Author Topic: The fall of the death knight!  (Read 8254 times)

Husky Dragon

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The fall of the death knight!
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:01:53 am »
Thank you very much to everyone who showed up for this event! I enjoyed it, and I thought the combat went along quite smoothly. Special thanks to Voncloud for helping with managing the event and the post order.

Event summary: After being informed by the city librarian that Morgana was a phylactery-utilizing death knight, the zenko mobilized through the portal to find it immediately. They were met by a throng of armored zombies and a black-carapaced acid bug. After destroying this group, the fighters advanced to attack Morgana at her obelisk-phylactery. The phylactery also caused trouble, serving as a defensive turret, while the empowered (By her extreme proximity to her phylactery) Morgana assaulted the group. While some of the defenders held off Morgana's powered attacks, the others made a target out of the obelisk, casting damaging spells on it before finally overloading it with energy and causing it to crumble.. Morgana was taken back to the island, apparently converted from her death knight status upon the destruction of the obelisk.

Monsters defeated!

Boss: Morgana (Death Knight)

Shadow Bug Warrior

Armored Zombie x 50

Obelisk phylactery
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 12:12:16 am by Husky Dragon »

Husky Dragon

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Re: The fall of the death knight!
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 12:05:11 am »
At the portal!

[13:36]  Sigmund looks about at the assembled fighters. "were are not here for pride or glory, we are here to protect our home."
[13:36]   As the fighters start to step through the portal, the enemy force starts moving almost immediately.. The large white bug steps back slowly, the black one and all the armored zombies in the front line start to advance on the attackers!
[13:38]  Jay Voncloud holds his sword at the enemy "form a line!, let them come at us, we will strike them down in waves!", He grips his left paw, charging a spell
[13:40]  Sigmund moved to the front, lowering his sheild and readying his glowing sword- ideal as a defender. "Here we go, brother..."
[13:42]  Ruk stalked to Sigmund's side, his brow furrowed. This was going to be far different from the first time he ventured here, all those years ago. He shifted, ready to strike even though he had no weapon in hand. He didn't need one.
[13:43]  Bedelia O'Meara stands, not in a battle pose, but simply at the ready. She has no weapons, but for the book in her hands... so she stays behind the others and begins to murmur prayers to her god for his power.
[13:44]  Kain Harem draws his katana and prepares his own ready stance while folding his wings "Ill do my best..." he says before letting out a scolding hiss at the zombies and bugs
[13:45]   The portal flares a moment as someone passes through it and suddenly a loud, dragonlike roar is heard. A winged creature comes quickly out of it and immediately turns upwards, spinning as it gains some altitude until it stops in the air, wings extending to begin to flap...revealing a female Extractum Vulpes Zerda! Vil'yer took a quick moment to look over the situation; it seemed she'd arrived in time...
[13:49]  Shadow Warrior Bug lets out a feral-sounding growl as it approaches behind the rank of armored zombies.. Some type of acid appeared to be dripping from the odd appendage out, which it raised and aimed upwards, firing a jet of fairly, but not lethaly corrosive acid toward the flier above. The zombies advance towards the group.. They seemed different than normal zombies, somehow.. Not entirely listless. They seemed angry, and moved with a purpose.. And the armor and weapons they wore were certainly going to be a problem. The small horde of armored zombies would be upon the defenders next turn.. In the distance, the defenders could see Morgana moving, swinging a paw out.. The obelisk behind her glows red as more undead begin prying themselves out of the ground in the distance..
[13:52]  Jay Voncloud snarls as the Bug pukes out at the flier, even though the attack isnt aimed at his force directly, it would shower down, he quickly barks "Split up, right and left,  Dispatch the Zombies, aim for the weak spots!, ill try to thin their ranks!" he would order thrusting his paw forwards, sending out a lightning bolt, it hits one zombie, then bounces between 2 more
[13:54]  Sigmund would move straight forward, moving slowly with his sheild ready, not going to risk a charge with Bedelia behind him. He calmy evaluated their armor for obvious weaknesses, his sword crackling with blue energy.
[13:59]  Ruk had started to move before Jay had even finished speaking, but his ears picked up everything. Unarmored and unarmed, he didn't have the luxury of waiting for the enemy to reach him, he needed to strike first.  Moving fast with no heavy gear to weight him down, he'd surge past Sigmund to the zombie on the party's right, throwing a punch at it's neck. Then, at the last moment, there is a crash like glass breaking, a razor sharp crystal blade springing out of his fur to try to take it's head off. Maybe he isn't so unarmed after all.
