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Athian's Journal
« on: November 08, 2013, 04:59:59 am »
((Lord Athian keeps a journal on his writing desk on the second floor inside his house. Feel free to use these entries here to get a better understanding of the big bad wolf, but keep in mind that unless you got access to the book IC all of it is OOC information. Also not everything in here has to be the truth. Some things simply are described from his point of view, omitting some facts others would have access to. At other times there could be deliberate deviations from true events or opinions.))

Day 352 of Year 2 of the Fourth Age

As I am writing these words I am finally residing in my very own little townhouse. Lord Emir and the men under his charge have been most helpful in securing me a place where I would have a little more privacy than if I had stayed at the Inn. Granted, the place is small and nothing fancy, but it is what I'd like to call a little home away from home.

Lismore has proven to be a very interesting place to explore. As if a floating island wouldn't be enough, most of the townfolks have rather interesting stories, too. It seems a place like this draws in the strangest people - or breeds them in some cases. The land has some special commodities to offer. Aside from the obvious Tass there are local delicacies, like the wine Radem, a local farmer, brings in from his vineyard. He also brews quite the potent mead. Both could be well used to impress other nobles - a good beverage from a flying isle is not something you get your paws on every other day.
It is the people that really win over your heart, though. While Lismore is divided in the rich and the poor, the powerful and those that follow and are inspired by the power of others, the small size of the lands really brings these different social circles together. Mixes them up in a way seldom found in other places.  Add to it that we got a wealthy family of demons living in the very heart of the city. So the people of Lismore and their take on live are far from being the norm. This seems to have inspired the scholars and tinkerers a great deal. Lismore is at the forefront of some interesting new developments in the different sciences. Not sure I am welcoming all of them, but they are something worth to be studied in more detail.

I have the feeling that this could be the place I was looking for. House Hoggard could use a second string to its bow. I have already hinted at Lord Emir that I would like to see my title officially recognized in Lismore and would be delighted if my name could be recognized once the town focuses on expanding. Now I have to give it some time and see to it that I meet more people around and try to make some friends.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 08:44:41 pm by Athian »
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 12:02:44 pm »
Day 359 of Year 2 of the Fourth Age

While visiting the temple these past days, I was present for a tragic occurrence. Seemingly out of nowhere a cheetah approached the temple grounds, almost frozen solid by spending too much time it the middle of a snow storm from the looks of it. Chaos soon ensued. The main temple healers where off-site and those of the temple present at the time seemed a bit overwhelmed with what to do in case of hypothermia and serious frostbite.

Thanks to my upbringing in the far North, I am no stranger to dealing with the harsh realities of winter. When I noticed pretty much everyone trying to help in his or her own with a serious lack of coordination, I stepped up to fill that gap. Barking orders left and right we soon had him stripped of his cloth and armor, both wet and frozen over. We wrapped him in blankets and one Lady Bellatrix and me kept him warm with our body heat. Later that day I spoon-fed him soup in the temple's kitchen,  until he was looking much more alive again.

He was barely awake, his memory obviously still affected from his long time out in the cold. Someone from the temple took him in to put him into a real bed and sleep it off, promising me that a healer would look for him in the morning.
Strangely enough I later got word that he snuck away from the temple when nobody was looking. I didn't even have a name to attach to the memory. I don't know how to feel about it. I want to celebrate rescuing him, bringing him back from the brink of death. Yet at the same time, I have no idea if I actually helped him, no idea who he was and what will become of him.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 12:19:21 pm by Athian »
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 04:13:03 pm »
Day 2 of Year 3 of the Fourth Age

Exploring Lismore I tend to run into a lot of 'first time' situations. When you are sitting at the bar, enjoying the peat fire of a good whiskey burning your throat, it is a bit unexpected to have the man you are sharing the drink with confiding you in on the fact that he has returned from the dead. Not to say that it hit me totally unexpected. I've heard a lot of different narrations about what happened to Lismore and how it come to be an island floating in the sky. Most of those stories agree that when the place was 'uplifted' a number of people returned from the dead.

