Author Topic: Fight the Balrog  (Read 16546 times)


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Fight the Balrog
« on: May 12, 2012, 08:58:27 pm »
So we have officially started an IC initiative to fight and defeat the balrog. I'll be posting here the log of the first meeting, and any future messages/discussion/anything related to this plot so people can keep track of it.

[18:04]  Jack Lanterns battles with getting up the stairs, aparently loosing the fight to slippery slopes and gravity

[18:05]  Abbadon blinks slightly at Jack on his way up, but nods his head to Ashtyn.. "I've brought research materials from the library, since I have a suspicion about what we're being called here for."

[18:06]  Ashtyn Ninetails perks his ears as he sees Jack (and another) approach, and he smiles, saying softly, "...welcome mister Jack Lanterns of Zenko...", and he turns to Abbadon and nods in acknowledgment.

[18:07]  Jack Lanterns scratches at his rusting sholder, itching at the area as bits of glowing flesh start to peal off of the area around it. "greetings lord, although next time you send a runner, please for the love of all that is holy, do tell him that my experiments are not for eating... alagators, sheesh always feeding time"

[18:09]  Ani Aunerfal glances between those present as he arrives, offering a respectful nod to Ashtyn, before taking a place a bit off to the side. (Character's name is zuriel, trying to find his titler..)

[18:10]  Boreas Aethergleam comes to the bottom of the steps, not exactly sure how to procede.

[18:11]  Rain takes up her spot by the stairwell, looking quite lovely in her roylal attire ((Please ignore any manner of dress or appearances on my avatar. My inventory keeps screwing upo))

[18:12]  Jack Lanterns chuckled for a moment looking around "is it bad that i'm wondering how many feline mages this island actualy has?... tempted to throw a ball of yarn out into the center here to see how many of us actualy dive for it"

[18:12]  Ookamisuke Babenco: 4 glares at him. "I beg your pardon, but I'm a dragon."

[18:12]  Boreas Aethergleam watches as Rain goes up the steps and glances back at Sally, seciding to follow them up.

[18:13]  Sally Eliwood steps up the stairway and would move just to the side. where she leans against her staff and comments "bright... haven't seen this much magic aura in one place in a long time, also... I am a fox, not a cat"

[18:14]  Abbadon gives his eyes a bit of a roll, but shuffles through the parchments he was holding under his arm, getting them in order.

[18:14]  Ashtyn Ninetails is basically waiting to see how many will come, nodding here and there to familiar faces, and welcoming the strangers as well. ((and bring AFK real quick, my washing machine is making a run for it!))

[18:17]  Boreas Aethergleam shifts around a bit nervously- he didn't know any of the mages here, and on top of that he had no idea why magic users had been summoned at all.

[18:19]  Jack Lanterns rolled his fleshy sholder a bit as he looked around, streatching some. "so then. how goes?" he'd ask generaly to everyone

[18:20]  Sally Eliwood Tilts her head and casts a smile towards boreas, in the hopes of getting him to relax a little bit. her fingertips drum against the side of her staff as she turns back towards ashtyn "tis a first time I remember casters being summoned. I am surprised and a little... curious"

[18:20]  Rain shrugs a bit. "Alright, I suppose....I need to talk to Doctor Levi....the Old District back at my homeland is getting rebuilt. Been meaning to meet with Ashtyn, and....oh, Zerah and I are duscissing having a child."

[18:21]  Sally Eliwood blinks and lets out a soft chuckle "Levi and Zerah are still around? I am glad to hear THAT at least. I wonder how good Zerah has gotten at healing magic since our last lesson"

[18:23]  Boreas Aethergleam catches sally's smile and nervously smiled back, seeing the staves and weaponbs others were carrying. He wondered idly if most of the wizards on the island were battlemages.

[18:27]  Rose gently pushes past thoes near the steps as she arrives, walking over to stand vaguely near Ash to listen to what was being discussed. "I'm here, no need to fear."

[18:27]  Kanika Parnass: (asking because just in th emiddle of a plot rp and if i need two i can just pause it )

[18:27]  Rain adjusts her dress a little. "My, I certainly hope I'm fit to be seen in this...I haven't worn it since.....well, since Mom got it for me."

[18:27]  Ashtyn Ninetails smiles to the ones present, and he stands up, and speaks up, "...welcome all. ...thank you for coming in such short notice. Usually we plan for these open court days with more advanced warning, but I'm afraid there are matters that can't wait this time..."

[18:28]  Rain stands up straight suddenly the moment Ashtyn stood up. She remains silent, her eyes locked on him, and her eras "tuned" to his direction,.

[18:29]  Abbadon gives Ashtyn a slight nod, standing ready with parchments in his paws.. He'd keep his silence, for the moment, unless he was called on to share findings.

[18:30]  Boreas Aethergleam stood nervously still, tail twitching as he listened

[18:30]  Cirdan Koroniz places his heands behind his back idly, watching and listening silently.

[18:30]  Sally Eliwood keeps her own ears rotating around her, attentive to her surroundings more than anything else. though her eyes are on Ashtyn

[18:30]  Rose smiles, satisfied that things seem to have waited for her to arrive before starting. "What is the problem, Ashtyn?"

[18:31]  Ashtyn Ninetails smiles a bit and glances around, and asks softly, "Before we address our main matters here, does anyone have any personal matter they wish to bring up to the attention of the authorities?"

[18:31]  Duhain makes his way up the stairs, finding a place across form the others and leaning up against one of the collums to listen.

[18:32]  Sally Eliwood would grin for a second but comments "nothing here, at elast nothing that doesnt risk being lit on fire"

[18:33]  Rain seems she has a few items she wished to address, but she remained silent.

[18:33]  Abbadon gives his head a brief shake. "Nothing, m'lord."

[18:34]  Zuriel gives his head a brief shake, but keeps silent otherwise. He does glance over to Rose and tilt his head momentarily, but focuses his attention back on Ashtyn after.

[18:35]  Boreas Aethergleam shakes his head, looking artound- he didn't recognize anyone

[18:35]  Ashtyn Ninetails glances around, and since nobody speaks up, he nods, and carries on, saying softly, "...well, as you might have heard rumors of, or even been personally involved with the problem, there's a demon lord that has taken residency in the Caves in our island..."

[18:36]  Rain very quietly says, "Does he go by Oba, M'Lord? Friends with a Fennec, if I remember?" If he weren't listneing, he owuldn't have heard her say it.

[18:36]  Cirdan Koroniz tilts his head. "Demon lord?" He knew plenty of demons....but none that were all to evil...

[18:37]  Abbadon blinks over at Rain, scratching his head with his free paw.. "We don't know it's name last I checked, it is a balrog."

[18:37]  Jack Lanterns tilted his head "you mean that balrog that sent a strike force against zenko? ...blasted thing needs to be put down"

[18:37]  Boreas Aethergleam blinks. "A demon lord? fascinating."

[18:37]  Rose smirks, "One of the escorts? Dad? or do you mean the Balrog?" she asks, "I'll help if I can, with all but the middle"

[18:37]  Sally Eliwood /me raises an eyebrow at this and would sigh "great... another demon in the cave system. Though now I have a question... what has it done so far? to warrant a gathering of so many magi? or is this precautionary? not every demon has been.... directly harmful"

[18:39]  Jack Lanterns speaks up in responce to sali "it's attacked the temple, the zenko grounds, and the city if i remember corectly causing casualtes. the zenko cant fully devote it's force to fighting the balrog with the war going on with the face... so we've had to ignore it for a time"

[18:39]  Rain rubs her chin. "Do you fear it will attack Phoenix Castle next if something is not done?" She again, quietly says.

