Alright, this is what has been ICly planned so far between Relina, Valencia and Cala (ani's character within Val's Faction)
Zenko has Mirage, Cruentus has Fabarus (Shadow Humper). The two factions agreed upon to share their hostages and have Cala lead the negotiations with the desert, accompanied with a bunch of sturdy men as her bodyguards (whom would be NPC pirates taken from Collie's armada)
The plan was that Cala, accompanied with the sturdy men who guide Mirage and Fabarus to the desert, Relina, Val and co would remain right outside the portal watching from a distance while Cala makes the negotiations to at least get Xela and Munak back.
Plans for rescuing Vil'yer have been shot down by Val as she is undoubtedly part of the Desert just like Jae has become. The only information given about both Tribal's characters was by Fabarus and disregarded by Val, since her main concern went out to Xela and Munak.
@Firefox: Communication between the factions have been fine so far and I have poked Relina several times OOCly to make IC meetings and discuss about things. Communication on that part have been fine.
@Jannisia: It is fine to disagree with a plan is fine, but you seem to be mostly disagreeing cause you seem to believe you are forced to play your other character and not getting to RP your other, on that note I'll call it selfish and wrong. The tunneling idea has been shot down ICly already and is purely kept as a last resort, so it wont most likely even happen.