Author Topic: The Desert Stirs!  (Read 9096 times)

Husky Dragon

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The Desert Stirs!
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:13:11 pm »
This event was held Saturday, February 18th from 1 pm to 4 pm. I'd like to thank everyone tons for showing up and making the event what it was, I had lots of fun hosting this one!

Special thanks to Nova for helping me clean up the logs for the event, which will shortly be posted below! That being said, i'd love to hear what everyone thought of the event!

Summary: The portal was re-directed to the desert, and an insectacat identifying himself as Bomber launched an attack on the Zenko with the assistance of a death knight, Morgana, and a Lich, Corpsewrath. In the battle against corpsewrath, Tonnar'de was slain, and Jay, Zerah, Gustav and Rune fought vailiantly after her death to destroy the lich and his zombie horde, which they did, successfully!

In the battle at the portal, Theodore A Bosley, Relina and Kaji (dragoness) fought against Morgana and Bomber. In the end, Theodore was slain by Morgana, and Kaji by Bomber. Relina slew Morgana in a final, desperate duel! Bomber escaped from the scene with Kaji's body..

The defenders at the Zenko were victorious, though the victory was stained red with the tragic loss of some of it's defenders.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 04:25:15 pm by Husky Dragon »

Husky Dragon

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 04:21:45 pm »
====The Tavern Fight====