[18:40]  Sethos walks up to the meeting, fashionably late.

[18:40]  Sally Eliwood /me nods at this "I see, if that is true then I can understand the gathering... and since you asked only for magi, I assume it is either immune or resistant to physical attacks?"

[18:41]  griff Beeks crosses his arms. "Phoenix Castle is home for both me and my sister.......I'll do what ever i can to protect it from harm"

[18:41]  Cirdan Koroniz crosses his arms. "Phoenix Castle is home for both me and my sister.......I'll do what ever i can to protect it from harm"

[18:41]  Ashtyn Ninetails nods to Abbadon, and says softly, "If it has a name, it hasn't given us. It's a creature powerful enough to go simply by "shadow and flame". It's a balrog, it's an ancient kind of demon, as old as the world... and before anyone gets any idea, any single direct confrontation against it is suicide...."

[18:42]  Rose nods to herself, "Thats how Xian died." she comments, "But, we should have everyone help get rid of it. Its been too afraid to attack Phoenix so far, but that may chance"

[18:43]  Boreas Aethergleam tilts his head. "I haven't heard any accounts of a balrog appearing any time in the last two centuries... This is fascinating, though none of the accounts I've read have given any clues on how to stop one..."

[18:43]  Cirdan Koroniz blinks several times. "Xian died..?"

[18:43]  Jack Lanterns chuckled "i doubt the balrog is afraid of pheonix fuzzball. it simply hasn't cared enough to attack the castle. "

[18:43]  Sally Eliwood /me turns an ear and tilts her head glancing at the new arrival. her eyes glint before she adds "well, like I said not all demon kind are bad, and ashtyn I should hope anyone smart enough to cast would know better than fighting a balrog alone.... hell, I wonder if all the power here would be eno-" she cuts off and her muzzle just hangs open for a moment looking surprised, shocked, as though she had been stung or slapped "Xian... I did not know, I... I was never sure what to think about him but... I am sorry to hear he is dead"

[18:44]  Abbadon gives his head a nod.. "The balrog is responsible for alot of deaths, and it has increasingly been sending minions out to attack different areas of the island. Many are dead because of it, many of them able fighters." He holds up his papers a bit to Ashtyn.. "May I, m'lord?"

[18:44]  Ashtyn Ninetails glances to Rose, and doesn't make any effort to hide his suspicious glance, saying softly, "I don't think 'fear' would be what kept it from attacking your home, m'lady."

[18:45]  Sally Eliwood raises an eyebrow "diplomacy ashtyn~ help is better than irritated enemys"

[18:45]  Rain quirks a brow. "M'Lord, please excuse me," Her tone was now strong, that of a leader. "buit are you suspecting Phoenix Castle of having a hand in this? Please tell me I am wrong."

[18:45]  Boreas Aethergleam blinked, a bit confused- everyone said that Xian was dead, but he had seen the crimson manabeast just a short while ago

[18:45]  Amilin walks up the stairs, curious.

[18:46]  Sethos crosses his arms as his listens for a while "Think it might be the ones that captured people before.. influencing it to attack us so we are distracted with it?" tilts his head as he asks. Then he looks to Rose with a weard look.

[18:46]  Duhain glances over to Rain.. "Do you really think this is an appropriate time to bicker?" The ferret had a notable indifference to his voice, but did want to continue hearing the discussion.

[18:46]  Jack Lanterns chuckled a bit looking to rain "concidering there are brief suspicions that your leader killed our headmaster? nah i dont know why that would be any reason to suspect you of anything. but it's more likely the thing's just not finding pheonix intresting enough to attack. these things are beasts of doom and destruction, pheonix doesnt have enough of a population to warrent an attack"

[18:47]  Rain whispers to Jack, then returns her attention to Ashtyn.

[18:48]  Sally Eliwood folds her arms and comments sharply "drop it. right now the problem is the balrog is it not? considering how powerful they are we need all the help we can get if you are planning to oust the demon. save the infighting for afterwards. we dont want to make it too easy for it to create rifts between its enemys"

[18:48]  Amilin clears her throat. "Excuse me? May I ask what is going on? I heard the noise from the street." she strolls closer to the group up on the dias, confused.

[18:48]  Ashtyn Ninetails perks his ears, and turns to Sally, and smirks, saying softly, "...this creature has no desire to talk to us, lady Sally. Go ahead and try. You will be destroyed, or maybe if you amuse him, maybe turned into a piece of entertainment until it gets bored with you.", and he turns to Rose, and shakes his head, saying simply, "No, but I am aware of the capabilities of your domain, and by that I am capable of judging it's not fear what keeps that creature from laying your castle and all of those caves to waste. Something else has kept it from destroying the place, and everyone in it."

[18:49]  Abbadon gives his tail a couple flicks, but looks to Ashtyn, still patiently waiting permission to share his research.

[18:49]  Boreas Aethergleam keeps his peace, thinking on the implications of the new denizen of the caves.

[18:49]  Rose folds her arms and smiles, "Bet it was Dad, he can do anything" she brags before glancing about at the others, taking note but not replying to them.

[18:50]  Jack Lanterns thaught for a moment sizing up the zenko arsonell. "so we need to blow this thing into oblivion... well time to excivate some of the tass crystals and make bombs out of them.... ahh the joys of tass, always good for a big boom"

[18:50]  Rain: Though she wouldn't show it, Rain was confused, upset, and desperately wanting to tlak to the higherups in Phoenix. She just nodded at Ashtyn. "What would you have us do, M'Lord?"

[18:50]  Sally Eliwood laughs and shakes her head ""I was not talking about the balrog, I mean phoenix group. if they are able to keep it at bay at all then I would THINK, they may be the ones most capable of helping us. besides, if that one" pointing at rain for a moment "is mated to Zerah, whom I trust, then I should think they are not ALL bad"

[18:51]  Zuriel blinks a bit to Jack, rubbing his head.. "I think setting off bombs in a cave is not a very wise idea, with due respect."

[18:51]  Ashtyn Ninetails says softly to Jesk, "...if it were simply a matter of blowing it up, you would have been the first to hear about it, mister Jack. But I'm afraid this kind of demon isn't very easy to get rid of. Technically, we can not kill it. We can blow it up, it will put itself a new body together and return."

[18:51]  Amilin walks up to the gathering, inserting herself into the ranks. "Pardon me. I hope i am not intruding..." she blinks around before settlign her eyes on Abbadon and smiling faintly, still confused and interested now.

[18:52]  Rain shrugs. "Why not just freeze it in a block iof ice, or use a Petrify spell on it and put it at the bottolm of tyhe sea?" She had never encountered a balrog before, and only rarely heard of them.

[18:53]  Ashtyn Ninetails turns to Abbadon, asking him softly, "...have you found anything in your research?"