[14:00]  Bedelia O'Meara plants herself in a spot to the side and behind Sigmund but close enough to affect as many undead as she can, raising her book to the heavens. A brilliance makes itself known from above, and bursts of what seems like harmless light to the living nondemons pepper the area around for ten meters, causing undead and demons to sear and bubble as if the sun were being pulled down on them.
[14:03]  Kain Harem quickly flies to his left in order to flank the zombies and the bug "So many...." he mutters before stopping in midair. He then starts to channel a good bit of mana into his sword in the form of wind "Lets see if you can fly!" he shouts before casting a tornado spell among the group of zombies to the bug's right
[14:05]  Vil'yer's ears perk as she sees the albino wolf charge forward into a group of zombies and she flies after him, doing a brief overhead circling until the wolf gets within the range of his attack. Then she roars and blasts a fairly large and high velocity ball of fire into the zombie group, trying to keep them off of him. The ball would explode to cause area damage on impact with the ground. Smoke emitted from the dragonfennec's nostrils.
[14:09]  Vil'yer blinked as she saw the acid firing towards her and immediately shot upwards to avoid it. Afterwards she swooped down toward the group of zombies that the albino wolf was attacking. She roared as she fired a fairly large and high velocity ball of fire from her maws and into the zombie group, trying to keep them off of him. The ball would explode to cause area damage on impact with the ground. Smoke emitted from the dragonfennec's nostrils.
[14:12]  Gustav Kuriga appears through the portal, completely disoriented for a few seconds. Looking around, he sees an intense battle going on, and draws his sword, ready to help however he can.
[14:14]   As the tornado is formed and starts to circle around the zombies.. Unfortunately, it would rather effectively also begin to throw sand in all directions, both at the attackers and at the defenders.. The zombies don't really seem effected by the sand, but the chaotic winds do slow their movements.. They'd begin to move even more slowly as they began to suffer the light mage's spell, several more being baked and taken down by physical attacks and magic spells from the attackers, totaling a loss of more than half of the right force, eight in total.. The insectoid, indeed affected by the flying sand, let out a loud roar, knocking a couple zombies aside to make his charge for the group.. He appears to be heading right for sigmund, intent on getting to Bedelia, who appeared to be causing the most trouble for his allies.. As he approaches sigmund, he slashes two powerful clawed forwarms down at the gazelle. The zombies are delayed from reaching the main defense group for another round due to attacks made against them.
[14:16]  Jay Voncloud coughs as the sand that was blown up engulfes him, causing him to stop and close hie eyes to stop sand getting into him, leavign the fox momenterially blind and unable to move as he chokes
[14:17]  Sigmund sheilded his eyes from the flying sand, seeing the bug charge towards him. With a roar of fury, he braced himself and charged straight ahead. in addition to being a seasoned warrior, the dire gazelle weighed four hundred pounds WITHOUT his armor. He tilted the sheild a little, trying to smash the acid cannon with his charge.
[14:21]  Ruk was like a whirlwind all his own as the others made their moves. No sooner did the first zombie's head come flying off than he kicked another, using it as a springboard to avoid the strikes and the flame raining down. A second blade sprouts from his other arm as he lands behind the bug, almost landing on it's tail amid the blinding hail of sand. The wolf would get a little tricky now, springing onto the bug's back to try and get hold of a horn, planning on using one of his blades on the beast's neck if he can.
[14:21]  Bedelia O'Meara eeps at the sudden sand, sheilding her face with the book's cover. When she feels safer, she summons the power of Lugh once more and sends a ball of light magic in an uppercut to the nearest zombie, hopefully sending it to a true death.
[14:24]  Gustav Kuriga coughing some at the sand, he quickly rips a strip of red cloth from his armor, wrapping it around his mouth to keep the sand from getting in too badly. Raising an arm to shield his eyes, he walks over to Jay and takes another strip of cloth and attempts to wrap that around his face as well, trying to allow him to breathe in the suffocating sand. "Jay, can you hear me? It's Gustav. Where do you need me?"
[14:25]  Kain Harem eaps as he watches what he had done and brings his scarf up to cover his eyes "Damn, that was careless" he mutters before he would cause the tornado to stop. Soon afterwards, he would remove his scarf from his eyes and make for a gliding dive towards the zombies trying to  plunge his sword into one of them
[14:35]  Shadow Warrior Bug would sway to the side with a growl at that blow, the acid cannon on his arm broke open and spilled acid all over the ground nearby.. The bug reacted quickly though, seeming to utterly refuse to acknowlege the pain.. The bug attempted to unleash a flurry of slashes with it's three blades at the gazelle, attempting to occupy him defending, if not overwhelm him. It hunched slightly as it was landed on, but would react before the wolf likely had time to make his attack after having made so many other actions, attempting to slam it's carapaced tail into Ruk harshly to interrupt his assault.. The zombie hit by Bedelia's spell  would be destroyed on the spot,  another by Kaji's sword.. The ground of (now 6) armored zombies finally reached the main group, starting to swing weapons.. The other group, still mostly full in number, but slowed and weakened by the spell cast on them earlier, would start swinging at Kaji with rusted weapons of all sorts.. Behind them, the group would see the white insectoid and it's surrounding zombies burrow into the ground..
