Author Topic: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal  (Read 12203 times)

Xahu Fu Sheng

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Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« on: October 23, 2013, 12:02:25 am »
(( Xahu has begun to keep a journal, so I'll post his entries here. You're welcome to read & gain insight into his mind, though prod me if you'd like a character to ICly stumble across it & manage to open and read it. Please don't use the information here for metagaming. Currently the journal would be kept hidden, in Xahu's bedroom in the palace. Xahu is the son of lord Xian Fu Sheng and Dru. Once again, unless your character had IC or OOC clearance to have read this journal, your character can't know what's in here. ))

~~~ Entry 1, D-250 Y-2 4th Age

   So I have decided to keep a journal. The thought came to me after mom reminded me, once again, that someday I will be the ruler of Lismore. That's a fact that's insisted upon by my parents, like they expect their demise, or something! To be honest, it troubles me, deeply, to even think about it! I've heard of princes who can't wait to be kings! Do they know what that implies? Do they know that for them to be kings, their parents must pass? I don't want my father to die! I don't want my mother to die! If being ruler of Lismore means I have to lose them, that's then something I want to have nothing to do with!

   Yet I'm reminded, frequently, that that's what I'm gonna be someday. Which I don't understand, because dad simply doesn't age, and I think since her demise and resurrection, mom also doesn't age! This all gives me such a headache...

   I have decided to write a journal, because in my studies I found that rulers rarely ever did keep such things. Most of what we know of them comes from historians that witnessed their acts of grandness or tyranny, or from collective accounts of others, but rarely they come from the rulers themselves. So if someday indeed I become the ruler of Lismore, and if someday historians wonder about me, may this journal give them insight into my mind, and hopefully it will help people understand why I did what I did.

~~~ Entry 2, D-255 Y-2 4th Age

   I think I'm in love! I'm pretty sure of it! I'm in love! I'm in love and it feels so good and so scary I don't know what to do with myself!

   Her name is Ewyllyn, and... she's a slaver, and she's my bodyguard, and she was my first...! She's new in Lismore, only a few weeks, or have been months? She arrived with intention to acquire a slaver's license, to continue her trade in our land, joining our official slaver Kawadias the jackal. Somewhere in there she made the suggestion that I needed a bodyguard. Prime Minister Emir agreed wholeheartedly, and while my father and mother were very reluctant, they came to accept the idea. So we spent a lot of time together, with her doing her job, guarding me!

   But more than just that, she... was not reluctant to show me things I asked about. She seemed quite eager in fact. Mom says she's just using me, getting a thrill out of making love to a prince. But I don't think she's using me! No more than I'm using her if that's the case, and I don't like to think about it that way! We did things that benefited us both! Mutually! Freely! Willingly!

   And we have been getting close. Pretty close in fact! She's fun and she's smart and she has so much experience with so many things in life and she's so beautiful and her fur is so soft and pretty and ...she's wonderful!

   I don't think my mother, or father, will approve of me actually loving a slaver. Mom already expressed her discontent with me having bedded her in first place. I don't know what dad will think, I find it hard to understand what he thinks sometimes. So for now, I'm gonna try to keep our love secret. I don't know how, I can't stand to be apart from her and when I am with her all I want to do is hold and kiss and love her! But we'll find a way!
« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 02:56:54 am by Ashtyn »

Xahu Fu Sheng

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 08:31:14 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-265 Y-2 4th Age

   Today I visited the Phoenix in the caves, for the first time ever!

   Unwanted pregnancies have been on my mind since mom insisted on the subject, and very graphically explained ways to get around that potential problem with Ewyllyn, whom I haven't told my parents yet I that I'm in love with. They think we're just fuck buddies.

   So I approached the doctor Yamanu to ask for some potions. Mom was around and put her two-cents in, and it was agreed that we shouldn't be feeding Ewyllyn contraceptive potions all the time, only when necessary. So, they simply suggested I have more anal sex with her. Gods I wish someday I can speak of such things in front of people with a straight face and without feeling like the most awkward creature in the room! Mom says it like it's the most normal thing in the world! In fact she lectured me on the merits of anal sex before!

   On top of that, they suggested I should acquire a toy for Ewyllyn, to use on her while ....humping her from behind! Yamanu first suggested asking the Valentines where to acquire such things, but I thought Phoenix would be the place to look for it. So, I took Yamanu down to the Caves with me!

   I had never ventured past the Phoenix gate in the entrance of the Caves. If this were just a little trip to explore the place, I'd be excited, but because of what we were going there for, I was a pile of nerves! I will need to apologize to Xela at some point, I think I might even have been very rude with her.

   When we completed our descent into the main level of the caves and stood before the Phoenix brothel, the door opened and some feline girl came out running, looking like she was very much startled and uncomfortable. Spoke of "mind cleanse" or something. The gods only know what's it that got her in such state. As we opened the door, the smell of sex that filled the room was overwhelming. I've read that many cultures out there need potions and concoctions to help them perform sexually. Ha! Come to Phoenix, the pheromones in the air will get your juices flowing! The scents, the sounds, it all indicated an orgy must have been going on at the time! I knew of the reputation of the place, but that didn't prepare me for the real thing. It was overwhelming!

