Author Topic: Zenko Crimes  (Read 8320 times)


  • Lord Zenko/ Admin
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Zenko Crimes
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:06:27 am »
Alright You spot a crime ON ZENKO LAND

post about it here.

Who: who dun it- description of character. Name
Where: where at on zenko land
what: whats the charge
Were they captured?: Yes/no if yes are they in jail or what?
Perfection is a state that doesn't exist, there is always a way to improve
Impossible is just a word people created so they would feel better when they quit.
So even if one can't reach perfection that doesn't mean its Impossible,It's a goal to strive for till your last breath and only reach with it


  • Lord Zenko/ Admin
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  • Posts: 73
  • Erick Mousehold
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Re: Zenko Crimes
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2011, 11:55:52 am »
This thread is also for use of keeping track of zenko warrants.
Warrants being  a reported crime that is filed.

Current warrants at the start of this thread.

the succubus Gabriella.  (if she was executed by the temple which I've got unconfirmed rumors on someone tell me Icly )

and The female cheetah Kira.

No Other crimes have been REPORTED on Zenko land at this time that have not been dealt with to my knowledge.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 12:11:19 pm by Jesk_levethix »
Perfection is a state that doesn't exist, there is always a way to improve
Impossible is just a word people created so they would feel better when they quit.
So even if one can't reach perfection that doesn't mean its Impossible,It's a goal to strive for till your last breath and only reach with it