We have this IC news groups that was created a long while ago because people wanted a way to communicate IC things, but from where I see the group has always been sparsely used, and these days, notices and all have been sent on the main
Lismore Lands group.
So I thought it could be a good idea to just disband the IC news group. I have in fact already implemented a replacement kindasorta! On the entrance to the city, there is a sign that you used to click and it would give you the option to join the IC news group. What I made instead is a sign that you click and it gives you snippets of information about what's currently going on. I'm thinking this way not only the information is readily available AND persistent, but easier to be kept up-to-date and there's no need for anyone to join anything.
Been away from Lismore for a while, want to know what's happening currently? Click the sign, anytime of the day or night!
What do you guys think?
The poll is to decide if we scrap the IC news group, please vote
yes or
no because I won't make such decision without consulting the rest of the staff and the players. The sign idea is new and being tested so if you have opinions, comments, suggestions, please speak up!