   We had barely stepped into the place, when Xela herself, queen of the Caves, came forth from the lower levels to greet us, completely naked, and looking without a doubt like at least one very virile male had just had her! I couldn't help but stare. I lost track of time and of what was going on while I stared. I've met her in the streets and seen her in the palace before, fully clothed. I've heard about her, her undead nature, I've heard the Valentines refer to her as "that corpse", but I say, for a corpse, she looked incredibly good!

   Thankfully, Yamanu was there, he handled the whole thing. I can't even remember any specific words, just that he discussed with Xela about the toy we went there to get, and at some point money was mentioned, at which point I handed him my money bag, with ten gold coins in it. When things seemed concluded, I pulled Yamanu out of there and hurried up. My mind started to clear and I was able to acknowledge my surroundings again after a while, when I started to chuckle nervously and just gasp repeatedly, "oh that was different!", or something like that. I don't quite remember! It was such a shock!

   The toy will be delivered to Yamanu later, Xela didn't have one at hand it seems, and I have no idea how much it cost, I don't know if Yamanu gave her all of the money or if he kept it, but if he did, let it be something to compensate him for his troubles. I'm glad he was there for me, I couldn't have done it on my own.

   ...but now I have this morbid curiosity... I will have to go back to the caves, back to Phoenix sometime, and see if I can actually take in the place without being in such a state of shock like I was this first time!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 08:33:03 pm by Hazel »

Xahu Fu Sheng

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 04:39:42 am »
~~~ Entry 1, D-280 Y-2 4th Age

   I have been meeting several interesting, and different types around Lismore lately. And one thing that seems pretty constant is that they all have strong opinions!

   While studying the history of other nations, something that seems pretty standard is that certain subjects are taboo, or forbidden, some even carry the death penalty if you just talk about it! I wonder if people realize how lucky they are in our beautiful land in the skies, where they can say whatever they want and at most they get a displeased glance from someone they offended. And it is good that people can offend one another! One doesn't live in true freedom if one isn't offended by another every now and then!

   But at same time, there is such thing as 'too much freedom'! Heck, I've met a man who's openly declared he will assassinate my father if someone pays his price. In most places that's all it takes to sentence him to rot in jail for the rest of his days! ...I actually believe I would throw him in jail for uttering such words, if I had the authority for that!

   But one person in particular troubles me, from what I've heard from him recently. There's this purple rabbit slave, Radem. He has very strong opinions, borderline on fanaticism. He was the slave, and then lover, of one of our former lords, the very founder of Lismore, lord Ashtyn, and I suspect that having that privileged position has left him spoiled, feeling like he can say whatever he wants. He sure doesn't behave like any slave I've seen before! Even by our loose standards, it's a wonder how he still has his tongue attached! I think he's dangerous.

   Ewyllyn was to use her slaver knowledge to attempt to set him free from his current owner mister Kawadias, by buying him or finding loopholes in his documentation, but I'm tempted to tell her not to do that. I don't think it's safe that this Radem becomes a free man. There's very little, if anything at all, holding him back as it is. I fear what he would do if he had the status of a free citizen, because it is pretty obvious he is aware of his status as a slave and that bothers him. Not being a slave would, if nothing else symbolically, make him feel like there's nothing holding him back then.

   I did some reading on Radem's history. There's nothing official chronicling why he became a slave. His papers say simply that he was indentured into servitude as sentenced by some ruling body in some distant land. I asked him about his origins and he refused to tell, using the excuse that the occasion wasn't appropriate. As he arrived in Lismore, he became the property of one Stranger, who was later jailed and sentenced to death by the Tirrenelda' high priest Glasere at the time. Svetlana, owner of the inn at the time, then acquired Radem. Years later lord Ashtyn bought the rabbit for a rather large sum of gold, five times the slave's market worth! He remained in lord Ashtyn's possession until his demise fighting a balrog that threatened Lismore. The new self-appointed lord Lucian passed ownership of the rabbit to Hazel, the necromancer, who kept him for several years, later selling him to Kawadias the slaver. Currently doctor Mishra is leasing Radem from Kawadias, for the winter. It's strange that the doctor should want the rabbit, they have an unusual history together.

   Very little is know about doctor Mishra, he first appears in the records in some accounts from the Temple, that he visited the place and would partake thoroughly in their merry-making. He was then chased across the land by the Temple, and captured at the Zenko, for possessing the Sword of Octavia, a cursed artifact which caused wounds that could not be healed magically. He surrendered the cursed sword to the Temple, but years later after the fall of the Temple he hired the rabbit Radem to help him excavate and retrieve the sword from where the tribe had hidden it beneath their grounds.

   At that point, accounts tell that Radem turned on him and tried to assassinate him. Mishra was reportedly stabbed with the cursed sword, but somehow he survived. The rabbit was not arrested, and several days later Mishra had not only recovered fully but took on the job of healer, and his healing powers are beyond even those of Naurel, the greatest healer the Temple ever had. I wonder if the doctor ever did forgive the rabbit, or if now given the chance, he might seek revenge.

~~~ Entry 2, D-280 Y-2 4th Age

   I told my mom that I love Ewyllyn, and that I want to marry her. Mom wasn't too pleased. She was surprised, and as always, she feared I didn't know what I was doing. And she said she would talk with dad about it. I understand their position, I think. But I don't think it's fair!

