While Zeela and Vheljen were working on their portal magic, an unknown force caused the portal experiment to go wrong. When activated, rather than taking Zeela to the target portal, it instead took her to a huge room dominated by a central table surrounded by chairs. Filling the chairs was a large number of foes of Lismore. After a few moments shock, and a couple traded words, they attacked, summoning a monster and letting loose attacks. Zeela managed to flee through another portal destabilisation and closed it behind her with antimagic, but not before the monster followed. A brief fight later, the monster was returned and she was able to return to Lismore.
For now she remains at home recovering but has written a list of those she saw around the main table.
Char - Female, Demon/Ifrit, Orange.
Collie - Male, Fox, Black and white. Leader of Madfang pirates
Bomber - Male, Bugkitty, Black and red.
Julian - Male, Batcat, Orange - In charge of interrogation.
Misery - Female, Cheetah. works for Collie.
Unknown - Male, Otter, Black/Gray. Smoked a pipe. Possible slave trader.
Unknown - Male, Wolf, White/Gray. Possible roman general from the time of Lucian's rule.
Unknown - Male, Orkish, Green.
Unknown - Female, Sergal, Blue. Glowing blue markings, looks strong.
Unknown - Male, Tiger, Black and white. Looks strong.
Unknown - Female, Ringtail, Cream and white.
Unknown - Female, Fox, Red and white. Covered in blood.