Technically everything on topic in this forum IS
Meta-Gaming. So I thought I'd try and define what is a no-no in this forum (or in general).
Things you should watch out for:
Arranging for things to happen simply for your character's benefit.If you want good things to happen for your character, you should play your character in a way that encourages such things to happen.
Pre-arranging the outcome of Role-Play.Working out two character's shared history is fine (though, you might want to do that in private messages instead.) Arranging the outcome of RP inside of Lismore is another thing entirely... such as throwing a fight because of OOC reasons.
Doing things for OOC reasons.This is known as "character fucking". Whatever you work out here, it should be reasonable IC RP for all the characters involved.
Things you SHOULD be doing here:
Family.Your character has family, most likely... if they come to Lismore, it's usually much more interesting to find someone to play them than to do it yourself.
Arrange times.Say you are in jail, and wish to attempt to escape, bribe the guard, have a message delivered to Lord Ashtyn, pull out the puppydog eyes or appeal to other emotions... whatever. And you need a guard to come by to RP this... this would be a good place to try and arrange a time for a PC guard to come by and make that scheduled check or deliver your meal (rather than the uncorruptable, etc., NPC guards.)
Got more examples? Reply... :3