If you find yourself stuck as a cloud, here are a few things you can try to do to solve it:
a) From your main menu, click Edit, Preferences, then the Graphics Tab.
b) Slide the Quality & Performance slider to a lower setting.
c) Check the box next to Custom on the Graphics Tab.
d) Lower draw distance.
e) Slide the Mesh Details sliders to Low
f) Avatar Imposters is checked by default; If you have unchecked it, activate this feature again.
METHOD 2 (most likely to work)
1) Access and wear a default avatar.
a) Open the Advanced menu by clicking on Ctrl+Alt+D or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D (On a Mac, press Option+Control+D)
b) Go to Advanced > Character > Character Tests.
c) Choose either Test Male or Test Female.
2) Re-wear your normal shape, skin, clothes, and attachments. This step is much easier if you are using a pre-existing saved outfit. But remember not to save anything until your avatar is restored.
Other things that might work:
TP to another sim.
Texture Re-Bake by pressing CTRL+ALT+R
Logging off and logging back in.
Clearing your SL cache.
Praying to the gods of the Internet!
Editing your Apperance sometimes helps.
Also sometimes a combination of using the METHOD 2 and TPing to another sim fixes the problem.
Changing groups also fixes cloud issues sometimes.