Author Topic: City of Blackstone  (Read 3660 times)


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City of Blackstone
« on: September 12, 2017, 06:18:02 pm »
It is a pleasure to finally be able to announce that, over the past several months, Lismorean operatives have been undermining the First Kingdom occupation of a town not too far away from Lismore by the name of 'blackstone'. It was necessary to keep news of this quiet while our warriors were behind enemy cover, but with the town now liberated, this is no longer a concern.

The utmost gratitude is expressed by Blackstone's leaders and people to both those who directly risked themselves, and those who supported the people undercover during their work, Blackstone offering themselves as a long-term ally to Lismore, and making it clear that any Lismorean who finds the time to pay their town a visit will be well-accommodated and welcomed as a friend!

~ Anzhelina