[14:37]  Jay Voncloud coughs then nods as gustav wraps cloth around his maw, nodding a thank you He directs "gustav, to the right, Aid Kaji with that group" He pants, as his maw seeps witrh blue, turning around and summoning reinforcments
[14:37]  Sigmund grunted, blocking the first two scythe claws with his sheild, power blocking at the third- if it bought him any space, he would slash at the join with his barbed sword, trying to at least damage it- though with his strength it was possible to sever the limb, if it hit just right. The sands had died down as the tornado had been dispelled.
[14:41]  Ruk cussed as he was forced to scrap his attempt to attack, pushing off again to tumble into the sand. He wound up landing on one of the zombies, and scrambled to get back to his feet before others attacked. So much for his momentum.
[14:43]  Bedelia O'Meara tries to move back out of the range of zombies, but yells out in pain as one hits her in the arm, cutting her deeply. Despite the pain, she manages to cast another ball of upwards light to another zombie, growing frantic now.
[14:46]  Kain Harem growls as he sees the zombies approach him ready to attack. He starts to move back quickly as he begins to notice he was outnumbered "Gotta break them up somehow...." he says before noticing someone came to help "We gotta split them up!"
[14:50]  Gustav Kuriga runs over to where he sees the dragoncat fighting the zombies and nods at his statement. Coming from the opposite side of the group of zombies, Gustav swings his bastard sword in a wide arc in front of him, glad that the putrefied flesh is easy for his sword to go through. Now that he's fully healed for once, he can move at full speed, coming back for another swipe at the group of zombies, using the range of his sword to keep out of reach from their weapons.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The fall of the death knight!
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 12:05:31 am »
[14:54]  Sally Eliwood tilts her head and lets out a sigh walking towards the only one she can see is injured nearest her, she doesn't seem very interested in the fight itself just yet raising her staff to touch bedelie with one end to heal that deep cut, thankfully the wound is small enough to heal quickly without a lot of attention focused on it, drawwing the lower sword and twirls it in her paw for a moment, before flinging it at the insectoid beast, directed at its eyes since that was the most obvious soft spot in its exoskelleton
[14:57]  Rena Fellswipe made her way right through the portal with the rest of the group, eyeing out who may need help and who might not. She kept her distance from the bunch, but for the sake of combat that might come she flicks her right arm out. Triggering a spike made of dencafied bone about a foot long over her wrist. It was sharp, though only at the point. With this at the ready, she moves from the large group to evaluate what is going on and who needs help the most.
[14:58]  Rain looks around as she, too, comes through the portal, her paws glowing, her mana aura slowly turning clockwise, and she looks around. "Who received my message. I brought what reinforcements we had waiting, Sir....awaiting your orders. May Aer bless us this day with Victory."
[15:07]   The zombie attacking Bedelia would be dispatched by the attack made against it, another being dispatched by gustav's blade.. The shadow bug would be struck successfully by the gazelle's attack, and, in a rather fierce rage, the bug threw all three scythed arms towards the gazelle, stepping forward as he does so, putting all of his force into his attack in an attempt to knock the gazelle away.. The bug, however, was starting to hurt, and the zombies' numbers were starting to thin. In the bug's movement, the sword thrown at him would glance off the edge of his carapace.
[15:09]  Jay Voncloud steppeed back alittle as the reinforcments came pointing out to those who had arrived "Rena, shore up the left side...finish off those last few zombies, Sally, move with her, Rain, strike at the bug, bring it down" he barked, his eyes set on the Dreadknight in the distance
[15:11]  Sigmund let out a roar of rage at the bug's attack, throwing all his strength into a feirce power block. the three scythe claws punched through the iron and wood, one scraping past the Gazelle's bracer. Seeing his chance, he pulled the bug's arms aside and stepped forward, trying to slide his blade upwards between the carapace plates.
[15:12]  Bedelia O'Meara gapes at the wound sealing over and then shakes herself, regaining her previous mental state. With a mutter, she hides behind the group. "I'm saving power for the others ahead... Lugh will not favor me forever."