   We argued about it for a while, and she said I should speak to my dad about it. She said if I really, truly love Ewyllyn, she'll welcome her into our family. I just hope dad won't be too hard to convince!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 07:39:24 am by Hazel »

Xahu Fu Sheng

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2013, 03:55:08 am »
~~~ Entry 1, D-300 Y-2 4th Age

   I have hardly had any time to keep up with my studies, let alone with my journal. And it all can be summarized in one simple statement: Ewyllyn is in heat.

   While I'm not numbed to everything else but her, due to us being of different species, she's insatiable! And I yearn to fulfill her wishes! So, if I'm not studying or training, I'm making her happy! We are being careful, though! The last thing I need is mom to come and say "I told you so!" about her getting accidentally pregnant.

   I have had some time for some other activities, before this started, and after. I ventured down into the city's underground, at the request of Jack and River's sons Mai and Tai, they are worried about the boilers the Valentines have built down there to provide affordable heat to buildings in Lismore. One would say they must have had clairvoyance powers, because I would never have expected winter to be too harsh, but by the gods it's got cold! And it's started snowing! I had never seen snow before! It's awesome! ...Ewyllyn doesn't like it. She is from a warm climate, she doesn't like the cold.

   Mai and Tai think someone tampered with the boilers. I promised them I would put in an official request for a safety inspection. Lord Emir handled that, calling Jack in for an inspection. I still fail to understand what they are so worried about. Jack says the boilers are like bombs under the city. If so, why were the Valentines allowed to build them in first place!? They have been found to have been tampered with, and Jack and River are supposed to have started repairs. The place is off-limits now to anyone, which has got the Valentines on the edge.

   The purple rabbit slave Radem came by again, bringing us some potions for us to stock up on. He made mention of his life in the old palace, the first one, made of tall columns and domes and open spaces, so I offered him a tour of our palace. He was impressed, but I fear only in the way someone with a poor mind can be. I showed him our exotic marbles and masterful craftsmanship, and all he saw was gold that could, in his mind, have been spent to feed the poor. I don't understand that rabbit! Sure I agree that excess is bad, but he picks flaws at everything, he's always twisting things, making it seem like anyone who enjoys a privileged life or has means to own nice things is a criminal who should be dealt with, for the crime of enjoying the good things of life!

   I don't agree with anyone being hungry! And my family certainly has generously helped the poor! Heck, my own mother picked Rosie, a beggar with nothing to her name but a burlap sac she wore as clothes, she picked her off the streets and gave her a home and a job, and yet I have to hear this rabbit with his undeserving  sense of righteousness lecture me about the excesses of my family! That's infuriating!

   I showed Radem the palace, and if anything, I now think that was a bad idea. He doesn't think much of my family, always going on about the former lords. He's still loyal to the long-gone lord Ashtyn, and his lineage. He questioned me about that even! He asked, if lord Jakarta were to re-appear, would we step down and give him the throne. I contained my anger, and told him that my father is a wise ruler, and if he deemed that appropriate, he would step down. But that was the politically correct answer. We are not stewards of the throne, we are the rulers, and if some former lord wants to come back they will need to have the backing of the Mandate from Heavens or else they will find nothing but opposition from the rightful rulers, the Fu Shengs!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 07:39:19 pm by Hazel »

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2013, 03:14:28 am »
~~~ Entry 1, D-17 Y-3 4th Age

   Today I visited the Temple. I heard of the potential food supply shortness they may be experiencing, and the rumors behind it. Some say a wolf has been eating all the supplies, while others say one of the Valentines has hunted in the woods until all fauna has been brought near extinction! Whatever the case, the Temple acknowledges their may be in for a rough winter.

   But I decided it doesn't have to be so. No, we can help them! I got a hold of Radem. I may not be able to stand it when he starts to talk, but his planting and farming skills are legendary. I intend to have him plant cold season crops that can be used to supply the Temple with food if they do run out or dangerously low. The city and the Temple have always been allies, and they helped us with fresh water when the main city well was contaminated, now it's our turn to help them with food! ....I just... haven't got any official approvals on this yet.

   I told Radem if there's trouble because of that, I will take the heat for it. I'm sure dad wouldn't hesitate to allow us to do such thing, nor would lord Emir. He's supposed to be a paladin after all! He's supposed to do good, I think.

   On other news, I learned that my mother, and my father have been... giving our servant Rosie some 'advanced tasks'... She didn't say what it was but the scent on her was unmistakable. I don't know how I feel about it. I'm jealous! I... wanted to play with her! But at same time, I love Ewyllyn, and when I am with her I don't even acknowledge any other female as pretty. Ewyllyn outshines them all! Or any other male... but the other day I was at the inn, and our server there, a feline named Aryn, well, first he openly declared to have a crush on me. So later I gave him the chance to put on a bit of a show, and he started to dance for us, even climbed up on our table, and took off his clothes! The others present, lord Athian, and Jack & River Lanterns new construct daughter whose name I forgot, they seemed to approve of it, but I admit I was more confused than anything. I think I might be having trouble distinguishing between appreciating erotic displays and wanting to be involved with them. I sure will have to experiment with those feelings a little further, I just hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings in the process.

   Rosie admitted to having had a crush on me, and being very disappointed that I ended up with Ewyllyn. I have no idea what Aryn's expectations are, he sure can't expect me to be able to be with everyone who has a crush on me. He seemed to be experienced in these things, perhaps all he wants is a night of pleasure. Right now while Ewyllyn is away, I can think of it like that, but the moment she's around me I seem to actively avoid any thoughts of ever being with anyone but her. This is so confusing!

