darius Naglo: social*
[15:17]  Ani Aunerfal: Can I attempt a summary before we move onto the next topic?
[15:17]  Novaku Sirnah: Yes :3
[15:17]  Tenaar Feiri: Whoah whoah
[15:17]  Novaku Sirnah: And Dardar, Ask before assume :P
[15:17]  Felix Stourmead: Darius could you stick with the post order or take it to IMs?
[15:17]  Tenaar Feiri: Post order please. Let the rest finish the turn
[15:17]  Tenaar Feiri: Then summarize & move on
[15:17]  Ani Aunerfal: I know, i didn't mean just now. Just before we change.
[15:18]  Tenaar Feiri: Kks. Reminder: Last turn for this topic btw, so make sure you say what you want to have said.
[15:18]  Tenaar Feiri: If Darius is done, Zerah is next.
[15:18]  Zerahcero Resident: None related to current topic.
[15:18]  Darius Naglo: yeah i'm done,
[15:18]  Tenaar Feiri: Ok, and Zerah passed. Caex?
[15:19]  Darius Naglo: i'm just gonna go sit at the temple now, i'm done with this meeting
[15:19]  Zerahcero Resident: I do have an idea for Ash to drop off later though. Just not now since it is not topic and best saved when it isn't a cluster of argumens and what not.
[15:20]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Yes save individual ideas for a little later, please. :)
[15:20]  Zerahcero Resident: Ill see if I can send it tomorrow. I am going to head off.
[15:20]  Tenaar Feiri: Darius left. New post order: Tenaar, Lyle, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Zerah, Caex, Ash. Caex is still up.
[15:22]  Tenaar Feiri: Zerah left. New post order: Tenaar, Lyle, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Caex, Ash.
[15:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Thanks Tenaar. :)
[15:22]  Caex Silverfall: the staff doesnt always share everything for an event for fear that players may metagame with the info we leak. that in the past has turned out kinda bad. but we're always open for new suguestions on events. i've been wanting to run a few and i have one event in the works right now, well one is even still going but ten hasn't gotten on her character and neither has nov.... well at the same time so i cant finish it.
[15:23]  Tenaar Feiri: May I interject?
[15:24]  Caex Silverfall: is it to say i'm a lazy bastrd who only has two days of rp time? nah i'll say it myself, i'm a lazy bastard
[15:24]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Sure, have a turn, skip me, Tenaar.
[15:24]  Tenaar Feiri: I was just going to add that I forgot =P
[15:24]  Tenaar Feiri: 'S my excuse!
[15:24]  Tenaar Feiri: Not skipping you tho, we still need to summarize. Or if Ani wanted to do that?
[15:25]  Tenaar Feiri: And if Caex has nothing more to add on the subject ofc
[15:25]  Ani Aunerfal: I can give it a shot if everyone's said what they want to say on the topic
[15:25]  Felix Stourmead: im done
[15:25]  Caex Silverfall: done
[15:25]  Novaku Sirnah: Done
[15:25]  Wolf601 Resident: Nothing to add.
[15:26]  Tenaar Feiri: Also done.
[15:26]  Tenaar Feiri: Did Lyle leave?
[15:26]  Wolf601 Resident: Looks like it.
[15:26]  Ani Aunerfal: Xelas? any last thoughts?
[15:27]  Xela Soulstar: dunno what else to add, I've lost the topic.. not sure if we have actually decided or come up with anything
[15:27]  Tenaar Feiri: Atm we're just learning what the issues really are.
[15:28]  Caex Silverfall: ima gonna go burn some popcorn while you guys think of a new topic ^^ brb
[15:28]  Ashtyn Ninetails: No we're not deciding anything at the moment, we were addressing the "there's nothing to do" complaint, which we concluded is only partially true and can be blamed 75% on players, 25% on staff. ;)
[15:29]  Xela Soulstar: ok


