Author Topic: Obsidian Natine Nejem Vance's Journal  (Read 4317 times)

Tenaar Feiri

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Obsidian Natine Nejem Vance's Journal
« on: November 16, 2018, 12:42:13 am »
<This is the journal of Obsidian the white, blush-haired fennec tod. The journal is kept on a desk in the living room and is accessible to anyone who's in Garnet and Ixion's penthouse apartment at the Marble Tower.>

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: Obsidian Natine Nejem Vance's Journal
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2018, 07:55:49 am »
Day 44, year 34, 4th Age.

First entry, not sure what to write. I lost my virginity a few days ago, which was pretty fun! If slightly awkward. Aunt Pearl is quite an engaging partner from what I can surmise of our little tryst together. I slightly envy Uncle Sebby now, but I finally understand why he is so docile. I would be too, if it meant having that pussy every day.

I've only done the sex-thing for a few days, but I already feel I am becoming very proficient with it. Apparently I bedded a ramau today as well, but neither of us could recall the act. Next time I offer weed to a pretty man...woman... whatever the Two-Souls would call themselves, I should make sure not to smoke so much that I become too high to recall what comes next.
Whatever. That brings my tail-count up to 2.
I wonder if I should collect some memorabilia from my partners. Having a repository of who I have played with sounds like it might be a fun project.

Anyway, I did bring him (the ramau) to the apartment, though, and he stuck around for dinner when we came to. His reaction to the slaves continues to be a source of giggly fits for yours truly. I don't think he has been on the inside of a wealthy person's home before.
Odd, considering his family. Though perhaps less so, now that I know he is Altiar's son. I remember Altiar from when I was little. So much has been explained in the wake of that revelation.

Sadly I've yet to work up the courage to go apply for a position as a guard. I must admit the prospect intimidates me greatly. I am not cut out for combat right now and I don't look forward to the training for even though I wish to enter as an investigator, I sincerely doubt I will be able to get out of fighting and potentially arresting someone.

I'm adorable and girly. How I am supposed to intimidate, let alone arrest anybody beggars belief. I suppose Lady Solis will find a way.
My father likely does not understand this conundrum; he has never worked a day in his life (though neither have I), and he is already intimidating by virtue of his family. Even though he looks more of a woman than the empress herself.
Well, too late now. It's written and I am committed. May Inari make sure the empress never finds herself in possession of this journal.

I did give away one of my statuettes, though! It was my favourite, and I really wanted to impress this other ramau girl. Joana, or Jo-Jo as I call her. I've known her since I was little too, and I'm hoping she might be interested in something a bit more than that kind of friendship. Or I'm not sure exactly what I want, but after the blunder I did the hour before the statuette, I hope I at least came out looking respectable, if not cool.

I can hear mum calling my name. Likely she wants me to assist her with some silly project. Always finding things to do, even when gramma demanded she take a break.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: Obsidian Natine Nejem Vance's Journal
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2018, 08:12:18 am »
Day 54, year 34, 4th Age.

I finally caved in and drank my potion yesterday. The one that is supposed to make my seed incompatible with my bedroom partners. I will admit I expected more pomp and circumstance or at the very least some kind of reaction to it. I do not feel any different. They tell me that it's normal and it's working and I don't have to think about it for a while, but I can't help but worry.
What if it failed? It shouldn't, but even without an aptitude for magic and alchemy, I know that sometimes things don't go according to plan.

I suppose I'll have to trust in its ability to keep my future spawn from seeing the light of day and deal with any mistakes that might occur. I've put aside some money from my allowance each day since I became sexually active, just in case I will have to pay someone to keep me out of parenthood.

