Plot Summary: Nox Mortuo is a plot that will be taking place in a dead, curse-ridden world beyond a soon-to-be-reassembled black mirror. It will feature survival and strategy-based event play based in an extremely dangerous, Dark Souls inspired world.
What types of events does your plot cater to?: Combatants, Survivalists, Tacticians, Priests, Healers
Summary of developments so far: Lismore has, for some time, been finding strange black shards of an unknown object admist several of their campaigns and exploits. It has sense come to be known that these shards are pieces of a dark mirror that leads into another world, where a goddess named Nox is requesting help in putting her dying world to rest, offering powerful but strange rewards to any who are willing to weather the danger. The danger has become all too evident as one particularly unstable mirror piece actually caused a virulent, dangerous curse to spread around it's resting area.
Current plot stage: The final, large piece of the mirror is aboard an armed airship named The Cloudwing, which has been fully corrupted, crew and all, by the curse radiating from it. It will be neccesary to engage the ship in order to secure the final piece.
Players needed for the next part: Ani, Tenaar, Aryn, Asha. Other airship-related crews are welcome.
Room for players to join the next part?: Yes.