Guardsman Riven would report on the events that took place in the infirmary, of the interrogation of the deceased brigand found at the abduction site of the Prince, Patrick Fletcher Fu Sheng.
It was learned the dead brigand was named Ethan, and that he was supposedly the diplomat of the group.
Present during the interrogation were:
The empress herself: Ewyllyn Fu Sheng
The necromancer Navaru
Witness: Ausar Valiant
And of course Doctor and Guardsman Riven De'Solvis
Guardsman River took notes of the following:
[17:43] Ewyllyn Fu Sheng approaches the infirmary door, knocks a couple of times on it and then just opens it to enter the facilities.
[17:46] Riven: is standing at the exam table, a body beneath a cloth resting up on it.. He had yet to get started his examination of the body, not even having removed the arrows from it. He perks an ear at the knock and glances over as the door is merely opened nd the empress walks in. He raises his brows and turns to her, and bows slightly, "Empress.. what brings you to the infirmary today?" He wonders, head tilting.. he had never met her, but he certainly knew who she was!
[17:48] Ausar Valiant follows the empress inside, giving a polite now and a smile to Riven, the nice doctor who was also with the city guard. "A good day to you." He positions himself in one corner of of the way of the others, but still in a good place to observe.
[17:50] Navaru enters the infirmary and looks around. It smelled a bit like in his laboratory. Alchemy, bodies in various states of decay... well.. almost decay. He bows slightly to the doctor who is present "Greetings...." and would then motion to the Empress to make necessary introductions and explain why they were here.
[17:52] Ewyllyn Fu Sheng nods curtly at the civet. "I am here to oversee an interrogation of the dead man lying on your table there." she says to him. "Would you mind removing the cover?" Maybe it's not strictly needed for this procedure, but she still wants to see the face of one of the men who abducted her grandson. "This is Navaru and Ausar. Ausar is our witness and Navaru, I'm sure you already know why he's here."
[17:57] Riven: listens as she explains and he looks a bit surprised once more and glances at Navaru.. he was rather up on who was who around Lismore. He turns his attention back to the empress and nods slightly. "I see." He replies and the nods, "Yes, empress." He replies and turns a bit, reaching for the cloth and pulling it away. On the table rest a mutt of some kind, a bit on the scruffy side, though it was clear he tried keeping himself clean, despite the flea bitten ears.. He looked in his late twenties, and was dressed simply enough for a brigand. "I had just been about to start my examination of the body. But you are of course welcome to it." The feline says, eyeing the arrows a moment that still riddled the front of the corpse.
[17:58] Ausar Valiant nods over to Riven, offering an encouraging smile: "We hope to able to learn more about the whereabouts of the missing prince and the nature of his abductors." Then he confines himself to the role of silent witness, unless someone asks for his assistance.
[18:03] Navaru would nod sagely to what the others said and then approach the table, looking down at the body before him. "Doctor, I am aware that this might evoke resentment in you, but let me assure you that I will treat the body and spirit of this man with the respect it deserves." He reaches into a pouch on his belt and takes some ash like substance from it. It was a mixture of incineration ash from a body, some alchemical additions and a good dose of necrotic essence. The jackal leaned over the corpse then and started drawing strange symbols on his forehead and over his heart.
[18:04] Ewyllyn Fu Sheng nods at Riven. "And you will be allowed to carry on your examination of the body when we are done." And then maybe he'll get a burial. Unless she decides to give his body for the interns to play around with after all. "You're a guard, yes? We will need this interrogation on record."
[18:08] Riven: tosses Ausar a friendly smile and slight wave, though his attention was mostly on what was going on with the empress, though he turns his attention to the necromancer and he gives him an assuring smile. "Your work does not bother me, priest." He says, respect in his tone, and he looks to the body a moment. "Let me remove the arrows.. or most of them.. will make working with it a bit easier, and may alarm the spirit less?" He offers, and looks to the empress. "Your grandson has quite the talent with the bow, your highness.. from my first look over of the body, several of the arrows nearly went through him.. even poked through the back of the poor dog.. its no wonder he was left behind.." He comments, and turns to see what Navaru is up to, as he nods to what the empress says, "I am indeed a city guard as well, your highness.. I will make full record of what goes on in this room." He assures.
[18:11] Ausar Valiant steps a little closer to better see what exactly Navaru does to the corpse. As morbid as the situation may could seem to some, Ausar looks largely unaffected, mostly just displaying curiosity for the ritual taking place in front of his eyes.
[18:13] Navaru smiles softly to Riven and nods "I would recommend of leaving them stuck in his chest. It will help remind the spirit that he is dead and that what lies broken and battered before him... is not he anymore. It may help him transition easier after we questioned him. About that..." He would address the others briefly. "I shall bring the realm of the spirits to this place, so not only I can speak to him and understand what he says. That way you can all interact with him and ask questions. (Also to involve you guys more and make this easier
). He would then continue with his preparations, but add to Riven "Doctor, I would suggest you prepare the patients and your assistants. Have them stay at the upper levels of the infirmary please. It is for their own safety."
[18:20] Ewyllyn Fu Sheng nods at at Riven. "Good, then prepare to do so." she says. She's pretty curt today, obviously. And she nods at Navaru next. "Whatever you think is best, Navaru."
