Month: Thuthi, month of Thoth.
Season: Akhet (winter), season of Hapi
(inundation of the Nile)
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | July 19 | Month of Thuthi begins. Feast of Thoth, Opet Festival: marriage of Wasir & Aset (Isis & Osiris) |
3 | July 21 | Birthday of Aten |
7 | July 25 | Feast of Anket: welcoming the rising of the Nile |
9 | July 27 | Queen Hatshepsut's Birthday |
10 | July 28 | Festival ofthe Goddess of Weaving (Hedjihotep) |
17 | August 4 | Festival of the Dead: Sunset Ceremony |
19 | August 6 | Festival of Nut & Ra; Chief Festival of Thoth |
25 | August 12 | Day of Sekhmet's repulsion of Set; Also Wasirian (Osirian) Mysteries: Feast of Lights of Aset (Isis) |
26 | August 13 | Day of battle between Heru (Horus) and Set; Aset gains the Horns of Het-Hert (Hathor) |
27 | August 14 | Day of Peace between Heru and Set |
30 | August 17 | Rituals in the Temples of Ra, Heru (Horus) and Wasir (Osiris) |
Month: Paopi, month of Ptah.
Season: Akhet (winter), season of Hapi
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | August 18 | Month of Paopi Begins |
2 | August 19 | Procession of Heru to Neith |
3 | August 20 | Tehuti(Thoth) orders the healing of the eye of Heru (Horus) |
5 | August 22 | Feast of Montu |
6 | August 23 | Great Feast of the Netjeru (Gods & Goddesses) |
9 | August 26 | Day of Jubilation in the heart of Ra |
10 | August 27 | Procession of Bast; Birthday of Nut |
12 | August 29 | Bithtday of Het-Hert (Hathor) |
13 | August 30 | Day of Satisfying the Hearts of the Ennead |
14 | August 31 | Day Heru receives the White Crown |
16 | September 2 | Feast of Wasir (Osiris) |
18 | September 4 | Ceremony of Transformation through Anpu (Anubis) |
19 | September 5 | Ceremony of Raising the Djed Pillar |
21 | September 7 | Neith Goes forth to Atum |
27 | September 13 | Festival of lighting the fires of Nieth |
30 | September 16 | Land in Festival for Ra, Wasir, and Heru |
Month: Hethara, month of Het-Hert (Hathor).
Season: Akhet (winter), season of Hapi
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | September 17 | Motnh of Hethara begins; Feast of Het-hert (Hathor) |
5 | September 21 | Autum Equinox; Honors to Het-hert |
6 | September 22 | Ritual of the the Netjeru of the Two Lands |
7 | September 23 | Honors offered to Atum |
8 | September 24 | The going forth of Aset (Isis) |
12 | September 28 | Wasir (Osiris) goes forth to Abydos; Purification of the hearts of the Netjeru; Feast of Hapi: Creating of the Nile |
15 | October 1 | Contemplation of the Fertility of Min |
16 | October 2 | Day of the appearance of the eight Great Names of Netjer (Primordials) |
17 | October 3 | Landing of the Great Names of Netjer in Abydos; Lamentations of Aset (Isis)and Nebet-Het (Nephthys) for Wasir (Osiris). |
18 | October 4 | Festival of Het-Hert (Hathor). |
20 | October 6 | Bast appears to Ra. |
21 | October 7 | Feast Day of Ma'at. |
23 | October 9 | Ra judges the dispute of Set and Heru (Horus). |
24 | October 10 | Aset (Isis) goes forth. |
26 | October 12 | The Black Land is given to Heru (Horus); The Red Land is given to Set. |
28 | October 14 | Festival of establishing Heru as King;The appearance before Ptah |
29 | October 15 | Feast of the Three Noble Ladies |
Month: Koiak, month of Sekhmet.
Season: Akhet (winter), season of Hapi
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | October 17 | Month of Koiak Begins; The Feast of Sekhmet |
2 | October 18 | The Netjeru in festivity |
4 | October 20 | Festivals for Sebek |
5 | October 21 | Het-Hert (Hathor) goes forth to Her people |
7 | October 23 | Festival for Serquet (Selket); Ceremony of Thehuti (Thoth) |
11 | October 27 | Feast of Wasir (Osiris) in Abydos |
12 | October 28 | Day of Transformation into the Bennu Bird (Phoenix) |
13 | October 29 | Going forth of Het-Hert (Hathor) and the Ennead |
14 | October 30 | Celebration of the Netjert of Weaving and Fate; Coming forth of the Bennu transformed. |
15 | October 31 | Feast of Sekhmet Bast Ra |
17 | November 2 | Festival of Het-Hert (Hathor). The people and the Netjeru judge the speeches of the crew of the Solar Barge in Heliopolis |
21 | November 6 | Raising the Djed Pillar |
22 | November 7 | Ploughing the Earth |
27 | November 12 | Aset (Isis) seeks the body of Wasir (Osiris) |
28 | November 13 | Aset (Isis) grieves the loss of Wasir (Osiris) |
29 | November 14 | Aset (Isis) rejoices as She finds Wasir (Osiris) |
30 | November 15 | Ennead feast in the House of Ra, Heru (Horus) and Wasir (Osiris); Invocation and offering to the Spirits (khu) |
Month: Tybi, month of Min.
