Author Topic: Ranks and Roles in the Temple  (Read 4220 times)


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Ranks and Roles in the Temple
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:23:07 am »
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Those who seek to become part of the temple can do so by spending time and interacting with others, especially members of the temple's tribe, and proving themselves to be someone who is passionate about the temple's ways, and helpful in supporting the tribe in maintaining the temple and serving it's guests. New tribe members are always wanted!

Below is a list of major roles and responsibilities in the temple. It should be noted that many duties of these roles are also shared by members of the tribe that are capable of doing so - It is also important to note that one's rank in the temple is independent of which god they follow or their level of devotion.

The Priesthood Path

The priesthood path is primarily devoted to the care of visitors, and to the management of the temple's religious aspects.

Temple adepthood is the first step on the priesthood path. Adepts are responsible for the assistance of the temple's priests in their religious duties, and are tasked with seeing to the needs of those who visit the temple.

High Adept
After someone expresses interest in moving to high adepthood and shows a devotion to the religious duties they're assigned, an adept will be made high adept through a small ceremony. They will take on greater religious responsibilities, and can even lead minor ceremonies and rituals. High adepts can initiate new members into the tribe, and can raise tribe members into the role of adept.

A temple priest is someone chosen by one of the temple's gods or goddesses to be their primary connection with their followers at the temple, as well as the tribe. They are responsible for the rituals and ceremonies their god or goddess requests, and are their first line of interpretation. Priests can initiate new members into the tribe, and can raise tribe members up the priesthood path all the way to high adept. Priests and priestesses also share in the temple guardians' responsibility for sentencing those who break temple laws.

High Priestess
Mariah is the temple's current high priestess, the temple's overall leader and main figure of religious authority. She communicates and coordinates with the other priests to ensure that the worshippers of the different gods get along well, and that their needs are seen to. Mariah is currently the only member of the temple who can name tribe members into the role of priest/priestess.

The Guardian Path

The guardian path is devoted to the protection of the temple.

From the moment a tribe member is trusted to protect the temple, they are given the authority to enforce temple rules, and bring people in to the city jail for holding. Temple scouts and above all possess keys to the city jail. Many scouts are also responsible for hunting for the temple, and serve as rangers as well as protectors of the temple grounds, including the forest. Temple scouts have the authority to remove anyone from temple grounds as needed.

Scout Errant
Scout errants are the captains of the scout force, generally responsible for taking charge of the scouts in situations that require a coordinated response. They are also responsible for the training of the scouts, and can promote tribe members into the scout role.

Guardians are considered the lieutenants of the scout force, and are responsible for interpreting situations that require the response of the scouts. Guardians are responsible for sentencing those who break temple laws, and can enact long term banishments and punishments. Guardians are also responsible with coordinating with the other temple leaders in making serious decisions about the temple's responses to large scale situations. They can promote scouts to scout-errant.

Head Guardian
Chaplain is the Temple's current head guardian. He's responsible for the overall coordination of the temple's defenses, and can be considered the temple's official representative for defense with other factions. He manages the temple's prisoners in the city, and can promote scout-errants to the role of Guardian.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 08:34:32 am by Husky Dragon »