[18:23] Riven: nods to what Navaru says and he looks to the stairs a moment.. a couple of the assistants of the infirmary were there, watching wide eyed in alarm at the sight of the necromancer. The feline moves over, and steps up the stairs a moment, urging the pair up stairs and there he speaks with them briefly, instructing them to remain upstairs, and to keep them selves calm, and those who were in their care calm during what was goign to go on. Once he had made it clear, he makes his way back down stairs, and stands at the end of the exam table, waiting and watching.
[18:25] Ausar Valiant watches the events unfold, offering in a soft voice: "If you need a hand with anything, let me know, Navaru."
[18:30] Navaru nods in acknowledgment to the Empress. "Yes, Empress... I shall." He gives Riven a grateful smile and waits until he returns before wiping his fingers at a piece of cloth and steps back a bit. "I ll be fine Ausar, but... keep an eye on our surroundings. If you spot something trying to claw its way into our dimension here... politely shove it back to where it came from. By all means necessary." He waits another moment and then raises his arms, focusing the body on the table. "By the powers vested in me by my Lord Anubis, I call upon the realms of eternal mist, that harbor a stray soul, one I call to me from beyond the grave." The lights in the room would flicker and most likely go out, and suddenly greenish mist would well up from the ground and flood against the walls like a sickly wave of death.
[18:36] Ewyllyn Fu Sheng meanwhile simply observes.
[18:37] Riven: remains quiet as the ritual begins and he feels a slight shiver, as the green mist fills the room. He shifts a little, and then folds his arms over his chest as he tilts his head, keeping a close eye on things.
[18:39] Ausar Valiant looks alarmed when Navaru mentions beings from another realm clawing their way into this reality. There is an odd expression on his muzzle when the jackal nonchalant asks for him to shove the beasts back. He looks down at his bare paws and curses that this blades are still under construction at the blacksmith's workshop. From now onwards the foxramau scans the room for any obvious signs of an intrusion, ready to alert Navaru and the others.
[18:42] Ethan's spirit would start with a low wailing rather typical of the dead. Navaru would have heard it countless times but it likely would be disturbing for those unused to hear the dead moan, specially because of the sorrowful and hopelessness of the tone. Wherever it's coming from, it's not a happy place!
[18:47] Navaru knows that wailing well indeed... the poor spirit would most likely come from a place within the realms of death called the Wastelands... where the desolate souls of those who lived in sin and died because of it would dwell, placed there by their own guilt and their karmic burden. The necromancer would let the spirit materialize into this room so the others could address him, while the necromancer himself would for the most part keep the link up and keep the soul in place. He d say though: "Greetings, spirit. I called you from the Deadlands because there is a way for you to redeem some of your burden that lasts so heavily upon your soul. Help us and answer their questions truthfully and the way to the afterlife shall be yours. As a priest of Anubis, I promise you that." The jackal would give a brief nod to the others that they could start with the interrogation.
[18:51] Ewyllyn Fu Sheng shudders and closes her eyes a bit at the sounds coming as the spirit is invoked! She hates this part. She really fucking hates this part. She loathes necromancy! But the gloves are off, so might as well start smacking. She begins soon as she's given the signal to start. "Spirit, I am Empress Ewyllyn Fu Sheng. Mother of Yuna Fu Sheng, and grandmother to the prince that you and your bandmates attempted, successfully I might add, to kidnap. You can start helping me out here by telling me your name. I want to know who this man is im speaking to."
[18:53] Riven: keeps an eye on the swirling mists, just incase anything else did try and enter the realm of the living. He is clearly uneasy however, and he draws in a deep breath and grasps absently at the amulet he wore around his neck, fingering it a bit and he looks over as the spirit forms among them, ears flicking back at the noise. He remains quiet however, letting Ewy question the ghost.
[18:55] Ausar Valiant tilts his head, listening in. It is kinda eerie to listen to a disembodied voice like that. Well, there is a body... but that one kinda started to smell despite best efforts to conserve it. His eyes wander along the walls. Good! So far no tentacles from the great beyond.
[18:57] Ethan's spirit appears in an etherial form, not entirely defined, except for the eyes, the eyes are bright but the light that comes from them seems cold and not at all welcoming, and everywhere he stares there's that unsettling feeling of being stared at by the dead! And he speaks, the voice distant, as if coming through from a much further away place, away enough that it reverberates slightly and trails with an unsettling lag and sometimes overlap of sounds, "So cold! So cold! It's all shapes in the mist! Now so bright! Have I left the Cave?", and as Ewy spoke the spirit would turn its ghostly dead eyes to her and stare, a deeply unsettling stare straight into her soul, and after a moment he would answer, "Ethan. My name was Ethan. My name is Ethan. Ethan the diplomat. Ethan the soft heart. Ethan the one who does the talking..."
[19:00] Navaru would make a brief gesture with his hand and the symbols painted on the body would start to glow brightly as the necromantic magic flared from them. The purpose was to give Ethan's soul a feeling of peace and comfort, to make it more at ease and to help him focus. The necromancer would remain silent for now though and let Ewy do her thing.
Continued in reply...