Author Topic: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)  (Read 10285 times)


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Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« on: June 18, 2012, 05:45:40 am »
Hey folks! As usual, we like to hear people's opinions/comments/feedback on our events.
This past weekend's two-in-one events are no different.

Some things that happened in the events were intentional, some were improvised, some were accidents, some were mistakes. Some things worked, some didn't.

If you care to share your thoughts with us, if something was left unclear or unexplained from the events, we appreciate your feedback. Just make sure to keep your posts civilized and to discuss things in a constructive way.

So here we go, let us know what you liked, what you disliked, what you wish there was more of, etc.  :)

Jay Voncloud

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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 07:02:48 am »
At the begining it did feel like everyone was a little confused, was the event starting, have we missed something? are we waiting on something? So on. And as a personal gripe i feel certain people/characters didnt make the Rp enjoyable with their presence.

Karlhockey Forte

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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2012, 01:48:48 pm »
I already voiced this out to Asha, but I do want to make sure it is posted here as well.

I felt like those who were part of the initial contact of the monster, notably what occurred to me, basically made me feel insulting disregarded with how little anything I did made a difference. Note here: I am fine with losing, and that is fun. But when the losing is scripted, and I have zero chance that anything my character will make a difference, what exactly is the point of me posting at all? It is the same thought of me telling someone to go ride their bike into a brick wall five times and tell me what happens. Who would do that? No one. Everyone knows that you don't even need to try to know what will happen, which is how I felt after my interaction. Everyone needs to be able to make a difference, even if it still ends up in the same place.

Next point regarding it was how I was handled when I said I had to leave because of RL constraints(I am sorry that happened, it was out of my control.) I was given three choices of what I could do, summurized as followed:

1.Do something that was completely against how the character was setup and how they react.

2.Run away, but be effectively disabled to the point I could not continue the RP when I was able to return

3.Your character is dead.

I hope this is not how things are handled, because if someone has to run out of the scene because of RL complications, I don't want to see the reoccurring theme that "If you step away, that is it, you are done."

I guess basically what I am asking is to make sure that kind of thing doesn't ever happen again. It shouldn't be as forced that if you are the first to encounter something, that you are auto-screwed so hard that there is absolutely no way that you can continue RPing with everyone else. This also goes with the second point I made, that because you have RL taking hold, and have to step away for a bit, that you are effectively barred from joining back when you are able. I sat and watched for hours upon hours, wanting to join into the RP but completely unable because I did not have a character that would have been able to join. That is something that is going to make me really have second thoughts about weather or not I will just log off and do something else next time a major event comes by.

This is my 2 cents.


-Less scripting to the events
-More flexible with the people who join first
-More flexible with people who have to step away
-Try and refrain from disabling characters so early in a event so they can enjoy at least a good bit of it.



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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2012, 04:03:58 pm »
I'm gonna do something that I probably shouldn't, since I was the main hand at work in the event, but I will post my own feedback, because I believe event quality doesn't depend only on the staff running it, but on the players too.

First, answering Karlhockey's point on being interrupted by RL and having to leave:
Having to leave in the middle of an event is pretty much the worse thing that can happen, because it entails so many different things. It opens up a massive can of worms.
We don't accuse anyone of doing it intentionally (so please don't take offense to this), but it's been done before. A LOT. People are at a spot they don't like, they say "I have to go, RL interruption", so they puff out of the trouble their character is in, just to conveniently log in later when they believe trouble might have passed. Some do this without much fuss. Others make it their goal to inform everybody they can about how pissed off they are, and then log off. In the case of a 'ragequit' like that, don't expect to be welcome back into that event.

Of course, we're all victims to RL, so it's sure to happen without the intented malice mentioned above. But even if it does, it potentially gives a character an unfair advantage. Take this scenario for example:
  • You're in battle! Being attacked! You're taking up a beating!
  • Suddenly, wife comes in and says you must mow the lawn otherwise she's kicking you out or something.
  • You say "sorry guys, I have to go!", and log off.
  • The other folks keep on fighting, they fight on for hours, turn the tables on the enemy, but they are spent and exhausted, barely alive.
  • You come in again all of sudden. The battlefield is a bunch of fallen comrades, hundreds of fallen enemies, and the boss is one punch away from being defeated!
  • You walk up to the enemy, make a "hear me roar, bitch!" remark, and stab them in the face.

I believe the proper term for that is "stealing someone else's victory"?

That's just one of the many things that can happen when you have to leave in the middle of a scene and come back later. It's a really tricky situation. We don't want to deny anyone to have fun and to do their thing. It puts the staff in the position where they have to judge the situation on the spot and do something that has no good or easy choices no matter which ones we take.

What options a player is given vary so much, it's impossible to list them all and try to explain them. It all depends on the situation they're in. I can only apologize if what happened in your situation displeased you. We will try to do better next time.  :)

Now my bit of feedback to the players!
There were two things that notably displeased me about player performance in this event. Take this as constructive criticism, please. Nobody is mad at anybody!

The first thing is the lack of trust some players showed on the staff. I had to repeat OOC multiple times that nobody was going to be killed off. Multiple multiple times! And still people were mad that we were "killing off their characters", which we totally weren't!

