I assume you mean NPCs that are open for actual players to take them over? Because PCs usually stay with the player who portraited them unless that player hands the character over to someone else.
What we most certainly have, however, are yet unplayed children of the various more or less important Lismorean families.
The Vances, Nejems, Natines, Bosses, Versthalers, Harems, Snowpaws and Valiants usually have some open spots.
I can only speak for the Valiant family, but currently there are the following open slots:
Vic Valiant (male Foxramau)
Brook Valiant (male Foxramau)
Colleen Valiant (female Foxramau)
Rayan Valiant (hermaphrodite Foxramau)
Lili Valiant (female Foxramau)
If you are interested in playing any of these, you can give me a poke and I get you in touch with the parents to see if both would agree to it.