Author Topic: Rental Properties Available!  (Read 5923 times)


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Rental Properties Available!
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:51:37 am »
So finally we have implemented the rentals we have been talking about for over a year! Took some re-building of the sim and all, but hey, we got it done!  ;)

Currently, there are houses available to be rented in the city. There are 3 available on the first level, and 1 available on the second level. They are very easy to find, just look at the pictures below!

neighborhood on the first level with 4 houses

neighborhood on the second level with 4 houses

See? Easy to find!

Just look for the buildings with the plates with the Roman numerals. Those that are available will say it so!

Our numbering convention is: Houses on the first level start with I, then the number of the house, so I - I, I - II, I - III and I - IV are the ones on the first level. On the second level they start with II, so II - I, II - II, II - III and II - IV.

Here are the rules regarding the rentals (also available on

Welcome to the Lismore Lands Rentals User Agreement Scary Document Thing!

    This document elaborates on the rules regarding renting space within Lismore. If you have any questions not answered by this document, please contact a staff member to address your inquiries.


    Several areas are available to be rented throughout the sim. They can be identified by small sign-like prims with the floating text:
    Lismore City house
    Lease this space for L$500 per week
    100 prims
    Pay this box to being your lease.
    All you have to do is right-click the prim and select 'pay'. If you simply click the prim, you get this notecard.
    Once you have paid the prim, your rental begins. The floating text on the prim will change to indicate the tenant's name and the time remaining on their lease.
    To add more time, simply right-click the prim and pay more L$.
    ~~~Payments always show as being made to Avatar Nootan~~~


Rules Concerning Rental Space:

    1) Rental spaces are primarily for your CHARACTER who's part of the Lismore Lands RolePlay community. This is primarily an In-Character space for your character to dwell.
        You are allowed to use the rented space for Out-Of-Character activities, but such should not be more often than your In-Character activities at the rented space.
        Also, your rental space is not a sandbox. You are welcome to edit your avatar or minor building projects or scripts, but it's not the place for you to build a new ship/house/castle/temple/etc.
        You may not set up an Out-Of-Character store or business in your rental home. If your character would use his home as his store as well, it must have items that can be acquired In-Character by other players and it must not be advertised outside of the Lismore Lands RolePlay community (we don't want traffic that is not RP-related interfering with the RP. If you make items for sale and are looking for a space to sell your items, inquire with Ashtyn Ninetails about the Lismore Guild of Merchants, an OOC store to promote our players' items).

    2) SecondLife now measures resources usage in LAND IMPACT. The rental floating text says a number of Land Impact you are allowed (50 or 100 depending on location). Please do not go over this limit! You may temporarily go over the limit if you are editing something, but you should never be over the limit if you are offline.
        If you are found to be using more Land Impact than the amount allocated to you, you will be asked to remove items to bring you to the allocated amount, or items will be returned if you can't be reached in timely fashion.
        Temp Rezzers and other such devices that bypass regular prim count and Land Impact count are strictly forbidden!

    3) If an item you rez is considered to be disruptive, or to consume unfair or unreasonable amounts of resources (some scripts out there can be very laggy!), you will be asked to remove the item, or it will be returned to you if you can't be reached in timely fashion.
        Items you rez should not go against Lismore's technological and/or cultural timeframe. Normally there is no problem as long as the item is not obviously modern or futuristic. An Adirondack chair is fine even though it was invented in 1903 because it's of primitive design, but a glass table would not be feasible without modern fabrication technology.

    4) Payments to the rental boxes are to be considered non-refundable.
        The rental boxes provide an automatic refund option with a small fee, and we will do everything within our power to correct any errors due to technical issues if any ever happens (after all, this is SecondLife, it can't be trusted not to break!), but because rent payments go into the Tier Fund, once the monthly tier is paid, that money is gone and can not be refunded.
        If there is ever a problem, we will fix it! But money that is paid to the rental boxes not by accident or system error should be cosidered non-refundable.


    If you have any questions not covered in this document, please contact Ashtyn Ninetails or any other staff member and they will gladly assist you.

We are still considering other places to make rental properties available. If you have suggestions and serious interest that warrants us going through the trouble of setting them up, please let us know by replying to this post! Any other suggestions and comments also please just reply here.  :)