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2012, 07:36:05 pm »
[15:30]  Tenaar Feiri: It seems Lyle has left. New post order: Tenaar, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Caex, Ash. Ani is summarizing, then Ashy decides the next topic, then we start again :3
[15:31]  Ani Aunerfal: Alright. So all in reference to the "There's nothing to do topic", and I think we can include past events in this topic as well, cause we covered it quite a bit - On the staff end, we might need to find a better way to communicate things with players, or perhaps it's time to remind people of where they can look for plot information via notice or something else that's attention getting. On the player end, people need to realize that they don't have to wait for a staff run event to do things, because there's resources to do things without staff assistance, and if it's really needed - we can provide it. But the staff can't act on anything that hasn't been communicated with them. I know alot of what's been said, in terms of specifics, has really already been discussed, and covered in discussions and notices prior to this meeting.
[15:33]  Ani Aunerfal: Did that cover everything, or did I leave something out?
[15:33]  Felix Stourmead: i think so
[15:33]  Novaku Sirnah: Aye
[15:33]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I believe that covers everything. Thank you Ani.
[15:33]  Tenaar Feiri: Indeed.
[15:34]  Ashtyn Ninetails: ...and if anyone has better insight on it and it's proven to work, speak up! (through a Forum post. We're done on it here in-world for now ;) )
[15:34]  Xela Soulstar: welcome back
[15:35]  Darius Naglo: it took novaku and ashtyn to get me to return Xela,
[15:35]  Tenaar Feiri: Agreed Ash'. Let us move on to the next point. Ash, if you'll introduce us?
[15:35]  Tenaar Feiri: Darius has joined the post queue. New post order: Tenaar, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Caex, Darius, Ash.
[15:36]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Our next topic ties in with the previous one and ties in with future ones: Props! in, the stuff we see and interact with here in-world. Our buildings and trees and hills and caves...
[15:37]  Darius Naglo: if i might add an idea to that list ashtyn?
[15:37]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Hold on, Darius, let me elaborate on the subject a bit. ;)
[15:37]  Tenaar Feiri: Aye, we should probably note in our posts when we're done with our turn!
[15:40]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So, as a builder in SL I'm always looking for input on the stuff I make, but in this case it isn't much about me as it is about the sim: It's been suggested that Lismore is getting antiquated in its props. It's been suggested that the city could use a makeover, it's been suggested the Temple be relocated, it's been suggested we close the Caves... I think THE ONLY thing I haven't heard is suggestions about the Zenko, until a week ago Caex IMed me with idea for a tass refinery to be put there. ;) So, in turn, what's your opinion on the current situation of the sim as far as its buildings and its areas go? Tennar, your turn. :)
[15:42]  Caex Silverfall: i'm actualy building the refinery by the way ^^ sucking at it, given i'm used to miniships buti.....yeah
[15:47]  Tenaar Feiri: Well I already went into elaborate detail about the current state of the sim's theme, feel and attractiveness to new players in our private sessions some time ago, but to summarize, I think it's time we advanced the sim's epoch a little, possibly from the antiquity to the renaissance or other epochs in its proximity (which I'm sure is going to invite a lot of skeptic looks, considering the gravity of the suggested change), and it would include everything from architectures to city designs, clothing and so on. I believe that upgrading Lismore to a newer epoch and giving it a feel that people are more comfortable with from exposure (social media, etc.) would definitely help keep interest in the sim. Lismore is beautiful the way it is, but it can do even better! On the subject of actual usable props we have here today, they are plentiful and currently very functional within this sim, barring one single exception being the neutered massage table in the temple and those annoying rugs that need workarounds for the
[15:47]  Tenaar Feiri:  workarounds to actually function. Now, I have another little kicker for you...
[15:48]  Tenaar Feiri: I believe that it might be beneficial to take more advantage of the sky by removing unused/rarely used skyboxes and instead relocating certain zones to them, such as the Temple to free up space here on the ground floor, and expand the space these relocated zones have to be customized.
[15:49]  Tenaar Feiri: With the temple out of the way from the ground level, the city has more space to expand and be customized, and we can make use of the freed-up space for other things as well which we were previously unable to. And in a skybox, the temple could become a much bigger zone, with more props and features to keep players engaged.
[15:51]  Tenaar Feiri: Those are at least just a few of my many suggestions, and the most relevant atm. </endpost>
[15:52]  Ashtyn Ninetails: NovaNova, next!
[15:53]  Novaku Sirnah: I kind of fall in line with Tenaar's opinion, Ashtyn knows like no other how much I would like to have the City ruined and rebuild to something even better, I've been suggesting that for probably two years now. Zenko, I still feel could use some changes too, and Ash, I love you, but I really do loath the fact you got left a transparent building right there that servers no purpose whatsoever.
[15:54]  Felix Stourmead: yeahhh we were trying to turn that building into the smithy X3
[15:54]  Novaku Sirnah: As for the Skyboxes, I too agree that they could serve better purposes and allow us to clean up the mainland more for other things, as well as improving on the skyboxes and their uses.
[15:55]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Done Nova? Felix next?
[15:56]  Novaku Sirnah: I also think we should progress to the next era, if only to make a difference. We've been stuck with swords and armor for how long now? Yes we have some steampunk, but I do think we can attract more people by following up into the Renaissance era and change the rules on steampunk to allow more, but still keep it properly regulated.
[15:56]  Novaku Sirnah: And, yes that's all
[15:57]  Felix Stourmead: yeah I agree with progressing to the next era but well also have to incorporate magic and some people still want to use meele weapons probably
[15:57]  Ashtyn Ninetails pulls up a shield to protect himself from the vicious steampunk vs. magic fight that will ensue! ;)
[15:57]  Felix Stourmead: XD
[15:58]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ani your go!
[16:02]  Ani Aunerfal: i've argued against advancing the timeline enough that i don't want to do it anymore. All i'm going to say is if the timeline advances i'm likely going to take a backseat to the RP. One of the big reasons I decided to join lismore was because i found it hard to find a sim that was medieval fantasy without alot of influence in technology. That's just me though, i suppose by the consensus it would probably be better for the sim overall
[16:03]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Wolf!
[16:06]  Wolf601 Resident: Right then. I can't say whether it would be good or bad to advance the timeline nor do I have a comment about changing the sim or props at all because I've not even gotten the chance to explore them properly. However, in my opinion advancing the timeline is not the best idea to pull out. Not only is it a very sudden and radical change even if the RP time is different from RL time. Not only that but as you advance further technologically it's very easy to lose sight of the key "fantasy" element which is the core of RP. That's all.
[16:10]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Xela, posing? :)
[16:10]  Caex Silverfall: she has her animation going so yes i think so
[16:11]  Xela Soulstar: I am against the idea of changing the timeline of Lismore, and I love how the city looks as it is now. A few updates could be made maybe, maybe with a few more buildings being added. Zenko itself, I'm fairly happy with (alough I disagree with the idea of it getting a forge :p ) The temple on the other hand I think maybe could do with a bit of an update.. that being said I dont rp there much... And, I think the caves could do with an update. Ash knows of my wish to rebuild Phoenix CAstle, and I still have hopes it can be done (but have not planned any further on that.. due to the feeling I get that phoenix is just going to get scrapped... But, maybe the castle could be rebuilt on the surface.. how about atop a high mountain with lava and whatnot? so, its on the same level as the rest of the sim main areas. I also think a sea area would be nice, maybe on the same level as Val's island. A few more islands, maybe one big one for Collie and his crew, and a few abandoned ones for people and their sneaky rps.
[16:12]  Xela Soulstar: If phoenix is put on the sufrace.. maybe it could go where the existing graveyard and farm is? As sadly, I've not seen either used before
[16:13]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Caex!
[16:14]  Caex Silverfall: you guys probabaly expect me to jump on the timeline bandwagon dont ya?
[16:14]  Novaku Sirnah: No, we expect your honest opinion
[16:15]  Mano Same (Caex Silverfall) OOC: reelup
[16:15]  Caex Silverfall: i find it amusing that right as i'm trying to tone down mana punk, right as i'm trying to ease it back.... there could be the most use of it with the advance of the era. now mind you eras are just a general concincis of a ages look, feel, and tech level. blasted razor keyboard with it's big keys making it hard to type without deleting 5 things every 4 seconds.
[16:16]  Caex Silverfall: IF we do advance the timeline, it cant just be willy nilly saying WE ADVANCE YAYA!, no, it must be carefully tampered and planned out.
[16:17]  Caex Silverfall: reasons must be given for why things like that happen. what sparked lismore's technological and artistic advance? notice we're lacking key things for the timeline advance. we have no artist characters. each age, each era, can be measured definitively by the art in it. lismore has no sculptors, no painters, no artists. therefore simply saying we would be advancing to that level is silly, its something that must be done over time
[16:18]  Caex Silverfall: as for steampunk, i think that can be solved with a disclamer stating that in the sim it's refered to as mana punk as a plausable explination of it's existance. given we want to avoid standard tech and use more fantistacal and more well, whimsicle things such as magic to exlaain things
[16:19]  Caex Silverfall: sure we can destroy the sim and rebuild it in a new look, i could come up with a good event for that in a heartbeat, hell i have 7 planned and written out here on my computer. including key events that must happen, end results, possible key regular players, tangeable threats to the events are also listed out. but i dont share those for good reason, people would flip
[16:19]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Done Caex?
[16:19]  Caex Silverfall: you isted me as a threat to your event! OMFG
[16:21]  Caex Silverfall: if anything, i think any advance we do must be gradual and it must be allowed to take place over time. it cant just be instant. but for those advancements to be made, we must introduce more artists into lismore to make the overall feel of the advance make sense. though i do agree that the temple needs to be moved to a skybox, and that a lot of thing can be done to assist with our current situation. our look right now needs to attract more users to us, at the moment it feels a little stagnent, however that may be because i've been here for a few years
[16:21]  Caex Silverfall: now i'm done
[16:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Darius!
[16:24]  Darius Naglo: Okay! for events, right away key items in hills, mountaints etc, What if they where in people too? these items being of magical or physical nature could grow from a character or cause discomort within there body. Just a thought there. Events, A time lapse into a new era is as Caex said, not sudden, we've been as we are for how long now since the sims birth? rhetorical question.
[16:26]  Darius Naglo: Sim lay out is a good idea to change and rebuild, we could try to give the entire sim a make over and fix some of the more "eye-sore looking regions, The temple is kinda just.... an open bath house and kitchen. It doesn't make much sense honestly either to have the huge roaring flame it does due to a fire hazard itself, enchanted or not it could ignite the place and surrounding forest already. I say we do need a re-design of the sim in full, but we can do that gradually as well
[16:27]  Darius Naglo: Over-all I think what it is, is that the sim needs to get a remodel, and perhaps not sure if this has been thought of but what about more meetings like this to get the population involved both ic and ooc?
[16:28]  Darius Naglo: and done
[16:28]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I fully understand the urge to 'evolve', and the suggestions to advance the timeline, and I understand how different settings might be more attractive to some players. Tenaar and I have discussed at length how people gravitate to familiar settings and apparently currently the ongoing trend is medieval and what people 'think' to be nordic themes. I'm not opposed to having steampunk side-by-side with magic (though some close friends of mine are vehement against that!), but that all said, there's one thing we need to consider: Are we trying to sell a product thus going for what attracts the most customers, or are we trying to play and have a good time in something we enjoy? Should we make changes to satisfy the hypes, or stick to our vision and welcome those who like it as is?
[16:29]  Ashtyn Ninetails: And yes Darius, I'm all for meetings like these, but it's a pain to coordinate people, and that's why we have the Forums, though people tend to have little attention span and only the most dedicated ones keep checking it regularly. And like Nova pointed out at the beginning of this meeting, there's some 40 people from the group online right now.... And here we are, with only 9.
[16:30]  Felix Stourmead: post order again? o.o'
[16:30]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Tenaar, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Caex, Darius, Ash. Go Tenaar.
[16:32]  Caex Silverfall: there, recruited another
[16:32]  Felix Stourmead: hai Bam ^^
[16:32]  Bamika Easterman: Sorry about the outfit. :-)
[16:32]  Caex Silverfall: we have all seen worse
[16:32]  Felix Stourmead: this is ooc so its Okay
[16:32]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We're OOC, look like whatever you like. ;)
[16:33]  Bamika Easterman: I'm on my mobile
[16:33]  Darius Naglo hugs Bam and smiles
[16:33]  Ashtyn Ninetails: And Bam you already know a bunch of what we're discussing, because we talked that other day about some of the key points of it (I consulted with Bam on a lot of thoughts I had about these matters :) ).
[16:33]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So you haven't missed anything shocking! ;)
[16:34]  Caex Silverfall: yes you did, nova and ani went streaking together in man thongs.... not a pretty sight
[16:34]  Xela Soulstar: psh, I thought it was good
[16:34]  Wolf601 Resident: Well that's your opinion.
[16:34]  Wolf601 Resident: Xela beat me to it. Damn.
[16:34]  Xela Soulstar: ninjaed~
[16:35]  Novaku Sirnah: You wish I was streaking around in a thong
[16:35]  Ashtyn Ninetails: And we have a pose order going to keep things orderly. Tenaar, Nova, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Caex, Darius, Bamika, Ash
[16:36]  Tenaar Feiri: Alright. I'll agree with Caex that a shift in the timeline to a more modern epoch should be gradual, but I don't agree that we need played artists to do so (primarily because nobody plays these roles as they're either unable to make props themselves, or it's just inconvenient) and we'll simply need to accept that. However, with our merging timelines concept to explain the numerous different attires and people coming here, it's not a far fetch to assume that these people would bring parts of their 'time' to Lismore and make it part of the culture here. Moving on though, I think we need to consider a few variables here. First of all, money: I've been paying for a large majority of the sim tier for the past few months now because so few people are inclined to donate (reason being they don't play here enough to see the worth in it), and the management isn't always able to pay the full tier on their own, just as I'm not always able to deposit the amount of money I usually do sometimes. Like this month, where I
[16:36]  Tenaar Feiri:  cut my usual donation by at least 25% because of financial stuff. Let's face it: donations depend largely on people's interests, so the more people we manage to attract here, the better. And the antiquity isn't an era most people are familiar or comfortable with, so adjusting to this RP sim can be very tough. I realize that advancing this sim's era is a scary thought, I do, and I recognize the importance of doing so carefully, but it is something I feel must be done, or else we're simply going to end up losing the sim from lack of activity. I can't always cover enough of the tier, and the day will come when none of us currently active is able to pitch in enough to keep it online. We need something the majority is comfortable with and can enter easily without having to jump through hoops to adapt. (I'm not done yet.)
[16:37]  Novaku Sirnah: geezus
[16:37]  Novaku Sirnah: Anyways...piping up in between...
[16:38]  Novaku Sirnah: As much as I would like to continue, sleep is hitting me hard
[16:38]  Novaku Sirnah: So I am gonna go and head off to bed
[16:38]  Xela Soulstar: ok, hope you rest well!
[16:38]  Felix Stourmead: nini nova
[16:39]  Novaku Sirnah: I'll Spank Ashy for logs later
[16:39]  Novaku Sirnah: Nini you guys
[16:39]  Tenaar Feiri: The more people we can get in here, the more money potential we'll have for the sim, and in that sense we need to consider the fact that we indeed must 'sell' the sim if it is to stay on the grid. I'm sorry, but that is the inevitable truth. Something drastic has to happen at least to revive player interest. It's maybe not a popular idea, and if we do implement it, it should probably be put into practice with extreme caution, but I think we all just have to face the very real possibility that if we don't, we might lose the sim we've grown so fond of. And I don't know about you, but I would much rather have a sim with people in it to RP with, than maybe not having a sim at all, and even if it persists, not having any other RPers in it to interact with.
[16:39]  Xela Soulstar: nini, rest well
[16:39]  Tenaar Feiri: & Nini Nova.
[16:40]  Tenaar Feiri: It's not just the era that's the issue here, I realize that, but we can patch a lot of holes and fix a lot of issues by advancing it, while appealing more to fads and attracting players.
[16:40]  Tenaar Feiri: Now I'm done.
[16:41]  Tenaar Feiri: And Felix is next since Nova left.
[16:43]  Felix Stourmead: I know we need to do something and maybe advance the timeline a bit but we have to compromise and I dont want to make it where some people who have been playing here for an incredibly long time feel like they would not want to RP anymore
[16:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Tenaar, Felix, Ani, Wolf, Xela, Caex, Darius, Bamika, Ash
[16:45]  Xela Soulstar: ani ani time


