Author Topic: The Dead Draw  (Read 4458 times)


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The Dead Draw
« on: February 20, 2017, 12:54:01 am »
The Dead Draw is a new location to be found in the rebuilt New Eden.. Some call it a bar, but it'd be more accurate to call it a gambling hall. Despite it's purpose, the location's tucked away and not immediately accessible, bearing no sign to it's location.

The reason for the secrecy is that the hall is not just a den of drink and gold for those who live their lives under the light, but common to the hall and it's bar and tables are talks of plans, business, and even whispers of deeper, darker movements in the crime world of the Skylands.

Those who come in polished, clean and bright-eyed will likely get stares as they visit, and conversations abruptly stop as they pass by. Those who left their moral compass at home and wear a tough demeanor will be welcome, and may even find great opportunities fall into their lap.

The games are run mostly by an elf named Riddkah, and a mean-spirited cheetah named Alice. Both have already cultivated a reputation as being ruthless and connected, and those who don't pay their gambling or bar tabs might find themselves on the receiving end of their unforgiving nature.