This man, however, was not killed in the great turmoil prior to the uplifting. He was slain by another man, betrayed when he was trying to recover an artifact. Yet still he lives again. And not only that: While he still can be hurt and feels the pain, it doesn't seem to stick with him. Wounds close, bones mend.  I can't help but wonder if this is more than a freak of nature or a boon of the gods. What if the place itself has some effect on the people making a living here? There is the Tass, that physical manifestation of mana these lands are famous for. And despite the Zenko studying it, who says that they have truly unlocked all of its secrets? Perhaps this is, what the fountain of youth has been all about in the first place.

Magic comes at a price, though. It certainly changed the man, body and soul. Some experiences are no longer for him to share with the rest of the world, like booze losing its punch on him, turning into mere water. Nothing you can't live with, but something that is going to separate you from others, being unable to merrily drink the night away with your friends.

While the dead may live again, I can't help but think about those that turned some of them dead in the first place. I somehow wish to have their side of the story at my fingertips as well. I want to be a good judge of character, not for someone to prove me wrong. Right now I am pondering who to trust. Could it be that both are telling the truth, given their unique take on the situation? It requires further study. But how to approach the subject without giving too much offense? In his case... the truth, I think.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2013, 03:36:21 am »
Day 17 of Year 3 of the Fourth Age

Oh boy, how the mighty have fallen. Finally met with key figures of the Zenko, in particular Lady Relina Harem and the genius behind lots of Zenko research, Jack Lanterns. Their faction has had it hard for the past few years. Many common people seem to blame them for singular events in the past, not seeing the big picture and the important role they always played in the history of these lands in general, as well as during the ongoing wars in particular. From what I heard they have trouble recruiting, hungry for new blood.

It is not as if I could not see why people would worry. Both Relina and Jack suffered greatly from their exposure to arcane explosions. It turned them into what is, to my knowledge, commonly referred to as manabeasts. The magic made flesh claimed every bit of their previous bodies, giving them a new form and probably changed a great deal of their traits in the process. I am not saying that these reformed shapes are without appeal - they are not hideous monsters or anything, just distinctively different from the norm, their magical origin shining through in oh so many ways. But who would willingly give up the beauty that is his own flesh, unless disaster claimed it first and left no other chance for survival?

I  consider myself to be an open-minded wolf and it would be foolish to not acknowledge the deeds of the Zenko as well as the potential they have for Lismore's future. Especially in regards to their ongoing research, of which Jack was kind enough to share some information. His children are already a living testimony to the fact that they can simulate life out of nothing . Well, technically that isn't quite true given all the ingredients it needs, but I am sure one will forgive me for not being very scientific while mulling it over in my head. Anyway, similar to that line of work, constructs may be used to allow a willing soul to live on past the time when its mortal shell fails. A promising way to keep those around with special knowledge that hasn't been put down in writing yet or to allow someone of extraordinary training to extend the time he can put those skills into action to the benefit of his friends, family and the land he serves.

It is my hope that once my influence and power in Lismore grows, I will be able to do my part in aiding the Zenko, nursing them back to strength. I consider it important to have them well integrated into the inner workings of the town. Both for the apparent benefits this has for both sides as well as the means to monitor and in part control them. While I trust people like Jack or Relina to have noble intentions, the potential for abuse with many of their devices and new concepts is there for all with open eyes to see. I am not one shying away from something because of mere potentials, though. Many common tools share the same characteristic. You can use a knife to cut your bread or to backstab your fellow man.

As always, this is about doing the right things for the right reasons.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2013, 10:14:39 am »
Day 24 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

Had I known prior to my flight that I would end up trying to establish House Hoggard on Lismore, I would have packed some luggage for the job. I am by no means ill equipped for most situations, but there are some expectations that have to be met here that I could hardly anticipate. Rather than daring to take the 'Belly of the Wolf' on a supply run I will try to make do with what local trade and craftsmanship has to offer. A good way to support the local community and maybe get some valuable connections.