[13:01]  Tonaar'de flew up toward the Zenko grounds as fast as she could, having sensed the impending danger. She came to a halt, however, upon spotting what looked most definitely like an opponent by the gates... She snarled. "What unnatural sorcery is this?!" she growled, glaring at the zombies.
[13:06]  Corpsewrath turns around, his black, boney jaw sickly turning into what looked like a grin as he stares up at Tonaar.. "Come find out, meat." Most of the zombies swarmed around Corpsewrath, though some lumbered their way over to the tavern, starting to beat at the walls and doors..
[13:08]  Dane holds onto the door, having already bolted it, pressing his back tro it with all his strength "no someone help!!"
[13:09]  Tonaar'de held out her arms and began to gather a white-ish mist around herself before she flew into the group of zombies around the necromancer and slashed away at them with powerful claws, trying to slash a bunch of them away, wanting to reach Corpsewraith. "Turn back now! I do not wish to end you!"
[13:11]  Corpsewrath Several of the zombies would fall to the Khaer's claws, but as she dove in and landed those blows, the Lich would attempt to thrust his bladed staff out to strike her. He was not made of muscle, but there was no lack of power despite this.. The zombies nearby would attempt to swing and bite at Tonaar, as the others continued to bang on the tavern door.
[13:12]  Jay Voncloud runs towards the 100 odd zombies and its lich leader, drawing his sword with a growl
[13:13]  Tonaar'de cried out as the bladed staff struck her abdomen, creating a deep and bleeding gash in it, but the Khaer seemed no less deterred by it. Even as the zombies kept clawing away at her, she attempted to maintain the charge and backhand the necromancer. Meanwhile, the mist she's gathered exploded around her, creating a small barrier of Light around her body which was intended to protect against magic spells.
[13:14]  Rune Voncloud gasps as she draws closer, reaching to grab Jay's shoulder as they approach, "T..there are alot.. have you recieved any visions of this?" she asks. "..I think, we must combine Aer's blessings for this"
[13:15]  Jay Voncloud was struggling with the wave of necromatic energy coming from the Lich, but he growls anyways as Rune puts her paw on his shoulder, clenching his left paw and charging lightning into his paw "Yes, we need to use our blessings together, numbers do not always win a fight"
[13:26]  Corpsewrath grimaces slightly, staggering as he's backhanded by the Khaer.. He moves right back up to her though, his bladed staff slowly building necromatic energy as he raises it in an attempt to repeatedly strike the barrier Tonaar had created, for all he cared, either until he was stopped forcefully or she was dead.. The zombies around him, as if directed by an invisible voice, all seem to turn towards jay and rune at once and starts limbering towards them, effectively creating a wall inbetween the Khaer and any help.
[13:29]  Tonaar'de lifted up her arms to attempt to parry the weapon, the blades piercing through the specialized defense and cutting up her arms, but the enraged Khaer was a crafty "little" thing. When the blades struck her next, she attempted to lash out at the staff with her free hand to try and grab it, and then yank it up while she took to the skies.
[13:29]  Rune Voncloud steps forwards to stand next to Jay as the hoard of zombies head their way. Taking a deep breath she then projects a cone of Aer over the advancing zombies, a 5 meter wide cone projecting from her jaw attemptnig to coat them in shards of tass.
[13:31]  Jay Voncloud throws his paw forwards letting out a long bolt of lighting, hitting the closest Zombie to him, which then would bounce and strike a 2nd, and then a 3rd, the power of each hit being reduced by 50% but each having a chance to burn and even set fire, the bolt would also have a high chance to ignight any of the tass that manages to coat them that rune had used
[13:38]  Corpsewrath seemed to have an utter death grip on that staff, however, the lich himself was essentially just bone, and would be lifted up with the staff quite easily.. As he was lifted up, the lich hissed raspily and lashed out with a clawed hand at the Khae, attempting to hit anywhere he could reach.. The three hit zombies would not stand much a chance against the ensuing fire from the lightning strikes, effectively dispatching them, a group of about 15 zombies being coated by rune's  Aer. They would continue to advance however, those still standing from the ranks would soon try to strike out at Rune and Jay.
[13:41]  Tonaar'de lifted the lich as high up as she could, twelve meters above the ground, before she spun around in the air and threw the poor thing full force down toward the ground. The creature didn't even seem to take notice of the injuries he caused her, though her loss of blood had begun to make her movements more sluggish.
[13:43]  Rune Voncloud would yelp as she begins to backup as the zombies claw at her and Jay. Taking another breath she'd blast a cone of mana this time, attempting to explode  the tass on the remaining coated zombies. "Oww... J.jay.. I have an idea.. can you protect me so I can cast?" she pleas as she retreats, "You need to attack the shards I will summon"
[13:45]  Jay Voncloud growls as a zombie swipes at him, quickly bringing up his sword, removing the arm of the closet one before swinging his sword, aimed to slice it in half horizontally, clenching his left paw again and charing his next spell nodding "just stay behind me Rune!" he said, although he would be visabally shaking, the aura and the amount of zombies were getting to him
[13:52]  Corpsewrath would crash into the ground hard, the necromancer seemingly a pile of bone and robes for the moment, seemingly destroyed by the sheer force of the throw.. The zombies, however, continue their assault,  two more zombies falling to jay's sword, another being effectively crushed by Tonaar's lich-throwing skills.
[13:55]   All 15 of the zombies that had been covered with tass would rather effectively be sent into a lumbering panic as they're suddenly damaged and ignited by rune's explosions.. They wouldn't do so for long before falling to the ground, putting quite a dent into the horde.
[13:56]  Tonaar'de had begun to fly down to continue her assault on the zombies, but she shook her head briskly and flinched, stopping halfway down. The Khaer appeared to be having trouble remaining airborne as she gripped at her most severe injury, the deep abdominal gash. "Aagh...." she growled. By the faintness of her vision and how weak she felt, she knew that she was done for. And when her levitation suddenly gave out and the large and VERY heavy creature crashed hard into the ground, she just seemed to give up. The nearby ground shook with the force of her impact. The Khaer was downed, and in serious trouble!
[13:59]  Rune Voncloud steps behind Jay and raises her staff, shuddering as her bodymass sharply drops, three shards of tass icicles appearing above her head. Staff rased, she'd then swing it towards the mass, "Jay, lightning the shards!" she'd call, "Then, we need to help miss Rage.. she just fell"