[15:17]  Kain Harem looked to Gustav and watched him combat the zombies with his sword for a few seconds before preparing his own strike. He spread his wings again and takes off towards two of the zombies that he sees would be the best to attack. He would slash one down its back then spin around while holding his sword out to cut another in half and cut the first one again. He would make sure he was extra careful not to hit Gustav
[15:21]  Gustav Kuriga makes sure to hang around the edges of the group, so that he will not be surrounded and overwhelmed. Taking another swing, he aims for a couple of the zombies that aren't being targeted by Kain, his mind focusing solely on his opponents.
[15:21]  Rain looked over at Jay, blinking slowly. "I will strike as you order, Sir, but I can not kill. Not after what I've done...." She carefully approached the bug, her wings spread wide in a flap-ready position. Once she found her opening, she'd feign going left, before buffeting the bug with her left wing, then strking at it with her halberd. If it hit, River would grimace in pain as the vibrations travleled down the shaft of the weapon.
[15:24]  Sally Eliwood  blinks tilting her head at jay for a split second not used to actually recieving orders in combat, but she grins right away nodding and darting to skirt around the large bug drawing her second blade as she goes. she twists once she is in range of the zombie creatures bringing her staff around in one paw  to slam into the side of the nearest, and stabbing forward with the blade to strike a second creature in the same motion. she was fast and adept despite the odd pairing of staff and sword
[15:27]  Rena Fellswipe nods to the one giving orders and heads off. Her body prepared for another buff bump as she runs out towards the undead ranks. Hopefully they where not dead to long..... she might have a snack after all of this is over. Charging in though, she readies her strike and sends out out with the densafied bone. Thing was hard as iron though pretty light as she makes her strike, aiming to puncture into where the heart would be for the thing and would use the momentome to move to the side just a bit and continue on so that she would rip herself right out to strike at the next one. She did keep her eyes open to everyone around her and her ears open to whoever needs aid.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The fall of the death knight!
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 12:05:43 am »
[15:31]   Five total zombies would be dispatched by the attackers, finishing off one of the groups and cutting into another.. The bug would be distracted momentarily by Rain's attack, complimenting Sigmun's breaking of his defense enough to land a strong blow past his carapace.. The insectoid screwemed and howled in pain, collasping to the ground.. It looked up, however, aciding blood dripping from it's maw as a hissing noise starts to emit from it, louder and louder.. Those experienced with the insects of the desert would know what was about to come.
[15:33]  Jay Voncloud watched as his force was dispatching the zombies, and now had felled the Insect, but his ears flicked at the sounds being made, he knew what was coming as he barked as loud as he could "GET AWAY FROM THE BUG!!!" he commands, hoping he was quick enough to order it as he retreates back a touch to make sure he didnt get hit "Regroup to me!"
[15:34]  Sigmund growled as he realized what was about to happen, slashing the straps on his sheild and leaving it behind, stuck to the bug's claws, leaping back as far as he could, body-sheilding bedelia if he was still in range
[15:35]  Bedelia O'Meara is already back, but backs off further at the command, hiding behind Sigmund. She mutters prayers under her breath, and tries to keep composed.
[15:37]  Kain Harem growled as he would jump up slightly and swing his sword across to try to behead one more zombie before he flicked his ear when he heard Jay "What the?" he asks before looking to Gustav "Lets fall back" he says before taking to the air again
[15:38]  Gustav Kuriga nods, and backs off slowly, putting some distance between him and the zombies before turning his back to them and heading towards Jay, giving the screeching bug a wide berth.
[15:44]  Sally Eliwood tilts her head "if it is close enough to reach us when it explodes, then get close to me and I can easily raise a barrier to defend at least 4..." she turns an ear towards Jay hearing the order to regroup to him so she flicks her blade one last time to slice the head off the nearest zombie as she backs away, making sure there was at least one less to worry about
[15:47]  Rain hears Jay say to get back, and she spreads her wings back behind her, and with a mighty gust aimed at the ground, she flies backwards and up slightly, before comnig back down, a bit hard, right on top of - or pretty close to - Jay.
[15:50]  Rena Fellswipe was about to go another round with these undead minions before her ears perked at the order to fall back. She didn't know what or why, but it must be a good reason and did not question it as she heads back to regroup with the rest. Ready for the next set of orders though still she keeps an eye out for wounded or injured people.
[15:52]  Shadow Warrior Bug The bug explodes violently, another few zombies falling to the attacker's blows, before the insect suddenly, and rather violently explodes.. A thick spread of acidic bug goo and parts would splatter in all directions.. Only those within 5 meters would really be hurt by it, anyone outside would take a coupe drips of it at most - painful, but not damaging ultimately. This only left 8 armored zombies in the first wave, all other opponents defeated.