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2012, 07:38:17 pm »
[16:45]  Ani Aunerfal: I don't really have anything more to say about this, you can just take me out of order for the rest of the discussion
[16:46]  Felix Stourmead: you ok?
[16:46]  Tenaar Feiri: We all value your opinion, man. Everything is considered, even if not everything's responded to.
[16:47]  Felix Stourmead: Its no reason to just walk out of a discussion nothing is set in stone yet
[16:49]  Tenaar Feiri: Well, I guess it's Wolf's turn then if Ani has nothing to add.
[16:49]  Wolf601 Resident: Right then.
[16:49]  Wolf601 Resident: I think the whole romantic thought of sticking to your vision is nice, but ultimately I'm sticking with Tenaar, in a way. I still don't agree an advance in timeline is a good idea, however running something like this, especially when it's costing the staff a continual upkeep of money, you need to appeal to people. You need to have traffic. So yes, it is very much like selling a product. That's all from me.
[16:51]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Xela-a-go-go!
[16:53]  Xela Soulstar: I personally am against the change in timeline, as its one of the main reasons I love Lismore so. I've never heard a complaint about the timeline here. I think Lismore's look and feel could do with an update, but I do not think we need to change what era the sim is in for that. The way I see it, and something I've been trying to influence is the fact Lismore is a hub of many different cultures. The way Zenko used to be was a reflection of that, with influence from a different culture. And Xela too has been trying to influence archetecture in her own homeland styles, with stone and wood, for example. And now Lismore has new leadership, it would make sence that the archetecture of the city would change accordingly
[16:55]  Xela Soulstar: Changing the look and archetecture? Creating our own little tech breakthroghs on a small scale? Yes! Jumping or shifting to a new era alltogether? No, I dont think so. I feel it'll alianate existing players and may appear like an attempt to copy other existing sims to get their playerbase, and I think that would reflect poorly.
[16:56]  Xela Soulstar: as for rent, I can up my contribution. I try and donate near the end of the month to bring the pot to its top, but as people likely know, my memory is terrible... But maybe I can set up a standard withdrawal, or get Ash to tripple my rent or something.
[16:56]  Xela Soulstar: done
[16:56]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Little interjection here on the 'rent/tier' bit...
[16:56]  Ashtyn Ninetails: More than once I have heard "I don't have to donate to the sim, Tenaar is taking care of it. Everyone who's said that and who reads this in the forims, SHAME ON YOU! Really, SHAME!
[16:57]  Xela Soulstar whines and hides
[16:57]  Darius Naglo: i would donate, i just can't afford it
[16:58]  Xela Soulstar: I spend most of my income on comfort eating these days <.< donating more at the start of the month may do me good
[16:58]  Caex Silverfall: i had a tangent i think last month... i cant remember, with my job i dont know it's the weekend untill my alarm doesnt go off at 10am
[16:58]  Ashtyn Ninetails: It's one thing to not have money. I haven't had money for more than basic RL expenses for over a year! I know many people who play here who can't afford US$2 in donations and who think L$100 is "a lot of money". But if you have the money and you ask how you can help the sim and I say "make a donation!", and you say "nah, Tenaar is taking care of that", SHAME!!
[16:58]  Darius Naglo: yeah i see that now
[16:59]  Darius Naglo: whose turn?
[16:59]  Ashtyn Ninetails: If Xela is done, Caex. :)
[17:02]  Caex Silverfall: i agree the sim needs to advance. but just shifting over to a new erah isn't the way to do it. the city in itself isn't large enough to warrent that. if anything whhat we need is an expansion phase, where more buildings and everything else is set up. advance the look and feel of the sim. and yes ash is going to hit me soon because that means more prims. though i'm sure he could rig a way to use possibly 3 prims for a building if he had to.blasted fox that he is an all. we are a buisness, any way you look at it we are a buisness, our products are two things. our sim, and our Rp. we need to keep in mind whhat is currently hot and make subtle nods to it in our sim to attract new players. without that, we cant actualy afford our sim. we must do what we must to survive, tha'ts the core of it. but we ant do it in a way that just punts our members out of the sim. yes we need an advance, but no it cant be to a new standard era.
[17:03]  Caex Silverfall: ani, i'm behind you on this dispite any preconceaved notions that may be about. i know we dont get along, that said, i dont want to loose you. who would i bicker with if you left?
[17:03]  Tenaar Feiri: Me =P
[17:03]  Caex Silverfall: done
[17:03]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Darius!
[17:03]  Caex Silverfall: no i yell at you because you ferget to get on your forge cat when nova's aorund so i can sell her to nova's chick
[17:04]  Tenaar Feiri punts Caex, then stfus for Darius' turn!
[17:04]  Xela Soulstar: I forgot to add.... I'd love to see the Zenko wall extended along the hill becide the jailhouse. so as to seperate the city/zenko from the more tribal/wild elements of Lismore :3 plus, I love big walls around cities
[17:05]  Xela Soulstar: or a big ol' wall around Phoenix... <3
[17:06]  Xela Soulstar wallgasums
[17:06]  Darius Naglo: X3 haha
[17:06]  Darius Naglo: erm okay so far the feel is that the sim needs an overhaul
[17:06]  Darius Naglo: a prim swap, a redecoration
[17:07]  Darius Naglo: over all we do need to update but at teh same time find a way to do so that both isn't sudden but at the same time isn't suble
[17:07]  Felix Stourmead holds his objections!
[17:07]  Darius Naglo: time lapsing into a new era is indeed pointless as we'd lose what makes lismore medieval
[17:07]  Ashtyn Ninetails whispers to Darius, "Lismore isn't medieval, it's classical ancient history. ;) "
[17:08]  Darius Naglo cracks ashtyn with a fennec tail. "GRRR"
[17:08]  Darius Naglo: ahem
[17:08]  Darius Naglo: in any case
[17:09]  Darius Naglo: the big thing is "Keep the era, and update the apperance of the sim to something that shows we are getting a bigger city, or even as far as that goes, what if the temple became stone in key points, >_> Wood wouldn't support stone like i see it doing in the temple bathhouses
[17:10]  Ani Aunerfal: Well, there's a reason it is the way it is.
[17:11]  Darius Naglo: uhm otherwise i agree with everyone else move shit around, update the look of the sim, maybe re-terraform and re-adjust how things are placed.
[17:11]  Darius Naglo: done
[17:11]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Bamika! Still with us?
[17:11]  Bamika Easterman: I support any changes that will benefit the sim. I think we need to cut down in size and concentrate on a single role play venue for a while... we're too spread out, too diffused. It's too hard to find green dots to play with. We need to huddle to survive right now. We need a sense of threat. I don't mind about the era. It doesn't matter as much as you might think. I believe characters and stories can be "translated"... or just exist with no rational explanation. I've been doing that for years...
[17:18]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok. So we are in agreement (for the most part) a cosmetic change is needed. Finding a style that pleases everybody will be impossible, but we can try a few generic "fantasy" things that are certain to work... Tenaar likes the medieval stuff, you know, Tudor/Germanic buildings, the kind of things you see on a Disney fairytale movie set in non-descript pre-industrial times... I personally like classical architecture: Marble, columns, that stuff. This is the kind of stuff we could put a poll in the Forums for people to vote for, but I find I've been disappointed almost every time I let something up for the general population to decide: There's a depressing lack of interest. One or two are passionate about their suggestions, but everybody else couldn't care less... So I think whatever is decided will have to be one idea and hopefully it will work. ...and I have an idea I'll submit to you guys here, because this is a group small enough and communicating well enough that we can actually get something done...
[17:19]  Xela Soulstar: let each faction have its own style! Xela's style would consist of cobblestone and wood buildings... not sure the style that falls under.
[17:20]  Ashtyn Ninetails: That was an idea I considered, Xela, and let's have a quick vote here: What if I gave building rights to faction leaders, and let them make whatever they want? Give them a prim limit, and say "have fun!", do you guys think that would be benefitial?
[17:20]  Wolf601 Resident: I th- post order, right.
[17:21]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Yes please, keep it simple, and orderly. ;)
[17:21]  Bamika Easterman: Vote no
[17:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Tenaar?
[17:23]  Tenaar Feiri: If we can merge what you and I like, Ashtyn, I think we'll have a very good and unique compromise for Lismore City at least. And I think yes, faction leaders should have building rights & a reasonable prim limit imo.
[17:23]  Tenaar Feiri: what we like, architecture-wise.
[17:23]  Caex Silverfall: only issue there is not all of us are compitent building builders
[17:24]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Can't build it yourself? Buy it pre-built.
[17:24]  Tenaar Feiri: ^
[17:24]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Felix?
[17:24]  Felix Stourmead: Well Im going to have to object to extending the wall into the city first of all
[17:25]  Ashtyn Ninetails: No no, this is the quick vote about letting factions do their own building. ;)
[17:25]  Felix Stourmead: ohh
[17:26]  Felix Stourmead: blegh sorry I think it would be good as long as we stay within the general theme
[17:26]  Ani Aunerfal: I think it's a good idea
[17:26]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Wolf?
[17:27]  Wolf601 Resident: I like the idea of allowing each faction to have their own style. It helps solidify the faction as a unique entity of it's own. From a purely RP standpoint, it's a great thing. In terms of prim size and all that - in short I'm absolutely ignorant about that but if it meant lower prims and lower prims meant less lag or something, even better.
[17:28]  Ashtyn Ninetails: ...actually Lismore as is is one of the most efficient prim and script sims there are. The Lindens said it so! :)
[17:29]  Ashtyn Ninetails: (they came here once to see how we had over 1300 scripts running with only a 5.4 script-time)
[17:30]  Tenaar Feiri: Apparently, not even LL knew what LSL was capable of.
[17:30]  Ashtyn Ninetails: (normally a region with this much stuff averages a 22+ script-time. ;)
[17:30]  Xela Soulstar: I have a compramise to suggest. I think for smaller buildings and furnature that faction managed prims are the way forwards. It gives greater flexibility in RP for the leader to manage. (for example, I could hire Ani's smith to make something, and chuck the object down once done so its there for use right away). But for the bigger buildings I think it best if Ash still manages thoes if possible (I've no idea how I'd build Phoenix castle without him!) and, it keeps things reasonable to the faction's power
[17:30]  Darius Naglo eats a full turkey leg in front of every
[17:31]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Caex?
[17:33]  Caex Silverfall: i'm all for this, however i'm concerned that one faction or another (namely mine and felix's THE CAT's, may be swepet away by some little tangent. giving us building rights is nice, but i'm concerned aobut concistancy.... lets face it, i have ADD moments
[17:33]  Caex Silverfall: a lot of them
[17:34]  Caex Silverfall: sides, i've wanted to mod the wall for years now, turning it into actual housing just like the walls should be XP
[17:34]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Darius?
[17:36]  Darius Naglo: I approve of giving the factions there own build chance to design a home for themselves and there peers of said faction, And i agree a fair prim limit should be requested, but not STRICTLY adhered too, Some factions who have more members may need more prims than a faction that has fewer numbers. Otherwise my main concern is contigency plans should leaders be without the ability to be online for perhaps months at a time
[17:36]  Darius Naglo: or if they just up and vanish
[17:38]  Tenaar Feiri: Oh believe me, if they just up and go without letting us know why and for how long, they will be replaced.
[17:38]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So we have 4 'yes', two 'maybe', and 1 'no'. Why do you think it's a bad idea, Bam?
[17:38]  Bamika Easterman: I think it's a bad idea. Lots of factions is good but lots of factions with their own base with one or two people in each one dying of boredom is bad. It's bad for accessible role play and its bad for the game. To save the game we need to come together not split apart. We should have ONE roleplay venue. Vote no!
[17:39]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Noted!
[17:39]  Tenaar Feiri: I think moving the inn to a neutral location & having it be the only inn might help those concerns by creating a neutral RP hub.
[17:40]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok, so I have an idea for the building, but lets' address the timeline issue before we get any further: As for the timeline, I agree with Bamika that it shouldn't matter much. We're PRE-INDUSTRIALIZATION, and that is enough to define the style. The "steampunk vs. magic" debate will never end. Ever. So the policy of approving it on a case-by-case basis stays.
[17:40]  Darius Naglo: I've seen this on some sims that didnt succeed and some that have
[17:40]  Tenaar Feiri: I agree with Ash' there.
[17:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I personally enforce the "antiquity" theme (like I did just correcting Darius about the medieval time he put us at).... I wouldn't be opposed to having areas of the sim that 'evolve' to a more 'medieval' style, but I'm not ready to let go of the 'antiquity' theme. So I think I have a compromise that ties up with the re-building debate.... but I want to hear what Ani has to say first because I know Ani is EXTREMELY sensitive to changes like that...
[17:44]  Ashtyn Ninetails tugs tugs Ani into the spotlight.
[17:46]  Darius Naglo: if i might add something, and this is just me, but what if we brought a small amount of politics to the factions?
[17:46]  Wolf601 Resident: Politics never works, in RP or real life.
[17:46]  Darius Naglo: well it's just a thought
[17:46]  Felix Stourmead: amen Lou :P
[17:47]  Xela Soulstar: Politics and deplomacy is part of what got Xela where she is today :3
[17:47]  Tenaar Feiri: We already have lots of politics going on; Cruentus bribing their way into city influence and gaining the docks, Phoenix working behind the scenes on God knows what, Zenko trying to balance all factions from what I've seen.
[17:47]  Tenaar Feiri: And the Temple just sits back and goes "Well aren't they funny to watch?"
[17:47]  Xela Soulstar: mwhahahaha
[17:47]  Darius Naglo: what if we had them "Vote for a leader."
[17:48]  Wolf601 Resident: Them, who.
[17:48]  Xela Soulstar: issue is then, it becomes a popularity contest
[17:48]  Darius Naglo: or appoint a leader in some cases
[17:48]  Tenaar Feiri: That, and if the leader is corrupt, voting might not be applicable IC
[17:48]  Xela Soulstar: I highly doubt it would be kept IC only
[17:48]  Tenaar Feiri: or appointable for that matter.
[17:48]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I have suggested the "voting for a leader" thing, We'll address it in a bit.
[17:49]  Felix Stourmead: well members of the Zenko could depose Relina any time they wanted and select a new leader. She would step down
[17:53]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ani still with us?
[17:53]  Darius Naglo: i don't think so
[17:53]  Tenaar Feiri: I would say, no.
[17:53]  Ani Aunerfal: I am
[17:53]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Got an opinion, sweety?
[17:55]  Ani Aunerfal: about the architecture? I think it'd be fine to change it, but i don't think it needs an advance in terms of the /era/ it represents. just the style. on a case by case basis, the city wouldn't be hurt by an update, the zenko could still look a little more militant, the temple is fine, I like phoenix as it is and i'll say the same for cruentes.
[17:56]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok. So, let me start my idea/suggestion with a picture:
[17:57]  Darius Naglo: okay LoTR reference, 2.2
[17:58]  Darius Naglo: avatar siezure on ashtyn X.x
[17:58]  Tenaar Feiri: Why'd you tell him? D:
[17:58]  Felix Stourmead: yeahhhh were not going quite that big XD
[17:58]  Tenaar Feiri: I was enjoying looking at that!
[17:58]  Felix Stourmead: XD
[17:59]  Darius Naglo: cause i know your more interested in staring at my tight ass whiel it's bent over facing you
[17:59]  Darius Naglo: :P
[18:01]  Darius Naglo: any who...
[18:01]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Here is the rough idea, still needs to be fleshed out, but here's what I've got so far from our debate and from some heavy thinking and all that (nothing has been decided, this is just the base suggestion, we'll work it out into details from here): Something happens that forces a re-build throughout the island. The city needs a facelift. For a while now it's been suggested that the Zenko and the City should merge, and I think they should. The Zenko should become the "official army" of the island. The city would creep up the hill, have a series of walls around it, and while the Zenko would remain under the leadership of Relina, the city as general is still to be decided, but I think it should have an elected ruler... Some HATE! that idea, I know, so let's not dwell on it just yet. Outside the walls, it should become a hostile enviroment, which forces people to congregate behind the safety of the walls. The architecture is the epitome of 'Fantasy". Tolkien invented the style, after all. You can't go wrong for
[18:01]  Ashtyn Ninetails:  "fantasy" if you go with Tolkien, and that's why I suggest Minas Tirith as an example: It's timeless, it could be ancient Rome, it could be high middle ages Renaissance Italy... you can't place it in time.
[18:03]  Darius Naglo: good point
[18:03]  Darius Naglo: it's a stand alone icon of both era and J.R .R Tolkien
[18:04]  Caex Silverfall: want me to sift through my files ash and see if i cant find one of my sim changing catastrophies?
[18:04]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Of course, I won't build Minas Tirith, but the idea of the concentric walls, and the style of the structures is what I'm going for. And yes Caex, we could at last have walls you can have housing for troops inside. ;)
[18:04]  Darius Naglo: i have to log out though, for now i'll be crashing here, I may wind up having to mod things and stuff with the avs i have but yeah, X3 i'll see about biting your tail for info another time ash.
[18:04]  Caex Silverfall: i have 3 folders listed
[18:04]  Xela Soulstar: see ya!
[18:04]  Tenaar Feiri: See you Darius!
[18:04]  Caex Silverfall: arcane catastrophy files, mundane catrostrophy files, and the last is naval invasion files
[18:04]  Felix Stourmead: cya darius