[14:00]  Jay Voncloud looks up as the shards float over the top of the horde, flicking his paw, sending out another long bolt, the lightning bouncing between all the shards, shattering them above the zombies, he yelps as a zombie takes a swipe to his left eye as he cast, spinning around to slice the zombie rather roughly through its chest
[14:06]  Corpsewrath rises back from the ground once again, almost unnaturally so.. Several of his bones were cracked now, however, he did not come out of that drop without taking serious damage.. It had just not been quite enough. His face twists into another boney, dark grin, as he lifts the spear above his head, growling out in a raspy, deathly voice.. "Dieee!" Many zombies would be struck in vital areas by the flying shards, many more would be injured.. At least twenty fell in all, a wall, a weakened one, but a wall none the less still stood in place, attempting to grab and swipe at Jay and Rune..
[14:07]  Tonaar'de groaned, her heart pounding in her chest and in turn only causing more blood to spill out of her more severe injuries. The Khaer turns her head to glare and growl defiantly up at the abomination which was about to slay her, but was far too weak to do anything else.
[14:10]  Rune Voncloud screams as zombies close in around them, tearing at her as she tries to back up and drag jay with. Moving her paws over his shoulders, she coats the advancing zombies with tass, trying to deter them. "Jay, help!" she whimpers
[14:13]  Jay Voncloud snarls as the zombies advance on him, and more importantly, on rune, once she had cast and was now behind him, he used his spare poor to usher Rune away from him and the group "get away Rune!" He barks as a zombie slices at him, hitting the the crystals on his arm, shattering them, a high pitched, mana filled ringing filling the air breifly, with a snarl he swings his sword in a wide arc at the 2 nearest zombies, using the momentum to bring the sword up, the fox then running his palm over his blade, infusing it with his element, causing the sword to now spark with lightning energy.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 04:22:46 pm »
[14:16]  Corpsewrath drives his staff down, both, boney hands gripped onto the shaft, towards the Khaer's back, aiming to impale her through the back and out from the chest with another deathly-sounding hiss.. Another 15 zombies covered by Rune's tass, and the two zombies attacked by Jay promptly being dispatched by the wide swing.. Another nearby zombie fell to the ground, succumbing to wounds from the tass shard spray.
[14:21]  Tonaar'de's growl turns louder as she sees the weapon come down and she steels herself for what comes next. As the bladed staff pierces through her back and her chest, the Khaer lets out a LOUD and piercing shriek, sounding a lot like comeone running a wet finger across the edges of a crystal glass, only much much more powerful and rich in tone. And then nothing but a whimper as the last bit of life left in the creature's body was snuffed out.
[14:23]  Rune Voncloud shudders as she hears the scream, backing up further as Jay charges into the battle. With the rapid drop in her Aer reserves and the sudden fear of death as pain and feeling of overwhelm fills  her, the ringtail would whimper and reach to grab her head. "W..what can we do? There are too many.."
[14:25]  Jay Voncloud swings his charged sword at the 3 closest to him, the sword rending flesh as it touchs, the fox faultering slightly as hsi mana became low, He growls turning around and looking at Rune, Just fall back Rune! theres nothing more you can do here!" he barks just wanting his beloved to get away from danger, the sudden screech however makes him freeze in spot and cover his ears, lowering his guard
[14:40]  Zerah the Reckless stepped from the tavern after a bit of eating...not much drinking though. She was in uniform after all and didn't want to go into another drunken ramble. Still though, she had a half bottle of rum in paw as she headed out and saw what was going about. Looking at the others and then to the familure sigh of what was in front of them. "Huh.... thought we put those down already." Shrugging a bit, she brings her free paw to the hilt of the visable blade at her hip and draws it out. "Ideas anyone?"
[14:45]  Corpsewrath starts to limber towards the defenders along with the zombies, bloodied staff held tightly in both paws.. His zombies seemed to limp and stagger just as he did, three more succumbing to wounds from the projectile shards.. He was weakened by the shards, but was not out of the game yet.
[14:47]   nodes that an additional three zombies would be dispatched by jay, already weak from shard peltings and Corpsewrath's own weakness.
[14:49]   The fallen Khaer suddenly begins to glow brightly before she disintegrates into what looks tiny mini particles of golden dust flying off into the air. It was as if she was blown away into dust, leaving nothing but the indent in the ground to mark where she had fallen, along with the pool of red blood.
[14:49]  Rune Voncloud whimpers softly, the staff falling from her paw as she tries to keep her willpower up. Noticing the weakness  of the mana around the corpsewrath and the zombies around. Closing her eyes, she lets out a scream as she summons wings, her wings appearing with a spray of blood as wounds open up over her body. Shuddering with the pain and taking a few deep breaths to steady herself, she shouts out, "I..I'll destract it.. please, strike true"
[14:51]  Zerah the Reckless found herself looking around the Zenko grounds again, mostly the training dummys. Going about in a relaxed mood, she kept her paw on the hilt of her blade and her free paw around the neck of a half bottle of rum. Not really drinking to get drunk, but rather drinking to relax. Even with a half bottle left, she figured she hit the Zenko tavern again to see if she can get another....and found that a bit of a group was in the front of the tavern. She could feel the tension, blinking more as she sighs and slips back behind the tavern. Hopefully not seen and moves around the other side. Keeping low, she draws her blade from her hip and waits for the first strike to come.
[14:51]  Jay Voncloud was panting, he hadnt noticed Zerah, he growls bringing up whatever courage he could "rune! leave the lich to me!, get the last of the Zombies" he shouted, his left eye bleeding, but not blood, blue liquid tass as the fox grips his sword, brings it up and rushs the lich, his sword still charged as he brings it to bare at its heads
[14:57]  Corpsewrath would be too occupied with jay to notice Zerah's approach, bringing his staff up to meet that sword, his body shuddering as the lightning courses through his bones.. He had no real nervous system to shock, but it did burn and further weaken his bones. The remaining zombies, following a raspy hiss from corpsewrath, approached rune.. Another pair of zombies falls to their wounds.
[15:00]  Rune Voncloud leaps to the sky, flying up above the hoard of zombies to circle above the litch and jay. Looking about franticly, she takes a random potion from her belt and throws it at the litch, trying to destract it. "L.leave him alone!" she shouts, the potion a healing one, but likely doing nothing unless drank.