[18:53]  Jack Lanterns laughed a bit "my deer pointed eared friend, i'm what's called a mad scientest. no one ever accused us of thinking inside the box. besides, who wouldn't like amassive canyon instead of a dank dirty cave? at least then you guys may get some sunshine" he'd muse "and lord, if it can bleed, it can die, it may be a royal bitch on high to do, but by oden if you bring down enough hammers, even a god can die.  so then, given you're the oldest thing here asside from the stone, any ideas? i mean sure we could open up a portal and just drop the thing in it but that would be a bit.... cleshay... dont you think? abadon please tell me we arent dropping it in a least not a tacky one"

[18:54]  Jericho Cross comes forth after overhearing Rose's voice in the mess. It would seem she slipped away from him yet again. All this talk of phoenix didn't sit well with him and he decided to further investigate, even in spite of the building being filled to the brim with people. "Lady Rose!" He called out over the group, before shuffling through everyone to stand beside her.

[18:55]  Cirdan Koroniz says, "That Cave, houses an active valcano.....""

[18:55]  Amilin attempts to wriggle through the group and get into a better spot, but lacks the rudenes to do so. "Jack, hello, would you mind easing forward abit so I may see?"

[18:55]  Sally Eliwood tilts her head "ice against fire is a poor mix saddly. besides, such a creature is not easily... contained. if I may suggest however, banishing spells? it is a demon straight out of hell. that may well be the simplest solution. though of course I would listen to whatever ideas are already being looked for! this promises to be more interesting than my latest exploits by far. just make sure this plan doesnt involve.. well, dieing. that would suck~"


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2012, 08:59:05 pm »
[18:56]  Jack Lanterns chuckled "and? my deer i've concidered blowing up the zenko mana well simply to extract the mana well's heart... it's just the munitions required to do so are well... well out of my reach so to speak. i'd need more arcane explosives to do that than i could craft in three lifetimes" he'd note as he moved

[18:57]  Abbadon gives his head a nod.. He smiles back to Amilin in response, before he holds up his pages, referencing them as he speaks. "For those who aren't aware, balrogs are typically massive archdemons made of shadow and flame. Asides from being able to put those two elements to destructive use and having hopelessly intense physical strength due to size, they are also known to spawn lesser demons and fire creatures.. The balrog we are dealing with has, to my knowlege, exchibited all of these abilities, and is issuing more and more of it's minions to attack. The situation is starting to get worse, we will be needing to take action soon. The problem with using most magics on their own, is that we simply are going to be hard pressed to find enough magical force to effect it by any one method." He nods to Ashtyn.. "I believe that is why we have been called here today, yes?"

[18:57]  Rose peers over in Jericho's direction. "I'm just here" she calls back before looking to Jack, "Your ideas are worse than thoes of a drunken madman. The damage you would do with such explosions would bring the caves down.. unless that is your intent. If so, I think you are dangerous and should leave" she then glances about at the others, commenting to Sally, "There is nothing wrong with phoenix.. except for mum's missguided path with setting up a brothel. There are good people down there"

[18:58]  Rain just stares at Rose oddly for a second or two, before quickly looking back to Ashtyn.

[18:58]  Sally Eliwood claps her paws together "ooooh a brothel? now that sounds FUN! I may have to pay a visit if you have any cute todds for me~"

[18:58]  Amilin smiles. "Ahh, thank you Jack." she moves up into a much better spot now, giving nervous smiles to everyone. "You are speaking of banishing the Balrog? If it is needed, my magic is yours." she offers, wishing to hear other plans first before coming up with ideas.

[18:58]  Ashtyn Ninetails shakes his head, and speaks up to Jack, "You can not blow it up, Jack. In fact blowing it up would be worse. We must take advantage of its only weakness: Its physical form. As long as it's physical, we can do something about it. If you blow that up and release it in spirit form, while it might not be able to outright demolish our towns, its influence and power will not be diminished!"

[18:59]  Rain rubs her chin, thinking quietly to herself.

[19:00]  Boreas Aethergleam chwed on a claw- his abilities would be helpful, no matter what course of action that they took- but he was hesitant to reveal them. After all, if word got out, it would bring the very people he was hiding from down on his head

[19:00]  Duhain picks a few strands of white fur off from the cuffs of his jacket as he listens, glancing over to Rose and raising a brow for a moment, before going back to listening.

[19:00]  Rain: how do you intend to deal with its spiritual form, M'Lord?"

[19:01]  Sethos just keeps quite, mostly looking around as he is maby the only demon who came from the realm where demons are born. He already said he opinion just seems to feel on death ears.

[19:01]  Ashtyn Ninetails says softly to Rain, "I don't wish for it to ever go into a spiritual form. We will deal with it in its current form. I have devised a plan..."

[19:02]  Sally Eliwood tilts her head "which puts into doubt my own abilities in this case. my magic only affects the living, Life/death elements are funny like that. it is physical but to my understanding it is essentially an elemental. not alive in the sense my own magic requires. the barrier I can cast may be the only thing I can use against it, but given that bug in the desert cracked it... I would hate to see what a balrog could do to my defencive spells... unless you have some way to funnel everyones magic into a certain spell I fear I may not be of any use in the battle itself..."

[19:02]  Jack Lanterns thaught for a moment as he scratched his chin "my fuzzy friend we're mages, we're dangerous by our very nature, hell we take nature itself and laugh at it with our ability of the arcane. we do what no mortal should, we create fire, water, ice, all through simple will of our own. heck some of us even bring back the dead as taboo as that is. calling me dangerous is like calling an ant small, we're all that by default. given we cant scatter it's peaces as that would release something worse, although i'm intrested to hear our lords plan"

[19:02]  Tribal walks up the steps before her after she spent time exploring. She looks around and makes her way to a nearby seat. She lens her staff against the bench then retrieves her lute form her back. Tribal then sits down and goes to work replacing the broken string.

[19:02]  Amilin swishes her tail back and forth, eyes flickering from speaker to speaker as a frown grows on her face. She attempts to give a puzzled look to Abbadon and then shifts in her spot, embers flickering on her horns as she seems nervous.

[19:03]  Rain: M'Lord, whatever your plan, you have my sword, my bow, and my Flame at your command."

[19:04]  Abbadon holds out an arm invitingly for Amilin, leaving his parchments under the other arm as he listens for Ashtyn's plan.

[19:04]  Rose smirks at JAck, "By that logic, we should leave the balrog be. Its a balrog, its supposed to be dangerous" she then looks to Ashtyn, "What is your plan? Is it mana you need from us, rather than actual spells?"

[19:04]  Jericho Cross grumbled at her for running off alone, but it seemed there were more pressing issues. Jer looked up at the group, his twitching at all the bickering. If Phoenix was involved, he felt he needed to be there, though for now he'd remain silent until he knew more about what was going on.

[19:05]  Sally Eliwood /me folds her ams "jack my dear I have enough trouble getting company in my bed without you scaring everyone making them fear me! that's only fun sometimes..."

[19:05]  Jack Lanterns nodded "yes, by that logic, but remember this, an ant has no quarrel with a boot. we are but ants to it... and it is one large boot. it means to step on us. and i'm sorry have you ever had your tail stepped on, not fun... "

[19:06]  Amilin strolls over to stand by Abbadon, relaxing somewhat as she does. Being nearby adopted family is certainly better than being next to people she doesn't know. "What element would you need, if you need such from me?" she is more used to asking questions and following orders than giving them and answering them.