I already took my first step on this chosen path. When I asked around for someone able to help me create a banner with the likeness of my coat of arms, there was one name on most people's muzzle:  Siarra Foxxian. She has a workshop in town, right behind the infirmary. When I went to see her I soon discovered that I had indeed been directed to the right place. Art adorns pretty much every wall in her house, hinting at a skilled soft stroke and an eye for detail. She quickly agreed to help me and we settled the proper compensation. I am looking forward to see her take on what I could only describe to her  in words. Will things come to life in the mind of the artist?

 And another pleasant observation: Siarra is being sponsored by the Valentines. While I get why some people in town might have their problems with a powerful family of Foxramau and Fenramau living in the heart of town, those I met have been nothing but polite and sophisticated. And it seems they are patrons of the arts as well. We got that in common. Still taking my time before I will judge them in earnest and I am pretty sure it will happen on a case to case basis. Wouldn't mind seeing some more of that white rascal, though.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2013, 05:43:35 am »
Day 35 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

Siarra stopped by my house early yesterday and delivered the promised banner. Wonderful work, she captured the statement my family wanted to make with our coat of arms in wonderful iconic illustrations. Took the me better half of the morning to gather some helping paws and finally hang up the piece over my front door. Now whenever I come or go it fills me with pride just looking at it. I can't help but feel that I am on a mission here. A mission to prove my loyalty to the very ideals my bloodline was founded on.

Still no luck in getting to meet the Lord of Lismore himself. The man is quite elusive these days, always busy one way or another. Can't blame him, though. There are a lot of things going on in Lismore and I still only know about a small fraction of them. His son, Prince Xahu, is a lot more approachable - and quite delightful company. His first impulse at hearing about a food shortage at the temple was to run to the farm, trying to learn the basics of farming. When I found him here, he was busy plowing the frozen ground with a pickaxe.  He is such a kindhearted boy, truly adorable.
In terms of a viable solution for the temple there are more promising ventures going on: The city will try to establish mushroom farms in the tunnels under the city. Pretty much the best you can do with that space - and it is a fertile source of food independent from the weather.

All this extra work seems to keep Radem busy. Wasn't able to catch him for a chat in the tavern or even on the streets these past couple of days. It shouldn't bother me, but patience was never my forte. I hope he will not disapprove of me asking him for his side of the story. I still want to hear those tales of days past he promised me. And I think he still owes me a belly rub or two. 

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2013, 04:19:40 pm »
Day 61 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

So far my ideas to improve Lismore's food production were not met with much enthusiasm. I can't quite put my finger on the reasons why. Maybe there is more to the worries concerning those manabees than what I already gathered from the local rumor mill. At least I managed to talk things through with the Zenko's head medic. She promised me she would look into it. But no matter the outcome, if what Prince Xahu tells me is right, the main crisis will be over as soon as the mushroom farms are in working condition.

Talking with the prince about those issues I somehow forgot to bring up the recent controversial edict. I am sure Lord Xian means well, but banning necromancy in all its forms outright is painting the picture with too broad a brush. Navaru, a priest of Anubis here to study the lands, is a prime example that this branch of magic does not necessarily has to be used for evil purposes. Why not have it that necromancy in general is banned, but the Lord of Lismore can grant permission to a selected few who are willing to practice under the watchful eye of the authorities? Anyway, I wonder how the Zenko will officially respond to the new edict.

On a more personal note: Recently a wolf arrived in town, seeking employment with me. His name is Gulid and he spend most of his years as a travelling swordsman. He claims to be so impressed with me, that he is willing to give up on his wanderlust and settle down. Can't blame him for showing good taste. I agreed to put him to the test. It will show me about his character, what he is capable of and where his loyalties lie. I did go easy on him with the first task, though. All he has to do is to learn some basic cooking skills and utilize them to serve me a meal. If he seeks to turn into a valet for this big bad wolf, he better be able to please my belly.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2013, 08:34:42 am »
Day 84 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

Splendid news: My new home on Lismore is taking shape much more quickly than previously anticipated. After I got my paws on a plot next to the workshop of Siarra Foxxian - all thanks to Lord Emir and his staff - I let the construction begin immediately. Was a big tricky to get things done this time of year, but the craftsman of Lismore know their trade and are also no stranger to employing both magic and alchemy to their benefit, if you have the coin for that at hand. I choose to follow some style and design elements of 'Wölfelsgrundian' architecture. Both to honor my roots as well as to add something new to the town. If things go well I should be able to move into the new building in a few days time.