[15:02]  Jay Voncloud gruffs as his sword hits the staff, shocking the lich but also discharging the infusion, he growls as their weapons locked together, the fox looking into the red hues with his crystalised eye as the other continued to bleed mana, Jay trying what he can to keep the staff locked, building up the strength to try and shove the staff upwards, but the proximity to the Lich was making the Aura flood his magic senses, causing the fox to tremble
[15:09]  Zerah the Reckless watches everyone when things started to pick up, actually recognizing one of them. Already she knows what to do as she keeps low and creaps up to get closer, catching a small whip of what seemed to be burning flesh coming from the thing with the staff. Taking her bottle of rum, she caps it and aims before throwing it as hard as she could to the thing. Hoping it was armored, the bottle should break open on the thing and spill the contents on it. If not then it would make a decent destractions for the swordsman to make a move. Blade in paw still, she readies for the others to make their move now that her position was exposed.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 04:23:01 pm »
[15:14]  Corpsewrath was about to shove the fox away to break his defence, when that bottle strikes him, causing him to snarl and look up towards her, effectively distracting him.. The zombies moved slow as his attention became more and more occupied. His attention already split inbetween Rune and Jay, he had no real capability to stop Zerah from doing what she was doing, however, some of the zombies, minus another three that fall from their wounds, would start towards Zerah, preparing to attack her.
[15:16]  Rune Voncloud looks over to Zerah as she sees the bottle getting thrown before narrowing her eyes. "You! Help Jay!" she pleas, swooping and attempting to grab her armour. If able, she would quickly fly back and attempt to pretty much drop or throw her onto  the litch.
[15:18]  Jay Voncloud growls as he feels the lichs move build, but blinks as a bottle smashes on him, distracting him away from himself, and another, the fox blinking again but not even taking a second guess as he swings shi sword again right at the lichs neck, praying to everything that can be prayed to that he hits as the Aura was getting th ebetter of him
[15:22]  Zerah the Reckless was already taking her stance, her blade held loosely in her paw and more or less looked like a swashbuckler, though when rune came to swoop her up she gives a smirk and raises the middle finger to the zombies coming to her. Letting herself being picked up. "Pleasure to see ya again Miss Rune. Mind flying over the midst of these hords? I have a very explosive gift to drop them." Reaching into the first pouch at her hip, she takes up a grapefruit sized bomb and holds it within her paws. Readying the flint and steel rings over the fuse to ready to drop it when the time was right.
[15:25]  Corpsewrath would be completely taken by surprise by jay's blow, the blade hits his neck, causing him to stagger and reach up to cover it with his claw, making a last-ditch attempt to slash his staff out for jay, from this distance it didn't have much a chance to do anything but graze him, the lich's vulnerability to attack prologned by Jay's swing as the zombies continue to limber around towards any reachable living target. If Zerah were to hit him, there wouldn't likely be anything he could do about it.
[15:27]  Rune Voncloud would simply drop Zerah as she swoops towards the litch. "No no, help Oracle Jay!" she shouts as she does
[15:28]  Jay Voncloud panted as the staff did graze him swiping over his chest, making the fox stumble backwards, ironically, making him stumble away from the incoming kitsune bomb, as he stumbled though, he begins to cough
[15:30]  Zerah the Reckless flicking her her index and middle finger togeter as the other fingers hold the bomb in place, she lites it and tosses it aside at the walking corpses as her blade is drawn back and slashed outwards to the liches neck, hoping the speed of her fall, plus the strength of her slash, and the sharpness of her blade would be strong enough to cut right though the things neck to the other end. If not, at least have it lodged in deep so she can rip it right out. She will worry about the landing later..... though for now she just worries about her attack.
[15:38]  Gustav Kuriga walks up to the gateway to The Zenko, his shoulder feeling better now, his arm able to move more freely, though still with some stiffness. He was looking for his master, but forgets all about that as he hears moaning coming from the area beyond the gate. Moving his left shoulder up and down to loosen it up, he looks in and sees a melee going on, unnatural creatures fighting some of the defenders. Pulling his sword from its sheath, he gets ready to charge into the fight, taking advantage of the fact that no one notices him yet.
[15:42]  Corpsewrath Would not quite be decapitated by the force of the blow, the bones there were incredibly dense, evidenced now and when he was smashed into the ground earlier.. It does, however, drop it's staff onto the ground, the light dimming in his eyesockets.. The lich falls into a pile of blackened bones, the staff clattering roughly against the ground as it's dropped. The zombies, however, continued to attack, though they'd be 10 less in number from the bomb thrown at them, leaving only 32.
[15:43]  Ani Aunerfal gave you aa_dead_onstomach.
[15:43]  Rune Voncloud would continue to circle the air, drops of glowing green blood falling from above as her wounds continue to pain her. Almost pleedingly she tries to look for thoes among the mass of zombies, "J.jay? Where are you? Are you ok? Jay??"
[15:44]  Jay Voncloud steps back alittle holding his chest still noticing the zombies were still coming, but Zerah and Gustav, fresh bloody were about to attack them, he looks up at the pleeds and waves his sword "Im here Rune!..." he pants spying her wounds "R-retreat need to heal!"
[15:49]  Zerah the Reckless smiles wide as her blade hits though then comes the landing.... oh did it come. Because the blade couldn't pass though the neck bone, it caused her to turn a bit onto her backside and pretty much she had a hard landing. Upon impact, she yalps out in pain from the stones and bounces a bit before stopping on her front. A bit shakey, but she wasn't to injured, standing up a bit after catching her breath to look at what was left. "Think we can handle a few undead... see if you can pull some more able bodies to help finish them alright?"
[15:55]  Gustav Kuriga comes in from behind, careful to use the range of his steel bastard sword to his advantage. Swinging into one, his sword goes straight through its waist, the putrified flesh surprising him in how little it resists his sword. Completing his swing, he looks down, noticing that all the other zombies are standing still. Relaxing a little, but still on his guard, he takes his time, his grip on his sword awkward as he can only swing with his right arm, the left hand just holding onto the sword grip so that he doesn't drop it.
[15:58]   The zombies did not move an inch, only stood there, more thoughtless and lifeless than ever, waiting to be released from their respective torments.. Corpsewrath didn't move an inch, the two facts effectively confirming his defeat.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 04:24:42 pm »
====The Portal Fight====