[19:06]  Ashtyn Ninetails shakes his head, and says softly, "...unfortunatelly for the disappointment of some of you...", and he glances at Jack, "...we are gonna have to cast it somewhere else, through a portal of course. ...The so-called Void is the best place to dispose of a creature like this. Anyone involved with the rescue of the souls a few years ago knows how tricky it is to get there. It's theoretically impossible to get out of there without outside help..."

[19:06]  Tribal smiles as she inspects her instrument and then goes to work tuning it to get the new string to the correct pitch as she plucks a few test notes. She humms a melody as she tunes the instrument while lost in her own thoughts.

[19:06]  Cirdan Koroniz says, "I've had one cut off. it's far less fun""

[19:07]  Sally Eliwood tilts her head at cirdan "we have something in common, a diffrent levi I once knew had to stich my tail back on once, when oggy chopped it off. I think she was jealous cause it was so soft and fluffy" she wraps her tails around herself and hugs them nuzzling both of them just to be silly

[19:08]  Jack Lanterns cursed "well shit ash, you had to go and be all tacky didnt you... casting it into the void? into the realms of oblivion itself? ... yeah this is going to get messy, like a litterbox that hasn't been cleaned in a month"

[19:09]  Boreas Aethergleam chuckles. "Well, there aren't too many options, are there? This would have been a piece of cake if we had even half my class here from the Red Tower... but they're too busy struggling for position to be of any help."

[19:09]  Amilin looks absolutely appalled. "Lord Ashtyn, the void? What would happen if one of the ccreatures there were to escape here in the process of the spell? I mean, I know there is one on the island with magic directly from the void... but even he could not do such a thing without help fromt he other side...."

[19:09]  Jannisia Ocelot: c-creatures*

[19:10]  Rose nods slowly as she considers the plan. "Sounds wise.. as long as a evil wizard in the future does not bring it back. If he does.. we'd need a hero to stop him..."

[19:11]  Jack Lanterns looked around "anyone wanna go fetch a bunbat so we can freeze him in ice for just that time? small, green hat on his head, kinda psycotic?"

[19:11]  Sally Eliwood "it sounds about as suicidal as fighting the balrog itself... fun, a bet I will have lots of healing practice by the time this is over"
[19:11]  Jericho Cross places a paw on Rose's shoulder, she may have irked him, but he was the protective sort. Finally, deciding to speak up, he adressed the orange kitesune many refered to as lord. "I f I may m'lord?" Jer steps forward. "Say we banish this creature beyond the portal, what will keep it from coming back?"

[19:13]  Lute Signature EX: "Galliarde - The Fairy Rounde"

[19:13]  Ashtyn Ninetails smirks, and says to Amilin, "It's safer for us to attempt to cast the balrog there, than to leave it roaming free.", and he turns to Jericho, and says softly, "That would be unleashing this terrible evil somewhere else in the world. ...we believe the only reason it hasn't launched a direct attack on us, or even tried to go elsewhere, is because it's 'trapped' in Lismore... Getting out of here would mean going through.. well, me. I'm the only thing around that's a match for it, and it obviously doesn't want to take a chance until it has something to its advantage."

[19:14]  Tribal stands up after she had finished tuning her lute. She starts plucking the stirngs as she begins to play a tune. She has a look of relief on her face as she plays the instrument with a new replacement string.

[19:14]  Rose smiles at JEricho's suggestion, looking up to him and giving him a nod, "That's an idea.." she then looks back to Ash, "How hard would it be to banish the balrog beyond the portal and then close the portal? The face can deal with it then"

[19:15]  Boreas Aethergleam snorts. "If we COULD seal the portal, why haven't we done it yet? Besides, what if the demon allied with them?"

[19:15]  Sally Eliwood fodls her arms again "ashtyn with all do respect, a balrog could potentially kill even you. and besides that even if you COULD fight it, half of lismore, or more, would be annihilated in the fight. if you where strong enough to fight it alone, you wouldnt have needed to call for more magi"

[19:16]  Duhain simply shakes his head and leans back against the pillar behind him.

[19:16]  Ashtyn Ninetails turns to Sally and nods, and says softly, "Why do you think we haven't fought yet? We had the chance, when it killed Xian in the Caves. But both sides know it's not a good idea."

[19:16]  Amilin frowns and crosses her arms. "I still think the Ancient Ones are too dangerous to risk..." she mutters very lowly. "Does anyone know soul trapping techniques? Perhaps that would be better?" she says hopefully

[19:16]  Jack Lanterns shook his head "err wrong realm darling, the face isn't in the realm of the void. close but you need t to take a few more left turns and avoid flying hunks of metal. " looking over to boreas "the reason we cant close the portal in zenko is because it's fueled by the mana well, short of blowing up the mana well, we cant close it, portals are hungry hungry things, needing lots of mana. we'd be creating a portal and letting it eat itself dry to banish the balrog... one way ticket that has a very short window of life."

[19:18]  Duhain raises a brow to Amilin's question, nodding a head. "I have a way of doing so."

[19:18]  Jericho Cross looks down at Rose and shakes his head. "No Lady Rose, that would have been done by now, but it's a good idea even if unachieveable." The wolf would step back to Rose's side. "If the Lord is the only match, then perhaps a distraction. A few of lismore's brave to distact the beast long enough for this ruler to banish him into the portal, by whatever means."

[19:18]  Ashtyn Ninetails shakes his head, and says softly, "We can not trap it with any methods in this world. Any prison we stick this creature in is simply a temporary inconvenience."

[19:19]  Rain shrugs. "Why not lure it to the portal in Zenko, force half of it through that portal, the other half through another portal?" She really was outside of her relam here....

[19:20]  Rain: Nevermind...stupid idea.."

[19:20]  Boreas Aethergleam shakes his head. "I think sending it completely to the void is the only way to be rid of it..."

[19:20]  Sethos shakes his head some as he throws out a very simple area "I do wonder if the idea of just spawning a portal to take it a very far distance away into the ocean came to mind?" tilts his head "I do enjoy the high risk games where someone dies and the local necromancer bring them back... unless it has a real reason to be here.. if we simply get it away from here it wont come back." shake shis head a little "Considering how a pack of normal demons seems to beat off the island with undead I would not be so over zelus with putting everyone against soemthing far greater"

[19:20]  Jack Lanterns simply responded to rain "feedback loop. the portal on our side has a tendancy to eat anythig that tries to bind it.... we tried that.... several tons of ice... it just kinda laughed..."

[19:20]  Sally Eliwood shakes her head "I would suspect the same is true for the void, granted... that would be a long lasting inconvenience at least." then towards rain she chuckles "I know what you are thinking, close the portal cut it in half? if we controlled the portal it mgiht cut it in half but a soul or spirit is not so fragile, that would release it from its physical self. not a bad idea, it just wont work in this case"

[19:21]  Tribal weaves the notes into a cheerful tun as she plocks the strings. She sways and moves in time with the music as she plays. Her smile is bright and full of joy as she performs her craft. Her tail wags happily as her mood brightens.

[19:22]  Ookamisuke Babenco: ((Darn. I was hoping you'd let it hang, Sally.))

[19:22]  Rose turns her attention back to Ash, "Ok. We send it to the void, its someone else's problem, if it returns. But, how do we do it? Do we give you the mana?"

[19:23]  Ashtyn Ninetails shakes his head, and says it louder this time, "...we can not banish it anywhere in this same world we live in. We can not banish it anywhere in this plane of existance. The demon needs to be sent to a place whence it can not return!"

