Author Topic: The zombie horde event  (Read 7384 times)

Husky Dragon

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The zombie horde event
« on: March 18, 2012, 07:21:24 am »
Thanks for being part of another fun event, everyones :3 Special thanks to Nova for all the help he contributed to this event, things went far more smoothly because of it.

Summary: A large horde of undead struck the Zenko just as they were putting the final stages of a rescue plan together. The enemy force included a necro-demon, an undead knight, and a giant ghoul, accompanied by a significant horde of undead.

-Casualties and results-

Zenko (Victor)

Deaths: 1 (Zenko warrior, NPC)
Incapacitations: 4 (Zenko warrior, Zenko archer, Relina and Rune)

Attacking Force (Defeated)

Deaths: All attacking enemies.

Logs to come! Post screenshots if you have 'em!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 07:27:23 am by Husky Dragon »

Husky Dragon

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Re: The zombie horde event
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 07:22:22 am »
Necrodemon and Giant Ghoul battle (At the portal)

[13:12]  River the Wolf blinks several times as the bells suddenly begin to sound and turns around, ears flattened. "...It would seem we will be spared a trip to the desert.... They're here."
[13:14]  Valencia Versthaler flickers er ears and glances over to the portal. "....good....makes our job easier..." She huffs and grips the hilt of her blade as she moves in closer.
[13:17]  Hasufel comes pounding across the Zenko, still tightening his armor as he joins the assembled warrior
[13:20]  River the Wolf spread her wings out and began to flap them strongly, creating a current of wind around her as she began to lift off of the ground, a blue-ish mist-like substance beginning to emit from her, spread around by the flapping. Combat River was a-go! "I'm... sick and tired of all these motherfucking undead on this motherfucking soil!" she'd growl. "We're going to have us a riot...~"
[13:21]  Relina Harem told the others "You know the drill, capture one of them alive"
[13:23]  Dreadknight steps along the ground towards the group from behind, her footsteps leavign a trial of ice, her aura would spread over the ground, feeliable by the defenders
[13:24]  Necro-Demon looms over the rather intense collection of undead infront of him, soundless except for the noise of his robes shifting underneath him.. He lets out a hollow growling noise, the undead mass beginning to advance.. The Zenko fighters hold tight, and the archers nock their bows and train them on the horde, awaiting Relina's orders..
[13:29]  Relina Harem would hop onto one of the rocks to her right while keeping a careful balance. She then looks to the archers and yells "Fire!" then gestures for the fighters to attack while letting the others figure out what they need to do. Relina would start herself out by focusing mana into her lance in the form of fire which dances around the blade and lifts the blade over her head before quickly bringing it down in a slash, unleashing a wave of fire towards a group of zombies
[13:32]  Valencia Versthaler growls. "River, you know what to do, and I want two of those fuckers so keep at least some whole!" She speaks out in a commanding tone, not that she undermines Relina's command but she played her own leading roll in this as well. The feline would draw her blades and ready herself, a glances was given over her shoulder towards the blue winged Dreadknight. "Urgh....the one better be on our side." She comments before focusing her attention back to the horde.
[13:34]  Keldrahir 's wings furls tighter around him, as he feels a strange coldness from somewhere, his eyes though narrowed at the undead and a fine line of smoke coming from his nostrils. One claw still clenched to a fist, he made a half step forwards with one foot to enter a better fighting stance and took a good breath in. His eyes seem to glow a moment a bit brighter, as his body tenses, his wings stretched out and a shudder goes through his body, ending at his throat. With a growl, he spits a narrow burst of flame at the closest undead approaching, filling the air with a scent of cinder and probably singed flesh.
[13:35]  Hasufel walked forward with a big grin and a mad glint in his eyes as he shook his sword loose from the chain that held in in place, advancing calmly as he looked among the zombies. Noticing that some had armor, he readied the truely massive blade and avanced towards the armored foes, hanging back a little to avoid getting caught in the initial barrage. "About time..."
[13:38]  River the Wolf nods softly as she reaches for one of her mana bombs, pressing the buttons to activate it. The runes carved on its surface light up in a blue-ish glow, indicating that it is ready to go off. "Relina, blast radius is 5 m!" she'd call out before throwing it down into the middle of the horde. The bomb would flash upon impact with the ground and immediately emit a circular field of energy, 5m big, which would hopefully temporarily suspend all magic and magical creatures, if only for a little while.
[13:39]  Sarix Andel Sarix felt the aura of cold, he turned to see the dreadknight and he retreated back to the side, "Agent! Agent from behind!" he alarms, he was obviously the least experienced in this sort of circumstance.
The Tox's vision could see the magic exuded by those icy steps and he immediately knew that he couldn't do much to stop this one, not as the novice he was, he turned his attention to the others, looking for any way he could help... his fists curl, prepared to slug anything that shambed too close to the back of his companions, and such a slug would carry twice the force it should've, like a hammer dropping, from the dense bones of the man. It was Keldrahir's back he had. for now.
[13:41]  Gustav Kuriga hears Sarix call out and turns, growling. Unlike Sarix, he couldn't see the magical aura, but the look of the Dreadknight was enough to chill him to the bone. He turned to face the being, sword at the ready, though he didn't know how he was going to defeat this one. That'd be found out soon enough.
[13:42]  Dreadknight /me walked towards the group, even though the ground was naturally snowy, her steps turned the snow to solid ice, her long arm drawing her weapon, a large, Etched Rune blade, glowing as cold as her eyes as she advanced on them
[13:49]   As they are ordered, the front linke of Zenko warriors charges forward, clashing with the front line of Zombies.. The zenko's fighters were considerably stronger than the basic zomibes, suffering no losses in the initial attack and destroying several zombies in the proccess.. Several more are dispatched by the first volley of arrows..
[13:52]   As the zombies ranks are thinned, the necrodemon's eyes begin to glow.. The zombies approach, several being incinerated by Relina's attack.. The field of River's energy had no notable effect on the regular horde, none currently wielding magic, as a group of robed skeletons rises from the ground infront of the demon..
[13:56]  Relina Harem eaps as she hears River shout out "ACK! Not now!" she yells before jumping back quickly before the bomb goes off that could very well kill her. Once she landed on her feet, she would watch the bomb..... have no effect..... "Damn..... There goes that option..." she says before hopping up on the larger rock and sends another wave of fire, keeping her focus on a vertical wave so she doesnt hit any allies "Have a taste of this!"
[13:59]  Valencia Versthaler raises a brow at the bomb having no effect, she huffs and glances over her shoulder. "River, behind us, keep an eye on that one." She calls out to the flying wolfess before turning her attention to the main horde. "Seem we will have to do this the hard way then..."
[14:01]  Keldrahir gives off a slight hiss at the sight of the robed skeletons, nothing good could come from this. Fire seemed to work well against them though, so he holds the line and prepares himself for another flame attack against the undead he has a clear shot at. He narrows his eyes, as again his body trembles as the elemental energies surge through his body and gather, before they are released in another flame burst that wraps one of the undead in flames.
[14:01]  Hasufel just strode forward with the front line of Zenko fighters, his sword swings lackadesial- almost lazy- though the odd way he positioned his arms let him spin the sword in a fluid, connected series of upward slices, each strong enough to lift a zombie off the ground by force alone. I was nearly effortless, the sheer momentum of the weapon doing all the work. The pattern was fairly slow, and easy to avoid by a living, thinking foe... but zombies were neither.