[13:07]  Bomber grins as he steps out of the portal, drawing his bow and nocking an arrow, which becomes ablaze with the violent light of hellfire almost immediately.. "I'd suggest helping your friends over there, but I suppose that's your call, not mine."

[13:08]  Morgana spins her axe around in her paw, grinning almost ferally as the wolf she rode slowly creeps towards the defenders.. The look in her eyes was disturbingly lifeless, but furious nonetheless.

[13:09]  Sable seems to walk up from out of nowhere  and lays down between some boulders and crystals nearby, The wolf curious but cautious of what was going on. keeping her distance from everyone shyly.

[13:09]  Relina Harem issues some commands when she looks to the others, only after she sensed that someone dissappeared "Jay, take Rune and cover the entrance. Ill leave that end to you." then to the rest "The rest of you stay with me, We will fight them here!"

[13:10]  Jay Voncloud nods turning around and heading to the gate with rune "We wont let them past" he shouts

[13:11]  Rune Voncloud nods in agreement as she runs with Jay. "May Aer protect you, Beacon Relina. Fight with all of Aer's wrath!" she calls back

[13:13]  Kaji would step forward with a beastial growl. "Let me welcome you to Lismore then!" The dragoness would inhale the air deeply before exhaling it in a long burst of fire that would reach ten meters in length, it was straightly aimed for the wolf riding lapine.

[13:15]  Theodore A. Bosley stepped forward for a moment before he lept against the death knight, his sword poised to strike diagonally. This was his chance to impress! "Enjoy your stay!"

[13:28]  Bomber snorts slightly, grinning more widely as he aims his drawn arrow towards Relina's feet, lettign it loose.. Once the arrow contacted the ground, if it weren't stopped, it would explode in a 4 meter-wide sphere of hellfire. "This is going to be easier than I thought."

[13:30]  Morgana the death knight raised her shield towards the incoming burst of fire, attepting to soak up as much of that incoming attack as she could... The smell of burn flesh could be detected early on as the heat conducted through into her skin, the bunny wouldn't go unscathed from that attack.. She barely managed to intercept the incoming sword strike, which caused her axe to be forced towards the ground.. The wolf she was riding, however, would attempt to snap out at Theodore's legs as he came down from his leap, the shadowy canid's teeth sharp and strong.

[13:31]  Sable hides behind the rocks, watching the insuing fight begin and thus far looks to want no part in it, backing away a few inches as tho it would make a difference.

[13:34]  Relina Harem snarls as she draws her lance and quickly channels enough mana in it to set it ablaze with fire, all the while channeling the mana within her to light up the crystals grown from her body which begins to form into fire that would start to surround her. She would then start to spin her lance out in front of her as she tries her best to use fire to blend in with the hellfire "Havnt had enough have you?!"

[13:37]  Kaji would close in now, with the bunny distracted by Theo's sword and the wolf trying to bite him, she would thus take the full opportunity to attack the mutt. Her swords twirls once upon her approaches before she slashes them both down in an attempt to cleave them both into the wolf's head.