[19:23]  Abbadon shakes his head slightly, nodding to Ashtyn.. "I can't think of a better suggestion than yours, m'lord.. Do you have some tactics
prepared for your plan?"

[19:25]  Ashtyn Ninetails says softly, "...the plan is simple: We must hold this all-powerful creature still in the same spot long enough for a portal to be cast to take it to the Void. I can't do it alone. will take probably a dozen of powerful fighters or mages to keep it still long enough..."

[19:25]  Sally Eliwood blinks and grins wide as something crosses her mind "Ashytn, do you have access to any crystals or gems which can contain large ammounts of mana for later use? like my staff does? we could begin filling them with our energys to help fuel the spell you intend to use to throw it into the void. that may give us a longer opening"

[19:26]  Rain raises a paw. "Umm...M'Lord, What about a very powerful fire attack combined with a powerful wind attack?"

[19:26]  Rose smirks, "Lets get together all the people that we dont like to hold it still. Magic can be used from afar to help. Yes, I think it will work"

[19:27]  Cirdan Koroniz crosses his arms. "The balrog, What is this creature made of?"

[19:27]  Amilin sighs. "I will be willing to use whatever element you wish of me to keep it in one spot. Water, fire, earth, and thunder are at your command."

[19:27]  Duhain glances over to Rain, and says simply.. "It is made out of fire.. And have you ever tried blowing out a campfire? You could likely expect the same results."

[19:27]  Lute Signature EX: performed by Jakob Heringman (recording "Holburn's Passion" available at

[19:27]  Ashtyn Ninetails says softly to Rain, "...assume anything we throw at it will just annoy it. We're flies, the demon is an elephant. We must buzz around and pester it and keep it busy long enough for the ritual to take place."

[19:27]  Jericho Cross bows his head when Ashtyn raises his voice. "Very well, m'lord... I serve Phoenix, but this cause far exceeds faction alliegance. Consider this dog at your service when needed."

[19:28]  Sally Eliwood nods "and my barriers. though they are short lived they are quite powerful, perhaps they will be of assistance. my healing magic as well. if I can be there I will be and I will do my best to keep you all alive. "

[19:28]  Jack Lanterns answered rain "the resulting backdraft would suck all of the air out of the caves and esentialy well, blow it up... i like your thinking though, the caves could use a new roof, perhaps a few skylights.... " he'd reply with a chuckle. "without my arm and my gun ash i cant do much, but i'll put together a squad to help man one of the mana cannons.  i take it you mean to launch the attack rather soon then?"

[19:28]  Tribal finishes the tune and hums happily as she tune her lute for the next sone she intends to play.

[19:28]  Boreas Aethergleam thinks. "Now that we know what we have to do, we need to figure out how we are to do it before everyone starts volunteering their skills."

[19:28]  Rain coughs. "I was referring to something I've read about. It's called a firestorm. The fire is chaneld into a tornado done by the widn caster. combined with other spells, it may be enough to immobilize it, M'Lord."

[19:29]  Lute Signature EX: "Fantasia"

[19:29]  Rose frowns and points at Jack, "He should not be allowed to take part, he will lead to more deaths on our side"


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2012, 08:59:44 pm »
[19:29]  Abbadon nods his head to Ashtyn.. "When are we going to be doing this?"

[19:30]  Ashtyn Ninetails smirks, and says softly, "....but besides the demon itself having the ability to spawn lesser demons, there's another major danger that needs to be kept in mind..."

[19:30]  Jack Lanterns blinks "i ruptured my own mana pool in defence of some of your own ya ungratefull wretch... hell lost my arm to boot in the rescue. and you want to say i'll cause more deaths. i have desires my lady but i'm not so fool heardy to follow all of them"

[19:30]  Amilin shrugs. "If I may, my elements are not as useful as some other's spells, and are hard to back up. I have friends, however. One who casts from the void itself, and another who may be able to contribute to our mana restoring potions so we may continue to pester it.

[19:30]  Sally Eliwood sighs "in all honesty, we should avoid having to many in the fight anyways. In my experiance the more that are in a fight, the less co-ordenated they are. if this turns into a clusterfuck then... well, we are fucked"

[19:30]  Sethos slips to the back of the gather and slips off.

[19:30]  Jericho Cross glares down at Rose. "You cannot know that, Lady Rose... Anyone brave enough to volunteer should be allowed to serve."

[19:31]  Abbadon glances to ashtyn curiously for a moment, before he murmurs.. "I suggest we leave anyone of demon descent or anyone with suceptable constitutions behind."

[19:31]  Tribal starts playing the next tune as she starts to move and step in the flow of the music. She dances and twilrs gracefully as the sound of song fills the air.

[19:31]  Duhain looks to Rose.. "There are times when you cannot afford to be picky with your allies, even under the pain of such risks."

[19:32]  Kitsune Ethaniel is Online

[19:32]  Rain shouts out loud, with a loud booming voice. "ENOUGH!" She steps forward a little. "Let's all pipe down and listen to Lord Ashtyn, alright?! Anyone with petty squabbles amongst yourselves, save it for later!"

[19:32]  Amilin freezes up for a moment and then shakes her head, a few droplets of water rainign down from her horns as the embers vanish. "Oh, that's much better. Now I have an element I may use! Water is at your service, now if you wish it."

[19:32]  Sally Eliwood grins "Spoken like a true leader"

[19:33]  Jannisia Ocelot: lol titler reversed itself to earlier D8]

[19:33]  Duhain shrugs his shoulders and nods to Rain. "You did start it. But well enough."

[19:33]  Jack Lanterns rubbs his ear with his fleshy hand, his trigger finger squeasing several times as he scratched... "oh how i wish"

[19:34]  Rain looks to Ash. "My aplogies, M'Lord. I lost my temper."

[19:34]  Rose scowls and folds her arms, "Has noone listened to what he's been saying? He wishes to use big weapons at risk of bringing down the caves, something he clearly wishes." she points out, glairing all around

[19:34]  Ashtyn Ninetails glances to Tribal and arches a brow, but returns his attention to the matter at hand, "This demon holds one of the halves of the Sword of Octavia. For anyone not familiar with this infernal weapon, the gist of it is that if you are wounded by it, the wound can not be healed with any sort of magic. Not bad if you're a normal person whose wounds close with time, but anyone not made of flesh and blood will have an open wound they can't close, and any wound that would be fatal if our healers didn't treat with magic can not be cured."

[19:35]  Sally Eliwood ...

[19:35]  Amilin smiles. "My friend makes potions that are not technically magical, would they heal the wounds from it?" she asks softly.

[19:36]  Lute Signature EX: performed by Jakob Heringman (recording "Holburn's Passion" available at

[19:36]  Sally Eliwood "growls "I know full well about that weapon. I SAW it. in person, in use. that cursed weapon nearly killed someone I cared about and I could do NOTHING to heal him. if it has that weapon. that damned sword, then I really hope you have a damn good plan"

[19:36]  Jack Lanterns sighed shaking his head "and here i thaught students of the arcane were supposed to be open minded. " he sighed. "ash do you have the texts on how to open a portal to the void ready? the zenko can begin crafting a means to open it on a cirtian locaction if you like"

[19:37]  Abbadon inclines his head ot Ashtyn. "Since the balrog's activity has been picking up, m'lord.. When do you intend to move?"