[14:02]  River the Wolf growled a little. Damn it! It didn't work! "Will do! Get that bomb out of the way if you can so Relina can enter the fray!" she shouted, hovering a little higher up afterwards to observe the undead thel...while also keeping an eye on the nearby battle. Tass crystals began to sprout across her body, just in case she needed to quickly create it to defend herself.
[14:04]  Sarix Andel grabbed a handful of dirty grass, snow and mud, balling it up and doing a full body pitch of the disgusting blinding mixture at the Dreadknight's head. "No you don't!!" he shouted, rather brave for huddling near the dragon.
[14:12]  Dreadknight strode towards the group getting close to Val, before getting hit in the face with mud, making her stop, reach up, and wipe the mud from her helmet, she looks at Sarix with a very cold glare, her blue eyes piercing through him for what seemed like days, stood by Val at this point
[14:15]  Latte Swirls (dhariusrenolt) looks at the scene before him as his eyes widen with fright. He draws what appears to be a rather rusty old sword and, upon deciding that the undead were a bit more terrifying, inches close to the dragon. "What's going on here?!?"
[14:16]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor walks out of the bath and apparently into a rather massive battle, immediatly dodging behind a rock and hoping he hasn't been seen. If nothing notices him, he'd try to dash over to the group of Zenko and others. Seeing that magic is being used by Relina, he begins to clear his throat with a few simple clear tones.
[14:22]   The Zenko warriors try their best to press hard against the front ranks of zombies.. However, the ferocity of their push is broken when the skeletal archers begin to fire at all present and visible defenders, for the moment focusing on the front line.. The skeletal mages step forward, preparing their first rounds of spells.. One of the zenko fighters is injured, trying to crawl back away from the front lines for cover behind the others.. Many zombies are slain from the fighter's efforts, and a second volley from the archers atop the arena and barracks. Several more are slain by Relina's spell and Hasufel's melee, more dark clouds emit from the necrodemon as more zombies start to rise, filling some of the thinning ranks.. Some of the zombies start trying to get around the front line of Zenko fighters.
[14:25]  Relina Harem calls out to the fighters before starting to spin her lance around in front of her while channeling more mana into her blade "Take the injured to safety, we shall not fall here!" she says before her own crystals begin to glow orange as flames start to form around her into an expanding dome of flames that spread 3 meters around her. Of course she would position herself so that she would provide protection and not burn her allies 8D
[14:30]  Valencia Versthaler huffs and glances at the Dreadknight. "...I pray for you that you are on our side." She comments before sheathing her blades, at the comment River made about the bomb the feline would leap upwards and well above everyone save from River, there in mid-air she caused an energy ball to appear within the palm of her paw which she then lunges directly at the bomb left between the zombies in order to knock it straight to the nerco-demon. The feline will probably land back on the ground near the arches unless something catches her before she lands.
[14:30]  Keldrahir tilts his head shortly to the side, as Lattes voice was asking him from behind his back, "Undead attack..." he states the obvious, his voice smoky and very raspy as still hot smoke comes from his mouth, after the two fire attacks. He quickly focussed back forward, noticing Shamaelistor with an expression that seemed to come from relief that he made it out from behind the lines. Noticing the undead mages begin to weave spell, he holds his left claw high up, that now is shown to hold a small clear crystal. His wings unfolding sligthly he begins to utter words of power, with a deep raspy and hissing voice. With the last word, a slightly shimmering, incorporeal sphere begins to form around him, roughly 2 meters in radius. Concentrating full on the effect, he positions himself in a way that the sphere envelops at least one of the frontal fighters, and would give some cover from supernatural effects, towards the people behind and next to him.
[14:31]  Hasufel steps in front of the wounded Zenko fighter to cover him as he flees, cutting down the nearest zombie before drawing back his sword, ducking his head behind the flat of the blade as a trio of arrows clatter off his thick iron plate. He brings the blade down in a chop from its raised position as the zombies press the attack, hefting it up from the ground to strike at a third. the horse was still grinning, but he had never fought in a battle of this scale before- it was clear he was a little worried. He glanced over at the spell Relina was weaving, but kept his eyes on the foe.
[14:35]  River the Wolf turned her attention away from the undead thel for a moment when she noted that Valencia was falling backwards and arrows were flying. The wolfess expertly dodged an arrow and amazingly caught another in her palm, protected from damage by the layer of Tass now surrounding her, quickly dropping it before flying down to place herself in front of the demonic feline. As she landed with a heavy thud she'd slam her fists into the ground, causing a very large amount of Tass crystals to sprout from the ground in a wave-like motion toward the zombies, taller than her and definitely very sharp, taking down at least 4-5 of them in a go, possibly more. "Hyyyyargh! Take that!" The crystals would remain in place until broken or River went out of range.
[14:36]  Sarix Andel continues to guard the dragon's back, he gathers up snow+mud+filth balls, slipping rocks into some of the last ones. He flings them at the Dreadknight to keep her distracted, the harmlessness of them changing when he mixed in one of the ones that had the bitter surprise of a large stone inside it, it'd probably hurt if it hit.... he was ready to run away should she decide his nuasance was more important than cutting down his more capable friends.
[14:40]  Dreadknight walks forwards as the mud hits her shoulder pad, the mud snow and even the stone, freezing at the very touch of of her armor, the Dreadknight didnt seem to pay heed to him any more, instead she seemed to be joining the rank of the Zombie group headed for him and Kaldrahir, Just as it looks like she would turn to advance, She swings her Runic blade, a large horizontal swing, freezing then shattering 3 of the zombies advancing on them, the momentum making her shift her weight so her left side was facing the zombies, her Left claw now glowing with purple necrotic energys
[14:43]  Locney Esgal falls back to help the wounded fighter. "Come on, you aren't dead yet! Or undead....well, I hope you aren't! Either way, get to safety!" He offers a hand to help the wounded man to his feet.
[14:44]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor nimbly flaps up and closer to Relina now that there isn't firebreath in his way and begins to sing in a rich, powerful voice. "Erebesa mona mijeskuradena mó..." he intones, the orb atop his head glowing and streams of energy wisping off it to circle and infuse into Relina's mana pool. He is, luckily, just outside the sheild as it is made, and thus able to move freely.
[14:50]   Most of the undead rangers focus on the front lines of the attacking group, many of the arrows being eaten up by Relina's spell.. The mages fire their first round of spells, dark bolts of energy, at the Zenko fighters.. They would be intercepted by the barrier created by the dragon, but the collective strength of the bolts would likely test it's integrity. One of the archers on the arena would be injured by the skeletal archers, and the fighters, protected from the ranged fire for this round, pressed forward and destroyed quite a few zombies in the proccess, even more being destroyed by River's attack, and then the dread knight's.. More, however, begin to raise from the ground.. The necrodemon turns to see the bomb coming towards him.. A deep, verbose bass tone would be heard, quite loudly, as a barrier of dark lightning emerges from around the demon, by all appearances seeming to completely destroy the bomb as it's about to hit him.. In retaliation, the demon's eyes glow brightly, and several zombies emerge from the ground almost right infront of Valencia..
[14:54]  Relina Harem ghasped as she noticed her mana pool was being replenished by shadow's song and stops spinning her lance around to check out what had happened. She was also startled by the fact that more and more zombies kept rizing from the ground "No.... They just keep coming" then to River "go straight for the head of this snake!" she says before now changing the focus of her mana to eletricity