[13:38]  Theodore A. Bosley mrowled victoriously as his attack struck, and then cried out in shock as he felt his leg being bit down on, ending with him falling hard and knocking his head against the nearby rock. The serval didn't move afterwards, though he still drew breath.

[13:47]  Bomber grins widely as he nocks another arrow, aiming his bow down at Relina's feet to prepare another shot.. "My flames are better, you disgusting manabeast." He would need to take the time to aim before firing again..

[13:48]  Morgana, unable to defend the wolf she rode with her weapon occupied, and the wolf itself not being much more than an oversized version of it's natural counterpart, would be helpless to stop Kaji as the blades slashed cleanly through the wolf and into it's head, almost immediately causing the wolf to fall down onto the ground, the bunny falling nearby, axe and shield landing on the floor.. The rabbit starts to stand immediately, drawing her warhammer and glaring towards Theodore..

[13:50]  Sable howls out with all the fire and clashing going on, and moves out from behind the rocks, the wolf moves away at a hurried pace but not running around Relina and the others into the open space.

[13:55]  Relina Harem would flick her ear and snarl towards the voice as she tries as hard as she can to contain the fire from spreading in to burn her, feeling a low grumble emerge. She realized that she couldnt contain another shot, so she would immediately jump, facing northeast while letting out a roar as loud as she could. As soon as she got to her barings, she would try to close the distance while charging more mana into her lance, aiming to thrust her lance through Bomber

[14:03]  Kaji growled lowly. "You face me foul beast!" She shouts out to the lapine as she withdraws her blades from the wolf and inhales air again which she then exhales as a burst of flames right onto the lapine. As soon as she roasted the bunny she'd call out to Relina. "Dance partner switch!" Obviously the dragoness planned to attack Bomber next which should give Relina chance to attack Morgana.

[14:06]  Theodore A. Bosley is unconscious! =D

[14:10]  Bomber lets out a growl as the Lynx approaches, turning to throw his bow through the portal full-force as he draws his blade.. He would make a strong, solid slash with that blade to meet Relina's lance, before thrusting out his bracered paw.. As he thrusted his paw out, a ball of hellfire errupted from it and rocketed towards Relina, his intention to knock the lynx a distance away from him, but not without regretting  his bow being taken out of the fight, his mana reduced significantly by use of that fireball.

[14:13]  Morgana widens her eyes, not having expected the attack from Kaji, the bunny would let out an agonizing screech and fall to her knees as she's struck by the blast of fire.. Panting heavily and raspily, she would try to stand again almost immediately, her attack completely interrupted by the burst of fire, as well as a good bit of her health..

[14:13]  Sable turns back to face the battle, looking between the fight and the gate that is the exit to this place, noticing there was much the same going on over there, the wolf stays put for now, out of the way, having a seat and watching with head tilted.

[14:17]  Relina Harem was almost sure she would be able to to match her own charge against Bomber's wit but she was mistaken. She would growl as her lance is parried downward and the insectacat prepared another attack. She ghasped as there was no way to avoid it, so she would do her best to brace herself for the fireball that would hit her upper body, sending her back towards the pillar and eventually crash into the pillar with her inbetween. Fried sandwich kitty coming up D:

[14:20]  Kaji would take the advantage of the bunny falling onto her knees to jump up and attempt to set her foot on the bunny's head and to leap off towards bomber, if she was successful she would slash her blades down towards the blackened creature in a crosswise motion.

[14:20]  Theodore A. Bosley remained out cold.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2012, 04:25:01 pm »
[14:23]  Bomber pants slightly, but smirks as he turns from the airborn Relina to Kaji, tossing his blade from the spiked arm to the one with the gemmed bracer on it, before swinging that well-armored arm into the path of the coming blades, in an attempt to knock them aside.. He'd swing his blade forcefully, and horizotally towards Kaji's gut, attempting to eviscerate her if she wasn't able to defend against him. Either way, those blades would cause him to cringe as they hit his arm, the blades may have been blocked but there was still force in a leaping attack.

[14:27]  Morgana lets out an aggrivated hiss as she's used as a springboard.. The bunny regains her stance again, enraged now, her eyes flash red as she glares down at the unconsious Theodore.. She lets out about as fierce a roar as an undead bunny can muster, before swinging the warhammer in both paws down towards the Serval's head, aiming to crush it inbetween her warhammer and the rock.

[14:27]  Sable continues to sit and wait, not getting involved in the battle, but being witness to it.

[14:30]  Relina Harem coughs and wheezes as the impact against the crystals and the wall knocked the wind out of her. She tries to get up, but with a bruised back, it would prove difficult. Unfortunately, she could only ghasp at the sight of what the rabbit was going to do "No..."