Season: Peret (spring), season of Khepri
(sowing time)
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | November 16 | Month of Tybi begins; Heb Sed Festival; Festival of Bast |
5 | November 20 | Day of Sekhmet and the Purifying Flame |
9 | November 24 | Day of Offerings to Sekhmet |
13 | November 28 | Feast of Het-Hert (Hathor) and Sekhmet; Day of prolonging life and the goodness of Ma'at |
18 | December 3 | Going forth of the Netjeru of Abydos |
20 | December 5 | Bast goes forth from Bubastis |
21 | December 6 | Bast guards the Two Lands; Day of offerings to the Shemsu (followers) of Ra |
23 | December 8 | Feast of Neith |
28 | December 13 | The Day of Tehuti's taking the oath |
29 | December 14 | The appearance of the Hu and Sia; Tehuti (Thoth) sends Bast and Sekhmet to guide Egypt |
30 | December 15 | Day of crossing before Nun in the Temple of Hapi |
Month: Mechir, month of Rekhur.
Season: Peret (spring), season of Khepri
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | December 16 | Month of Mechir begins; Festival of the Little Heat; Day of Ptah lifting up Ra with His hands |
2 | December 17 | Day the Netjeru of Heaven receive Ra |
3 | December 18 | Set goes forth |
6 | December 21 | Winter Solstice; Feast of Aset (Isis) |
8 | December 23 | Festival of the Great Heat; Feast Day of Het-Hert (Hathor) |
10 | December 25 | Birth of Heru (Horus) the child of Aset (Isis) ; Going forth of Wadjet singing in Heliopolis; Day of Elevating the Great Netjert (Goddess) in all Her names & manifestations |
11 | December 26 | Feast of Neith; Birth of Sebek (Sobek) |
13 | December 28 | Day of Sekhmet going forth to Letopolis |
16 | December 31 | Feast of Sekhmet |
17 | January 1 | Day of keeping the things of Wasir (Osiris) in the hands of Anpu (Anubis) |
20 | January 4 | Day of Nut and Raet proceeding southward |
22 | January 6 | Feast of Ptah and Heru (Horus) |
23 | January 7 | Festival of Aset (Isis) |
24 | January 8 | Festival of Aset (Isis); Birth of Aion |
26 | January 10 | Going forth of Min to Coptus; Aset sees Wasir's face |
27 | January 11 | Feast of Sokar |
Month: Pamenot, month of Amun-Ra.
Season: Peret (spring), season of Khepri
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | January 15 | Month of Pamenot begins; Feast of entering Heaven and the Two Lands |
5 | January 19 | The brilliant festival of lights as Neith goes forth from Sais |
6 | January 20 | Going forth of Yinepu (Anubis); Festival of jubilation for Wasir i(Osiris)n Busiris |
8 | January 22 | Day of making way for Khnum |
9 | January 23 | Day of Het-Hert (Hathor) |
10 | January 24 | Day of coming of Tehuti (Thoth) |
13 | January 27 | Tehuti and and the khu go forth |
16 | January 30 | Day of opening the doors and courts at Karnak |
18 | February 1 | Feast of Nut |
19 | February 2 | Birthday of Nut |
22 | February 5 | Birthday of Apep (Apophis) |
23 | February 6 | Feast of Heru |
26 | February 9 | Day of unseen in the Underworld |
28 | February 11 | Feast of Wasir (Osiris) in Abydos |
30 | February13 | Feast of Wasir (Osiris) in Busiris; The Doorways of the Horizon are opened |
Month: Parmutit, month of Renenutet.
