Author Topic: ARRESTED: Rigel, Vampire  (Read 4450 times)


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ARRESTED: Rigel, Vampire
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:42:18 pm »
After a struggle, the vampire Rigel has been captured in the New Eden Caves. Measures should be taken appropriately for a vampire, to avoid accidental bites or escape.

Rigel has stated that he will assist in dealing with the remaining vampire threat.

Arrest was made by me, and assisted by Kali Mah, a helpful citizen visiting the caves. I would like to make a personal request that the prisoner's ultimate sentencing be handled by the temple, or at least delayed until further notice, though questioning should happen as soon as possible.

Chaplain Eastling, Temple's Head Guardian


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Re: ARRESTED: Rigel, Vampire
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2016, 04:02:09 pm »
Rigel was too weak to discuss details at length, but has cited Toby and Oz as vampires who are actively hunting others.

He will be questioned again in a couple days - it is requested that his need for blood be provided for however it's possible to do so, so he might have enough strength by then to talk at length.

It is highly inadvisable that the blood be provided by drinking from someone's body directly, but rather given to him in a vial instead, to avoid the curse spreading.

Chaplain Eastling, Temple's Head Guardian


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Re: ARRESTED: Rigel, Vampire
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2016, 01:06:41 am »
Upon returning home, I was greeted with some additional information from Ausar. Velin'deras attacked Aspen, the Ausarium's caretaker. Aldrin and Azathiel were present, and it was reported that the feline Aldrin expressed strange behavior, including showing a familiarity towards Aspen despite not having met him before, and reportedly bringing up things in conversation that only the vampire Joziah could have known.

It's advised that this information be added to the current investigation, and the information has been brought to the council's attention as well - it's advised the knowledge contained in these reports be kept to the eyes of the guard and council only, lest the vampire threat be made aware that we might be uncovering a number of bits of information which could lead to their capture or destruction.

Chaplain Eastling, Temple's Head Guardian