Author Topic: Lismore Rebuilt!  (Read 5847 times)


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Lismore Rebuilt!
« on: December 24, 2012, 09:01:13 pm »
So since a lot of people don't seem to realize that the ground level is open for RP already (despite the many talks about it and a couple of notices), I'm posting this here to make it official, and also to boast about the improvements made to the sim.  ;)

The ground level in Lismore is open IC for RP! Come in and populate it!

You may refer to this topic regarding the IC events that took place during the rebuilding process

As far as stats go, you are all already tired of me talking about my new trees, but if you haven't heard yet, we have new trees, awesome new trees! (as described in this topic )

The new city has more buildings, more spaces, more room, and takes about 1000 less prims than the previous city & Zenko & Temple took.

  • I have minimized the use of 1024x1024 textures throughout open viewable spaces because they take an average of 3.5MB of bandwidth and video memory, while 512x512 are just as good visually when there's proper texture repeat and take only 700KB of bandwidth and memory.
  • Particles were minimized too, since I got complaints from A LOT of people that particles makes them lag.
  • 90% of the structures are optimized for the new Physics in SL (SL's engine changed a lot in 3 years!) and are also optimized to have as little impact on server and viewer rendering as possible.

If you have any questions, go ahead and ask and we will answer!  :)