[15:53]  Jay Voncloud would of directed the force to finish the remaining zombies, but instead eneded up being rained ipon by...rain..who landed on top of the fox and grounding him rather quickly
[15:56]  Sigmund sheilded his eyes with sivlem's glowly blade, the acid splattering on his armor but failing the eat through the thick plate- the gazelle was grateful for his heavy armor. the acid that hit the blade wouldn't sizzle, but simpluy drip off the resistant blade.
[15:59]  Bedelia O'Meara is sheilded from acid by Sigmund, thankfully, but a couple of little drops hit her winter clothing and burn little holes that will be a pain to mend later.
[15:59]  Kain Harem would try to fly back and regroup with the others before the bug exploded. He would look back and cringe at the sight "Bugs......"
[16:00]  Cavram Graves exits through the portal, wondering where all have gone
[16:01]  Gustav Kuriga is halfway to the group before he notices the others bracing for something. Remembering what Sally had said, he takes a step towards her, trying to get as close to her as possible.
[16:03]  Rena Fellswipe was already making her dash towards Jay as ordered, sprinting more or less and thankful she didn't buff up or she would be much slower. None the less, as soon as the bug blew up she was still running and makes it to the back of the group so hopefully she doesn't get hit by the fall out.... that acid would not be a comfortable thing against her.
[16:03]  Sally Eliwood raises her staff seeing she was in range of the acidic blast, seeing gustav as well. she slams the base of the staff into the ground the gem flairing up and a barrier wrapps around them both protecting them from the acid and the zombies behind them before either of them could be harmed by it
[16:09]  Rain was shielding Jay with her wings - quite by accident - so she got a few drops splattered on her cape, the acid burning a hole right through it. She hears the fabric sizzling, and grumbles, "Damnit...I'm gonna hvave to get that fixed."  Before a single drop hits the tip of her tail, causing her to yowl in pain, flicking her tail in front of her, looking at it. "And now I'm going to be walking around with a damned bandage on my tail, too!" She rolled off of Jay, standing up and holding a paw down to him. "My apologies Sir."
[16:12]  Cavram Graves looks up and sees a gathering of people fighting a zombie horde and something else that looks quite wicked. He readies his staff, pulling it from his belt and expanding with a spin. he takes a step towards River, keeping his guard up and still assessing the surprising situation before him
[16:14]   The zombies were all that were left of the first wave of defense.. However, as they raised their maces, the death knight off in the distance swung her paw to the side, almost immediately causing all of the zombies to collapse motionlessly to the ground, a reddish energy flying from their forms towards the obelisk she stood near..
[16:15]  Jay Voncloud watchs the obilisk, he had worked out already it was important "We have to destory the obalisk, advance!" he would bark, not careing to check who would follow or not
[16:16]  Sigmund walked up to the bug's exploded remains, picking through them with the tip of his acid-resistant sword, sighing and shaking his head in disgust as the dissolved wreck of his sheild before he moved on behind Jay, hefting a cantalope-sized stone in his free hand.
[16:16]  Bedelia O'Meara sighs and relaxes a bit, patting her book to make sure it was no worse for the wear. "Blessings of Lugh on all of you..." she says, stepping forward to stand by Sigmund. "And thank you."
[16:16]  Rain: I have one thing I can try, with your permission, Sir. It's called Dragonfire..." She seemed hesitant to use it, but she would if needed. "I'd need a few minutes to get it ready.."
[16:17]  Kain Harem would just let himself fall and land on his feet before looking at the zombies "How could they survive a bug bomb?...." then ghasped as he sensed a great surge of dark magic come from the zombies which made his eyes light up like glowing orbs "Whats... Happening?! Such a strong force of mana..."
[16:18]  Cavram Graves follows after Rain, now asking her, "What happened?"
[16:18]  Gustav Kuriga his breathing a bit faster than normal, but nowhere near being out of breath. Hearing a crash of bones, he looks behind him to see the obelisk. Eyes wide in fear, he grips his sword tightly.
[16:19]  Rena Fellswipe watching everyone advance and then back to the acid still on the ground, she was really uneasy about all of this. "Go ahead. I will hang back at the Zenko to set up aid if anyone needs to be treated for their wounds."
[16:19]  Sally Eliwood turns her eyes to the oblisk looking it up and down trying to see the flow of mana inside it via her aura sight, she wanted to know if they where real souls being used or just fake energy forms used to make the zombies. following after jay of course, she didn;t come to stand around afte rall
[16:19]  Bedelia O'Meara glares at the glowing object and opens her book again. "Oh divine Lugh, look upon us with favor as we go." she then follows.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The fall of the death knight!
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2012, 12:09:50 am »
At the obelisk!

