Author Topic: The Front Lines  (Read 5282 times)


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The Front Lines
« on: August 20, 2015, 03:00:13 pm »
A sign reads:

"In light of the ongoing war

The Guard are urgently recruiting more able members to fight as well as retain the peace and protection of Lismore

Apply to any Guard officer now! Excellent pay and benefits! Serve your homeland!"

((So what does this mean? Well with the war raging on a lot of guard characters will be on the front line with brief visits to home. Though some would be stationed in Lismore to keep the peace and retain security there. It is up to you what your character is doing! But feel free to post what's happening for your character below if you wish!))

A further notice:

"Availability of Captain Drucilla Fu Sheng will be limited as her presence is required for the most part on the front lines against Doncoutles forces, though she will return when possible to oversee issues within Lismore itself.

Likewise Lieutenant Miriamella Solis will also have limited to no availability for the same reasons

Please refer to the next guard above you in the chain of command for orders and reports should be delivered to the main desk as usual"


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Re: The Front Lines
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2015, 08:05:44 pm »

The whereabouts of guard Jo'al Athiri
Of course, as war progresses, a being made for war will heed the call to protect their homeland!
Jo'al is of course right at the front, battling demons and undertaking missions in the protection of Lismore!

He'll fight valiantly (until somebody invents spray guns or brings sufficient buckets of water).

Jo'al will be mostly unavailable for the time being as war rages for that reason, only coming by on brief visits for his loved ones.
One's journey is never over..


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Re: The Front Lines
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2015, 07:24:52 am »
With Doncoutles forces in (temporary) retreat. All officers and those on the front lines should now be available more readily and present within Lismore