People often have things to say, opinions to share, pictures of their cats they want to show, etc, etc..., stuff that doesn't really have to do with the RP, but that would easily clutter up our General Discussions board.
So I was thinking... Should we create a "Blogs" board where people can post
You might be thinking at first, "
A blog in Lismore? Has Ash gone completely mad?", but here's my logic behind it....
Yes Lismore is a place we come to RP. Yes we have a rather strong dislike for OOC stuff in there.
But at same time, we are all people, and as anti-social as some of us might have been labeled in RL, we are still sociable creatures. I personally think of Lismore as more than just a place where you go to do some IC stuff, I think of it as a community.
...and blogging seems to come naturally to furries... Just look at FA: I can whipe my new
-everything- clean, and ten minutes later I'll have maybe one new picture, and 20 new journals. The main purpose of the site is as an art gallery....... or is it?
There would be of course rules regulating what could be posted, to give us the Admins grounds to keep anything from turning into a drama-fest.
So yeah, just an idea. Vote please, and if you have opinions, share them please!