[19:37]  Relina Harem looks up as she sees a group upstairs and decides to listen to them while taking her grandchildren out for some time in the town "Hmm. I wonder what is going on..."

[19:38]  Jericho Cross tries to give Rose a reassuring smile. "Nothing like that is going to happen, not on my life m'lady. We will do what we can to defend our home... This is above us, above phoenix..."

[19:38]  Tribal stops dancing as she brings her song to a close. She smiles looking  but out of breath from her dancing as she played. NOt to mention
she had just done a lot of exploring. She sets her lute aside and sits down on the bench again. She leans back and relaxes as she stretches. and then closes her eyes enjoying the breeze.

[19:39]  Ashtyn Ninetails nods to Jack, saying softly, "...Abbadon and I have been researching such things, mister Jack. Going to the Void is easy. Getting back is theoretically impossible without outside help, and even that is highly unlikely. for open-mindedness... There's a difference between having an open mind and exposing one's self to unecessary risks!"

[19:40]  Jack Lanterns whistled looking up at the ceiling "unessassary risks, why i dont know what you mean my lord, all of my work is completly safe" the serval having a hard time keeping a straight face when he said it

[19:40]  Rain: I beg your pardon, M'Lord. But every minute we spend standing here not doing anything about the isuse actively is a mintue the Balrog grows stronger. What do you need us to do, M'Lord?"

[19:40]  Jack Lanterns adds in responce to rain "stop bickeirng like children and work together? i dono just a hunch"

[19:40]  Amilin spreads her wings halfway and then closes her eyes, deep in thought. She listens to the others and focuses on her own more immediate plans, to tell the children that they will be spending full time in the temple.

[19:42]  Relina Harem looks down to the basket as she rocks it in her arms "Shhhh" she says quietly then looks up "Excuse me. Forgive my lateness"

[19:43]  Ashtyn Ninetails sits down, and sighs a little, and says softly glancing to the ones gathered around, "...we will need brute force, physical and magical... We will need spells, prefereably light and holy types... and we will need people capable of either conjuring portals or learning real quick how to do it.". He perks his ears, and smiles a little bit as he sees Relina joining them, "Welcome, lady Relina."

[19:43]  Regent's Seat whispers: Touch me to change poses.

[19:43]  Rose continues to scowl, sighing softly and stepping slightly closer to Jericho, "..good"

[19:44]  Sally Eliwood folds her ears back and bares her teeth, unnaturally sharp and glinting. she seems angry, furious with the mention of that sword. she never has much liked anything that could nullify her healing arts. no longer speaking, at least for the time being

[19:44]  Amilin beams happily at Relina upon hearing her voice before returning to the matter at hand. "I can cast powerful magic, though i know not if it is holy... it is opposed to unnatural things. I'd gladly take the front lines if needed."

[19:45]  Rain raises a paw. "M'Lord, I volunteer myself. So far I've been itching to learn a new spell, and I feel that this might be just such a thing I'd like to learn. If it helps Lismore, I want to do whatever I can. If nothing else, my Dragonfire is at your disposal."

[19:45]  Abbadon gives his head a nod.. "I have some rough rituals prepared.. "

[19:46]  Jack Lanterns smiled as he heard relina show up "ah, my lady, tonight zenko marches to war... well again but what else is new. going to need a few more assastants this time around my lady" he'd note as relina came up, eye glancing over to ash. "if it's brute arcane force you need, i'll do my part to lend some"

[19:46]  Cirdan Koroniz uncrosses his arms and places them on his hips. "I'll help in anyway possible, i offer my control of the earth & Stone"

[19:47]  Relina Harem lowers her ears "A war on another front?" she says while trying to keep the children calm before looking to Ashtyn "M'lord, you will have assitance from Zenko forces"

[19:47]  Boreas Aethergleam sighs. "I may regret saying this, but... I should go along. i can cast magical sheilds on those participating... and i can vastly increae the power of any spellcaster i work with."

[19:47]  Ashtyn Ninetails nods to Jack, and says softly, in a warning tone, "But be mindful of those around you, mister Jack. We don't want to burry everyone or blow them to bits. We need to keep the demon busy, that's all. ....But remember, anyone who wishes to join this effort, you might not survive."

[19:48]  Sally Eliwood holds up her paw and lets her healing magic ripple across her finger tips, appearing as a glowing blue fire. she raises her second paw, and lets her harming magic ripple across it in turn. appearing as a glowing crimson fire and accompanied by the light scent of burning fur. though neither are light, holy, dark, if anyone COULD tell the elements they where simply life, and death. "I dont fit what you need. and that sword makes my healing useless" she closes her blue paw cutting off the energy. "the creature is an elemental, and thus not alive. making my harming magic useless" she closes the red paw cutting it off as well "so I ask again do you have mana storing gems or crystals? I can at least channel my magic into those, so you can make use of it to fuel spells, unless you have some other use for me"

[19:49]  Duhain glances off to the side.. "I'll help with preperation, but not the fight. I'd be risking more lives than my own if I did."

[19:49]  Rain pauses at this, looking down. "Then...I can not be on the front lines, M'Lord...I do apolgozie, but I have my own country to run....and a family to raise...But whatever I can do to help, I will still do..."

[19:49]  Sally Eliwood turns towards rain and perks an eyebrow "well now that might explain it" though she doesnt elaberate on that

[19:50]  Amilin's frown tightens and she thinks of her children for a moment before her mind lapses into something else and she nods stoicly, with an odd bit of a smile. "Let Death taste me once again, and hope that it finds the flavor as bitter as ever."

[19:50]  Cirdan Koroniz consideing for a moment.... "Tell me how i can help with preperation, I'm all my sister has left of blood family.... I owe it to her to stay off the front lines, but ill do what i can..."

[19:50]  Jack Lanterns nodded "hence me readying mana cannons my lord, they dont exactaly have a large blast radous and i built them to try and take down the wall in the desert. way i see it, we fire the cannons during the final push to give us that much force against the balrg to push it through .... relina, do we have a  count on how many cannons survived the initial assault against the face's desert forces during the rescue?"

[19:50]  Jericho Cross reaches down to ruffle Rose's hair. "Once it begins, you need to return to the castle. I know you want to fight, but you're too important to be risked in such a way." Jer returned his paw to his side. "Being the ranking Phoenix member in this council, only you can approve aid for this cause though."

[19:51]  Rose goes quiet for several long moments before commenting, "..I will help fight it." she states before looking to Jericho, "..I cant explain why, but I want to."

[19:51]  Ashtyn Ninetails says softly to Sally, "...lady Sally, your magic is only useless if your patients have been hit by the sword. But if that were the only weapon the balrog had at his disposal, this would be easy. It can throw fire in many different forms... and I don't know how its darkness powers work, but we have those to deal with as well. Healers will be needed."

[19:52]  Relina Harem the kittens begin to mew as they stir in their basket "Oh dear...." then looks to Jack "All of the cannons survived the assault" and finally to Ashtyn "So you need us all to distract this baalrog?"

[19:52]  Ashtyn Ninetails nods to Relina, saying softly, " put it in simple terms, yes."

[19:53]  Rain sighs. "M'Lord...Let me be theoretical about this....what if there existed a spell that channeled a Dragon's fire? What if there were a way to superpower this spell? What use would it have, if nay a tall? I posess a spell called Dragonfire. I've used it to remove from existence magical objects, I've used it in the desert at te risk of my own life, but I wish to know if it would be useful here."