But there is more good news: Prince Xahu took me along to show off the new mushroom farms. Radem and a curious talking feral white wolf I've meet for the first time went with us, too. To put it in simple terms: Xahu and all the helping paws did outstanding work down there in the tunnels. The mushrooms are sprouting like crazy and we will have the first batch of fresh mushrooms with us in no time at all. Can't wait to see what Aryn and Lili are going to do with it at the Rabbit Hole. And Radem managed to make my mouth water by telling us about a recipe for biscuits with mushroom gravy.
It is at times like that when I feel really tempted to have a talk with his 'owner' (I know he would cringe at that word) and see if I could secure his services for the time when Doctor Mishra no longer needs him. From what Mishra told me earlier, the rabbit is a contemporary help over the winter. I can't set him free for the time being, but I could try to make his situation a bit more comfortable at the benefit of having him tend to my kitchen. Though I am not going to do anything like that until I had the time to talk to him about it. Maybe his wishes lie elsewhere and I don't want to force anyone to work for me.

While spending time down at the farms we also talked some more about the orchards. Prince Xahu mentioned that there are worries that the islands could break apart if we cut down any existing trees and remove their roots in order to create a new orchard. Now I kinda wonder how the temple manages to keep that sawmill running. Or maybe it isn't seeing any business since the uplifting? I think I'll have to inquire at the temple at some point. When they have food again. Or better yet, I could ask Yamanu. His mother said he was staying at her place for the time being. Now if only I knew where her place is exactly. I think she resides with Lady Valencia on Cruentus Island. Hmmm... dare I walk all the way over there or rather try to catch him at the infirmary at some point?

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2013, 05:57:16 am »
Day 95 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

I did catch Yamanu, but at the arena of all places. I was very impressed with how he reduced the training dummy to mere kindling. That boy has some fight in him and his unusual vision doesn't slow him down one bit. I invited him over to my place and shared some 'brass' from my favorite brewery with him. It soon had us talking. As I suspected, the folks at the temple use druidic spells to immediately replace the trees they process with the sawmill. It could very well be that those druids would help us in setting up more orchards, but this would require the approval of Lady Mariah, the high priest.

It was nice to see Yamanu open up to the point where he shared some more of his past and personal life with me, we even discussed his mother's recent metamorphosis. Like so many before him he is worried to turn out like his parents one day. I can see where he is coming from, but his worries are unfounded. We might inherit a lot from our family bloodline - good looks, physical traits, some magical powers, even some of their habits during our upbringing. But that doesn't define who we are on the inside. Yamanu is his own person with a strong and kind spirit.

In other news: I met the supposed male head of house Valentine, Duke Edhel Valentine. He suggested to have a banquet in my honor to welcome me to Lismore at his estate. I agreed, of course, though I know this is just the polite talk of a nobleman trying to check out and impress a potential rival. Still can't hurt to meet the clan - especially if there is a chance to see Roku again, whose latest son, a talking feral wolf, showed up in town these past days.   