[16:22]  Kain Harem ran after the group but he would stop and just stare at the obelisk "I..... So much...."
[16:22]  Gustav Kuriga stands about four feet from Jay, waiting for orders as well. He is  gripping his sword tightly, looking on the runes of the blade.
[16:24]  Sigmund hefts the rock in his paw before snapping the carry strap on his backup sword, getting it ready
[16:26]  Bedelia O'Meara glares at the obelisk, then at the Dreadknight, and then opens to a specific page on her book.
[16:26]  Sally Eliwood lets out a soft sigh "well? are you just going to stand there 'dreadknight'? I have seen one like you before a long while back, similar taint to your auras... "
[16:29]   As the group approaches, Morgana's face twists in a wicked grin, raising her battleaxe above her head.. The energy at the top of the boelisk suddenly surges with necromatic energy, the smaller and larger orbs align in Jay's direction.. They surge once more, firing a heavy, fast-moving bolt of necromatic energy at him, intended to take the fox out quickly.. As she did this, the twenty armored zombies infront of both of them charged (very slowly, zombies!) towards the attackers - they would arrive next post unless hindered.
[16:32]  Jay Voncloud was about to issue the orders then the strike from the obilisk occured, he looks in time to see the attack strike him directly in the armor plating, making himd rop his sword, howl in pain and get thrown literally through the group, landing in apile behind them, his armor burnt right through, the attack being done as quick as the blink of an eye
[16:36]  Sally Eliwood blinks in surprise her eyes widdening seeing the energy fly past her before she could react, she loses all interest in the approaching zombies for the time being, her entire focus on making sure her friend was still alive. knowing she ould not heal him much to her dismay
[16:37]  Gustav Kuriga watches in shock as Jay is struck, and is thrown behind them. Turning towards the death knight, he grips his sword tightly and growls, walking forward slowly before swinging at the first zombie, hoping to cut through it's neck with ease.
[16:43]  Ookamisuke Babenco: While she was speaking, her paws were beginning to darken in color of the glow, turning a *very* fiery red color. "I'll need someone to guard me while I get this charged up. It's going to take a minute." Whether she was guarded or not, she closed her eyes, striking her paws together, and beginning to chant. When she began slowly drawing her paws apart, a glow could be seen coming from between them, going to her mouth. "May Aer bless this day with his presence. May the Gods watch over us this day with their grace. I call upon the purity of fire to cleanse my enemy from this earth. I call upon my birthright as a dragon, as my mother did, and her mother before her. Grant me your eternal light, Fire, and destroy my enemy!" Her speech finished, the glow finally culminated in her mouth, and she spread her wings, flying into the air and hovering there, waiting for the others to get away so she didn't harm them.
[16:43]  Sigmund spares only a moment to glance back at Jay before turning his attention forwards, hurling the rock at the nearest zombie- between its weight as his strength, it could easily smash through its helmet.  He gripped his sword with both hands striding forward and hacking brutally at the nearest undead, the Spiritbane blade of his sword making the undead flesh it cut smoke and burn away.
[16:45]  Cavram Graves draws seeds from his satchel into one hand and holds his staff at the ready with the other. He seems to be reciting something quietly to himself as he watches the scene unfold before him, staying on guard, he throws the seeds from his hand to a few of the zombies that now charge. His eyes go wide as he registers what's happened to Jay.
[16:46]  Kain Harem would try to calm his mana sense but yelps in fright when he sees the beam of energy shoot out "JAY!" he shouts but shudders as it hit the fox. He then glares directly at the blue rabbit and bares his fangs "Im going to finish what my mother started...." he held his sword ready before taking flight again
[16:48]  Bedelia O'Meara gasps as Jay falls, then glares at the Obelisk. Noting that most aren't paying her any attention, she rushes as fast as her fat legs can take her to get to a face of the obelisk that isn't occupied. As soon as she gets close to it, she unleashes a sunfire spell, the ball of light magic hurtling toward the orbs as her first strike. She had to take it down.
[16:54]  Death Knight grins widely as she tugs on the wolf's mane she rode, directing the beast towards  Bedelia.. She digs her heel into the wolf's side, the wolf howls and begins it's dash.. The death knight yells out, horribly, "Do you think I wasn't going to notice you, you filthy human?!" Half of the zombies are easily wiped out in the initial assault from the attackers, the rest try to hold strong against them.. The orb at the top of the tower starts to glow with energy again..
[16:58]  Sally Eliwood stands up slowly after a moment sheathing her sword slinging her staff and tieing the strings around her to hold it on her back, she seems to be taking her time but her mana can be seen rippling through her fur, crimson and flame0like straining to be controlled through her anger, she turns to the zombies and lets out a cold snarl before she kicks off the sand launching herself at them claws bared intent on grabbing two closest by their throats and tearing them apart, the soft fetid flesh making it almost two easy for the vixens claws sharper than her swords where, not seeming to care at least for now about the rotted gore that doubtless makes a mess of her paws with such a close quarters strike "you should have attacked me death knight, first I'll help finish these off... then I am coming for you" she speaks under her breath, mostly to herself
[16:59]  Gustav Kuriga sees the Death Knight charging towards  the human, and moves to cut him off. He runs straight through the thinned crowd of zombies, forgetting them. If he gets to the death knight in time, he aims a thrust straight at the midsection of the wolf.
[17:02]  Ookamisuke Babenco: While the rest of this was going on, River flew up a little higher, opening her mouth and speaking in a loud, booming voice, "I give what reserve sof Mana I have left to this fire of Dragons. By my will, by my magic, let the fire BURN!" She shouted, and on the word "Burmn" a stream of pure, unhindered fire - as if the embodiemtn of the very word were called into existence - flew towards the orb. River could be seen growing faint the longer the attack went on. Finally, after a couple more minutes, a large ball followed behind the stream, enveloping the sphere, and beginning to burn the sphere, ore at least try to. River looked at everyone else, her wings moving slower....and slower....until finally, in her normal voice, she said, "It is one with you now, Aer....breathe your blessing into me!" And she collapsed to the ground, her mana aura completely stopped from spinning, a myriad of different colors at present.
[17:03]  Sigmund is tall enough to see over the heads of the zombies, dispatching the nearest one with his sword before lowering his shoulder and horns, charging to intercept the mounted death knight. Any zombies in the way would get bowled out out of the way by the gazelle's overpowering charghe, hoping to knock the death knight clear off her mount. His charge was considerably faster than Gustav's, and he would reach her first.
[17:03]  Cavram Graves gestures towards the zombies that he threw seeds towards, his chanting grows louder and he points his staff to the sky, holding it overhead as he clenches his pointing hand into a fist. vines seem to quickly sprout and grow off of them now, entangling the zombies he hit and slowing them down near to the point of stopping now. He runs up to stab them with his staff after.
[17:07]  Kain Harem blinks as he sees the death knight charge for the woman, though the decision whether or not to strike the death knight, distract her, or just save the human was made easier since others decided to strike at the death knight. He would then quickly channel wind energy around himself to a swirling ring behind him which he would now release foward behind him. This would send him gliding towards Bedelia faster than normal while giving the appearance that he broke the sound barrier. He is going to try to catch Bedlia and bring her to safety