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2012, 07:40:59 pm »
[18:04]  Tenaar Feiri: && I think that going for something Tolkienesque might actually be a pretty smart move.
[18:04]  Tenaar Feiri: Lord of the Rings is still popular.
[18:04]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Hold on Caex, don't destroy the place yet. ;)
[18:05]  Tenaar Feiri: Still an attractive subject.
[18:05]  Caex Silverfall: i asked if you wanted me to sift through files XP
[18:05]  Ani Aunerfal: That may be something we should collectively create an event for caex, not just something for one of us to work on
[18:05]  Caex Silverfall: i have seven documents per folder
[18:05]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I think he's just excited about the idea of destroying the place. ;)
[18:05]  Felix Stourmead: hehe Avatar is making ashtyn seize up
[18:06]  Tenaar Feiri: River was working on something called project 'Penance' as part of a storyline (intended as a failed project btw), which was a ley-line destabilizer. What if she were to complete it, but it got sabotaged & went off here?
[18:06]  Caex Silverfall: each document details the destruction of the sim's core areas forcing a rebuild. they're what i cal lD Day events
[18:06]  Tenaar Feiri: A ley-line destabilizer would likely tear a huge rift through the island
[18:06]  Tenaar Feiri is apocalyptic!
[18:06]  Ani Aunerfal: Too character centric. It needs to involve as many of our current plots as possible
[18:06]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Hold on, guys, we're not blowing everything up yet! Let's first agree on the idea! And there's something huge I said that, which I want to hear about: The city and the Zenko merge!
[18:06]  Ani Aunerfal: Because it's going to effect them all
[18:07]  Caex Silverfall: i've been stating that's a good idea for ages ash XP
[18:07]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok.
[18:07]  Caex Silverfall: but it needs to be done right, there needs to be motive
[18:07]  Tenaar Feiri: I'm just saying, there are a lot of ways to destroy stuff! && I've gone in depth about the city & zenko merge already
[18:07]  Caex Silverfall: also, it would have to arise through a new leader, lucian isn't likely to cause it to happen, no offence ani
[18:07]  Tenaar Feiri: So I just say yes to it :3
[18:07]  Felix Stourmead: well im not so sure about having a huge wall but im not opposed to the idea as long as the city doesnt try to take over the zenko *eyes a certain fen fen!*
[18:08]  Ashtyn Ninetails: And Ani is right, whatever we do shouldn't be the result of one character's actions starting it. It needs to be bigger.
[18:08]  Tenaar Feiri: METEOR STRIKE!
[18:08]  Tenaar Feiri: :D
[18:08]  Xela Soulstar: since we seem to have lost the order... I like the idea of having a wall around the city, seperating it from hostile lands. Its something I've always loved the concept of (and a large part of Xela's past, as it happens...). As long as Phoenix gets a wall, or maybe even giant gates (like dwarfen gates leading into the caves), then I'll be happy
[18:08]  Caex Silverfall: hence why at least 5 files in each folder are listed as "natural disaster" type events
[18:09]  Xela Soulstar: and gives ECs more opportunity for random monster attacks
[18:09]  Felix Stourmead: but wouldnt a wall restrict movement from the city to the temple?
[18:09]  Xela Soulstar: "Oh? you are outside the walls? RAWR!"
[18:09]  Caex Silverfall: not realy, more focuses you along patsh
[18:09]  Ani Aunerfal: Let's save planning the destruction for if we decide to do that, and involve everyone with it when it's time, for now let's talk about other stuff
[18:09]  Caex Silverfall: each wall needs a gatehouse
[18:10]  Caex Silverfall: it would be no diffrent than having people go to the stairs to get into the city as it currently stands.
[18:10]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Well, that's the catch: The Temple as it is has exhausted its essence. I know many of you here have Temple characters, but let's ask the one I consider the foremost character at the Temple, simply because of her relentless presence there: Bamika....
[18:10]  Felix Stourmead: i suppose but we would have to put a gate or open walled path
[18:10]  Xela Soulstar: Its holy, should be protected from monsters that way
[18:11]  Ashtyn Ninetails: The Temple needs a new renaissance. It's no longer sustainable the way it is/was without Glasere and Ursa.
[18:11]  Ani Aunerfal grunts..
[18:11]  Bamika Easterman: There's no roleplay there. I've been going up to the city
[18:12]  Caex Silverfall: either way we need more people. hopefully we can make changes for the better. look at it as a way to recruit people to the temple ani, not as us destroying your home
[18:12]  Maxwell Mohr is Offline
[18:12]  Bamika Easterman: Precious little even in the city :(
[18:13]  Caex Silverfall: we need a resurection, an influx
[18:13]  Felix Stourmead: I think we should at least consider new leadership of the temple maybes
[18:13]  Felix Stourmead: I wouldnt want to get rid of it :|
[18:13]  Caex Silverfall: why is ashes avitar having an epoleptic seasure?
[18:14]  Felix Stourmead: because of Avatar :P
[18:14]  Tenaar Feiri: I'm sitting on him.
[18:14]  Felix Stourmead: XD
[18:14]  Tenaar Feiri: My energy gives all the people epileptic seizures.
[18:14]  Ani Aunerfal: I /have/ been leading it and bringing new members in
[18:14]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ani, I love you, and I deeply respect your opinions and ideas. And you are an incredibly good RPer. But you stretch yourself too thin. You have characters in roles you love in pretty much every corner of the sim. That too isn't sustainable. It works for having someone in place for events, but long-term it isn't good for you, or for the sim. You alone can't populate Lismore. Out of respect for you and Bamika I have stayed completely out of Temple issues all this time but I think it no longer can work the way it is. We need to tear it down and re-build it in a more centralized area.
[18:14]  Caex Silverfall: if only sl allowed me to save video, this is halarous
[18:15]  Felix Stourmead: I dont think we need to tear down the temple o.o'
[18:15]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Everything in there was put in place by Glasere, who isn't around to maintain it. We can't have that.
[18:15]  Felix Stourmead: you mean rebuild the temple not removing it?
[18:15]  Xela Soulstar: I think we should rebuild it, but for the most part I think the temple is fine
[18:15]  Tenaar Feiri: As much as I enjoy Temple RP, I do agree with Ash' that it needs a complete redo.
[18:16]  Xela Soulstar: maybe it could be built -in- the tree of life?
[18:16]  Bamika Easterman: People are more important than things
[18:16]  Xela Soulstar: like, the biggest treehouse. ever.
[18:16]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I'm not saying get rid of the Temple. I'm saying it needs to be re-done.
[18:16]  Felix Stourmead: oks id be cool with it
[18:16]  Xela Soulstar: like ash's treehouse home
[18:16]  Ashtyn Ninetails: If not for the sake of RP, for technical reasons, it needs to be re-done, because I can't maintain the stuff Glasere or Ursa have put there.
[18:17]  Caex Silverfall: i think if the temple built it into the tree of life, that would be epic. ash can already build massive trees that look damn cool. and i'm sure the fox can think of some great ways to make a holy temple out of a tree
[18:17]  Bamika Easterman: The grandest temple in the world is no fun with no people in it
[18:17]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So since we are going to be digging at its foundations, I also think we can integrate it with the new centralized center for RP: The City-Zenko-Temple conglomerate.
[18:18]  Ani Aunerfal: I'm okay rebuilding the structure if it's neccesary, but the faction itself doesn't need to be messed with
[18:18]  Caex Silverfall: ani, i have a question. what would you define as the core concept of the temple
[18:18]  Ashtyn Ninetails: The faction can continue, by all means, yes!
[18:18]  Xela Soulstar: I agree with Ani there, keep the temple seprate from the city/zenko
[18:18]  Xela Soulstar: Zenko and the temple have never got along
[18:18]  Xela Soulstar: opposing ideals
[18:18]  Bamika Easterman: I say bring them all together
[18:19]  Caex Silverfall: one rule ! one purpose! PEACE THROUGH DEER!
[18:19]  Felix Stourmead: actually we get along better now
[18:19]  Tenaar Feiri: I would think that placing the Temple in a rebuilt fashion in the new city would provide a lot of new and interesting RP opportunities.
[18:19]  Ashtyn Ninetails: You need to see the bigger picture: Yes they don't get along. That's EXCELLENT! It creates IC drama which is what keeps the RP going.
[18:19]  Tenaar Feiri: Like, for instance, preaching opportunities.
[18:19]  Xela Soulstar: Rune already does that >.>
[18:19]  Tenaar Feiri: And conversion.
[18:19]  Tenaar Feiri: theological
[18:19]  Felix Stourmead: Theres a division in labor and specialization for a reason Bam X3
[18:20]  Ani Aunerfal: The temple is a neutral faction that pays it's homeage to what they consider the goddess of life and love. They're interest is in spreading that message to it's guests and generally staying out of the fighting and conflicts that involve the other factions, except for cases where it lines up with their beliefs. If you combine the temple with the city and zenko, you might as well just replace the faction, because it won't be the tirrenelda' tribe anymore
[18:20]  Caex Silverfall: anyone know how to record video in sl? i have to record ash XP it's just too much
[18:21]  Felix Stourmead: I agree with Ani on this one
[18:21]  Ani Aunerfal: The reason the zenko and city don't always get along with the temple is because there /are/ essential differences in their values
[18:21]  Ashtyn Ninetails: The Tirrenelda' Tribe can exist just as well behind city walls as it can inside an island or in the Wilds or anywhere you throw them into for their protection.
