Author Topic: Lismore Official IC Roles  (Read 6914 times)


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Lismore Official IC Roles
« on: November 14, 2013, 11:05:33 pm »
This post is obsolete and kept here merely for historical reasons.

Refer to for a current hierarchy listing.

This is a listing of characters/players with officially assigned roles in the sim. For a comprehensive list of characters and players check out
Name in italics and between parenthesis is the SL name of the player.

In the City Area:

  • Lord of Lismore: Xahu Fu Sheng, Emperor of the Sky Islands  (Hazel Alchemi) & Ewyllyn Fu Sheng, Empress Consort (Kaeldan Monk)
  • Prime Minister: Emir Brightmane  (Darren Azemus)

Armed Forces:
  • Zenko Lord: Relina Harem  (Felix Stourmead)
  • Zenko Second in Command: Torke  (Ani Aunerfal)
  • Zenko Squad Leader: Kyera
  • Zenko Commander: unassigned
  • Captain of the Guard: Dru Fu Sheng  (Drucilla Ceawlin)
  • Guard Lieutenant: Lorenz  (Ani Aunerfal)

  • Infirmary: Mishra Snowpaw  (Mishra Snowpaw), Yamanu Blacke  (Elerlissa Ashbourne), Simon Versthaler  (Felix Stourmead), Rena Felswipe  (Zerahcero Resident)
  • Zenko Refinery: Jack Lanterns  (Caex Silverfall), River Lanterns  (Symphicat Resident)
  • Alchemists Guild: Arlen (Ani Aunerfal) & Ike (Ixen Radikal)
  • Smithy: Nina  (Ani Aunerfal)
  • Arena: City Leadership & Armed Forces
  • The Rabbit Hole Inn: Dru Fu Sheng  (Drucilla Ceawlin), Zeela Soulstar  (ZeelaSoulstar Resident)
  • City Baths: Rayenne Valiant  (ZillahRaven Resident) & Rowan Valiant  (Rowan Valentine)
  • The Cat's Eye Shop: Zeela Soulstar  (ZeelaSoulstar Resident)
  • Gryphons Transportation Services: The gryphons are under the City's Leadership jurisdiction.
  • Library: Abbadon  (Ani Aunerfal)
  • City Farm Lands: The farm is under the City's Leadership jurisdiction. Radem (Darren Azemus) is the caretaker in charge under Lord Athian Hoggard, Overseer of the Granaries.  (Athian Hoggard)

  • I - I: Zeela Soulstar  (ZeelaSoulstar Resident)
  • I - II: Lou  (wolf601 Resident)
  • I - III: Kira Ascari  (Gilliana Parx)
  • I - IV:
  • I - underground: Mishra Snowpaw  (Mishra Snowpaw) & Aria Snowpaw  (Tenaar Feiri)
  • Valentine Palace: Anthony Vance (former Rowan Fangshi Valentine)  (Elerlissa Ashbourne), et al.
  • Foxxian's Atelier: Siarra Foxxian  (DarkFoxxian Resident)
  • Harems' Residency: Relina Harem  (Felix Stourmead), et al.
  • Hoggard residency: Athian Hoggard  (Athian Hoggard)
  • Lismore Apartments - Top Floor: Naz (Nazatuur Resident) & Lira (Krenic Resident)
  • Lismore Apartments - Middle Floor: not yet assigned
  • Lismore Apartments - Lower Floor: not yet assigned

In the Phoenix Caves:

  • Ruler: Xela Soulstar  (Xela Soulstar)
  • Second in Command: Kami  (Ani Aunerfal)

In the Cruentus Island:

  • Ruler: Valencia Versthaler  (Valencia Hydraconis)
  • Second in Command: Estellita Versthaler  (Mallorie Ogleby)
  • Third in Command: Cala  (Ani Aunerfal)
  • Head of Combat: Valda Blacke  (Symphicat Resident)
  • Head of Engineering: River Sevtee  (Symphicat Resident)
  • Mana Springs: The Mana Springs are under Zenko jurisdiction.

In the Temple Island:

  • High Priestess: Mariah  (Ani Aunerfal)

  • Priest: Danath  (Ani Aunerfal)
  • Priest: Yamanu Blacke  (Symphicat Resident)
  • High Scout: Beatrix
  • Tribe Paladin: Chaplain
  • Sawmill: The Sawmill is under Temple Leadership jurisdiction.

  • Vheljen's Tower: Vheljen Valentine  (Ani Aunerfal), et al.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2018, 03:44:44 am by Ashtyn »


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Re: Lismore Official IC Roles
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2013, 02:19:49 pm »
Shouldn't this list also contain the characters that are working in certain spots even if they are not the leaders as long as they are recognized as working there? x..x Like Lou being working in the Library or Elli working in the Smithy? o..o (Just examples, i didn't play Elli in a while, i know.)

Also i would ask if we could keep it ic'ly unknown that Kira actually lives in there if possible. I mentioned that before, but i would like if some imaginary person that probably won't come back ever would be officially signed as the owner and used it was warehouse, so nobody expects her to life there~
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 02:32:03 pm by Lili »


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Re: Lismore Official IC Roles
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 02:33:07 pm »
Shouldn't this list also contain the characters that are working in certain spots even if they are not the leaders as long as they are recognized as working there? x..x Like Lou being working in the Library or Elli working in the Smithy? o..o (Just examples, i didn't play Elli in a while, i know.)

It could! But it's tricky to keep track of who is playing what, so ideally the players themselves would fill in those other roles with their info... ...and there is already such list at  :)


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Re: Lismore Official IC Roles
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2013, 02:40:22 pm »
By that logic, doesn't that make this list just as redundant as there's already the other list to go look at? It was there first.
Too many characters to list.

Hyper weapon.


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Re: Lismore Official IC Roles
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2013, 02:51:36 pm »
By that logic, doesn't that make this list just as redundant as there's already the other list to go look at? It was there first.

Not necessarily, because this list categorizes by role, listing the most relevant (the bosses) ones in a short and simple way. The other list is like extended reading going into further details, and sorted by player/character, not by role.

If you believe that your character should be listed here even if he's just say, a farmer, by all means post your character's name / player name and the role, and I will make it look pretty on the listing.

The reason the top roles are given preference is because those characters tend to stick around more than others. People make a new blacksmith every other day; but you don't get to make a new Temple high priest on a whim.  ;)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 03:01:28 pm by Ashtyn »