Husky Dragon

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Re: The zombie horde event
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 07:22:39 am »
[14:57]  Valencia Versthaler landed safely thanks to River coming to her defense, she grins at the wolfess but then blinks at the fact of the zombies rising out from the ground right before her. She growls lowly and would reach out rapidly to grab two of them by the heads and forcibly smash them face to face into each other which was followed by the sickening sounds of bones being crushed. "River, now! Encase the other two!" She commanded her advisor to capture the remaining two zombies.
[14:58]  Keldrahir seems to feel the impact of the spells on his barrier in one way or the other, his form cramping slightly and his eyes shut tight in concentration to keep the barrier up. Through his clenched teeth, he presses again words of power, to strengthen and renwing the barrier again, as the spells hit it, fueling and repairing its damage with his own energy. His wings cramping tight around him, he tries to advance a step to provide better cover for the other fighter, against those spells. For now not able to do anything else but concentrating on upholding and infusing his barrier with strength.
[14:58]  Hasufel yelled in triumph as they pushed forward under the cover of the flame sheild, waving his sword like a banner over his head as a kick from his steel-shoed hoof caved in the chest of an approaching undead, taking a few deep breaths in the momentary respite. He glanced back, hearing Relina's words. He couldn't see the whole battle, but he understood his purpose well- he could simply try and hold back the tide while the others tried to stop it at the source.
[15:02]  River the Wolf had turned around as the zombies rose up just behind her and grinned a little when she saw what Val' did. Hearing Relina's command she decided to improvise. The tass she had already conjured which was decorating much of the battlefield dissolved into a blueish mist which traveled quickly back into her body, restoring the Mana she had spent to create it, and moments later she stood so that the enemies were on either side of her. Lifting up both arms in a different direction each, she launched a spike of Tass, overcharged to explode on impact toward the necro-demon, while at the same time sprouting Tass from the ground to encase the two remaining undead close by her up to their neck, effectively immobilizing them. Females and their multi-tasking... Tsk tsk.
[15:03]  Sarix Andel says, "If we've got a life mage, get the damn fungus in the ground to eat the bones of the long dead so they can't be risen!" he yelled, he stomped forward and thrust his heavy, dense boned fist into the face of a zombie, caving the thing's skull in and sending it back with the momentum of the Tox's 400 pounds, he hopped back, taking up the dragon's left side defensively. "Fungus loves decay, and the brittle remains wouldn't hold up under their own weight, and the earth will not protect them as it does against fire!"
[15:06]  Dreadknight /me would be advanced on by a zombie, she knocks it down with her gauntlet, unflinching , the same cold efficiancy as the undead she fights, she mearly steps, crushing its head under hoof as she throws her left claw, a purple ball of Dark energy hitting a zombie, a breif period of it being shocked before it turned to dust
[15:09]  Locney Esgal looks at everyone fighting. "Looks like I can't hold off forever. Well, I lived a good life. Short, but good."  He charges in to aid the combatants, clubbing a zombie over the head with his extremely dull sword.
[15:10]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor continues to sing, wings keeping him in the air easily. "Plesokytariga nariňi patrida jí..." more energy slips off of the orb and to Relina as he continues to support her, meanwhile his own Chaos slowly starts to replenish itself... not quick enough to keep up with the drain, but some.
[15:16]   The zombies continue to push  stubbornly against the Zenko's frontlines, constantly being reinforced by new numbers.. The zenko archers hunch down a little into cover, making their rate of fire drop, but minmizing their casualties.. The zombies fall to the defender's attacks, but more and more continue to replenish the lost ranks. Another field of dark lighting surrounds the necrodemon, devouring projectiles, magical and otherwise, as it'd done the Bomb.. It's eyes glow green again, an uneven sphere of dark energy formed infront of it's head, before firing towards Valencia.. The bolt moved very fast, likely too much to be stopped or avoided.
[15:20]  Relina Harem as soon as Relina saw that the crystals were being stopped, she would quickly think of something while charging her lance with an even bigger charge of electricity. As soon as the electricity surrounding her lance rose to significant levels, she would quickly run to the necromancer's side and heft her lance up like a javelin and quickly throws it towards the necromancer's head while still keeping her focus on her lance just after the necromancer fired his beam of dark energy
[15:23]  Valencia Versthaler would drop the two zombies she had permanently killed and grins at River when the wolfess trapped the other two, though it was at that same moment that she would let out a shriek of pain and clutches at her side as she drops down onto one knee growling more in pain as she could clearly be seen bleeding from her side. "....River...we" She mumbled out.
[15:26]  Keldrahir 'eyes widens as he sees the dark sphere shooting forward from the demon. Inside himself he cursed, that he was on the opposite end of the fighting line, so he could do nothing to shield from this attack. He barely understood something about retreat, and looked from the undead to the other fighters and back again in doubt. Though he reached with his free hand for a small bag on his belt and loosened it slightly, preparing to help securing for an eventuall retreat.