[18:21]  Xela Soulstar: I agree with Ani, too
[18:21]  Ani Aunerfal: I disagree.
[18:21]  Xela Soulstar: the whole style screams, "one with nature"
[18:21]  Wolf601 Resident: I don't think that cramming all the factions into one tight corner is going to be healthy for the RP. At all. They should be allowed to bloom into their own identity without being forced to mesh with other factions. You wouldn't see Romanians becoming a single country with Ukraine.
[18:21]  Xela Soulstar: being behind a wall near a city kinda breaks it
[18:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Understand, it gives the tribe something to strive for!
[18:22]  Felix Stourmead: yeah I cant see merging into a centralized structure as being a good thing :\
[18:22]  Xela Soulstar: Same reason I wish to keep Phoenix independent. Not so much for my ego, but also because it kinda goes against the nature of the faction and how Xela is trying to run it
[18:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Wolf, respectfully, that's what we've been doing all this time, and we wouldn't be here discussing changes if it were working.
[18:22]  Wolf601 Resident: What would they be striving to do? They are a tribe, in the face of a much larger force(the city and Zenko) they'd in time just be assimilated into the city and lost.
[18:23]  Bamika Easterman: I think we can have our own identity in any location, based on our faith and values. But as it stands we face non existance through no one to talk to. Silence.
[18:23]  Ani Aunerfal: .. And to that, like I said - i've been working on bringing more people in. That will take time, however, no matter where you put the temple
[18:23]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Do you see Catholics being assimilated by Wiccans?
[18:24]  Caex Silverfall: yes actualy
[18:24]  Xela Soulstar: the temple does seem to be picking up slightly lately
[18:24]  Caex Silverfall: but that's getting into history and assemalation over many many decades
[18:24]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok bad example. Make it the other way around: Wiccans assimilated by Catholics.
[18:24]  Wolf601 Resident: I see atheists being assimilated by catholics(children indoctrinated at birth)
[18:25]  Ani Aunerfal: This is the problem though
[18:26]  Tenaar Feiri: The Temple can create their own little sanctuary within the city as well, a neutral paradise. It works the same way as churches; inside them, you're untouchable. They'd still be able to retain their values and spread them more easily to people that need it, as opposed to people who want it. I understand not wanting to change it, but you need to look at it from a view of what RP it could create instead of predicting the doom of the faction. I mean, obviously we're not going to force anything or decide something just yet, but you need to consider what's healthy above what's favorable.
[18:26]  Tenaar Feiri: At least, that is my opinion.
[18:26]  Ani Aunerfal: If you bring the tirrenelda' tribe into the city and have them live there in the longterm - bare in mind, that the tribe IS the people who live in the temple - the point in the temple faction is lost. A tribe isn't much of a tribe if it's living in the city. They'd just be further citizens of it.
[18:27]  Ashtyn Ninetails: No more than they are already citizens of the same island where the city and the Zenko and all those others people are. Just the space will become smaller.
[18:27]  Tenaar Feiri: @Wolf: We've been trying to keep the different factions apart for a while now, like Ash' said, but it hasn't worked out as well as we hoped. We'd like to try something different, see if it helps.
[18:28]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Is it that much of a difference to have a pretty temple garden 200 meters from here than having it 50 meters from here?
[18:28]  Bamika Easterman: The tribe have migrated once before
[18:28]  Bamika Easterman: To escape
[18:28]  Caex Silverfall: can anyone else see ash's avitar wigging the fuck out? or is it just me?
[18:28]  Felix Stourmead: yeah kinda, as the temple tribe kinda likes living in their own neck of the island :P
[18:28]  Felix Stourmead: i can!
[18:28]  Tenaar Feiri: I'm enjoying watching it, Caex =P
[18:29]  Ani Aunerfal: Yes, because the temple is out in the forest that it was grown out of. It very much is a difference if it's moved into the city.
[18:29]  Caex Silverfall: transplanting trees?
[18:29]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I'm not saying put the Temple in a paved court in the middle of the city houses, no, it would have its own space, just like any distinct religious sect throughout history, it would segregate itself within the safety of the walls.
[18:29]  Caex Silverfall: safety from what though
[18:30]  Tenaar Feiri: Like a Cathedral, which was basically a small town within a city more often than not!
[18:30]  Caex Silverfall: that's a question we need to answer
[18:30]  Ani Aunerfal: That's the problem though, inside the walls
[18:30]  Wolf601 Resident: I don't know any better but I can see tribe members not liking that, that they'd feel disconnected from whatever their belief is.
[18:30]  Bamika Easterman: We will keep on speaking Her name: some things change some stay the same
[18:30]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Zenko, as military force, would have their barracks and fortifications that separate them from everyday life in the city...
[18:30]  Caex Silverfall: why would the change be important for the temple, what would drive it? what would cause it? what d anger would arive that is not there now
[18:31]  Bamika Easterman: The temple has no defenses left
[18:31]  Ani Aunerfal: .. Yes it does.
[18:31]  Wolf601 Resident: What would attack the temple in the first place.
[18:31]  Felix Stourmead: actually we have our scouts ^^
[18:31]  Caex Silverfall: *waves hand* oh hi
[18:31]  Wolf601 Resident: If not for a natural event and it being a sentient attacker, what would motivate something to attack a temple of pacifists.
[18:32]  Bamika Easterman: The face hates us
[18:32]  Tenaar Feiri: Aside from the strategical value of conquering a well-supplied temple full of healers?
[18:32]  Caex Silverfall: the face hates everyone XP
[18:32]  Tenaar Feiri: Some people just want to see the world burn!
[18:32]  Ani Aunerfal: The desert forces would attack the temple, their whole objective is to get at the tree of life in the center.. But the temple is protected by forces contrary to the ones that fuel the desert's forces, and in past events, and i'm sure in the future - if the temple were attacked, would the zenko and city not come to help as they've done in the past?
[18:33]  Xela Soulstar: Phoenix would lend its aid, if it can muster the forces
[18:33]  Felix Stourmead: we would help no doubt
[18:33]  Caex Silverfall: the current zenko's main objective is to prevent the face from obtaining the tree, because if that happens, it turns into a tree of death, and bad shit happens arund trees of death
[18:33]  Felix Stourmead: yeah Relina is not about to let anything happen like what happened to her home
[18:35]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok. We're just going to argue this from the heart until we all turn green, so, let's stop here for a moment.
[18:35]  Felix Stourmead: oks
[18:35]  Wolf601 Resident: I'm already green.
[18:35]  Caex Silverfall: im not trying to argue
[18:35]  Caex Silverfall: i'm asking a question, one i actualy want answers so we can move forwards, what would the change be that prompts all of this
[18:36]  Caex Silverfall: saying it happens is pointless without understanding the actual cause
[18:36]  Xela Soulstar: I dont think the How is important right now.. are we not working out what needs changing?
[18:37]  Caex Silverfall: things change for a reason, things adapt because of the changes in an enviorment. if the temple were to move, and this is possibly ani's best defence at this point, why would it move? what would be the point? what would be so dangerous that their standard defence is no longer a valid one?
[18:38]  Bamika Easterman: Giant bugs
[18:38]  Bamika Easterman: Giant acid bugs
[18:38]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ani, Felix, I value your opinions, but I'm gonna side with Bamika on this. The Temple is dead as it is, it NEEDS to be resurrected and that won't happen with the current setup we have. We are flatlined and stagnant and need to improve, and I believe that for us to improve, we must bring players closer together, we must cut down on the number of factions spread across the sim and put them together under one nation.
[18:38]  Caex Silverfall: yes it needs a paint job, but i doubt termi... well no termites may cause a move
[18:38]  Ani Aunerfal: The temple's scouts and characters can fight desert forces. They're far from defenseless
[18:38]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Objectively there's no good reason the temple would not move behind the city walls. It's strategically smart, and they can still maintain their neutrality by trading their professional services for it to the city.
[18:38]  Ani Aunerfal: Except for all the stuff i was talking about up there..
[18:39]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I acknowledge the stuff you said, but I respectfully disagree, Ani.
[18:39]  Ani Aunerfal: Because if they do that, what they're basically going to be saying is "Well, forget about all of our religious values, let's just move into the city because it's safer."
[18:40]  Felix Stourmead: well also if you move the temple, your going to have to move the tree
[18:40]  Caex Silverfall: we can tell ash, youre shaking your head going nononononono nope, nope, nope, not gonna happen, nope. nuhuhh... nope, nada, ziltch, NOOOOOO
[18:40]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ani the Temple can build their garden paradise in there!