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2013, 11:05:16 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, ...I don't know the day..., Y-3 4th Age

   I'm writing these words to pass the time. I have no illusions that anyone will ever read them, other than the demons that imprisoned me here, even though I'm hiding these papers on which I write between stones blocks in this dungeon I'm in, so maybe, just maybe someday someone not-the-demons will find it and know what became of myself and my father and mother!

   I am Xahu Fu Sheng, son of Xian Fu Sheng and Drucilla Fu Sheng, the rulers of Lismore. I have been imprisoned by the demons Edhel Valentine and Xian Fangshi Valentine in my own home's dungeon, alongside with my mother. .....and my dead father.

   My mother explained to me why the demons did what they did! She said they wanted to depose us, to usurp the throne of Lismore! Mom said they somehow got a hold of dad's heart... My father was resurrected by a necromancer, his original heart replaced by a chunk of tass in his chest, and the real heart was kept by the necromancer Hazel. After Hazel's demise, it was thought that the heart was lost, but somehow the Valentines got it, and they stabbed it, which killed my father!

   Then they used me as a shield against my own mother! They broke into my room, they... oh gods my poor Ewyllyn I don't even know what's become of her!! Gods please protect her! Please let her have escaped! Please let her be alive!

   I was taken and used to force my mother to surrender. They threatened to kill me if she didn't comply. I saw it in their eyes, they would have ended my life without a second thought! I have never felt fear like that! I have never felt fear like I'm feeling right now! I'm nobility, I'm not supposed to show fear, but I can't do it, this is too much for me to take. Mom says we must remain strong, but I can't help but break down into tears every now and then.

   We were thrown into the dungeon. We were stripped of our clothes, even my father, and his lifeless body was casually thrown in the dungeon with us in some form of twisted wicked malice I could not have conjured in the darkest, angriest thoughts I've ever had!

   I don't know how long it's been. For the longest time there was no light, the door seals so well against its frame that not even a flicker of light from the outside was visible! This place is designed so one can not escape!

   Mom has spent almost all the time meditating. We have spoken a few words, but the silence has been deafening! She's been comforting me. I feel guilty, I should comfort her, but she is so strong! Or at least she can appear strong. I feel so weak. So vulnerable. So powerless! Such feelings are horrifying, to be at the mercy of creatures that would not hesitate to do us harm!

   At some point the door opened, and a plate was pushed in. I had to find it in the darkness, and bring it to mom, she's trapped in a cage inside the dungeon, while I'm allowed some more 'freedom', I'm merely chained to her cage's bars by a shackle and a chain.

   The door opened again, I don't know how much time had passed, it could have been days, it could have been hours, it's funny how we lost complete track of time without any reference, here in the dark. The door opened, and this time a guard stepped in. They grabbed me, they unchained me, and took me outside.

   As my eyes adjusted to the light, there stood lord Emir, and the demon Edhel. Lord Emir asked me if I was alright, while guards held me tight. The demon and lord Emir exchanged words, but I was so scared, they didn't register in my mind. I thought I was going to die, in some horrible way! But seemed they were just checking on me. Lord Emir said he wanted to help. Why didn't he set me free? Why did he stand there alongside that demon?

   They seemed to just want to see me. Lord Emir attempted to cast a spell but he was stopped by the guards holding me and by the demon Edhel, and I was taken back into the cell. I was left confused, and further worried. Neither my mother or myself understood what happened there. Is lord Emir in league with the demons? Has he betrayed us?

   Some time later, again I don't know how long it was, the door opened again, and the guards came in, bringing us supplies! A few candles, a few books, some papers, quill, ink, some basic clothes, blankets, and food, and a water jug! I put a blanket over dad... covered him not like a corpse, but as though he were merely asleep. I believe thinking that will help me cope with our time here, at least for now.

   It took me a while to realize it, but I think I saw something when I was out of the dungeon, something in the demon's eye when he looked at me when I was being taken back inside. I don't understand what it was, but I think he felt.... sorry for us? Something wasn't sitting right with him. What was he displeased about? He seemed so happy to incarcerate us. What changed? I hope I'm not losing my mind! Mom says we must remain positive and use any advantage we have to help us endure for now, but I confess have doubts, so many doubts. I may never find out. I will write as often as I can but sooner or later I will run out of paper, or ink, or my fate might change. Whatever happens, Ewyllyn if you read these words I want you to know that I loved you to the end!

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2013, 02:06:48 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-140 Y-3 4th Age

   My mom and I have been taken from the palace's dungeon, to Cruentus! While conditions here are noticeably better than they were in that tiny cramped room where we were chained and with barely any space to move, here we are to be constantly under disguises to avoid others recognizing us! Mom was given the shape of a cheetah. I've been made look like a cougar. It adds insult to injury that even our identities are to be violated, altered like this, but nodoubt it's better than being in a tiny room with no windows.

   I'm being allowed to read and to write, and even enough space to exercise, and as I'm sure aunt Val's people will read whatever I write, I will try to spare some nice words for our captors. The food here is not what I'm used to. Even with mom not wanting us to come off as rich superior people, our food in the palace was quite nice. Here, this must be what mercenaries eat. It toughens them up, I'm told! I need all the toughening I can get, if I'm to endure this captivity any longer!

   Dad's body was taken here with us. I don't know what aunt Val is doing with him, and I'm trying not to think about it. If she sided with the Valentines, ...I don't want to think about it! At this point I don't understand what the Valentines are doing. We clearly must have some value still, or else why would they keep us alive?