[15:26]  Hasufel hacked away at the advancing the zombies, snarling with frustration. He drew back his sword, lashing out with another powerful horsekick as he took a step ahead of the Zenko fighters, lifting his sword to the neck level of the zombies. "Sing with me... your razor-edge requiem!" His muscle surged as he gripped the sword with both hands, giving a mighty heave as the massive weapon cut a 180 degree arc through the forces before him, the horse breathing hard after the exertion, buying them room to advance.
[15:29]  River the Wolf blinked some and looked back at Valencia, about to suggest the same herself when her superior issues the order. "....Yes ma'am." she'd say. She didn't much like leaving the others to fight on their own but she knew they were probably better off without her Tass growing everywhere and getting in the way of potential attacks. The winged wolfess turned and broke the Tass-encased zombies off of the ground, carrying both under one arm each, ready to retreat. "Can you walk?"
[15:31]  Sarix Andel grew alarmed at the bolt of magic, the gold threads that were in his usual robes, which since vanished once they became armor, resurfaced across his armor... The Tox's senses of magic hieghtening greatly and his anger boiling, he clubs his heavy fists through another zombie's head, before turning to cloths line another into the ground with enough force to squish it's skull as well.
[15:33]  Dreadknight /me didnt seem interested in taking out the groups, rather, cutting a path towards the Necro, her left paw again flowing with Dark energy, a zombie marching on her, she grabs it with her claw, twists its head sideways until it rips off, before smacking the body away with it, the head in her claw becoming a solid block of ice
[15:37]  Locney Esgal lets out a surprised shout at the sight of the dark bolt, falling back from the front lines as he does. He glances around with a look of panic before noticing the bolt's target. "O-oh! Do you need help? I d-don't think I'm up to this head on business...."
[15:38]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor's song is nearly shattered as Relina moves, but he quickly flies to keep up with her charge. In a slightly less clear voice, he continues. "Erebesa mona mijeskuradena mó..."
[15:45]   The zenko's soldiers continue to press on their attack by arrow and sword, the collective efforts of the soldiers and the defenders was enough to halt the undead's progress completely, but their ranks would not yield to any coming from the front line.. The mages begin to focus magic attacks on the dreadknight and Hasufel as well as the defenders, the archers doing much the same.. However, as Shadow moves to join Relina, several of the skeletons would take note of the easy, airborn target and start firing arrows at him. Relina's lance would be stopped in mid-air as his shield engages once again, after being caught and assaulted by it's dark lightning shield, the lance would be knocked back to the ground, possibly damaged.. The necrodemon appeared to suffer no damage whatseover from attacks directed at him, however, his energy could be visibly seen starting to die away as his minions were killed.. The particularly parceptive might begin to notice where his actual weakness lay.
[15:51]  Relina Harem ghasped as her lance was stopped by the shield "No... No way...." she muttered before she starts to dash foward with her arms held out as if she was going to use them to smack the zombies in the head, but she had directed a good bit of electricity within her arms and lets the electricity flow to shock any zombie that gets hit. She would then dive forth and grab her lance "Only one thing left to do....." she would crouch down and focus much of the remaining mana into a fireball which would float in her paws
[15:53]  Valencia Versthaler gruffs and slowly rises up while groaning in pain. "Hnn...I'm fine..." She said with a scowl, this was hardly true but the feline was stubborn. "...stay here and take care of the others." She comments to Locney as she slowly moves to leave the battle.
[15:54]  Keldrahir moved more in the direction of the Dreadknight and Hasufel, as he notices spell beeing flung their way, to envelope them in his spell barrier. He could not do much but hold up the Barrier right now, and watching the enemy mages, so he notices something about the loss of power beeing connected to the falling minions. "He seems to lose strength as his minions die! Cut them down." he shouted over the battlefield, and really hoped that this strategy would actually work.
[15:54]  Hasufel panted heavily, looking up as he saw the incoming spell. He grunted, bracing himself and yowling softly as the spell struck him in the shoulder, taking a step back as he nursed the wound and took a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure. He still though he was just holding back the tide as he tried to figure out what he needed to do next.
[15:59]  River the Wolf would move to go with Valencia.
[16:00]  Sarix Andel roared through his Tiger heriatage, as loud as he could manage, "I can see how it works, his shields are exchanged for every minion and spell he must use! Exhaust him, force him to keep raising minions! Force him to keep destroying projectiles! Do not give him time to focus on sending out more of those damn magic bolts!" The male was wading into the combat readily now, jabbing his fist through every rotton face and mandible he could, he didn't notice that his focus on seeing the magic around him was beginning to deplete his mana, without it, the protection of his armor would vanish.

