Author Topic: A new doctor has been stationed at the infirmary during Mishra's absence!  (Read 3931 times)

Aryn Gentlepaw

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Following a discussion with Prime Minister Lord Emir, Lt. Solis of the Lismorean Guard has taken measures to ensure the well being of Lismore's citizens during the vacancy of Dr.Mishra Snowpaw.

Doctor Riven De'Solvis, main healer of the guard, has been stationed at the infirmary for the time being to handle any additional work load caused by Mishra's absence. He is supported in that by Dr. Simon Versthaler. Dr. De'Solvis is trained in the traditional arts of healing and also possesses magical abilities and a unique way of curing more extreme wounds, based on some highly regenerative powers.

In addition to the already established doctors Simon Versthaler and Yamanu Blacke, various healers from all around Lismore have been asked to stand at the ready to further lend aid in case of an emergency.

Juliane Radonovich: Druidess, resides at the inn
Serena Whisperwind, Priestess at the temple island
Ike Harem, Alchemist of the Zenko
Heaven starts with a smile :)