   I can't stop thinking about Ewyllyn. Not even aunt Val knew of what became of her. That, or she isn't telling me. I'm hoping she ran away as far as she could! Maybe she will come back with an army of slaves, and rescue us! this point I wouldn't mind if that insolent purple rabbit came and rescued us...

~~~ Entry 2, D-140 Y-3 4th Age

   Rowan Fangshi Valentine came to Cruentus today. He didn't seem happy, he seemed rather exasperated, like only now he found out about everything that's been going on. Was he living in a cave all this time?!

   He said Ewyllyn is in his care! That he's 'patching her up'. How badly was she injured?! At same time I'm full of worry for her, it brings me such relief to learn that she's still alive!

   At same time, that all just brings more questions to mind! Why? Why are they doing this?!
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 02:38:56 pm by Hazel »

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2013, 08:40:42 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-160 Y-3 4th Age

   Still at Cruentus. Still a prisoner. Still forced to wear a disguise. If anything, just the the other day my day was brightened immensely as I saw Ewyllyn was taken here for 'safe keeping' as well! Oh the joy of seeing her again, of holding her in my arms! If anything, having her around will make captivity considerably less daunting. In a way, I always considered myself a bit of a captive: As a prince, I was to behave a certain way, go to certain places, say certain things, eat certain foods, meet with certain people, read and study and learn whatever was expected of me as such. So this now isn't too much different, just while before there were rules to be obeyed, now they are a lot more strict, and imposed upon me by the demons, not by my parents or tutors!

   To pass the time here, I've taken up to exercising, training with my mother, and comforting Ewyllyn. She's strong! But her situation is now delicate.... ...while in the hands of the demons,... they ...impregnated her.

   My rage upon finding that out was terrible! I exploded with fury like I never felt before! I wrecked some of aunt Val's furniture, and even attacked her, trying to grab her sword, so I could go to the palace and kill the demons where they stand! Ewy and aunt Val managed to contain me, but to me the demons have crossed a line they shouldn't have.

   Ewyllyn and I decided she will have the child, and we will raise it and care for it as our own. This may be the fruit of a demon's evil deeds, but it is still a piece of my beloved Ewyllyn!

   I'm finding hard to conciliate my mom's teachings with my feelings, and the teachings of the philosophers and politicians and other leaders and rulers... Scholars call for actions that cement ideas in the minds of the people... such as making an example out of criminals. Mom calls for punishment but at same time she says one should never turn to those ways. She wants to murder Fangshi and her family, but she forbids me from doing it if my method disagrees with her. I infinitely respect my mother and my father and they are extremely wise, but the events that transpired that led to our situation make me believe some changes might be needed, if we are ever to return home and rule again....

   ....which brings me to another thing that's been in my mind... ...if we return, and defeat the demons, and if my mother has it her way, I will be made Lord of Lismore....

   I have heard about that my entire life! Non-stop! I've been groomed for that role all this time! But only the other day the penny dropped, only the other day it ...became real, when mom brought it up, and then proceeded to kneel before me, just to be followed by aunt Val, and someone I think was one of aunt Vale's servants. I had never had anyone really kneel before me and... it put me on the spot in a way I hadn't experienced before. I'm glad it was mom and aunt Val to do it the first time, because I felt really awkward. I don't know if I like it, to tell the truth! I might have to revise the 'kneeling' rules if I ever do come to power. I approve that others should show respect, but... kneeling seems too much. We'll see!

   Speaking of kneeling.... I asked Ewyllyn to marry me! The child in her womb will not be born a bastard out of wedlock! And I don't know if I will get the chance to ask her in a better situation, with our future so uncertain! So I knelt before her, and asked her to marry me.

   She said yes!!

~~~ Entry 2, D-160 Y-3 4th Age

   Lord Emir came over, under much secrecy and heavy guard, to see how we were doing. I questioned him on why he helped the demons, and he said he didn't have a choice. I want to believe him, but I'm not too sure who to trust.

   But with him being around, he's a ranking noble, and a paladin... We decided to waste no time, and have him marry us, Ewyllyn and I! And he agreed!

   And so we were married, official before the Heavens and the gods, at Cruentus, on this one-hundred-and-sixtieth day of the Third Year of the Fourth Age of Lismore! My beautiful Ewyllyn is now my wife, my Ewyllyn Fu Sheng, and I am her husband, her Xahu Fu Sheng! May the Heavens bless our union!
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 02:38:30 am by Hazel »

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2013, 08:25:59 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-270 Y-3 4th Age

   It's funny how life can turn from one moment from good to bad, ...and from bad to good again! I don't think that's normally how it goes, but we have been blessed! Several in Lismore have formed a secret resistance movement against the Valentine usurpers! And they have not sat idle twiddling their thumbs, they put together a plan to rescue my mother, Ike, and me!

   And they succeeded! The Winter-White-Guardians they called themselves, and they rescued us! We are free! ...kindasorta!

   We had to leave dad's body behind, we couldn't carry him with us through the rescue attempt. That pained me so much! But we will be back for him!

   They took us to Phoenix. Phoenix has refused to acknowledge Fangshi's rule.

   So much has happened in the time we were captive at Cruentus! So much has happened since then and now when I'm writing these words!

   Edhel Valentine was murdered! He was ambushed by a lone demon hunter, and beheaded! His head was brought down here. Ciran seems to be its custodian for now! As much as such disgusts me, I can't overlook the psychological, and emotional impact this could have on our remaining enemy Fangshi!