Husky Dragon

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Re: The zombie horde event
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 07:22:52 am »
[16:03]  Dreadknight raises her claw up, the purple energy revealing itself, a sheild of energy waving over her like a cloak, negating the spells used agasint her, but this in turn exposed her arms, the only parts not covered by armor, 3 of the Zombie arrows hitting home, this didnt phase the dreadknight to much, but her flesh began to ooze black decayed blood, and make the arm drop down alittle limp. She looks at it, then growls, a spark of emotion, from an undead? She then looks up spying the Sarix charge through, She follows his charge mirroring what the horse had done earlier, a 180 slice, but only with the singluar arm
[16:06]  Locney Esgal bites his lip as he nods to Val, moving back to the front. He flails out at another zombie, clumsily bashing it in the arm. He winces at the impact, though it's clear he hasn't done any noticeable amount of damage.
[16:07]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor is hit by two arrows in the membrane of his left wing, and he drops to the ground to shelter behind a convenient rock as he is forced to keep singing. Not being too painful a blow, the arrows simply cause him to hiss out the first syllable of his next line. "Plessssokytariga nariňi patrida jí..." nonetheless, injury being small or no, the dragon's face begins to show a horribly twisting anger. Any more of this and he may just shatter his song to start flaming zombies into their doom.
[16:09]  Vincent Airin (vincent23) blinks as he heard the sounds of combat from nearby before he saw the mass of people and undead by the portal. He ran forward, managing to get his gauntlet on before he tried to find the nearest person not getting directly attacted, ready to enter the fight as a fresh new soldier to the front, waving to get someone's attention that he could for a report on just what was happening. "When the hell did these undeads get here?"
[16:09]  Rune Voncloud makes her way towards the group as the alarm sounds, eyes growing wide as she sees the forces of necro gathering. She hisses softly and calls out, "Beacon Relina, what should I do??"
[16:16]   The undead ranks continue to be bolstered, though the rate at which they were would be slowed.. The undead began to fan out, trying to make targets of as many of the defenders as they could - anyone on the front lines could be expected to be attacked. The zenko soldiers put up a fierce a defense as they could, but started to feel slightly fatigued. They were spirited fighters, but could only keep it up for so long.. The necro-demon emits a loud screeching noise, black clouds emitting suddenly from his body and jumping clear over the defenders to land near the tavern.. In the distance, those sensitive would feel a formidable necromatic being forming.. Likely a new threat to be dealt with, placed right behidn the zenko's defensive lines.
[16:21]  Relina Harem continued to build on that fire orb with as much mana as she could muster before looking around to the others "Just stay back, im going to try something!". She then manages to build up a good fireball within her paws and slams it into the ground, forcing the fireball's explosion to envelope around her, growing bigger and bigger just as slowly as she can contain it, but this would leave her quite weakened in the end "HRRAAAAAH!"
[16:25]  Keldrahir would follow slowly to shield advancing fighters, though he would not stop if he would get into the reach of undead, as he was rather vulnerable to mundane attacks right now. As the dark cloud went over them, he readied himself against a new assault, but as it just went over them, he turned his head worried to see where this energy was going.
[16:25]  Hasufel watched the dark cloud pass overhead, muttering an expletive involving fleas and the genital of camels. He hefted his sword as the zombies started to fan out, now having more room,m to work as he switched to his prefered fighting style. The horse seemed to transform before their eyes as he switched to the offense, the sword and his hooves in conastant movement, his momentum carrying him from one foe to thne next, never a moment when that humongous blade wasn't moving around him. He stayed close to the front line, spotting the growing ball of fire near relina.
[16:27]  Dreadknight Watched the spell cast by the Necro lord, she was all to familure with it, centuries old memorys popping into her head as she watched it go to the gats of the Zenko, Turning around to face its direction, she uses her sword to cut off the ends of the bows stuck in her arm, even as more rip through the webbing on her wings, She grips her sword, stepping away from the zombies, awaiting the new Undead knight
[16:30]  Locney Esgal holds the line with the Zenko line, looking extremely out of place compared to the armored warriors with his travel worn tunic and his rusty sword visibly shaking in his hand. He watches the cloud go over with a frown. "Looks like running isn't an option no longer...." He takes a deep breath and steels himself for the oncoming attack.
[16:30]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor is, unfortunately, in the front line area and singing. He shatters his song as a zombie ambles too close and proceeds to rips into it with a single flap, huge wingclaws tearing through soft rotten flesh.He then kicks the undead beastie right in the head, knocking it right off and propelling him away from the fight. One zombie down... not impressive, but with the fact that he's mainly a bard it's at least a good effort.
[16:34]  Vincent Airin (vincent23) blinks as he tries to figure out which way to protect at this point, watching the object fly over head before he shook his head, not bothering to wait for any report on how bad the situation and made ready, messing with his gauntlet for a moment before drawing the bladded claws and made ready for whatever was coming behind them.
[16:35]  Rune Voncloud shivers as she sees the magic passing overhead, turning around as she remembers what had happened in the last battle. With another hiss, she runs for the tavern, "Beacon Relina, make Aer proud! I will defend the gates, and make them wish they had never crossed us" she would growl as she does
[16:36]  Undead Knight shouts: The screams of a girl can be heard, and from the distance an undead being can be seen holding up a familiar fen-wolf.
[16:43]   The necrodemon begins to hover close to the ground.. With one last, loud screech of fury, it tumbles to the ground, revealing that there was never actually any substance under the robes at all - only a tall robe and a metal mask.. However, the shadowy clouds that had occupied the robes all spread across the ground at once.. A massive, rotted hand bursts from the ground behind him, pulling itself out of the ground as the zombie ranks are thinned further and further by the defender's attacks, most on Relina's side destroyed from her attacks.. The reinfrocement of the lesser undead ceases, but a massive, hulking figure moves to provide the last reinforcement for the group..
[16:47]  Relina Harem screams out loud as she tries to keep the larger dome of fire surrounding her to scorch the zombies but she wasnt able to keep it up for much longer. "This.... is all I have left..... Good luck..." she says before collapsing to the ground, her crystals only showing feint glow of life as she has to recover. After this, the fire dome would dissipate
[16:52]  Keldrahir grinds his teeth, and looks around worried, looking over who is yet standing, and for ways to deal more damage to those undead. Finally he decides to come to the aid of Relina as she collapses. giving up his shielding for now, as it did not help decimate the undead. Within a jump he spreads his wings and beats them to get across the battelfield towards the collapsed Relina, and begins to pull her quickly further away from the undead for now.
[16:53]  Hasufel looks up as he hacks the zombie in front of him into three chunks, seeing the claw break through the ground as he heaves a sigh. Despite the cold weather, his chest had a sheen of sweat- it was clear the horse was feeling the strain of his massive blade. "What... how... Ah, screw it." The horse closed his eyes, feeling his heart pounding, adrenaline coursing in his veins as he felt the insanity of battle come up over him, the pounding rythym that drowned out all else. He would suddenly surge forward at the horde before him, hacking left and right with brutal force and apparently renewed energy. The reaver's rythym was on him, and nothing could even slow him down.