Turns out I am very manly for a fennec. That came as a bit of a shock, but I have been described as chiseled and regal. You would not think that would be possible if you took one look at both my parents, but evidently I am the one with the bigger balls. In celebration of this news, I have taken the time to have a new suit fitted to properly accentuate my masculinity...although I suspect it has done little but make me more feminine in appearance.
I don't mind. I have a chiseled, regal face!
Princess Ariel and her consort were the ones to remark upon it the other day. She stumbled down from the infirmary while I was bathing and I convinced her to join me, hoping she might be in the mood to let me fool around with her -- it would be something to brag about to my friends! -- but Prince Axton joined shortly after and put a stop to my plans.
I suppose I wasn't entirely attracted to her swelling gut to begin with; was more the idea of 'claiming' the life inside her that I was drawn to, I guess.
We ended up talking about things, and I think I have an opportunity to contact Princess Alyssa and get involved with the palace.
I do not plan to forsake my current aspiration to join the City Guard; it is a good and well-respected position to fall back on, but I suspect I can use Alyssa to get my foot inside of that palace. Figuratively speaking. I have no aspirations to join the ranks of the royals through marriage, but rather through merit. Mother and my grandparents enjoy the title of nobility through their parents in turn. And my great-grandparents earned theirs through hard work; healing and battle.

I can do neither. In fact I'm not yet sure what I could do. My meeting with Princess Alyssa should help clear up what the royals might need, or wish for Lismore. I hope that will give me some potential venues.

In the meantime, I intend to visit the guardhouse later today and apply for a position. I pray they will let me wear my own garbs. More importantly, I pray they will see the merit in having someone less... unassuming around. Someone who can pull threads and pursue leads without calling attention to the Guard's involvement.
Which I will do much better in a fancy suit than a suit of armour. A pristine fennec like myself is best hidden in expensive clothing. I would be far more conspicious in common attire.

Tenaar Feiri

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Re: Obsidian Natine Nejem Vance's Journal
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2018, 10:21:19 am »
Day 68, year 34, 4th Age

I made it! I'm finally in the City Guard, and it's been... strangely cathartic. I've been undergoing some combat training since I joined and it's been quite fun. I've been given a light rapier-like sword to practice with and it suits me perfectly, and we are working to improve upon what my body can do best: agility and stamina.
I appreciate the efforts put into customizing my training to suit what I am capable of doing. It's tough work, and there are crazy high standards to aspire toward but I will hold my own.

Decided I would visit the family today, walked in on Emily and Imogen in the middle of feasting on each other. Needless to say, I joined in and with Imogen under my belt, I now have three encounters to be proud of. Though Imogen praised me for my abilities, I can't help but feel it was mostly to boost my ego; I feel like such a rookie still and so far my encounters have been more about my own pleasure than anyone else's. I'd love to change that. Unas happened to join in as well and he serviced Emily in my stead.
Afterwards we aate dinner together, he and I, and talked about many things. Apparently the Vances eat gold. I did not know that.

Something that was mentioned in our talk happened to brush upon the subject of magic. I... am not sure how I feel about that, precisely. So far, I have yet to show any signs of manifesting magical ability. Onyx, my brother, is already developing multiple talents.
I may have to consider the possibility that I may not have magic. This would put me at a severe disadvantage. How am I going to thrive in this highly magocratic empire without it? Particularly with Emperor Ascari on the throne, magical aptitude will be treasured greatly and even expected.

I encountered Jo-Jo and Lord Ausar the other day. Up in High Garden, on my way to the shrine. When I first walked into the scene, she (Jo-Jo) expressed distress to Lord Ausar and seemed to be withdrawing from him, so I decided to intervene and divert his attention.
I subtly hinted to her that I wished to know if she felt threatened or not. Either she still felt safe despite her previous distress, or she did not understand it. Either way, I took her with me to the shrine at the lord's behest. Much to both our relief, I'd presume.

I honestly don't know Lord Ausar all that well. I know of him. I know of the things many people say about him, but as a fennec, I know better than most that people tend to make up stories or exaggerate certain facets of someone's existence. It is hard to know what to believe and what is not credible, but I err on the side of caution. Even my immediate family seem quite wary of associating with him, although I'm told Kleopatra wholeheartedly embraces his presence. One would think that would be more than enough for people to warm up to him -- she is one tough, judgmental cookie.

I'll keep an open mind about him for now and try to get to know him, though I don't expect I'll actually bed him. Imogen was an exception to the rule, sanctioned by Emily whom I trust, but as a general rule, it's good to avoid laying with demons when you can.

At least for us mortals...