Gulid's training in the culinary arts is going well. It was a good idea to send him to Aryn for a tutor on this. He cooked up some steaks with a delicious salad with cream and bacon the other night. Quite the mouth-watering delicacy. I think he passed his first trial with flying colors. I will need to check his skill at the arena next. But before he might want to help with transporting the furniture over as soon as the workers clear the new building. They done great work with the parquet flooring. Can't wait to finally move in. That will put an end to drunk visitors coming back from Phoenix loudly stumbling by my place in the middle of the night, too.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2013, 09:30:16 am »
Day 126 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

May you live in interesting times - seldom I regarded this more of a curse than these days. The house is all done now, but instead of celebrating I am busy with a lot of other stuff. Recently I got word that our rightful ruler, Lord Xian Fu Sheng, passed away. A sudden heart attack is what supposedly took him. I haven't seen Lady Drucilla or her son, Prince Xahu, since then. Officially, she wrote a document, giving up all claims of her bloodline on the throne and appointed Fangshi and Edhel Valentine as the new rulers of Lismore.

Quite understandable that there is some commotion among the people. Personally, I consider it a grave mistake of the Valentines to proceed with the coronation ceremony right away. They should have given the lands a few days to mourn their king. Maybe publicly exhibited the casket, so that people could have paid their respects and said their goodbyes - gained some of the closure necessary to move on with their lives. But no, they have done no such thing and it feeds into the distrust that some bear to the family name, mostly due to their demonic heritage.

I've heard individual people go as far as claiming foul play, indicating that the new regents had something to do with Lord Xian's demise. Again, it would be so easy to refute such misgivings: One could let family members of the Fu Shengs go on a public appearance or have a third party conduct an autopsy of the remains. But I am afraid dealing with the general public never has been the strong suit of the Valentines. I can only hope that there are some advisors that will help them there, otherwise I fear we will see civic disturbances in no time.

I consider it falls on my honor to offer the family members of House Fu Sheng my help in dealing with this crisis. Sadly, as I stated before, I wasn't able to get in touch with Lady Drucilla yet. But I did offer my condolences to Harmony, her daughter. I will be there for her along the way.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2013, 05:40:08 pm »
Day 152 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

Around Lismore I am now known as Lord Athian Hoggard, Overseer of the Granaries. Lord Edhel Valentine pronounced me such during his regencies first official open court day. I have now authority over Lismore's food supplies and will work diligently to prevent a repetition of what happened at the temple earlier this year. I enjoy working with Radem, even though our head farmer likes to get on the moral high horse and suspects indulgence and debauchery behind most of my ideas. Still, the two of us made a good team when we created a proposal for the new granary building. The old one got heavily damaged in a recent pirate attack and as it was lacking in storage space anyway, it was decided to construct a new one, rather than waste resources on a costly repair. The new building is almost done and I hope we can use it for this year's Winter Festival.

The open court was an interesting event. Sadly, attendance was rather low. The only guests I recognized were the Queen of the Caves, Xela and Ike Harem. Lady Fang and Lord Edhel have been firm in their positions, but rather approachable and forthcoming. They were however understandably upset at the absence of both Lady Relina Harem and High Priestess Mariah. Their factions hold positions on the council and they have been expected to take part - maybe send representatives at the very least.  Aside from bestowing me with a new title, they also declared Xela's cave realm independent from Lismore, granting Xela all the rights to her lands. Also I was relieved to hear that the Valentines are preparing for an event that will allow Lismoreans to pay their respects to their deceased ruler. Personally I still would have preferred said event before the coronation, but I trust that there have been other pressing matters that caused this delay.

Not all people welcome their new rulers. The Valentines always had to live with the stigma of their demonic  heritage. And Lady Dru  certainly didn't make things easier for them by writing a paper instead of speaking to the people herself. While few would dare to openly affront the new appointed Lord and Lady of Lismore, it falls mostly to their relatives to face the scorn of the common folk. Rowan told me he feels harassed and threatened by a lot of people these days and can only leave the safety of the house with his servants guarding him. Even the usually so carefree Roku suddenly wears formal clothing. To blend in and not make his white fur a target.