[16:55]  Dreadknight looks at the end of the Zenko lands, seeing the knight and his captive, so she turns her attention back to the rest of the horde, right now, they are a more stratiegic target, nothing would stop her slaying these undead. As such, she charges at them, along with the Horse, stabbing her blade through the centre of a zombie, then lifts it up, slicing its top half in 2, leaving just apair of legs to wonder about
[17:01]  Locney Esgal me swings at zombies in a desperate bid for survival. "By the gods, if I die here, so help me, I'll haunt this place out of spite!" He continues to swing at the various undead foes.
[17:01]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor scrambles up to the top of his rock and spits a fireball, handsized, at the massive ghoul behind the lines. He hissess in anger as he does, tail lashing behind him and wingclaws clinging to the rock just as his hand and foot claws do. "Si relekihl!" he roars at the brute, taking out his anger, knowing the ghoul likely did not understand him.
[17:03]  Vincent Airin (vincent23) shakes his head as he turned from the gate to run to the front lines, swinging hard with his right arm, slicing into the undead ranks while he held his left to catch what blows he could on the bracer. Despite the heavy armor weighing him down and slowying his moves he still managed to move with enough speed to keep his blows 'lethal' to the undead.
[17:14]   As the undead ranks are further and further thinned, the ghoul rampages forward.. It sweeps it's arms as it rapidly closes in on the defenders, smashing several sekeltons and quite a few zombies on it's way.. As it made it to the front lines, a fighter tried to take a swing at it to stop it's momentum, but would be impaled upon the ghoul's arm-spikes as it swung it's arm out at him.. The fighter would be injured and in need of aid, if not dead already.
[17:16]  Keldrahir was about to channel energy that would restore Relina into her, as he notices that she was to far gone at this moment, for this to have any effect. So he stood up again and and concentrated in a large rock nearby, that he could still lift. Both hands outstretched he performed complex gestures and channeled his energy through his hands to be formed, and commanded those energies by his voice in strange and alien syllabies. The Stone raised 5 meters in front of him, while he would advance towards the undead and attempting to smash the skull of one of the skeletal archers with the rock, performing a gesture with his hands as he would just do this himself.
[17:17]  Hasufel screams in rage as he strides toweards the abomination, sword hefted as though it didn't weigh more than some of the defenders, hacking furiously as the ghoul as he rushed forward to face it, screaming, "Glory!" the horse was moving with an odd rythym, a fluid movement that seemed to defy the normal limitations of such a heavy warrior.
[17:18]  Dreadknight Strangly, she kept herself back a moment, letting the Horse rush in on his own, blindly, she new better then to charge in agaisnt the beast, instead, she readies herself, gripping her sword tight, kicking the zombie legs over to stop them wondering around.
[17:23]  Locney Esgal me whimpers  upon sighting the ghoul. "This is it....." He sighs and readies his sword with renewed determination. "Yep. No two ways around it. This is gonna be the end. But, I may as well go out swinging!" He charges in to join the battle against the ghoul, shouting a battle cry as he moves.
[17:24]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor hisses and spits another fireball at the ghoul, then roars in rage as it ignores his previous taunt. "Slathalin ve hefoc vi vis arytiss! Wux tepoha coanwor relekihla!" all this action just seems to make his hackles rise, and his single color eyes whirl intensely as he tosses his head.
[17:26]  Vincent Airin (vincent23) blinks as he spied the ghoul, faltering for a moment before he snapped his attention back on the field of battle and sliced through legs and arms alike with his claw weapon. He focused on the minions more than the ghoul, no where near a match for a creature such as that in hand to hand.
[17:31]  Giant Ghoul was about to meet the incoming attackers with a pair of swinging arms, but the second fireball hitting him would be just enough to temporarily jar his attention to growl over at Shadow.. The ghoul, however, turns back to clench a fist as it is carved to hell and back by the fighters and the defenders.. The ghoul was very sturdy though, and stood through the incoming attacks, driving it's fist forward in an attempt to strike the horse infront of him, likely with more than enough force to knock him off of his feet, should it hit. The undead ranks thin further and further, the ghul's careless bumping spreads the flames that were starting to spread over it's body to nearby zombies..
[17:36]  Keldrahir clenches his claws and grinds his teeth as he finally tried to advance from behind and the side towards the undead, as their attention was not in his direction. Ready to doge attacks eitherway and slightly crouched, as he was eitherway more then a head larger then them, he inhaled deeply. Again his whole body shuddered with the elementals fire as it surged throug him and burst forth from his maw to cut through their lines. As he stood now rather close to them, the fmall flame cloud would reach 3 meters into enemy lines, though mainly targeted at the large ghoul.
[17:36]  Hasufel had one major flaw with the reaver's rythym- it was a rythym. And the massive, spikey fist came at the wrong moment, when the horse's word as over his head, and his hooves were planted too far to dodge easily. as the sword came down on the creature's head, the first connected with a nasty cracking noise, the sword falling towards thje ghoul's foot- dangerous as it was ridiculoudly heavy. the seven foot tall horse was sent tumbled backwards, and got to his knees hacking and coughing blood, blood all over his chest. He had taken the full force of the blow, in the worst possible way, to an unarmored, vital part of his body
[17:38]  Dreadknight had figured this was what would happen, seeing the horse getting knocked back was just what she needed, as cold and cruel as it may be, lunging forwards and bringing her rune blade vertically up, aimed at the ghouls outstretched arm, aiming for the joint to try and cut it off
[17:43]  Locney Esgal yelps as he watches the horse take the hit. He falls into a defensive stance and attempts his best to put himself between the horse and ghoul with a look of grim determination upon his face, muttering to himself as he does.
[17:44]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor hisses back at the growl, satisfied for now, and turns to Keldrahir, him being the nearest magic user. He settles into his song again, pressed against the rock. "Erebesa mona mijeskuradena mó..." bits of energy would again fly from his orb and to the green dragon this time, recovering what mana had been spent... a perfect ratio of 10 for 10. Of course, he also gains back a little bit, as he has been doing.
[17:47]  Vincent Airin (vincent23) winces as he saw Hasufel take the full blow before he caught a zombie's blow to his armor, growling slightly at the undead as he sliced its head off, slowly working on polishing off what zombies and skeletons remained outside of the ghoul's own destructive path, letting it demolish its own allies as he made sure none would blindside his allies.
[17:52]   The brute let out a bloodthirsty growl as it's blow connected.. However, it staggered slightly, howling out as the runed blade strikes it's arm, then the blade of the stricken horse impales itself into it's foot, causing it to fall to a knee.. The ghoul was about to push itself back up, until the dragonfire washed over it, finally causing it to stagger and fall to the ground with a loud thud and a gurgling growl as it succumbs to it's wounds and the fire that was actively blazing across it's body.. There were very few undead left after the last wave of attacks, which the zenko fighters and archers would see to, for the most part.