Season: Peret (spring), season of Khepri
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | February 14 | Month of Parmuti Begins |
2 | February 15 | Geb proceeds to Busiris to see Anpu (Anubis) |
7 | February 20 | Min goes forth in festivity |
8 | February 21 | Day of coutning the parts of the Eye of Heru |
13 | February 26 | Day of Nut |
16 | March 1 | Going forth of Khepri |
17 | March 2 | Going forth of Set, Son of Nut |
19 | March 4 | Feast of Ra in His Barge at Heliopolis |
27 | March 12 | End of the World by Sekhmet |
29 | March 14 | Adoration of Uneffer |
30 | March 15 | Offerings to Ra, Wasir, Heru, Ptah, Sokar and Atum |
Month: Pachons, month of Khonsu.
Season: Shemu (summer), season of Khonsu-Ra
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | March 16 | Month of Pachons begins; Feast of Heru and His Companions |
5 | March 20 | Feast of the good soul for sexual fertility |
6 | March 21 | Spring Equinox; Harvest Festival; Festival of restructuring the Heavens; Coming forth of the Great Ones from the House of Ra |
8 | March 23 | Festival of Aset (Isis) |
10 | March 25 | Day the Shining Ones of Heaven move upstream |
14 | March 29 | Day of the cutting out of the tongue of Sobek |
17 | April 1 | Day of Het-Hert (Hathor) |
18 | April 2 | Day of Joy of the Ennead and crew of Ra |
19 | April 3 | Day of the counting of Tehuti (Thoth) who heard Ma'at |
20 | April 4 | Ma'at judges the souls before the Netjeru |
30 | April 14 | Celebrations in the House of Ra, Wasir (Osiris), and Heru (Horus) |
Month: Payni, month of Heru (Horus).
Season: Shemu (summer), season of Khonsu-Ra
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | April 15 | Month of Payni Begins; Festival of Heru; Festival of Bast |
2 | April 16 | Holiday of Ra and his Shemsu (followers) |
7 | April 21 | Feast of Wadjet (Udjet or Buto) |
13 | April 27 | The Ennead sails throughout the land |
18 | May 2 | Wasir (Osiris) goes forth from His mountain |
21 | May 5 | Day of the living children of Nut |
25 | May 9 | The Akhet eye pleases Ra |
26 | May 10 | Going forth of Neith along the river |
28 | May 12 | Day of purification of all things. |
30 | May 14 | Tehuti (Thoth) appears with Shu to bring back Tefnut |
Month: Epipi, month of Wadjet.
Season: Shemu (summer), season of Khonsu-Ra
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | May 15 | Month of Epipi begins; Festivals of Het-Hert and Bast; Great feast of the Southern heavens |
2 | May 16 | The Netjerts (Goddesses) feast in their temples |
5 | May 19 | Het-Hert (Hathor) returns to Punt: the Netjeru are saddened |
7 | May 21 | Sailing of the Netjeru after Het-Hert (Hathor) |
12 | May 26 | Holiday of the receiving of Ra |
15 | May 29 | Heru hears prayer in the presence of the Netjeru |
16 | May 30 | Ma'at is taken to Ra in Heliopolis |
18 | June 1 | Ma'at and Ra go forth in secret |
29 | June 12 | Festival of Mut: feeding of the Netjeru |
30 | June 13 | Ceremony of Heru the Beloved |
Month: Mesore, month of Heru-Khuiti.
Season: Shemu (summer), season of Khonsu-Ra
Egyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | June 14 | Month of Mesore begins |
2 | June 15 | Ma'at unites as one with all the Netjeru of the heavens |
3 | June 16 | Feast of Raet; Feast of Het-Hert as Sirius |
4 | June 17 | Day of the procession of Sopdu, the Warrior |
5 | June 18 | Day of appearance of Min |
7 | June 20 | Anpu travels to every necropolis |
8 | June 21 | Summer Solstice; Wadjet ceremony |
10 | June 23 | Anpu (Anubis) Ceremony |
13 | June 26 | Holiday for the Shemsu of Heru (Shemsu-Hor) |
15 | June 28 | Ra goes forth to propitiate the Nun |
19 | July 2 | The Wadjet eye has returned complete |
22 | July 5 | Feast of Anpu (Anubis) with the Children of Nut and Geb |
28 | July 11 | Feast of Min |
29 | July 12 | Holiday in the Temple of Sokar; Festival of the Estate of Ptah |
30 | July 13 | Birthday of Ra |
EPAGOMENAL DAYSEgyptian Date | Gregorian Date | Festival/Celebration |
1 | July 14 | Birthday of Wasir (Osiris) |
2 | July 15 | Birthday of Heru-Dunawhy |
3 | July 16 | Birthday of Set |
4 | July 17 | Birthday of Aset (Isis) |
5 | July 18 | Birthday of Nebet-Het (Nephthys) |