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2012, 07:41:36 pm »
[18:40]  Caex Silverfall: well at least your avi is
[18:40]  Felix Stourmead: thats going to be well really hard
[18:41]  Xela Soulstar: Well, are there not any other options for what the temple could do, or go? And, I dont see anything wrong with the temple rebuilding around thre tree, in the tree. IT would take up less space, to focus its rp (possibly using less prims)
[18:41]  Caex Silverfall: actualy moving the tree is only as hard as we make it
[18:41]  Xela Soulstar: while still sticking to its ideals and being seperate
[18:41]  Wolf601 Resident: If the temple is in fact protecting the whole "real fucking importing magicomajig" of the island, then it's a solid reason for it to not be moved. For it to be moved, the magicomajig needs to be moved with it.
[18:42]  Felix Stourmead: errr but it has to make sense
[18:42]  Wolf601 Resident: Important,not importing. Damn I'm tired.
[18:42]  Felix Stourmead: so besides the issue of religious beliefs, it just doesnt seem practical as you would also have to ICly move the tree
[18:43]  Ani Aunerfal: But it WON'T be in the forest and amongst nature in the city, that's what i'm trying to say

[18:43]  Ani Aunerfal: Are we going to move the entire forest into the city?
[18:43]  Caex Silverfall: i'm sure the more inventive factions could rig up some kinda magical device to levitate the tree into the city. hell it would be intresting to see it placed right here actualy in hte theiter
[18:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So I foresee we will have a faction break-up: Some will embrace moving behind the walls, and others will hold on to their sacred grounds.
[18:43]  Xela Soulstar: May I make a suggestion? Lets move on to the next topic, or sub topic.
[18:44]  Xela Soulstar: I think most people involved are getting worked up
[18:44]  Felix Stourmead: yeah i think were beating this tree a bit too much
[18:44]  Xela Soulstar: can see rage building in ash's flails
[18:44]  Ashtyn Ninetails: One will live, one will die. I will no longer put dying factions on life support.
[18:44]  Caex Silverfall: i think all people involved are a little worked up. for instance, ashs' avi is't bugging out anymore... and that has me nervous oddly enough.
[18:44]  Ashtyn Ninetails chuckles, "I didn't know I was spasming like that."
[18:45]  Caex Silverfall: you couldnt tell by me wanting ot make a video recording?
[18:48]  Caex Silverfall: youre welcome to interject yas
[18:49]  Yas Moonwall: I was informed, but I am trying not to comment on things I do not know. I did just apply today, afterall.
[18:49]  Ani Aunerfal: I think i'm going to go ahead and hop up to my house.
[18:49]  Xela Soulstar: :) Feedback is always good, we want you to have fun, after all! What would you like to see here?
[18:49]  Bandaid Flux will follow
[18:50]  Yas Moonwall: Well, given I just got here, I am not really sure. I know of the factions, but I am not prepared to say what is needed when Ihave not experienced what is here... I do have opinions, I promise, but I am new blood here.
[18:50]  Yas Moonwall: when I have*
[18:51]  Caex Silverfall: a new voice, is often said to be the loudest one
[18:51]  Wolf601 Resident: Don't feel bad, so am I.
[18:51]  Bandaid Flux: fresh blood <3

[18:51]  Tenaar Feiri: It's not 4 hours ago that I said that new eyes often see with more clarity than old eyes.
[18:51]  Tenaar Feiri: Come, sit down, share your views and impressions =3
[18:51]  Felix Stourmead: its getting a bit late for me so I might go sim hop
[18:51]  Yas Moonwall: Well, if something arises that I feel I can comment on, I shall.
[18:52]  Felix Stourmead: see yous all later :3
[18:52]  Xela Soulstar: ((Ok! see ya))
[18:52]  Tenaar Feiri: See you later Felix!
[18:53]  Xela Soulstar: and welcome to the sim Yas. Looking forward to rping with you :)
[18:55]  Yas Moonwall: And I'm looking forward to finding some RP to enjoy. I've been looking for sims and this one reminded me of a sim I used to visit, but it seems to have died down.
[18:56]  Caex Silverfall: we're trying to make changes for the better, to attract more people like you who are looking for a home so to speak
[18:56]  Caex Silverfall: also, if you have character card needs, please let one of the staff know, we'll help get you sorted out with an approved card
[18:56]  Ashtyn Ninetails: You guys put me in a really difficult position, but I'm afraid it comes down to this: It's my responsibility to efficiently manage the sim's resources, and the Temple /NEEDS/ to be re-done because of all the technical reasons we already went into. Then, we're trying to keep the sim relevant. As a matter of allocating the resources of the place, I can't let Ani have as many "pet projects" as he has. The Temple MUST adapt, or it will be history. I'm sorry if this is harsh, but it's the truth, I've been seeing it for many months and Bamika will confirm it.
[18:57]  Xela Soulstar worries for phoenix
[18:57]  Tenaar Feiri: Ani disappeared before you could finish :<
[18:57]  Xela Soulstar: :) hope you like it here, Yas!
[18:57]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I suspect he will read this in the Forums.
[18:57]  Caex Silverfall: please join pheonix yas, xela could use the company ^^
[18:58]  Yas Moonwall: Me too. I am worried because I came in to what appears to be a large argument though... Debate, I suppose, is a nicer way to put it... And Phoenix was the chaotic organization, wasn't it? I remember the thieves guild operates in or around it.
[18:58]  Wolf601 Resident: Oh Xela's going to have a bit of a handful with me once we actually get to sharpening out some RP to do.
[18:59]  Xela Soulstar: Mmhm, that's right <3 Chaotic Good, I'd say
[18:59]  Tenaar Feiri: Yes, well... Let the record show that I completely support your course of action, Ashtyn, and that I too have seen what you have seen.
[18:59]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Yeah, Yas, that's not NORMALLY how it is around here. ;)
[18:59]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Today is a very unusual event. ...the second in our 3+ years online. ;)
[18:59]  Caex Silverfall: this is merely a public meeting we aranged so we could come to a concincis of how to improve the sim
[18:59]  Yas Moonwall: Oh I'm sure. Most places aren't always in a state of chaos!
[19:00]  Wolf601 Resident: Well. It's running on three in the morning, I'm no-one important and am getting very tired, so I'll be bouncing. G'night y'all.
[19:00]  Xela Soulstar: Ok, rest well!
[19:00]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Every now and then we need to get together to dust off the dusty corners, cut off the dead branches, and rattle things a bit, to keep the sim relevant and current.
[19:00]  Yas Moonwall: I did give my opinion on the Temple in private though, before I was invited to talk openly.
[19:00]  Tenaar Feiri: What the others said. It gets a little heated because the Temple is a very personal, very precious faction to some of us, but we're only having these discussions to improve the sim overall. At the end of the day, we're all still cool!
[19:03]  Yas Moonwall: Random question; I just noticed I can fly. Is that normal? I could've sworn this was a no fly zone.
[19:03]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So, do we still have energy to keep going and decide what happens to Lismore to cause the radical changes, or are we done for today?
[19:03]  Xela Soulstar: I am a zombie, but can try and go on
[19:03]  Ashtyn Ninetails: The flight is on and off sometimes throughout the region. The fact that you /can/ fly doesn't mean you /should/ fly. ;)
[19:03]  Xela Soulstar: when it comes to Lismore, sleep is 2ndry
[19:04]  Tenaar Feiri: It's 4 AM for me, but I've still got steam left. I think at this point, though, we have enough to debate this up at staff level and decide on a course of action there later.
[19:04]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Specifically, if you are IC and your character can't fly, don't fly. Also avoid using flight to move around.
[19:04]  Xela Soulstar: ...oops
[19:04]  Xela Soulstar: I tend to fly about to get to rps faster
[19:04]  Xela Soulstar: or if I'm bored
[19:04]  Tenaar Feiri: Guilty
[19:05]  Yas Moonwall: Noted. Also, if you want a noobs opinion, I can give that for your island, but again; no expert... And thankfully, I did apply as a flyer... Not that I'd abuse it, but I do have wings, mind you.
[19:05]  Ashtyn Ninetails: There's one major issue that I have decided upon (yes, I DECIDED! on it, we're not debating it) with the advise of some other staff members, and that is about inactive staff members.
[19:05]  Yas Moonwall: I can never get used to the idea of a flightless dragon... It's just strange to me.
[19:05]  Xela Soulstar: yeah, dont see how a dragon would not be able to fly
[19:05]  Xela Soulstar: :3 can I be staff, now~?