Husky Dragon

  • Guest
Re: The zombie horde event
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 07:23:59 am »
Undead Knight battle (At the tavern, and at the portal)

[16:36]  Undead Knight shouts: The screams of a girl can be heard, and from the distance an undead being can be seen holding up a familiar fen-wolf.

[16:48]  Undead Knight could be seen holding Amelie up with his bony finger wrapped around her neck, glowing hues glaring from underneath the hood towards the fen-wolf, as the fighter arrive he would glance over to them and cackle maniacally. "...welcome....welcome to your demise..." He speaks out in a dark and distorted voice.

[16:48]  Amelie Rousseau squirmed in the undead's grip, struggling to breathe with the grip he's got around her neck, paws clutching desperately at the knight's bony hand trying futilely to break the hold. She was wide-eyed and made gagging noises, gasping for air that wouldn't properly draw into her lungs, terrified. Her vision was getting blurry, she could see darkness at the edges... was this going to be it?

[16:50]  Rune Voncloud hisses as she runs at the knight and Amelie, summoning her wings mid stride before leaping forwards and attempting to make a flying tackle into the knight, intending to knock the two apart. "Give back Jay!!" she shouts, punching at his bony head as she lacked a weapon

[16:54]  Kain Harem flew up to the entrance of the Zenko as he heard the bell and fighting. He then checks out the area and ghasps as he sees Amelie and growls in a low tone. He then draws his blade and channels enough wind energy around him to give him a boost before shooting towards the big skeleton with his sword aimed at him "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WIFE!!!!!"

[16:57]  Undead Knight enjoyed the fact that his opponents were so loud and completely unstealthy. With a swing he would use Amelie's body to slam her right into Rune, and whether successful or not, he would then proceed to throw Amelie right at Kain.

[17:00]  Amelie Rousseau managed a little whimper as she was so suddenly swung about, feeling her neck twisting to levels it shouldn't really be, but thankfully nothing broke as she smacked against Rune with force, pain shooting through her body from the impact, and a moment later she's flying, finally able to draw breath and does so a moment before she'd most likely slam into Kain.

[17:01]  Rune Voncloud yelps as she gets knocked out of the sky by the Amelie-club, hitting the ground a few meters away and skidding for about one more before stopping. Hissing and ignoring her pain in her fury, she pulls herself to her feet and raises a paw up into the air, focusing as a icicle made of Tass begins to form above her head. "May these wounds free you from Necro's grasp, and may your soul be released from torment"

[17:09]  Kain Harem ghasps as he sees what the knight was doing to his wife and quickly holds his arms out to catch Amelie as she was thrown to him which would make him stumble and fall to the ground "HNG!"