Rowan is now the head of House Valentine since his parents moved into the palace tower. He seems very eager, if maybe a bit overwhelmed with the new responsibility. Thank Vandruin his health is improving. It seems Mishra found a cure for his brittle bones and weak constitution. The boy has lost most of his childhood and youth to the illness and now has barely friends aside from family and trusted servants. I am trying to get to know him better, let him know that there are other willing to befriend him. I hope he will let me in. He is a cute one and along with his health his beauty will improve, too. Let us see if he has a character with the potential to match.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2013, 06:27:07 am »
Day 221 of Year 3 of the Forth Age

The situation didn't allow for me to write for a long time. Now that I can, I have to admit that I wasn't able to put the whole truth into words because there was plausible cause to believe that the usurpers to the throne, Fangshi & Edhel Valentine, would be able to read in this very book. As I suspected all along, they had attacked the palace tower using friends of the family they somehow put under their control as decoys and brought down Lord Xian pretty quickly because they had gotten hold of his artificial heart - a left over gift from that necromancer of old, Hazel. With prince Xahu taken hostage it was easy for them to force Lady Dru into writing that bogus document that transferred the throne to the Valentines.

It is a good thing the loyal people of Lismore are not that gullible. Together with some like-minded people I established the Winter-White Guardians as a group dedicated to learn the truth behind those events and later free the royal family and restore the throne to the rightful rulers.  And we did it. With lots and lots of people risking life and limb and help from our allies among the Zenko and Phoenix. Lady Xela will always have my thanks for allowing her establishment to act as a safe haven for the resistance movement. With the rise of the guardians came the fall of the Valentine usurpers. Both Edhel and Fanshi are no more. The Fu Shengs are back and it looks like Lord Xian and Lady Dru will pass the throne to their son Xahu in the next couple of days.

I am glad to have them back and to be around for the start of young Xahu's regency. He has such potential - but also still much to learn. Especially when it comes to admit his own mistakes. He always seems keen to twist and turn them into something that puts him in a favorable light. Something like this: "No, this wasn't a mistake at all, it was a test, to see if you are attentive." Or the other night, when he accused me of not trusting him, when he just wanted to get away with being rude and inconsiderate. I called him on that and he was very mad. Being a true friend sometimes means you tell your friends what they need to hear, rather then what they want to hear. I consider Xahu my friend, I have told him so. I hope he will find it in him to see my reason.  I would hate to see this create a rift between us.

I had a long talk with Radem the other night before two wannabe-pirates and later the prince interrupted us. I still don't know for sure if he wants me to go along with my plan or not. But I think the two of us make a good team - the farm and granary seem better off these days, even after we had to fix the fudged up paperwork the Valentines left us with. I like to believe that I was rather close to getting a belly rub from my favorite rabbit. Damn those pirates.

I am looking forward to hear from the temple. High Priestess Mariah wants to send out an expedition scouting for other flying islands that can bring their own food supplies up to par. Mostly by adding more game to the forests. With Roku Valentine dead there is a chance at sensible hunting, at least that seems to be the claim. The temple-Valentines (I really wish they would consider changing their name to mark the different path they walk) are said to have a procedure in mind that will allow us to move such an island in the vicinity of the temple. I volunteered to be part of the expedition. It is a good idea, pretty much the right thing to do and food supplies are my forte, given my position as Overseer of the Granaries. Though I am not sure if that title is here to last - I will probably put it up for revision at Xahu's first official court. I would very much like to retain the position - or a similar one with a title of the choosing of our new and rightful ruler.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 09:30:09 am by Athian »
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2013, 09:28:09 pm »
Day 279 of Year 3 of the Fourth Age

Preparing for the Winter Celebrations kept me busy, so I wasn't able to sit down and put my thoughts on paper in quite a while.  I think it was well worth the trouble, though: Most people seem to enjoy what was done to the town for this Christmas (as I keep calling the festivities in my own head). Every street and house is twinkling from the little lights sitting in various garlands and wreaths. In the granary, the very heart of our festival, Radem and I put up a buffet fit for the highest noble dignitaries. All this open to everyone for a whole week of being merry and gay.

It is so nice to see them all stopping by and take part. The high and mighty, like Lady Relina, who presented us with some artfully carved ice sculptures that have been set up in the park, down to the little ones among us, like that poor orphan who was sitting on my lap when I read the children some stories. Obviously Santa 'forget' about him last year. It was heartwarming to see his face when he stopped by again the next day and I pointed out that someone left a small present under the tree with his name on it.