If a monster comes to you IC, and says, IC, "I'm going to kill you now!" or something on those lines, it doesn't mean your character is automatically dead! First, the monster has to fight you or something. Second, we don't kill off characters unless they put thmselves in a situation at which death would be obvious! You might take a brutal beating from a massive monster, but the option to die or to just be injuried and afterwards need a few weeks to recover (or a visit to the Temple) is yours! ...also with how readily available they are, you have the option to be beaten into a pulp, then drink a healing potion and be back on your feet and beat the monster that attacked you into a pulp! There are options! There are alternatives. And if you don't like the options we present you with, be creative and present us with another option. I personally love player creativity, when it's feasible!

So I ask that people don't assume the worst when faced with a dire situation. Be creative, be immaginative, and trust the staff. We won't kill you off.

I'll post about my second gripe a bit later, if people don't object to the staff putting out feedback... and after I mow the grass! ...stupid RL!  ;)


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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 08:10:31 pm »
I lost a character once, not for intention but because of request. Lyle had asked me to use one of my characters i wanted to be bad with, and kill one of his characters he had lost interest in. i agreed, and battled with him. was my second character in lismore, so i didn't mind getting locked up for a while or executed in the end, would have been RP as fun as any. Lyle, in the middle of a fight, had decided he changed his mind, so i held off on killing him, stoped taking leathal blows and instead just trying to hurt him a bit to make it realistic, others showed up and attacked, and the battle caused my char to bleed to death, well the battle plus someone who kidnapped her away last second gave her something to knock her out and stop her fighting, which made her bleed out more and die. If i put myself in a situation like that, i'd prefer killing my own char over killing someone else who didn't really want them dead. a lil messed up ooc for lyle to change his mind in the middle just a lil bit, but i don't blame him for it.


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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 11:24:12 pm »
Yeah, the beginning of the fight was rough for the Phoenix crew, basically two Big Bads showing up to kick down the door and steal some cookies. We tried to morph it into an interesting RP - the verdict's out on whether it was salvageable or not.

As far as leaving mid-scene, generally people that leave take what's commonly referred to as "fate of party". Whatever happens to the group as a whole happens to the departed character - in this case, a brief capture and a troublesome magic spell. Offering an RL departing character the chance to run just makes sense - that way they're out of the encounter and they're not going to suffer due to others' actions. Had I known you were planning on coming back, I would have offered a different set of options.

In general if you find yourself stuck on the sidelines of something like this - talk to a staff member. They'll usually try to sort out a way to get you involved, either as your character or an NPC.

On the matter of scripting, yeah, it was pretty railroady. This event has been a while in coming, but it was rushed out at the last minute in the interest of getting it done while a lot of key folks were around, and it clearly suffered for the rushing. There had been plans to have a lot more going on, but due to time and staffing constraints, the mini-events didn't get set up.

Zerah Cero

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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2012, 12:12:45 am »
The only thing that bothered me in the long run was mostly bad communication. I know I said this in the group chat, but I did ask three times IC wise about a task to which no one replied. I read what was said about asking them in private and what not, but really if they where paying attention to everyone as they should I would not have and a person who could help should have. That is just one of my personal tiffs about being ignored which is why I try to avoid large clusters of people.... Of course, with an event as big as this then it is just unavoidable. I had fun though.

As for the leaving in mid event, I didn't find much problem in leaving. I was half past dead asleep, so someone helped me by knocking my lights out. I could have ran and still kept my honor and life, but being knocked out suited me better since I was logging back into that same spot the next day.

Other then a few minor tiffs which I will leave out to keep my wining to a minimal, I had fun. It all turned out alright (for most of us) in the end. :3


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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2012, 03:36:43 am »
Only one I got is having a event on a fur convention weekend. I know bomber fox was there at the con.. just don't know if they where at the event.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 03:42:53 am by firefoxinc »
Active Chars: Nathifa
Inactive/Gone:Sethos, Kanika, Khalid

Jay Voncloud

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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2012, 03:47:22 am »
Bomber joined in


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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2012, 04:17:27 am »
Yeah the whole AC thing was bad timing. It used to take place closer to July or even into July, I didn't realize they moved the date (again!). I did post the question to the GroupChat a few times early on the week and I think only one person said they were going, so we decided not to let AC affect our plans.

Now since this is the 'feedback thread', not all feedback has to be negative, or criticism, or suggestions of things that could be made better. There were two notable mentions I'd like to acknowledge here. Everybody deserves credit, but these two actually stood out: Xela and Von. And I bring them up in specific because they had the best example of "freaking out" when the balrog cast its aura of fear, and instead of just acknowledging it, shaking their heads and dismissing it, the fear actually affected their actions considerably. So, kudos to them!

Also Xela held things together when the attack had just began, helping those who were having doubts, to carry on and go along with it instead of thinking all was lost and just giving up.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 04:19:44 am by Ashtyn »


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Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2012, 03:28:42 pm »
Only one I got is having a event on a fur convention weekend. I know bomber fox was there at the con.. just don't know if they where at the event.

Yeah, I decided to head back before I really couldnt walk anymore. I didnt even plan on returning to the hotel room, but my legs an feet were hurting real bad. Guess I got lucky  :P