[19:06]  Caex Silverfall: the term noob implies that you're not usefull, you are far from that. it is the oponions of you and your kind that we seek, not to throw them away, but to take them into concideration and evolve as a sim
[19:06]  Ashtyn Ninetails: It's been decided that if you become inactive in Lismore for a long period of time (no specific amount determined, it's up to my discretion), you lose your staff rank.
[19:06]  Tenaar Feiri: \o/
[19:06]  Xela Soulstar: I think that is reasonable
[19:07]  Xela Soulstar: Nova has been offline for like.. 3 hours now. I think you should banhammer him :3
[19:07]  Tenaar Feiri: 'Tis standard!
[19:08]  Xela Soulstar: ((I bet Nova's going to call me a brat for that comment!))
[19:08]  Ashtyn Ninetails: For that effect, unless someone says Asha has been around and active, she's getting demoted. So is Brisbane, and while Kenneth always kept his "founding member honorary rank", I'm de-staffing him as well.
[19:08]  Xela Soulstar: who is Brisbane?
[19:09]  Tenaar Feiri: With 16 hours a day of Lismore time under my belt, I can with confidence say that Asha has indeed not been around.
[19:09]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Lillith at the Temple.
[19:09]  Tenaar Feiri: And I never heard of Brisbane until I saw him on the staff boards x3
[19:09]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ursa's RL mate.
[19:09]  Xela Soulstar: oooh.... still dont know her
[19:10]  Xela Soulstar: Maybe they should be given a warning to up their online time
[19:10]  Xela Soulstar: give them a week or two to put in some hours
[19:10]  Tenaar Feiri: No.
[19:10]  Tenaar Feiri: If I go inactive for a long time, de-staff me.
[19:10]  Tenaar Feiri: No questions.
[19:10]  Xela Soulstar: There may be rl reasons, never know
[19:10]  Tenaar Feiri: If we start being lenient, people can take advantage.
[19:10]  Tenaar Feiri: If there are RL reasons, they'll inform us somehow
[19:10]  Tenaar Feiri: If they don't, then that's their problem.
[19:11]  Tenaar Feiri: Staff matters like this must be draconian.
[19:11]  Tenaar Feiri: Makes sure people are dedicated.
[19:12]  Ashtyn Ninetails: I'm also compiling a "staff constitution" I'll be posting for the staff, so they know what rules they must follow. We haven't had any incident, but I think we should have some personal guidelines staff must adhere to.
[19:12]  Xela Soulstar nods
[19:12]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We didn't do it in the past because Glasere was afraid rule-lawyers would pester us about it, but I think I can make it so they can't.
[19:12]  Xela Soulstar: whats the bets I'm going to break some? :3
[19:12]  Tenaar Feiri: "Rule-lawyers"?
[19:13]  Tenaar Feiri: Why would anyone be OPPOSED to a uniform guideline structure?!
[19:13]  Ashtyn Ninetails: People who come pointing out the rules and expecting you to act on them by the letter.
[19:13]  Xela Soulstar: I think we should have admin rules, only viewable by admins
[19:13]  Xela Soulstar: internal guidelines
[19:13]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Yes.
[19:13]  Xela Soulstar: stops players trying to exploit
[19:13]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We are a very well knitted together group, but it doesn't hurt to have some "do's and don't's".
[19:14]  Xela Soulstar nods
[19:14]  Tenaar Feiri: And people intentionally deconstructing rules to make them work in their favour are annoying. We'd definitely benefit from a uniform set of guidelines so we don't all mod differently.
[19:14]  Xela Soulstar: Do: Give all IC wordly posessiont o Xela
[19:14]  Tenaar Feiri: Disputes will naturally be handled via group decision.
[19:14]  Tenaar Feiri: Everyone gets a say. Right?
[19:15]  Tenaar Feiri: At least that's how I'm used to it working
[19:15]  Xela Soulstar nod nods
[19:15]  Xela Soulstar: a wild ani appears
[19:16]  Avatar Nootan: And Ani is back.
[19:16]  Tenaar Feiri: wb
[19:17]  Avatar Nootan: Ok. So, from here then we need to concentrate on coming up with the major change triggers. Myself or Nova or Caex or Ani or Tenaar or someone will start it in the Admis board and we'll discuss it a little further before implementing anything.
[19:17]  Xela Soulstar: That reminds me... can I please have access to the admin board?
[19:18]  Caex Silverfall: it still isnt working for you xela
[19:18]  Caex Silverfall: i thaught we fixed that
[19:18]  Tenaar Feiri: Caex, you and I could cook up something suitably apocalyptic, don't you think? =3
[19:18]  Avatar Nootan: How many staff do we have here... Tenaar, Caex, Ani, me... Do we give Xela access? (she doesn't have full access)
[19:18]  Caex Silverfall: ... ten, i have three folders with 7 apocoliptic level events each.
[19:18]  Xela Soulstar: I was deemed too unstable :p
[19:19]  Caex Silverfall: you were too unstable
[19:19]  Xela Soulstar: ...and I have t say that, when I'm wearing Rune
[19:19]  Xela Soulstar: X3
[19:19]  Caex Silverfall: you've tampered yourself
[19:19]  Ani Aunerfal: Can we please have all the ECs get involved if we're going to do that? not just one or two
[19:19]  Xela Soulstar: agreed
[19:19]  Caex Silverfall: hey ani's back
[19:19]  Tenaar Feiri: Post them on the forums for us Caex? =3
[19:19]  Tenaar Feiri: I'd like to read!
[19:19]  Caex Silverfall: sheesh you think i can handle an apocoliptic event myself XP sheesh you give me too much credit
[19:19]  Avatar Nootan: You have improved noticeably, Xela.
[19:19]  Xela Soulstar: I've been coming up with plots for years, should be able to help
[19:20]  Xela Soulstar: Just ask ani, popped out with some fun plot twists before <3
[19:20]  Ashtyn Ninetails: So are we done here for tonight?
[19:21]  Xela Soulstar: Like, what if Xela tries to steal the whole of the Phoenix mines using a massive teleport spell, but fails and ends up dropping phoenix in the sea off the shore of Lismore? And sends a tsunami that decimates the istle
[19:21]  Caex Silverfall: the destruction planning will be easy. if anything we need to discuss what is to be destroyed, to what level, what will cause it, and what will be the solution. this hsould be the only event where after the destructions all factions involved should be reduced to a stability standing of about 10... then again i'm the only one who seems to calculate the points values so... that bit is just for me
[19:21]  Ashtyn Ninetails: It will not be caused by any one single player!
[19:21]  Caex Silverfall: duh XP
[19:21]  Xela Soulstar: :P it was a joke idea
[19:22]  Xela Soulstar: pulled it out my ass~
[19:22]  Xela Soulstar: And thank you, Ash.. been trying. I know I've not been perfect, however
[19:22]  Caex Silverfall: to say anyone is perfect is a lie, we all have flaws. its understanding those flaws and utalizing them in themselves that you can get marvalous things done
[19:23]  Caex Silverfall: for instance, ash is too nice, that's his largest flaw if anything
[19:24]  Xela Soulstar did not hear anyone vote no~ :3
[19:24]  Ashtyn Ninetails: We'll decide it officially in the Forums, sweety.
[19:25]  Xela Soulstar: Aww, allright. Will that take long? I'm keen to input
[19:25]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Are we done? I have to read character cards! ;)
[19:25]  Xela Soulstar: Just approve my ones~ :3 no need to read them
[19:25]  Caex Silverfall: ....
[19:25]  Caex Silverfall: ash, give hers to me
[19:25]  Caex Silverfall: i'll handle those
[19:25]  Tenaar Feiri: We're done for now, I suppose!
[19:25]  Xela Soulstar: I sent a copy to Ani, too. think he is looking them over
[19:26]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Don't send multiple copies out, Xela!
[19:26]  Xela Soulstar: I sent copies to you, then ani told me to send to him, to reduce your workload D:
[19:26]  Xela Soulstar flails arms
[19:26]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Ok. So, we conclude this OOC meeting. Thanks all who came, and those who didn't, you can read it in the Forums.


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2012, 08:22:15 pm »

  • The "there's nothing to do" complaint was addressed, and we concluded it to be bologna!  ;)
    Seriously though, we encourage players to participate in creating situations so there's stuff to do, the responsibility for that shouldn't rest solely on the staff's shoulders, this isn't WoW, nobody is getting paid to entertain you. So help us help you find something to do! Contact staff, contact other players, make stuff happen!

  • Major facelifts across the sim are to be implemented in the near future, to promote more centralized RP.

  • From now on, long-term inactive staff members will from lose their staff rank.

  • Major cataclysmic events to come! Zombie invasion? Plague? Tsunami? Caex? Volcano? Stay tunned!

Some subjects addressed in the meeting can be a bit touchy for people who are attached to specific features of the sim. If you read there something that upsets you, don't freak out. Instead, address someone in the staff for detailed elaboration on the matter. We are planning some changes for the good of Lismore, hopefully people will have fun!  :)


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2012, 09:52:13 am »
Oooh the things I miss due to not being online >.> Sounds like this meeting was a bit tense. And by a bit, I mean very.
Xema Guardian, Jannisia Ocelot, and Shaden Opaline.


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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2012, 10:18:51 am »
Things tend to get tense when you poke at the estabilished order, but it will all work out for the best, trust us!    :)

Raider Greymoon

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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2012, 12:30:33 am »
This first part is just me giving a quick introduction and my experience with Lismore, you might just be able to skip over it.

Okay so just to get a few things out of the way. First have not spent any time RPing in Lismore. I hung out for like 2 weeks didn't find any RP, and havn't tried again since. I say that so that you know I don't hold much knowledge of Lismore, I don't hold any strong bonds with it (basically meaning if all of lismore with replaced it wouldn't bother me as much as it would bother a person that's been their a long time). Second, from what I've seen of Lismore and the little I know about, I still would love to see it become something even greater. Third I'm going to speak my mind about what I see from the other side of the wall, I may be wrong about things, and assume things that may not be true, I apologize in advance if this happens, but I feel it's important that that staff see a different view point. Fourth I'm gona be saying a lot, I don't believe I have the best sentence/paragraph structer, or punctuation. So ya sorry about that and I hope don't make you eyes bleed. Fifth... I'm kinda coming up with this as I go.

So before I get into stuff from the townhall meeting let me speak of my experience with RPing in Lismore and how I felt. Be aware this is my experience and not everybody will probably have this kind of experience.

So I had RPed in  couple other sims, these were combat/RP sims, basically they hud had combat meter with pre determined classes, skill, ect.. what have you. Obviously these are nothing like Lismore, but you should keep in mind many people from these area may attempt to migrate from them to your sim. Anyways my best friend bugged me for must have been a very long time to go play in Lismore with him, he would be just as new as was, first experience and all that same as me. Eventually I agreed to go but the next day, well he went the same day and then afterword didn't go back, so I ended up going in alone and figure out most of the stuff by myself.

The first time I popped into the sim I got spooked cause you show up right next to the RP area and I thought I wasn't supposed to be their and quickly left, you see in other SIMs you arn't allowed to be in the RP areas without something saying you're a guest at least. Anyways long story short I figure it out and start trying to join Lismore. I had no Idea where to start, it was kinda like everything was shotgunned at once. I'm typically a careful person I like to make sure I'm doing everything right, and when I don't know here to start... well you get the idea. I liked the the whole notecard aspect, very good way to weed out the bad players, and from what I've seen you guys seem to do an alright job with them. basically meaning if you find a bad card you don't just throw it out, you actually go and talk to the person and work things out. At least that's what it seems like. I liked the HUD nice way to show off some basic stuff, although a bit hard to get the hang of. this all in all took me a few hours to get done and make sure I was ready to go not missing anything. but it was getting late so I decided to venture in another day.