[19:53]  Tribal feels rested after a brief time relaxing. She stands to her feet and retieves her lute and staff. SHe then places them in the sling on her back and moves on her way to continue looking aorund Lismore. She mutters to herself, "This seems like a pleasant place. Definitly better than the last port i was at."

[19:54]  Boreas Aethergleam thinks. "Does anyone else possess protective magic? It would be best to try and minimize injuries rather than try to heal them- especially with this sword..."

[19:54]  Duhain rolls his eyes and shakes his head, going to make his way down the stairs.

[19:54]  Sally Eliwood chuckles after a moment "I will do what I cain ashtn, as I always do when my friends and loved ones are threatened. I do not however think I will much enjoy being unable to fight. I never was suited for sitting on a sideline"

[19:55]  Ashtyn Ninetails says softly to Rain, " is unlikely to affect it, even an overpowered fire spell. "

[19:55]  Jericho Cross awaits Rose's answer for a moment before stepping forward and again adressing Ashtyn. "M'lord, if the higher-ups of Phoenix grant aid, what would you have us do? I must return to the castle and let our warriors know."

[19:56]  Rose glances over to Duhain as he moves, pointing in his direction, "Hey, you. Hang around once done here, I want to talk to you" she comments before looking back to Ash, "I grant Phoenix's support.... as long as Levi doesnt undo it again.."

[19:56]  Ashtyn Ninetails turns to Sally and says with a tiny chuckle, "...if you can't resist, throw rocks at it. Anything to keep it from interrupting our banishing spell."

[19:56]  Rain: I'm not concerned about its fire. I've yet to meet a fire attack that can do significant damage to me....its that sword, and its shadow magic....I fear shadow magic...."

[19:56]  Amilin rolls her shoulders. "Protective magic, no. But I am strong enough without it... I have fought against the archmage in the tower and impressed him, surely that counts for something at the very least here."

[19:57]  Duhain raises a brow back at Rose,he might've humored a requested, but at the attempted order, he'd simply call back up, "No." And continue on his way.

[19:57]  Sally Eliwood "as far as protective magic, I have a short but powerful barrier spell. however as I mentioned before, I do not know how effective it will be against something as powerful as a balrog, and it expends a great deal of mana to cast"

[19:57]  Jack Lanterns looked to jerico and shook his head "the same thing we must all do, be prepared to die for a greater cause than their own life. " looking back to ash... "i'll attempt to rush my ability to become combat ready once more my lord. "
[19:57]  Tribal turns her head as she passes catching a climpse of people nearby. She shrugs as she continues on her way not wanting to interfere with the gathering. She mutters to herself as she moves on her way., "I should look for a smith to see if i can get this collar removed."

[19:57]  Relina Harem would also ask "Does anyone know if the baalrog is weak against anti-magic"

[19:58]  Sally Eliwood perks her ears at that and seems highly interested all of a sudden

[19:58]  Boreas Aethergleam thinks. "That would make sense, its body is physically impossible in the absense of magic..."

[19:59]  Amilin winces and shifts from foot to foot. "The mana cancellation bombs that River made?" she asks Relina with a hint of dread in her voice

[19:59]  Jericho Cross knew that Ashtyn had his paws full with trying to answer so many questions, so he'd start off to inform the others of what he knew. "Lady Rose, return to the castle when you are finished with this council."

[19:59]  Sally Eliwood murmurs softly "My staff has the power to negate spells it comes into contact with. if it is weak towards antimagic, I could do something after all. its negation is localized, so it wouldnt destroy its entire body. Might piss it off though"

[20:00]  Relina Harem nods to Amilin "Aye. That and my son's ability with anti magic could come in handy even though he wouldnt be able to purge all that magic by himself"

[20:01]  Amilin hisses into her wince and then nods. "Alright then, I'll carry a couple of them when I go to douse the demon, if you'd permit Ma'am."

[20:03]  Ashtyn Ninetails shakes his head a little and says softly, "...I don't know how it reacts to anti-magic... ...the only thing I know for sure is that it won't be affected by fire... I don't know also how it reacts to shadow, but it's likely it can't be affected by dark powers..."

[20:05]  Relina Harem would step back as the kittens in the basket mew a bit more loudly "Aye ill permit it" then bows her head "If youll excuse me, my grandchildren dont appear to like crowds yet.."

[20:05]  Amilin sighs and rubs at her face. "Whatever happened to that one light mage that supposedly joined a raid that one time? Light mages... always showing up when you don't need them, but never when you do."

[20:06]  Rain sighs. "If oyu will please excuse me...I believe I am no longer useful to the current situation." she gave a curtsy to Ashtyn, something *Nobody* had ever seen her do. "M'Lord, I do wish to have that audience one of these days. Until then." She turns to the stairwell, waiting for room to leave.

[20:07]  Sally Eliwood steps to the side and gives rain a somewhat exagerated curtsy of her own when she goes to leave

[20:08]  Rose gives a nod, "I'm going to go make preparations" she states, moving to leave unless stopped.

[20:09]  Ashtyn Ninetails nods to Rain, not seeming to know what other audience she speaks of, and he speaks up to the others present, "...well, now that you know the situation, and the risks... We don't know when we will confront this creature... It's been difficult to find the demon himself, but his minions have been popping up more and more often... We still need to figure how to find it. We suspect he's hiding somewhere in the deepest parts of the Caves."

[20:10]  Rain makes one last parting thought. "I'll start exploring the caves. If nothing else, I my disposal who I can talk to." Shje waves, and walks off.

[20:10]  Rose stops to look back to Ash, "Does it not live in the river next to the castle? Dont know how deep that lava is.. but I bet it has a room or a house under there"

[20:10]  Sally Eliwood tilts her head "Ashtyn, THAT I can help with. you want to track down a big flaming beast made up of fire and shadow MAGIC? that fucker likely has an aura bright enough to see though several layers of cave walls, a scent of ash and fire strong enough to follow for miles, and likely is NOT quiet. as far as taht goes. I bet I could track it easily"


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2012, 09:00:07 pm »

[20:10]  Boreas Aethergleam nods. "Magic seems to be our best weapon then, unless we have ballistae than can be deployed with some ease... But no matter what kind of magic you employ, I know i can amplify it. As for the risk of death..." He shrugs. "It wouldn't be any different if we let it be."

[20:12]  Amilin gives a slightly unhappy smile to everyone. "If you can amplify magic, white tiger, then perhaps you and i should work together. A spell of mine with your added power could rip through any unnatural force... if you are what you seem to be."

[20:13]  Ashtyn Ninetails perks his ears, and nods to Sally, saying softly, "...well lady Sally, we might need your tracking talents then."

[20:13]  Rose frowns and moves to leave

[20:14]  Sally Eliwood finally adds "Whats with the lady title... I am no lady... I'm just a bitch" feigning big innocent eyes to contradict her own words

[20:14]  Boreas Aethergleam blinks as he looks up to Amilin, tilting his head. "What- what do you mean?"