   The Valentines estate was attacked! The reports on it are mixed, some say the first floor is burned, others say the whole place burned to the ground! I guess I will see for myself once I make it to the surface! We're staying hidden here while we coordinate our efforts to depose Fangshi. She has put the city in a state of terror, ordering executions left and right... We must act fast!

   Ciran and I ventured outside Phoenix, in the middle of the night under the cover of darkness. We went to the Zenko, where we met with commander Torke. The Zenko was ready, just awaiting for a sign to march against Fangshi!

   The big day has finally come! Our plan is simple: The Resistance will march down the streets of Lismore. I am absolutely sure our subjects, and our guard, will NOT turn against us once they see my mother and I ahead of the Resistance! We will march to the palace, and demand that Fangshi surrenders! If she does, we will let her leave here with her life. If she refuses, we will storm the palace. May the gods help us!

   Everything is ready, these might be the last words I ever write. My beloved mother, if you survive this and I don't, know that I love you and I would have not wanted any other mother but you! If you manage to wake up dad, tell him I loved him just the same! My beloved Ewyllyn, take care of our child! Love our child for the both of us! I love you!

~~~ Entry 2, D-270 Y-3 4th Age

   VICTORY! We won! We have defeated the demon Valentine! VICTORY IS OURS!

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 03:38:12 am »
~~~ Entry 1, D-220 Y-3 4th Age

   There has been so much to be done, to put Lismore back in order, since the demons were overthrown, that I haven't had the chance to write much anything other than official documents. I've signed my name so many times in the past few days, my signature is changing, from an elegant script to a scribble that I can do in a second!

   Preparations are being made for my coronation ceremony! I am incredibly nervous about it! Not only there's much work to be done, but there's so much to be discussed! I had a secret meeting with other faction leaders. They agree to my titles, as Ruler and Lord of Lismore, and Emperor of the Sky Islands. But they aren't agreeing wholeheartedly. They have conditions, they have demands. Mostly they want me to prove myself. That's all I'm going to do from now on for the rest of my life, I realize: Prove myself.

   The hard part of it as that I've been noticing that even our own nobles - or should I say specially our own nobles - don't trust me! They think I am young, inexperienced, and that I should be questioned and retorted at every turn if they don't understand the logic behind my actions. Even lord Athian, whom I had never seen frown before, was displeased with me because he didn't fully understand what I was doing and didn't wait to find out, assuming I was wrong altogether! In fact we weren't able to settle the argument, because neither of us would admit to full guilt.

   I'm now in a position where I can't blink my eyes in a way or another without someone questioning or criticizing me. I always knew it was going to be like this! But living the actual thing is daunting. I can see why it's so easy for so many rulers to go bad, to turn to evil, and selfishness! It's a hard job! At the end of the day all you want to do is order the execution of whoever happens to be the last poor soul whose problems you have to deal with!

   And I am absolutely tired of hearing the name of the Valentines! It will be a while until I stop hearing it! Everybody has a different opinion on how to deal with the remaining members of the family! I can't bring myself to punish their whole family because of the mistakes of two demons! My people will only be punished if they break the law! Until that time comes, it's my job to protect them!

   ....but is that the right course of action? Should the Valentines be wiped out of the face of the Earth? Exiled? Sterilized? Imprisoned? Have all their possessions taken from them? Pay forever with their gold for the crimes of Edhel and Fangshi? Or should they just be left alone?

   Coronation will come in a few days. After that, my first day holding court, where my decisions will affect the fates of so many. I hope that by then I have found the right answer! Heavens help me!

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 05:02:03 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-221 Y-3 4th Age

   I find myself unwittingly falling into 'traps' on what concerns my beloved Ewyllyn's pregnancy...

   I'm excited about being a father! I really have got into the spirit of things, even though the child she bears is not my own... But that at same time creates a paradox I don't know how to deal with! I want to say things like "I wonder what the baby will look like", because, well, I'm a mix of species and she's a lioness... But I know there will be nothing of me there. I want to say things like "I wasn't expecting to be a father yet", but that reminds me that it was not by my carelessness or hers that we are in this situation.

   I know Ewy did not come out of her encounter with the demon Edhel without scars. I can tell some things about her changed. Some are of course because of the pregnancy itself, but some.... And I fear bringing up what happened to her in any way whatsoever! I even moved our room from downstairs in the palace, to the highest floor, so she would not be in the same room where it happened! I'm trying all I can to protect her, to ignore, to erase the memory of what the demons did to her. But it's putting me in a dilemma I hate to consider!

   Will I be able to love this child as my own, as we've agreed to do?

   We will certainly have more children after this one, Heavens permitting, but I fear what my own incapacity to deal with how this baby was conceived will do to the poor child.

   I find myself so full of questions, and full of doubt these days! Yet I must not appear such before my subjects, lest I lose their faith that I am indeed fit to rule Lismore!

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2013, 02:54:02 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-229 Y-3 4th Age

   Ciran is dead! Lord Emir woke me in the middle of the night, to tell me of a struggle they had, in the Temple grounds of all places! Ciran, poor Ciran, would not back down, and now he's gone. I can't help but feel sorrow about it. Yes he was brash. Yes he was rude at times, and highly presumptuous and even insolent sometimes, but.... I don't know, I had better hopes for him...

