I'm sorry to have to post this, guys, but i've had it. The last half a dozen events i've hosted have been largely miserable for me. I'm going to go ahead and discuss some reasons why here, and hope that when (if) I start going back to events, that some of this stuff will have been taken into consideration so I can actually enjoy doing these again.
1. Impatience - People are so freaking impatient during these events, and are so impatient about the events happening! It SHOULD go without saying that I only have so much time to spare, and that even when i'm fully prepared, that doesn't mean we're ready to do the event! ALOT goes into planning these events and making the time to host them, I REALLY don't think I ask alot when I request that people be patient during and around these events. You have no idea how unenjoyable this makes hosting any kind of event
2. Complaining - EVERY time I host an event, I get a myriad of complaints. At first, I thought maybe I was just learning still, but people just find something to complain about no matter what! So let me explain. Most events are hosted with an objective in mind. My goal with any event is to accomplish the objective while creating as enjoyable environment as I can for the other characters involved. But then people complain endlessly because things didn't go ideally for the good guys (is what it often boils down to.) This isn't an ideal world, this is Lismore! The place has all kinds of troubles, bad things WILL happen, and rather than complaining, you guys should be enjoying the elements of drama and tension they create! that's part of a good RP!
And for those who are upset because they don't tend to get in the starring role - I have said this COUNTLESS TIMES, and nobody seems to listen - If you want to have a starring role in an event? TELL ME!! I can't read your mind! It does NO good whatsoever to complain about this after the event's already done!
3. Rudeness - This one should go without saying. I understand i'm not a pleasant person to talk to during events, but remember, this is because i'm trying to focus on the event! You guys, I do these events FOR YOU, so can you imagine how upset it makes me when people are rude to me during the course of it? I don't do /anything/ in any of my events just to spite someone. If i'm doing anything, it's either to make sure everyone's following the rules, and that the event runs smoothly and roughly as planned!
Between these three things, and some outlying more personal issues, I can't keep doing this. I want to keep hosting events, but this stuff can't keep happening every time. When I host events, i'm willingly giving up my time, no obligation whatsoever, to do something fun for roleplay. To those of you who don't do the stuff above and even thank me? I appreciate you guys, you're the only reason it took me so long to get to this point, because I feel that at least SOMEONE is appreciating what i'm doing.