Bamika was one of the most gentle souls ever! My interactions with her were a mix of sudden intense periods of activity, then we'd barely say hi for weeks, then suddenly get into RP again! We chatted very little OOC but when we did she was always rather insightful and had a no-BS attitude towards things without being abrasive that I rather liked.
I remember two very specific occasions when she made her OOC voice heard, one was with whomever was it who was causing trouble in the Caves and screwed up IC and refused to face the consequences and then went to 'hide' in that little island we had off-sim so people couldn't get to him. As the mob gathered there demanding the guy faced the consequences IC, much OOC chatter was had, and many were entertaining the idea of dismissing the whole thing and giving the guy another chance, but Bamika said no, his character messed up, we shouldn't just dismiss it; she was calling for blood, which was surprising for those who only knew Fawn, the sweet gentle submissive little doe Bamika played.
And another time when we were facing the troubles of moving from a Full Sim into our sky location, I asked Bamika's opinion on things, among them concerning people all spreading out throughout large regions and then you had one person standing here and another standing 200 meters away and another in the sky 3000 meters away, and they never interacted, never sought another player, but then would complain that 'there was nobody to RP with'. What she said, and I still think it rings true in some ways, is that big expanses of land are beautiful and nice and all but they don't really promote interaction. Her opinion was that we should do is put everybody aboard a ship, a confined, limited space, and declare 'RP or die!!'.
She was one of the first players to come from the then collapsing Wilds, and she was exceptionally dedicated to her role as the gentle doe girl who sat by the Temple fire and greeted visitors. Even after we moved from the Full Sim she continued that role, but I think some Anime maid RP sim opened up and that was something she also enjoyed doing so her attention shifted there. I saw her stop by a few times to check things out but her visits became less and less frequent.
Just a few days ago I was thinking, I haven't seen Bam in such a long time! I wonder what she's doing...
There's a drawing of Fawn in our little museum, she made that drawing and gave it to me way, waaaay back in the day when we first started hanging pictures on the walls back in the Full Sim. I'm thinking I might make a little doe statue to honor her memory, and put it in the Temple grounds or something.