[14:32]  Kaji would thus successfully use the rabbit as a jumping board and slash down her blades onto Bomber's arm, however she was in no position to dodge his sword and it hit her full on into her side causing her to be flung to the left. Her armor had kept her protected but that blow had been so hard that she felt like she had broken a rib or two. "Hnn..."
[14:34]  Kaji is actually down on the ground, but lacks proper poses.

[14:34]  Theodore A. Bosley groaned a little as he stirred and his eyes opened just in time to catch the hammer coming toward his head. "No no no NO N-" was all he managed to shout out before the hammer connected with his head and crushed it against the rock, bone framents, flesh, blood, brains and eye goo spraying out everywhere. Moments later blood began to spurt liberally from the open hole left where his skull had once been.

[14:40]  Bomber lets his arm hand down at his side, grinning wickedly as hw slowly moves over towards Kaji.. He stands over her head, wary of her limbs, drawing his sword back, before thrusting it down harshly in an attempt to pierce through her right wrist first, apparently planning on enjoying this.

[14:42]  Morgana grits her teeth together, grinning evilly as she looks over her handiwork for a moment.. She snirks, turning around slowly to face Relina, seeing that Bomber and Kaji were already engaged.. "I'll bury you right next to him, promise." She gripped her warhammer tightly as she slowly approached Relina.

[14:43]  Sable howls loudly after seeing the servals head getting smooshed.

[14:47]  Relina Harem would try to regain her own strength as she lied face down, she knew that if she didnt act quickly, she would be lying dead with her head smashed. Her back still pained her, but she would continue to lie there and wait for the right moment. She would then channel some more mana into the life stone in her lance, while the embers burned around the blade making the crystals that grew out of her dim

[14:47]  Kaji was still dazed from the attack, she blinked once she noticed Bomber above her head and before she knew it, would cry out in pain feeling that blade pierce through her wrist and causing her to drop her right blade. A growl followed however and she would  attempt to move her left blade and thrust it up towards Bomber.

[14:52]  Bomber would reach his paw down to grab at the incoming blade, gripping it  by the dull end and forcing his paw down at the same time, effectively making an attempt to catch the blade and stop it in it's tracks.. If successful, he would bring his own blade around to stab through Kaji's left wrist now, his eyes glinting rather pleasurably, and quite sadistically as he watches and fights her struggle.

[14:59]  Morgana smirks as she slowly walks up on Relina, stopping a few feet away and gripping her warhammer tightly.. "Get up, maggot. I want you to be standing when I break your skull open like a gourd!"

[15:00]  Sable lays into the snow and covers her eyes with her paws.

[15:03]  Relina Harem pushes herself to her feet as quickly as she could while gripping her lance into her paws so she could bring it into a lunging position. She would only stay crouched as she brings her lance back and gives the charge needed to send forth a jet of flames directed right towards the death knight's abdomen "I like my rabbit ROASTED!" she shouts

[15:04]  Kaji widened her eyes in shock as her katana was stopped and taken from her, she cries out into pain once more with both her wrists stabbed now. The dragoness inhaled greatly this time and exhaled blowing out all her remaining fire onto the Insecticat in hope to get her to stagger back, and if that was successful she would try to struggle and get up, trying to remove the katana from her wrist with her jaws clamping down onto the hilt.

[15:08]  Bomber widens is eyes just a tad as she inhaled, having seen Morgana nearly be roasted and served by it on contact, the insectacat jumps back, just being grazed by the flames.. As soon as she stood, the insectacat would step forward hard with his dominant foot, making a clean, forceful thrust for the unarmored spot just above the dragon's chest armor, arm flexed slightly to prepare a defense, not one to underestimate even a doomed opponent. (1/2)

[15:10]  Morgana widens her eyes as she sees that jet of flame heading towards her, attempting to swing her warhammer back at the flames.. She would intercept some of them, but most of them would still strike her.. As soon as they did, however, despite having taken eonugh fire damage to cause her skin and fur to melt a tad off her muscle and bone, the death knight charges forth, enraged.. It'd likely be obvious she was undead at this point, if not already, as she attempst to swing her warhammer with both paws towards Relina's side. "Enough with the bloody FIRE!" (2/2)

[15:14]  Sable continues peeking out over her paws, like a train wreck can't look away, but don't want to watch.
[15:16]  Relina Harem would prepare for the death knight's charge, noticing that she was particularly enraged but she had two options, attack from above or below. Seeing as her back was still bruised, she would bend down on her haunches and spring up above the hammer with her lance pointed down towards the lapine, aiming to skewer her through the throat "HRAHH!"

[15:14]  Kaji would manage to get the blade out of her wrist, clamping it firmly within her jaws she glares over to the incesticat only to widen her eyes at the attack, she felt the blade pierce through her chainmail and through her scales into her chest causing her to growl lowly in pain. She knew she was as good as dead and actually pushed herself forward some before giving a powerful with with her neck, jaws tightening around the hilt as she gives one final effort to lop the damn beast's head off.