Husky Dragon

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Re: The fall of the death knight!
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2012, 12:10:00 am »
[17:09]  Bedelia O'Meara looks frightened for a moment as the Death knight charges, then she steels herself when she sees her backup and rushes (dodging Kain) to the face on the side of the obelisk, scrambling up using the jaw and eye socets as hand and footholds. Once she is up there, panting, she opens her book to the first spell she used this fight and chants, a grim look on her face. The Rain of Light comes down mostly on the obelisk, but may also hit nearby zombies, and since the Death Knight is in range, her as well.
[17:13]  Morgana would let out a growl as her quarry eludes her, but grin toward sigmund and Gustav.. She throws her shield full-force towards gustav, drawing her warhammer.. She'd swing both, aiming one at sigmund's incoming blow, and Gustav's if he managed to get past the flying shield, aiming to stunt the movement of both attackers.. The light energy started to cause her flesh to bur naway, but as she was injured, the obelisks' grow temporarily brightened, causing her wounds to close almost immediately as they're made.. The energy that his the obelisk, however, does visible damage to it physically despite the magic's actual destructive strength, causing pieces of solid rock to crumble off of the obelisk.. It does, however, stand for now - River's dragonbreath stopped the orb's charge completely and damaged the top of the obelisk below. Morgana growls out.. "You are powerless to stop me, you bloody heretics! I am beyond death!" The zombies would be all but destroyed from the last wave of attacks.
[17:18]  Sally Eliwood twists on her paws as the two she had clawed fall "no one is beyond death" she comments simply as she changes directions towards Morgana jumping at the last moment intending to land on the haunches of the wolf clawing into it with her foot-paws both to injure it and to ensure her own balance as she brings her paws down intending to drive the claws into her eyes rather than attempting to kill "but if you want to keep on living, then I will just take your eyes, your tongue next, then we will see what else I can take." with sallys touch if it landed, morgana would feel a burning as well, sallys mana preparing to be thrust into her target, with her anger she was not holding back, but she was rather open to be attacked as well
[17:19]  Gustav Kuriga barely seeing the shield in time, Gustav starts to get out of the way, putting the flat of his blade in front of him at an angle aimed to deflect rather than block the shield, stepping as much as he could to the side. It wouldn't be enough, however, the shield hitting his sword with enough force to make him stumble and fall flat on his back. He was stunned, his hands and wrists numb for a while before aching badly.
[17:20]  Sigmund gripped his sword with both hands, parrying the warhammer before twisting the blade and pulling back on it, trying to hook the weapon with the barbs and pull the death knight off her mount. "The obelisk is her phylactery! Focus all your efforts on the obelisk, I'll keep her busy!" The gazelle would press the attack, hammering his sword down on the death knight with earthshaking force- he knew Sivlem could withstand the abuse his two-handed strikes dished out.
[17:23]  Cavram Graves finishes off the zombies that were near him and Rain, then rushing to Rain's side and checking on her to make sure she was okay. He stands over her Guarding now to keep forces away from her that would attack.
[17:26]  Kain Harem flailed around a bit as he noticed he missed what he was shooting for "woahh!" then quickly tries to slow himself down and readjust his flight. His ear would flick as he heard Sigmund and look towards the orb and figure he should help with it. He then takes off for the orb and starts to gather up a good bit of anti-magic energy within himself.
[17:26]  Bedelia O'Meara tries to catch her breath and still get off the obelisk, but her legs are trembling and she is running out of adrenaline. "Damn..." she swears, keeping a close watch on things. She had very little of her tenative connection to Lugh to rely on, and the book's glow was beginning to fade. "Double damn..."
[17:30]  Morgana would be tugged forward by Sigmund's attempt to disarm her, but the undead lapine had incredible strength in her current state, and would let out a fierce roar as she tugs back with all of her strength, attempting to, and quite possibly having enough force to, throw the gazelle aside if their weapons didn't break contact. The death knight, quite aware of Sally's attack, would swing the battleaxe she wielded in her other paw back at the fixen as she closes in, the remainder of the vixen's attacks' succes likely riding on her ability to avoid that axe. The obelisk was in bad shape now, it would not take too much more to finally cause it to topple.
[17:34]  Gustav Kuriga picking up his sword again, he takes it in his hands, barely able to hold it, and walks slowly up to where the death knight is. He then thrusts it straight at the wolf's stomach, knowing he'll probably lose it in his attack.
[17:35]  Sigmund twisted his sword, the barbs turning and breaking the lock when he realized he couldn't overpower the death knigt, taking a step back and trying to behead her mout with a two handed swing
[17:36]  Cavram Graves helps Rain up and partially carries her now, drawing her from the battlefeild and taking her with him to the portal, he looks back once more and crosses over, the both of them now out of the battle and in a place more safe.
[17:36]  Sally Eliwood is very glad especially now for her talents turning as she approached to move just enough to the side before that blow could hit flicking her ears back as even with her grace and speed she could still feel the wind as it passed, she flicks her tails up mana rippling through the fur and follows through with the rest of her attack attempting to plunge her claws into the death knights eyes, having prepared it the round prior she would then attempt to thrust a burst of mana into morgana's head intending to use it to shatter the bones around the top of her neck. sally's aim was to paralize the death knight. purely because she did not want to use more mana than it would already cost her
[17:40]  Kain Harem continues to fly straight for the damned orb and focus more and more energy to be used in one blow as he noticed the orb was weak. As soon as he reached striking distance, he would unleash at most 75% of what he could handle into his blade which transfers into the orb "PURGE!!!!" he shouts as he swings his katana to slice into the orb
