Plot Summary: The Empyrean Empire is a plot centered around the titular extra-dimensional Empire. The Empyrean Empire is a huge, magically advanced empire connected to the skyland through advanced portal work. Diplomacy is tense between Lismore and the Empyreans, and poor handling of diplomatic encounters could lead to disaster.
What types of events does your plot cater to?: Diplomats, combatants, mages/scholars.
Summary of developments so far: The plot was introduced when a stray hunter-golem chased an individual of exotic species, Lex, into Lismore through a temporary portal. After a violent incident where the golem had to be destroyed, Lismore has since met with an Empyrean envoy to smooth over the tension of the incident. Diplomatic developments are available through the royal family.
Current plot stage: Awaiting requests from any characters to meet with Empyrean officials.
Players needed for the next part: Anyone!
Room for players to join the next part?: Most certainly!