[15:19]  Bomber brings his armored bracer up to guard against that blow, hissing at the pain as it strikes the already sensitive area from blocking the leaping blow from earlier.. He would, however, grin toothily, baring his demonic-looking teeth as he draws his sword back again, this time aiming to make rapid thrusts at Kaji, her neck his target this time.. The final blow, if all others hit, would be aimed to impale her under her chin and out through her skull.

[15:21]  Morgana would attempt to move out of the way as the thrust comes, letting out a loud, painful screech as she ends up being much to slow, the lance skewering her shoulder instead.. This causes her to drop her warhammer, unable to wield it without two paws.. Not to be done in so soon, though, the bunny attempted to shift her position and send a rough bunny-kick towards Relina's gut, the bunny worse for wear either way.

[15:30]  Relina Harem hmphs as she misses her target while eventually standing over the bunny. She would try to hold the bunny down but she recieves a hard kick to her stomach which sends her staggering back. The plate armor took a good brunt of the kick "OOF" she says before trying to regain her balance and prepare for the rabbit's next move

[15:31]  Kaji's attack failed and so would her last attempt to save herself, the dragoness had no chance to prevent the male's attack and with each thrust that the blade made into her neck blood would be flowing if not squirting from it, the dragoness  began to make gargled sounds as her main arteries were struck as well as her windpipe causing her to choke down onto her own blood. Tears flowing from her eyes as she suffered through this painful death but that pain soon ended when the blade hit it's final mark. Her chin so easily pierced as the blade forced it's way through the most inner side of her mouth, through the bones and straight into her brain killing her instantly and causing her body to drop down onto him, no doubt that the force of his thrust and the now dead weight of her body caused the sword to pierce out the top of her skull right between the horns. Her sword dropped from her maw, the dragoness was no more.

[15:34]  Sable howls again  as the dragoness' life is at an end.

[15:35]  Bomber manages a wide grin, he'd aim to shove Kaji back towards the portal and off of his sword, presenting his paw and aiming for the dragoness's form, another ball of hellfire errupting from his palm for her, aiming to knock her through the portal.. If he succeeded, he would walk in afterwards.

[15:36]  Morgana pants heavily as she slouches over, glaring at Relina.. In a last ditch attempt to take the lynx out before the last of her energy melted away, she drew her dagger and charged forward, attempting to throw the dagger almost blindly at her and aim another kick for her, fully expecting to be slain in the proccess, but trying her damndest to take Relina with her.

[15:44]  Relina Harem shifts her position slightly to the left as she sees the rabbit and readies her lance to ram into the oncoming bunny, but she wasnt aware she had a dagger on her. As soon as the lapine came close enough, she would shift her position a bit more and RAM her lance straight through aiming for the her heart. The dagger, however, would cut clean across the side of her muzzle and barely miss her eye which causes her to yelp in pain and loose focus on the spell she was about to cast

[15:45]  Kaji was dead and thusly she could not defend herself, with little effort she was blown off Bomber with the hellfire burning her while as well sending her straight through the portal not to be seen again....or will she?

[15:46]  Bomber snarls out in Relina's direction, yelling to be sure his voice was heard.. "My name is Bomber, wench, remember me well, for my grinning visage will be the last thing you see in this world!" WIth that, unless he was stopped, he would follow Kaji's lifeless body through the portal.

[15:48]  Morgana would let out a short-lived grunt of pain as she's impaled by the lance, the lapine would open her maw and glare at Relina for a moment, before falling limp on the end of the lance, even more dead than she was when she arrived.

[15:50]  Relina Harem cringed as she would use more mana to channel into her lance in the form of fire which would spread all over the lapine soon cooking her to a crisp. Relina on the other hand would just barely remain conscious and fall to the side with her own glowing blood leaking out of her muzzle

[15:59]  Sable perks her ears and looks around, noticing it has gotten quiet here. she moves over and sniffs about to inspect who or what was left.

[16:00]  Relina Harem seemed barely conscious as she laid in her own glowing blood which bled out through the cut in her muzzle

Husky Dragon

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2012, 04:25:55 pm »
Thanks everyone! <3 Had fun!

Jay Voncloud

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 04:30:38 am »
Pictures of the Event

The lich cometh

The Return of Bomber

Rune and Jay defend from the Zombies

Relina Stands Alone

Jay and the lich face off

Husky Dragon

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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2012, 05:42:17 am »
Thanks! ^^ They look awesome


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Re: The Desert Stirs!
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2012, 02:09:44 pm »
Nice! I wasn't able to be there, glad i get to see some shinies :P
I am
Inbar Trueflight
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