[17:42]  Bedelia O'Meara finally manages to make it off the sid eof the obelisk, only to stagger away on shaky legs. "Ow... Lugh, don't turn from us now..." she mutters, glaring at the beset Morgana and reopening her book. She had to concentrate hard, as this was the last spell she knew Lugh would grant her for a while.
[17:44]  Morgana would be, between Sally's attack and the two attacks aimed at her mount, which successfully slew it, tossed a distance away from the spot.. Despite all the attacks that had hit her, she rises to her feet, body looking quite healthy, though blood trailing from her mount to her position showed she was clearly hit. She grins as she raises both battleaxe and warhammer down towards the ground, creating a shockave through the sand, riddled with necromatic power, consistantly 5 meters wide and about 3 feet tall, towards Gustav, Sally and Sigmund.. Though the energy itself didn't carry much destructive power, the concussive force of the wave was incredible, likely enough to knock most characters flat on their backs. The obelisk started glowing brightly as the energy flow to the orb was abruptly disrupted.. Now the obelisk was crumbling and unstable, it would only take one last spell to bring it tumbling straight to the ground.. And hopefully, Morgana's sudden and terrible gain in power along with it.
[17:48]  Sally Eliwood drops gracefully to the ground as the mount dies and raises her staff slamming it into the sand as that shockwave comes at her expending another large portion of mana from the staff itself to raise a barrier once more around herself gustav and sigmund, it would block the attack but also prevent them from attacking back that time, giving them a breather and keeping them safe so morgana wouldn't have the chance to strike one while they where down
[17:54]  Gustav Kuriga flinches slightly, then realizes that the shockwave hadn't reached them. He then tries to move towards the death knight, but is stopped by the shield. Growling, he looks over to Sally. "Drop the barrier now!"
[17:55]  Sigmund blinked as the shockwave was blocked, his hands on his sword shaking with fatique- he was running out of steam after the hammer tug-o-war
[17:56]  Kain Harem after he struck the orb, the dragoncat would suddenly pass out and start tumbling towards the ground and land in the sand unconscious "....."
[17:56]  Bedelia O'Meara turned to the obelisk and, holding her book high, shouted. "By Lugh's Spear, you shall fall!" with a flash, a bright ball of her sunfire, granted by Lugh, ran up the side of the obelisk, skipping across the surface a few times before ending it's arc at the top. Her book stopped glowing completely, and Bedelia was completely unable to defend herself.
[17:59]  Morgana the obelisk would, almost all at once, lose it's glow, and start to shudder as it hinted at it's imminent collapse.. Morgana widens her eyes, her warhammer and battleaxe suddenly drop to the ground while still in her paws, as if she'd suddenly lost the strength to use it.. Her form does too.. Her appearance starts to change, 'wings' vanishing, hair and eyes shifting colors.. She lets go of her weapons, hugging them against her body as she curls up and.. Starts to cry. The obelisk, however, was still in immenent danger of collapse.
[18:00]  Second Life: Your object 'Dark Knight's Battleaxe' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Lismore Lands from parcel 'SculptyWorks' at Lismore 153, 123 due to parcel auto return.
[18:02]  Sally Eliwood starts to walk forward towards morgana as the barrier finally shatters, it was short a short lived defense after all "you hurt someone I cared about. now what is to stop me tearing you apart?" her claws still dripping with the rotted fetid flesh from the zombies she had already torn into and the blood from her earlier strike against morgana, itching for more. her anger is however just starting eo ebb watching the once death knight sitting there crying
[18:04]  Gustav Kuriga being the closest to Bedelia, he runs over to her, seeing the obelisk about to collapse. He would attempt to take a hold of her and move to carry her out of the way of the obelisk.
[18:04]  Sigmund rushes over to kain as he disengages, pulling the dragoncat out of the way so he wouldn't be hurt when the obelisk would collapse.
[18:07]  Sally Eliwood kneels down by the crying girl and reaches forward to grasp her by the scruff and drag her to her feet, sally is none to gentle. but comments to the others "does the zenko have a holding cell? with her loss of power it might be rather easy to get a bit of information out of her..."
[18:09]  Sigmund carries Kain back towards the portal, watching the ziggurat warily. "I'm taking Kain back to the Zenko."
[18:10]  Sally Eliwood nods towards sigmund "Someone should take this thing..., I need to take care of Von."
[18:11]  Gustav Kuriga (gustavkuriga) carries Bedelia far enough away from the obelisk to be out of danger. Looking over to Sally, he puts a hand on her shoulder. "I will do so." With that, he takes Morgana by the scruff of her neck and drags her back towards the Zenko.
[18:11]  Gustav Kuriga carries Bedelia far enough away from the obelisk to be out of danger. Looking over to Sally, he puts a hand on her shoulder. "I will do so." With that, he takes Morgana by the scruff of her neck and drags her back towards the Zenko.
[18:11]   As the two fallen are dragged away from the obelisk, it finally tumbles.. The pieces fall apart at the seems, collapsing into a pile of rubble charged with the fading struggles of light and necromatic energies..
[18:12]  Sally Eliwood leaves morgana with Gustav and walks towards Von. lifting him gently and clearly straining to do so but not asking for help. instead she carrys him off on her own
[18:14]  Morgana would cry louder and try to squirm as she's moved so roughly, beyond words at the moment, not really having enough physical strength to struggle against anyone after the ordeal.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The fall of the death knight!
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2012, 12:10:32 am »
And there's the logs! Thanks everyone, comments/opinions/screenshots below please!

Jay Voncloud

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Re: The fall of the death knight!
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2012, 03:24:33 am »
a few pics i managed to grab, not many though.