Radem and I really make a good team. I only wish I could make him accept a compliment for once. He always seem to belittle his own achievements or suspect some ulterior motive behind someone's praise. He was very sweet and thoughtful in oh so many things he did these past couple of days. Since spoken compliments don't seem to work, I've taken to just scooping him up and give him a big hug. That seems to make both of us happy. Feels nice, too.

Xahu's first open court day went on without a hitch. The most important point of the agenda would have been the sentencing of the Valentines in the light of Fangshi and Edhel's coup. They got stripped of their noble titles and most of their wealth and assets. Xahu was very generous and showed great restraint and a will to integrate them into our society, even when some of the Valentines showed their true colors by bickering and fighting among themselves in front of everybody. In the end, Rowan got disowned from the Valentine family and now has taken up a new identity as Anthony Vance.
Things went very smooth for the issues I presented to the court. My title as Overseer of the Granaries was confirmed, my business deals with Lismore sustained and Xahu agreed that we should have an official herald working under the head librarian. He tasked Abbadon and me with finding a proper candidate and present him to Lord Emir for assessment.

Life is good for the most part. There still are days when something comes up to spoil the mood, like last night, when Anthony had a breakdown after he heard Lord Xian suggested birth control for foxramau's in public. It is not that I can't understand where his stress is coming from, but after all this he should know to put a little more faith in Xahu. Our new emperor could have done pretty much anything to the Valentines... he had carte blanche after what Fangshi and Edhel did. But he choose the high road, reaching out for them instead of striking them down. Because that is the kind of person our prince (he will remain my prince in my mind for quite a while) is deep down: Caring, just and willing to let things blossom into something bigger and better rather than weed someone out at the first sign of trouble. That doesn't mean that he is without flaws, but all in all I think we got blessed with the new administration.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2014, 08:42:55 pm »
Day 321 of Year 3 of the Fourth Age

This year's Winter Celebrations have been a great success and I got a lot of praise for it. I keep reminding people that a lot of other folks put in their work as well: Radem, who was baking fresh bread and pastries every day; the kitchen staff of both the Rabbit Hole and House Hoggard, who turned up with a lot of the prepared meals we had on the buffet table; All those who helped to put up decorations and of course those that entertained the guests with magic (Lady Relina), music (Lance, Aryn) and dance (High Priestess Mariah). Still, I am very flattered that Xahu already expressed his wish for me to take care of other festive events during the year, as well as taking care of the next royal banquet.

I am going to miss those long days and nights celebrating in the granary. And the full buffet tables that went with it. But then again, I am sure they already missed me over at the tavern. And another personal picnic with Radem would be nice, too. Hopefully this time without pirates intervening. I also need to spend more time at the house, so I can survey Anima. The young wolf pretty much is a hand for hire that wants to work for me - so I offered him a trial period to show me what skills he brings to the table and how he goes about being a servant of mine.

Zeela, the owner of the Cat's Eye and by now probably of the Rabbit Hole (I am not quite sure if she and Lady Dru finally got around to finish the takeover), visited me the other day. My meat business will provide for her store and tavern - like she said, it is good to keep most trades among fellow Lismoreans. Likewise I will consider her a source for goods I might need around the house. She told me that she will join us in the council to represent local business and the economy. I welcome more knowledgeable voices on the council, though I can't really comment much before I witnessed her talking politics for real during our first session together. I am a bit worried about her stance on monarchy. And it seems Xahu hasn't entirely won her over yet, though I write that off as a consequence of her infatuation with the late Edhel Valentine.