[20:16]  Amilin bows to Ashtyn. "Sorry to break into this meeting, Lord Ashtyn. Since the basic idea has been said and done, perhaps I should go and help out in the Zenko...?" she smiles to Boreas. "I have seen many interesting things in my search to become better with magic, not the least of which being a rakshasa. Though I never saw moe than the face of him, for he was only there to collect on a debt owed, I could feel his power and what he was was explained to me. You look very similar. It must be the eyes."

[20:17]  Boreas Aethergleam blinked. "Oh... I see. I lack many of the talents of my grandfather... my amplifying abilities are by skill... though I have been told my heritage has given me talent in that feild. Neverthless- if you wish for my aid in battling this creature, i will lend it."

[20:17]  Jack Lanterns looked to amilin and smiled "we'd welcome the help. perhaps you could even put on one of our arm bands... though i dont know if the tailor is ready with them yet... little minx likes to take his time aparently..."

[20:18]  Ashtyn Ninetails says softly, "Well, like I said, ready, we might be able to set the table toour advantage, or we might need to assemble ona moment's notice to fight this creature. I will personally teach the banishing to the Void spell to those who can conjure it...", and he looks to Amilin, "...uhm? What do you mean, the eyes?"

[20:19]  Jack Lanterns bowed to the lord "well lord, i must be going. if anyone wishes to help out in zenko, they're more than welcome to drop by to lend a helping hand. i have to go impail myself on a pike now... so toodles" the serval taking a single step back to head back towards zenko

[20:19]  Amilin smiles. "Armbands? Is that a new part of the dress code? If so, I still have my old armor, if that still counts." she smiles sheepishly to Ashtyn. "Nothing. I simply have seen a rakshasa with eyes nearly that color before. more red, but almost."

[20:20]  Sally Eliwood tilts her head "if it is possible I would like to learn something like that. but I have little hope that I can actually cast it. I would be foolish to pass up the chance to learn something I might be able to use to protect my home"

[20:20]  Jack Lanterns shrugged "arm bands arent ready, it's for those who dont want to wear the full uniform i suppose. always making compromises to try and bring in new recrits..."

[20:22]  Ashtyn Ninetails turns to Sally, and smirks, and shakes his head, "...that makes you not quallified to learn this magic, lady Sally... This is not something anyone should consider using lightly! The Void is not a universal dumpster where you throw your trash!", and he looks to Amilin, asking softly, "What is a rakshasa?"

[20:23]  Amilin tsks and crosses her arms. "Lazy recruits. How can they not like the armor? It feels so protected." she blinks to Ashtyn. "A white tiger with great power in controlling magic itself, raw. They can destroy spells or make them stronger, but that's abotu as much as I know."

[20:23]  Jack Lanterns answered "were tiger with reverse hands... "

[20:23]  Sally Eliwood huffs and raises her paws "fair enough... put it that way perhaps it IS a bad idea... I have faced the temptation for great power before. I did not like what it brough out in me... perhaps... perhaps it is better I do not." she nods and turns "however, I believe I hae said all I can, let me know when, and I will come. for now I am going to go torment royalty" seeming quite serious

[20:23]  Boreas Aethergleam holds up his paws. "I have some Rakshasa heritage, yes, but not a great deal."

[20:24]  Cirdan Koroniz giving a short bow, dismisses himself from the group. ((Gotta get going.))

[20:24]  Amilin looks appalled. "Oh... that's why he didn't take off his gauntlets..." she shudders.

[20:24]  Jack Lanterns backs up a bit more down the stiars, "Toodles everyone... hmmm is it noodle day back at the tavern?"

[20:26]  Boreas Aethergleam plods accross the dias. "If we may be working together, perhaps we should be introduced... "I am Boreas aethergleam, at your service."

[20:26]  Jaspian quietly trots up the steps carrying a tray with a steaming tea kettle and a china cup and some cakes saying as he passes  "excuse me, pardon me" befor stopping next to the seated kitsune and begins prepareing his tea

[20:27]  Ashtyn Ninetails nods a bit and says softly, "...just be ready, the call may come with days in advance, or it may come with minutes to spare..."

[20:27]  Amilin nods to Boreas. "Amilin Shadowdancer, at yours." she glances at Ashtyn nervously. "Perhaps it is time we left? The Zenko would need some help."

[20:29]  Ashtyn Ninetails perks his ears and glances at Jaspian, and he simply smiles, saying softly, "...there you are. Waited 'till everyone left so you wouldn't have to serve them all refreshments?"

[20:29]  Boreas Aethergleam nods. "Pleased to meet you, amilin... Perhaps we could discuss what we are planning?

[20:31]  Jaspian looks mildly shocked "Oh no master, simply waiting till your important buisness was complete befor bringing you your tea"and getly laying a lace cloth of the foxes lap offers the prepared tea "I also have several fresh baked cakes if master wishes"

[20:31]  Amilin steps to the stairs and gestures for him to follow. "Well, it's very simple. Attack, and attack, and attack. I'll have to ask Relina about her plans and work around them, but my magic takes long enough to cast that things should be able to work on shifts."

Jay Voncloud

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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 01:10:08 am »
*gfrumbles* always happens when im asleep!!


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2012, 05:04:38 pm »
TL DR verson

Fight a Balrog with a sword that wounds, making the wound unable to be healed by magic.

Ash wants to cast it into the void.
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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2012, 04:51:53 pm »
Alright, so the main components are in place for the fight against the balrog event. The next question is when.

We want to do it this weekend. When is a good time for those interested?

Saturday or Sunday, and what time?

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2012, 04:55:37 pm »
Any time Saturday or Sunday's fine with me :3

P.S: Still need that thingy I showed you?


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2012, 05:00:26 pm »
Also anyone wanting to have a character killed, this is your chance. Contact me or Ani aboout it if you want a character to die.


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2012, 08:41:30 pm »
I really can't take part in this then, I'm going to be at anthrocon all weekend.
Xema Guardian, Jannisia Ocelot, and Shaden Opaline.


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2012, 08:46:03 pm »
I can only make Sat, unless its in Euro-friendly times on Sun. Got work on Mon


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2012, 09:26:00 pm »
Alright, we have a time!

Saturday, June 16, 2012, at 1:00pm SLT.

We will being assembling at that time, and hopefully the event will be going within the hour.
We are planning attacks on two fronts so there should be plenty of room, and Ani is trying to put together something for the least combat-oriented players. And we'll try to make it a relatively quick event.

We need most of all spellcasters on the team that will fight the balrog. Anyone is welcome, of course, but just so you know magic will have more effect than brute force (as has been determined by the IC meeting you can read up).
Ani, when you see this, make a post announcing what you need so people can coordinate.

Husky Dragon

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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2012, 09:31:16 pm »
Those who feel they don't have any characters who would fit in the balrog scene well, please do come if you can anyways. :3 During the overall event, there will be a prompt post for another scene, directly related to the balrog event, that will likely suit any characters who wouldn't fit well in the balrog scene. Noncombatants will likely have something to do as well, all I would like is, if anyone's going to decide to do this secondary scene ahead of time, go ahead and drop me and IM and let me know! That's all. <3


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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2012, 09:36:36 pm »
Aww.. i might not be able to make that time ish a bit early for me, but i'll do my best to be there in one form or another.

Jay Voncloud

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Re: Fight the Balrog
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2012, 01:07:36 am »
HOLY CRAP A LORE EVENT THATS AT A RESONABLE TIME!!! WOOT! ill so be there!!! If Jays foresight can be used pre event, feel free