   He approached me like he was the one wanting to teach me, to tutor me, but I felt like I should be the one tutoring him! He had the means, but his methods were so unrefined sometimes! He was like a hunk of iron, just waiting to be turned into steel and then shaped into a sword! At least that's how I saw him, I'm sure he would disagree, or even be offended by the comparison! Whatever the case, he's gone.

   I have no reason to doubt what Lord Emir told me about their confrontation, and there were several Temple witnesses! Though I can't help but wonder if this couldn't have been avoided. Was Ciran that obsessed, that single-minded about this new deity of his Bahamut or whatever, that he would blindly attack Lord Emir, for according to Ciran, the deity Emir follows is an eternal adversary of the one Ciran himself followed?

   He had a history of bad blood with the Tirrenelda' Tribe already. I find it unsettling that it all happened at the Temple! What was he doing there in first place?! Ciran you idiot! Why did you have to go to the Temple!

   Meanwhile, preparations continue for my coronation. There's so much to do! There's so many people to talk to! There's so much... paperwork! By Heavens if we couldn't have got back the treasure all we had to do was bleach out the paper we have here in this island alone and re-sell it and we'd re-stock our coffers to the brim with gold! I doubt even the Egyptians have as much paper as we do! I have learned though, how absurdly wealthy Lismore is!

   We have so much paper! So many books! In other parts of the world a bound book can be worth as much as a year's salary to the common people! Here, they are everywhere! We rarely see scrolls, we have proper books!

   For a place that has so little in terms of forests, we have so much wood, and of so many rare species! Cedars, ebony, mahogany, oak, we use those like everyday construction materials!

   And marbles, and granite! While the world is using sandstone and limestone to build, we splurge on stones that aren't even from here, this stuff has to come from so far away!

   And spices! The rest of the world is fighting wars for cinnamon, cloves, sugar.... And here Aryn at the inn sprinkles those generously on the fancy drinks he makes like they're as common as dust! The kitsune-lord Ashtyn, during his reign, imported exorbitant things such as saffron and had them cultivated by his loyal pet gardener and all-around master farmer the purple rabbit Radem.

   And of course, gold. While the rest of the world counts their money in silver, and gold is reserved for when absurd purchases are at hand, like, buying out territories or temples for the gods, we use gold as our standard currency! Interestingly, Kawadias the slaver has approached me with a most outrageous proposal... He suggests I give him an exorbitant amount of silver, so he may take it back to his native land of Egypt, where he says silver is more precious than gold, and he will trade the silver for gold and bring me back five times as much as the silver was worth. He said he's made a similar deal with my aunt Valencia before and that I should check his credentials with her. I am extremely reluctant to even consider just handing out so much silver to the man, but aunt Val says he can be trusted!

   And finally, my beautiful Ewyllyn! I suspect she's having a bit of trouble adapting to her new life. She was a slaver, she was used to giving orders and enforcing them physically and psychologically! Now she finds herself in a world of politics, where a glance here, a whisper there, a shrug, a bit of emphasis on the right words can make or break deals of proportions way beyond the scale of what she was used to dealing with! I'm not sure how to help her, but I've asked Lord Emir to help me fill her in on at least the basics of life at court. She seems to be enjoying trying out new dresses and new fabrics, though!

   But on a happier note, Siarra Foxxian has delivered my new royal banner, and I love it! She's such a fantastic, talented artist! She's concerned about her housing situation, since Edhel Valentine was evidently her sponsor and patron of the arts, and with him gone, she doesn't know what will become of her. I assured her that we will look after her and make sure she's cared for!

   And I think I have decided what to do about the remaining Valentines.  I sent out people undercover, to find out what's the overall mood about them, and the people seem to think they've been punished enough, but still could use some reprimand. I will not harm them physically anymore. But that's not the end. I want to see how they act in court, I want to get a feel for how far should their punishment go, based on their moods and attitudes towards us!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 11:44:45 pm by Hazel »

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2013, 11:45:07 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-230 Y-3 4th Age

   I truly hope that in time, I won't feel like I feel now, like every important decision I have to make has equally good and equally bad sides!

   I must deal with the Valentines, and by Heavens right now there's nothing I'd like more than to kill every single one of those demons with my own hands! I can feel it, like it's a malicious temptation whispered to me by some devil itself, that as soon as I'm crowned ruler of Lismore, I want to order them all to be put to the sword! Kill every single one of them for what they've done to mom, to dad, to myself, to Ike, to those who were murdered senselessly, and to my beloved Ewyllyn, who's suffering so much right now, torn apart by her experience in their hands!

   But at same time, I know that would be wrong! The true culprits have already been killed, rather dramatically both of them! How far down should their guilt propagate to their descendants and relatives?!

   Mom thinks I should not entrust the slaver Kawadias with the silver he asked, in his proposal to have it taken to a distant land and converted it to gold. Aunt Val thinks Kawadias is trustworthy! What do I do!?! I think mom is being overly cautious, but I can't blame her. I think she deserves to have things done her way, after all that's happened to us. Perhaps it's too early for me to be making too many risky decisions. Kawadias is in good relations with us, I'm sure he will understand, and if later, the offer is still up, I might take him on it.

   Aryn and some friends came over the palace. Apparently a new creature, kinda some sort of octopus girl I think, came to town, and was picked on for being a magic user. I had never heard of that kind of discrimination in Lismore before! I must make sure no such things continue to happen!