There is a couple of new people in town. For me, the most interesting would probably be Xahu's new palace guards. The Pharaoh of Egypt himself presented Xahu wiht the lion twins Jelani and Ajani. Two extraordinary well muscled specimens of lion, positively radiating strength and power. I am going to like having them around. Should Xahu ever tire of them for whatever reason, I might have to ask him if he would pass them to me so I can turn them into bodyguards for myself. Hah, like that would ever come true... Xahu happens to have a very good taste himself. Lady Valencia seems less impressed with them. Listening to her going on about security it almost sounds as if she wants to put the royal family in cotton wool and turn the tower into an impregnable fortress. I am of course exaggerating, but several of her suggestions seem over the top to me - and the way she bluntly leashes out at everyone not agreeing with her is disheartening.

Oh, least I forget... Lady Ewyllyn has a delightful female feral cougar as a pet. Goes by the name of Absynth. I wonder if that is a thing around here. I remember the white tiger Vheljen has for a pet. Maybe I should look into fetching me a lion for House Hoggard one of these days?

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 08:45:42 pm by Athian »
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Re: Athian's Journal
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2014, 02:06:40 pm »
Day 2 of Year 4 of the Fourth Age

I remember a time when dragons used to be mystical and very special creatures in the tales I heard as a pup. Some of them have been astute and dangerous antagonists, others well-meaning oracles of wisdom. But no matter what, they have always been dignified and regal beings. Now that I've run into them in Lismore I have to admit that they don't quite live up to my childhood memories. I know that I should take comfort in the fact that we are all more or less the same, certainly not immaculate, each with his own set of flaws and spleens to bear. But I think it is natural to wish for someone or something to set out an example. But maybe we can set examples for ourselves, little by little, and go on the daily adventure of staying true to what and who we are.

Some still have time before they have to face questions like that. Like our little princess Yuna. I recently met her when I was visiting Lord Xahu. A beautiful girl, looks wise she is in many ways like her mother. Of course there are the telltale signs of the Foxramau as well... but to be frank, she is going to be raised by Ewyllyn and Xahu and from her education and upbringing alone there will never be any doubt that nobody but Xahu is her father - if not by blood, then by everything else. She is a creative and intelligent one I'd say from the limited time I spend with her. I like how Xahu tends to keep her involved in the things happening at the palace tower and beyond.  Looking forward to meet her brother in the near future. A white wolf for a prince... now if that doesn't inspire our bards to write some romantic pieces.

If there are any news from the palace tower, these days Radem and I usually hear them from Rosie, one of Lord Xahu's servant girls. She somehow managed to have doctor Mishra transform her into a bunny... with the bill getting send straight to her master. Now she can work that debt off by doing some additional hours next to her usual duties at the palace by tending to the fields of the farm and helping out in the granary. Right now this seems more like a punishment for Radem and me than for her, given her inexperience and the anxiety she shows when confronted with many new tasks. It is my hope, though, that this will soon change and she will be an asset, not only for our work at the farm, but also back at the palace where she may can utilize some of the things she learned.

Over the last couple of weeks I had several meetings with Zeela Soulstar. Most started out business - she intends to obtain meat from my caravans - but soon shifted to private talks as well. I also learned that she is to join the court as an nonvoting advisor and if things go according to plan she will obtain ownership of the Rabbit Hole any day now. She asked me if I would be willing to partner up with her to do some management at the inn. While I have no idea how compatible our ways of running a business are in the long term, I will try my paws at this. Having direct access to both the inn and the granary could help a lot when organizing future festivities or even events for distinguished guests at the palace tower's new ballroom. We will see how it goes.   

Business aside, Zeela clued me in on some events of her past. That reminds me that I need to learn more about Lismore's history in general - especially about events that sooner or later will be brought up again because people I know played a major role in them. Like when people refer to Radem as Hazelbane. I hope the purple bunny is willing to share his side of the story with me.

In other news: The twins, Jelani and Ajani, are pretty fast growing into true friends. We share the love for raw meat and all things 'big'. Whoever said that cats are hydrophobic certainly never met the two of them. They love to spend hours at the bath house, romping and frolicking around. Last time I had to bribe them with a treat, otherwise we probably would still be in the water by now.

Athian Lavyas Hoggard
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 02:52:03 am by Athian »
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.