This topic is here to keep track of information for participants in the hunt for the rogue templar. The information inside is only available to those given clearance by Captain Solis ICly - if you want your character to learn the information by some other means, let me or Aryn know and we can arrange an attempt!
If you play any of the included characters and your character takes a step in the event or finds information, feel free to post it here for inclusion in the overall list of leads and information.
Investigators: This information is not to be shared with those not on this list unless given permission by Inquisitor Valeria or Captain Miriamella.
Characters currently cleared for the information wherein:
The City Guard
The Valentine Estate's residents
Inquisitor Valeria
Lady Sarah
The Unfortunate
Thus far, it is known that Inquisitor Valeria came to report that a target she's hunting, a rogue templar named Kay, incapacitated several templars and hospitalized an inquisitor before fleeing to a location somewhere near lismore. It is known that he, his wife, Mariana Arroyo, and a famous inquisition captain, Hugo, were ambushed during the extermination of a cult, his wife having died during the ambush.