Now I'm very shy person so well joining into and RP is a very hard thing for me to do, I could join in if I was invited, but just jumping right in isn't something I can easily do. This combined with my carefulness is a very bad combination. But still in my entire time I spent in Lismore not one person even tried to talk to me. In fact my only interaction was somebody not even around IMing me to ask me if I was stealing from their farm, but that was when I guest not a player so I guess it doesn't really count. Anyways the point is I never had any interaction with anyone. Now this is partly on me cause of shyness. But I also felt their was a serious lack of people actually willing to let other join in, everybody kinda felt off in their own little RP group with their 2 to 4 people. and when an event did happen and their was a large group, I just felt like I didn't belong cause I didn't know enough about anything. Like feeling when you gota present something you don't know nothing about an their is no one their to help you along.

Another big issue I bumped into was just a lack of knowing where to go. yes the city is the obvious first choice, but I prefer the forests. This put me in a tight situation, on one hand I don't wanna spend time in the city, on the other the forest is so dead I'd  never meet anyone.

Something else that bugs me, at least on personnel level was how the Lore was handled. I had a choice between a scrunched up overview (which actually wasn't bad) or going to forums or something like that (my memory is failing me XD) ether way I think it would nice if along with the overview, if their were bit of lore scattered about. scraps of paper with history on them, a library with tons of reading for Lore fanatics. a statue commemorated to something that tells a story with it's depiction. Basic immersion. I played a character that lived in the woods on mountain for a long time and knew little of the history of Lismore, and yet at the same time I wasn't someone to go pick up a book and read all about. however if their was a something their that told a story without words... well that would nice. like just outside the city appeared to be a place that was destroyed and their were crystals everywhere. I hung around for awhile cause it had neat place to hide, and kept wondering what happened here, a battle, explosion? what was it!? I believe their was a temple place near town as well, where evil being weren't allowed. and it had a little plaque that gave a short little explanation on things. or something like that. *shrugs*

I hope I've covered my experience enough, question are welcome, tearing me down is welcome as well (just don't be to mean :P )

Currently as I type this, on the Lismore lands chat their are people at the in and people asking anyone to come in join in. Oh man how I would have loved to have that interaction when I was trying to join. Even with all my shyness I could still force myself to go to the Inn and observe how the RP in Lismore works get a feel for things. Ya know what I mean? maybe gather up confidence to jump into another groups RP if the opportunity presented itself.

working on part 2 covering my thoughts on the town hall OOC meeting.

Raider Greymoon

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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2012, 01:58:20 am »
So part 2 Town Hall meeting stuff.

I don't agree with the "Basically, put everyone in one place and tell them RP or DIE!, like Bam put it." I believe have big reason for people to RP is great idea, but if choice is like that well then you're it seems to me you'd be rail roading people into situations which I don't feel Lismore is all about. I think having something, or a reason for people to band together is great idea however. But choice needs to be a huge factor, I should be able to choose whether I band together with those people, or band together with another group against them, or stay out of it. But there should defiantly be come conflict going on in Lismore, I think it would cool has hell to be in town and see propaganda trying to get me to join one side or the other.

Onto the nothing to do complaint.

I believe Ani said that runs a lot of events waits 10 - 20 minutes and then no one shows up. This is true from what I've seen. However I can make many arguments and feel free comment back. For one these events, at least for me, seem to just pop up out of the blue. Maybe I'd like to join in this event, but RP can last quite awhile and I'm sure their are a number of people that would like to join but just weren't ready. another issue I bump into is me just not being online at that time and never seeing any event message. consistency is also an issue, sometimes there are a few events in a short time then none for a long time. One group I used to be a part of used to have a school for new people and like at least once a week they would hold a school session. I thought that was cool as hell. All the new people get to meet up,  they to get to spend time with veterans of the sim and see how they operate. they get to RP with people and learn new things. it's like whole little RP area all on its own. Now maybe that exact idea wont work for you guys, maybe you could turn it into something cool to get new people to join up and still have RP fun with the people that have been around. you also connect with newer people on a deeper level and get a better understanding of what the people coming in want, and what they are like. ummm I kinda went off there on something didn't I? XD moving along

[13:31]  Ashtyn Ninetails: People don't take the initiative. ...why? Are they too shy? Don't know who to contact? Don't care?

All of the the above and more. I think this is a great thing to think about when something goes wrong. Lets say I tried to hold an event and no one showed, or everything went wrong or just you know it just didn't feel right. Well instead of just throwing my arms up and moving on and blaming things. what I would try to do instead is figure out what went wrong and why. Ask myself the same things Ashtyn brought up. Figure out a possible solution, didn't work? try again tell you get it right.

[13:32]  Ashtyn Ninetails: Right again, Wolf! People are too used to things like WoW, where they go in to be entertained, without having to do anything but buttonmash for a while.

this is also true. Reeducation is what is required. But I don't think Lismore actually deals with this type of person much, I would think your notecards would weed out most of the people. I don't know just tossin out thought.

[13:36]  Xela Soulstar: what about 'Plot Items' we could skatter about the sim when an plot is 'in progress'
[13:36]  Zerahcero Resident: Reward items rather then gold would make events more favorable as well.

I think these are great Ideas. I'll give it my own spin though and completely change the game. Everybody starts out weak, no more notecards where people start out powerful. Yes they can have all the powers they would ever want eventually. but don't just let them have it. what reason do I have to do something if I have everything I want day 1? my god think about how many more people would participate in events if they could acquire and item to just make them a bit stronger? Basic MMORPG feed them a little bit and give them a reason to come back for me. You see when thing are handled in this way people will build greater bonds, "I put in a lot of work going to to events building myself up" Or in other words my RP character has a lot of effort put into him I care about him more, I care more about the bounds I mad with people well making him strong ect... and when that character dies... Oh man all the people raised up along side him his friends. Even if it's not RL their is real emotion their, who know what his friends may do. makes a guild to take down the fiends that killed their friend? Course none of that's set in stone, hell if somebody want to start out tough they still can, I mean it's your guys SIM if someone has great idea let them run with it. starting out weak isn't for everyone after all. I love it though if that isn't obvious.

[13:36]  Xela Soulstar: For example, say there is a beast out in the forest somewhere. There could be little signs of such placed around, and if clicked, could give the clicker a notecard giving more info. So they can start talking about it ICly

love it. town bounty board? yes please!

[13:41]  Zerahcero Resident: Could give some of the people actual rewards other then gold which everyone seems to have an infinite amount of already. Like maybe a special item to be added to their card for future use?

if this is true it sounds like you guys need to fix this gold issue badly. gold value crash? yes please, gold is now worth next to nothing recession in effect. :P

[13:54]  Novaku Sirnah: I do agree with Tenaar on her comment, another thing that is a main flaw in these complaints is lack of interest, which is well obviously shown right now. About 40+ people in the Lismore group are online right now, only 10 are here at the meeting and of that 10 the majority is staff.

This seems like a pretty important meeting... I only found out it was going on half way through it. seems to be and issue with your events as well. I strongly urge you guys to figure out the issues with why people arn't showing up. from personnel experience, well I just never hear about it. They are like flash floods, they appear and then they are gone. I'm sure if you knock heads enough you can figure out a better way. perhaps train people to check in regularly on some kind of town board. *shrugs*

[13:59]  Ani Aunerfal: Nothing that hasn't really been said already, but as a bottom line - we're always ready and willing to help. But understand that from our end, all we see is people not doing things we set up. There's no way for us to know what it is we're doing that you don't like or would like to see differently, if you don't tell us. That's why we try hard to encourage people to approach us if there's something they would like done - there's no better way for us to make an event you guys will like, than for you to come forward and tell us exactly what it is that you need. That's not a presumptious or rude thing to do, that's a wonderful idea. People just need to start doing it now if we're going to get any further with that point.

from my end I never see anything being set up, and don't see much advertisement. I use firestorm, and thanks to LL shitty design when I get a group message I don't notice. but hey even if that was better, I may still miss it. I mean group notice is great, but I don't see any Group chat going on inviting people to join the event, As far as in know there seems to be a great lack of advertisement. and maybe I'm wrong. and there is ton... but I'm not seeing it, and judging by the lack of people showing up they may not be seeing it ether. I don't know any of this for sure. I suppose the best example I can make is the whole town hall meeting. I mean even if I did happen see Ashtyn's message I don't think I would have shown up. There was no drive or passion there. it felt like it was just, "hey guys were having a meeting  please come." Something important like this you gota knock it into numbskull heads like mine. "Hey guys big big meeting going, major sim changes, staff is expected to be here. we urge all our lismore players to come as well and voice their opinions cause they mater." bring it up in land chat every day send out a group notice the first send out two notices on the day of the even, one early warning and 1 right before it starts. wait another 10 - 15 mins urge people in group chat the whole time. really sink home this is important.

[14:10]  Xela Soulstar: Ok, I'm half expecting to by lynched for this... but I disagree with the view 'Its not the staff's fault, its the players'. I do agree, players should put in more efforts.. I mean, I used to keep recruiting people into Phoenix and the thieves guild, only to never see them on sim again after that day.. But at the same time, I think its part of the job to waft plots under the noses of the players to get them to bite. I get mixed views from people, some who view that there is nothing to do at Lismore due to the main visible plots being 'high powered' and kinda off limits to the casual player. And others who seem to view the sim as only having idle conversation or sex to rp."

this right here.

[14:13]  Darius Naglo: I'lll admit i'm guilty to of the "Nothing to do act" but since coming back recently i've been looking more; not at the dots but at those actually on sim and who i haven't interacted with. Though i will agree it's the players fault it is also partially the staffs, Xela has another point to emphasize and that's the "Casual players are too weak" I feel this way when an event comes up and I can't even scratch my opponent, for example my catboy soldier vs the firey demon. Played by nova awhile ago. I managed to actually enrage him worse though all it really succeeded in doing was ruining a katana. I admit yes a cuntboi cat isn't going to be strong to start off, but shouldn't the beast of been dripping magma from said impalement spot? Just a note of "High power vs low power"

interesting view point.... I think a certain level of RP needs to be enforced. there should be low tier event that tougher character can't do. I mean why would they? it's below them in the first place. instead invite the powerful character to the event as an overseer of sorts. or have him inject a minor side plot in the event. higher level guys still get to enjoy and be part of the low tier event and the low level guys still get to have have their fun and grow as well. again just tossin out ideas.

I'm gona stop this here and start up on a part 3. and as always feel to comment, argue, add, ect.... 

Raider Greymoon

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Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2012, 02:07:43 am »
The more I read of this the more feel that some kinda school event held weekly in Lismore would be a great Idea. I mean new people get to learn how things are. you staff members get to connect with people of Lismore more. You understand each other better, you work better together, your players are happy cause they get to feel like they matter and are part of something great. I'd really like hear opinions on this myself. I mean I can throw out speculation and theory all day.

part 3 is on the next page
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 02:54:11 am by Raider Greymoon »