Author Topic: Beastiary - Unique Baddies  (Read 6745 times)

Husky Dragon

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Beastiary - Unique Baddies
« on: February 19, 2012, 03:35:39 pm »
This topic, like the other, will be used to keep track of baddies. This one's more just for documentation - you'll be able to see the different types of unique bad guys, and some named examples of them in this thread as it's written.

Husky Dragon

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Re: Beastiary - Unique Baddies
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 09:56:16 pm »
(Note that the status of any unconfirmed death on a monster type that has any ressurection/rebirth related abilities will be in orange until ICly confirmed!)



► Name: Death Knights

► Race: Undead (Usually)

► Physical Attributes: Death knights, particularly those that are undead, tend to possess immense physical strength, But, unless mounted, tend to come up short in speed and agility.

► Magical Attributes: Death knights are known to wield relatively powerful dark and necromatic magics. They've even been known to raise the dead from time to time.
May make use of phylacteries.

► Weaknesses: Light magic and items
Sometimes fire magic
Most other types of magic, if armored. (Conduction and all that!)

► Durability: Death knights often take alot of punishment before they go down, especially when well armored as they often are.

► Notes: May have minions, may have a mount.

► Past unique encounters:

Morgana (Converted)


► Name: Liches

► Race: Undead

► Physical Attributes: Physically liches normally have no outstanding physical attributes. This, however, is not always the case.

► Magical Attributes: Liches are considered to generally be considerably more powerful in all regards than necromancers, particularly within terms of actual necromancy. Liches can be expected to raise dead and wield any number of powerful, wicked magics. Some liches also make use of phylacteries, which, unless destroyed, will create a new vessle for them to use when their bodies are destroyed.

► Weaknesses: Light magic and items
Sometimes fire magic

► Durability: While often protected by powerful magic barriers, liches are usually fairly weak and will not handle direct hits well.

► Notes: Likely to have minions.

► Past unique encounters:

CorpseWrath (Defeated?)

« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 03:25:39 pm by Husky Dragon »