(( This topic is used to list down casualties and injuries within the guard, please add to this list if your character was injured, or worse, in battle or through other means. ))
Patient: Quartermaster Guardswoman 3rd Class Nansen, ShaRroos
Long term Injury: Negative
Expected Recovery: 3-5 Days
Line of Duty: Negative
Moderate streaching to Tympanic Membrane and moderate damage to Mallenus consistant with close proximity to excessive, sudden, and short burst sound. Patient reports close proximity to explosion while engaging in off duty personal exploration. One moderate subdural hematoma identified on lower abdomin as well as several minor abrasions and lacerations. Injuries are inconsistant with the described explosion however inconclusive. Paitent will be totaly deaf for 1-2 days and moderate hearing loss for 2-3 days. Complete recovery expected in 3-5 days.