~Enclosed is a notice that is publicly available around the temple, posted by it's new high priestess, Mariah.~
First, i'd like to say that i'm very proud of everyone inside and outside the tribe who have helped it remain standing on the island in the years since Collie's pirates savaged the island. But it's time to discuss the temple as it is now, and as it will be in the future.
The first and most important thing to note is that we will be keeping and holding onto the same faith and values we always have.
The first and most important change, however, is that many of our brothers and sisters fled the island those years ago, and have made a new life elsewhere. While we will continue to share our love with them as distant as they may be, this means the tribe's numbers are hurting, and many of it's leaders are no longer present. In the coming days, the tribe will be very welcoming of new members, and will be looking into it's current numbers for new leadership. Remember - to join, all one needs to do is gain approval of one tribe member and one elder!
The next change is that the tribe will be taking a more aggressive stance towards our past and current enemies. It has become clear to me that Collie's men, and Ohta's children, will never let well enough be, and the temple will be seeing more involvement in battles of both natures.
I'm also glad to state that the youngling tree of life on the current temple grounds is growing quite healthily! Unfortunately, the tree in the ruins of the old temple is not.. It seems that another force took hold of the tree during it's vulnerability in the purification, and that the tree of life could now be considered a tree of.. Chaos, or madness, mistressed by Verca. While it is not likely to exert intentional and outward harm to any who walk by it in most cases, i would like to caution everyone to keep your distance and not to try to harm it.
~ Mariah