   And Naz, that silly creature Naz found one of the Valentine servants, and took a liking for her. That means a headache for me!

   As coronation time gets closer, I'm finding myself more and more anxious! I haven't even been able to put together a speech! Nothing I write sounds good! I'm considering winging it on the spot! ...I just shouldn't tell anyone, Lord Emir will scowl like never before if he finds out!

   I wish dad could make it, but he's still very weak. Aunt Val is taking good care of him, though, and soon he will be back home!

   I just need to keep it together a few more days! We're almost out of the woods!

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2013, 05:40:49 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-240 Y-3 4th Age

   So now it's official: I am Xahu Fu Sheng, Emperor of the Sky Islands, Lord of Lismore, yada yada yada whatever other titles they feel like tacking to my name, I've been crowned ruler of Lismore!

   At first I was very afraid. In fact I was afraid and ....ashamed, shy perhaps, of such pompous titles and role... But... I'm growing to like it. ...I know I'm going to be sick of it if Emir decides to call me by official titles every time he sees me, but for now, I think I like it!

   And I've felt strange, different, since the coronation ceremony. I actually feel the power! I'm sure philosophers out there would say that's a scary thing for a ruler to say, but it's the truth, I can feel it! And I can see how easily someone can turn to bad from having such power! But at same time I think I'm going to enjoy keeping myself in check, it feels... exciting!

   Another strange thing that's happened, after the coronation, things calmed down a lot in the palace! Even the amount of paperwork that needs to be done seems to have gone down a little! Ewyllyn and I even were able to take naps, and sleep the entire night! Well, most of the night! She's such a fantastic lover!

   I'm sure this calm will not last. My first public court meeting is coming up, and there so much will take place! In fact I'm making lists everywhere to keep me from forgetting what I need to address in court, and every time I make a list, it seems something else gets added to it! So far, this is what I've got:

  • Address the fate of the Valentines!
    This at first seemed like an easy task, I had already made my mind! ....but now one of them, Amon, a childhood friend of mine, has revealed he was the one to give Fangshi and Edhel my father's heart so they could use against him! Why did he tell me that?! Why Amon, why!
  • Revise all the laws/titles enacted by the usurper demons!
    We've done reading through all the data the demons compiled while in power. While we can easily correct the falsified records concerning food supplies and taxes, things of a more earthly nature such as titles of nobility require a personal touch. The first thing I must do is cancel all warrants put out by them. Then I must revise the titles bestowed by them.
  • Announce Lord Athian's Winter Celebrations!
    Not all is darkness, thankfully! As we reach the day of the winter solstice, Lord Athian is putting together a fabulous celebration!
  • Announce new roles and titles and laws.
    This kinda goes with the revision of the demons decrees, but I'm enacting some new ones myself! My mother wants the role of captain of the city guard. My aunt Valencia has suggested a more active role for Cruentus, I'm putting her in charge of... demons and all that mystical / dark arts stuff. I also have some new ideas... foremost among them, I will impose a ban on high ranking demons in Lismore. Valencia will be the only archdemon allowed to reside in the realm!

   Besides that all, I'm sure people will bring up their own matters to be addressed. It's odd, before the coronation I was afraid, dreading this day. Now I feel like I can tackle it without a hitch!

   Ewyllyn has been writing a diary now... and she's said I'm allowed to read it. I might take a peak at it but only when she's not watching. I know she's hurting, the incident with the demons has scared her, and I'm doing everything I can to help her deal with it. Or at least I hope I'm doing everything I can. I might have to seek outside help with this, I don't know if there's more that perhaps I could be doing, that I am not!

   Mom has been spending most of her time at Cruentus, taking care of dad. He's recovering, slowly. I was deeply saddened that they could not be in town for my coronation. Mom must have her reasons. It's hard to argue with her when she makes up her mind. I wonder if such will be a problem, if I'm ever to enact something she disapproves of. She is my mother, and I have infinite love and respect for her. But our opinions sometimes diverge...

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Re: Xahu Fu Sheng's Journal
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2013, 10:12:07 pm »
~~~ Entry 1, D-248 Y-3 4th Age

   With the blessing of the winter solstice upon us, I conducted my first court meeting at the palace! It was exhausting! But strangely, I didn't feel nervous, didn't feel afraid. I might be growing into my role as ruler, after all. That or the night of lovemaking with Ewyllyn helped me relax and be ready for it! Or both!

   Ewy is a little concerned about Lord Athian, but I think that like everyone, he just has good days and some bad days. With everything that's been happening, who could blame him!

   But he's pulled off the decorations for the winter celebrations marvelously! The city looks all festive, like I've never seen it before! It's beautiful! The granary has a banquet set up for anyone to go feast, I will have to go check it out when I'm not so tired! I am exhausted!!

   I came into my room after talking with Rowan Valentine, who now changed his name to Anthony Vance... I came into the room, flomped into the bed, grabbed a pillow and screamed into it! It greatly alarmed Ewyllyn, but that was handled when I explained I was just tired from the meeting and needed to scream!

   The people were civil and polite through almost all of the meeting. Some Quinn person was a little too opinionated, and then Rayenne Valentine and the then Rowan Fangshi Valentine got into a terrible argument that just perpetuated their image as pompous nobles... All matters were settled, though, and nobody seemed too upset, other than Rayenne and Rowan.

   Ewyllyn helped me relax like only she can, and now I am going to get some much needed sleep!