[17:12]  Undead Knight paid little attention to the two behind him, he gazes over at Rune before glancing up due to seeing Rune's paw rise up. The Undead being gazes at tassicle above him and lets out a low growl before raising his scythe up and moving it to slam it's blade into the tassicle.

[17:15]  Amelie Rousseau whimpered again as she got caught by her husband and squirmed  in his grip, panicked enough to forget she was no longer in the undead's hands. Then she finally realized who it was, tears welling up in her eyes. She, of course, went down to the ground with him. "K-Kain! Oh God... I- It just- It just came out of nowhere, I- I ...."

[17:19]  Rune Voncloud shudders and gasps as she feels the tass she was forming get hit and shatter, sending shards of sharp tass raining down over the group. She screams as many of the shards cut into her, inflicting hundreds of cuts over her body and wings. Recoiling back a few steps, she raises both paws and focuses once more, whimpering as two more shards of tass form above her as deeper wounds begin to open up over her body. The tass shards themselfs would clearly be drawing on her own body at this stage as the tass itself drips blood. " no! J.just die!" she almost seems to plea

[17:22]  Kain Harem would stand up with his wife in his arms and then lean over to nose her forehead lightly with tears running down his eyes as he was both terrified and enraged "Im so sorry I couldnt come sooner my love..." he says before looking to Rune "Dont overdo it. Get to safety if you must" if Rune escapes, he would follow with Amelie, either way, he had to get Amelie to safety

[17:25]  Undead Knight glances at Kain and Amelie, cowards, there was no fun to be had with them. An odd sound can be heard from him as Rune's tass spears clearly hit their target....but he was just bones, there was no flesh, no organs to damage. He grins over to Rune and approaches her, reaching out in an attempt to grab her.

[17:29]  Amelie Rousseau cried softly as she embraced him tightly, nodding her head some when he nosed her. "It's alright... I'm just glad you did." she'd mutter fast, heart beating strongly. She was scared out of her mind. And something felt rather odd all of a sudden. Something below her waistline that she couldn't put her finger on now even if she'd wanted to, being so stressed. "Get us out of here!"

[17:30]  Rune Voncloud seems to quell in fear as the knight takes the brunt of the spears and advances on her, the tass embedded in his chest fading and dispursing as her wings do the same, the ringtail's focus and resolve fading into dispair. Her eyes filled with tears as he grabs her, she raises her paws to cast, but finds herself unable to draw on her magic. "A..aer?? D.dont go. Help me!" she pleas

[17:33]  Kain Harem would try to find a place to set her down but he just couldnt leave Rune. As the undead knight approached Rune, he would drop his sword for the moment and hold out his paw directed at the undead knight, focusing a red energy within his paw, keeping quiet as he does so. If he was able to find a good angle of attack, he would fire off the sphere of red energy which would be a purge

[17:38]  Undead Knight had by then already grabbed hold of Rune, he would glance over to Kain and cackle maniacally as he moves the mana-corrupted ringtail right into the sphere's path, this undead may not have meat, but he did seem to enjoy using meat shields.

[17:41]  Amelie Rousseau looked away from Kain for a moment to watch the undead, still safely held in her husband's arms. She watched as he launched that sphere toward the monster and cried out when she was that Rune was about to be put in its path. "No!"

[17:45]  Rune Voncloud yelps as she is lifted up before getting struck by the sphere, screaming a loud and pained scream as the antimagic tears right into her.. Shuddering and going limp in the knight's grasp, the ringtail would appear near death as deep wounds would open up all accross her, blood pouring from the numerous wounds.

[17:47]  Kain Harem ghasped as he noticed where his attack was going "NOOOO!!!" he shouts out before dropping to his knees with Amelie still in his arms. He began to tremble at the sight of what he had done, most likely Amelie could tell that he felt fear unlike he had ever felt before "I.... I...."

[17:51]  Undead Knight cackles devilishly. "Foolish have underestimated us...your lands shall be ours, your people shall be our slaves." He would hold the near death ringtail still and slowly starts to walk over to the other group carrying Rune along.

[17:52]  Amelie Rousseau began to outright cry as she watched this, still clinging to her husband for her dear life. "Oh my God... Oh my god... We- ... Kain, p-please... just... take... us away." she'd mutter in between sobs. "Th-There's n-nothing... nothing we can do... I'm scared."

[17:54]  Rune Voncloud hangs limp in the Knight's hold, barely awake as she is carried

[17:54]  Kain Harem grits his teeth and closes his eyes before extending his wings "Im... so sorry..." he whimpers before opening his eyes to take off while holding his wife closely

[17:56]  Hasufel makes a gurgling noise, blood splashing on the ground- even with the strengthening power, he was in really bad shape. He looked up blearily as the undead began to fail and the tide began to turn.

[17:57]  Dreadknight places her hoof on the ghoul, were it rests freezing its skin and dousing the flames, pushin git to make sure it was dead, She then looks at her blade, a sudden shine from it, removing the blood. She then turns to the defenders

[18:04]  Locney Esgal me looks down at the ghoul, then around at the remaining defenders. "I'm.....still alive........we're doing it! We're actually doing it!" He grins excitedly. This grin quickly fades upon seeing Hasufel. "Oh...." He looks to the others. "He's gonna be ok, right?"

[18:04]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor stops his song once more, shuddering. "I don't feel well..." he'd say, before promptly losing his lunch off to the side of the rock. It wasn't the gore, or the mortally wounded horse, he just didn't feel well at all. He continues to shudder.

[18:06]  Vincent Airin breaths a bit hard, his armor clearly having worn him down before he slowly turned behind him, looking out for the shape that had appeared earlier, not forgetting about it entirely. "I don't think we're finished yet...."

[18:06]  Undead Knight walks over to the group, his armor clearly heard. Within his grasp the near dead body of Rune. "...this is what you send to me? Such foolish tactics...the weakest of you all...take her!" He growled out with his distorted voice and would throw Rune over to them.

[18:06]  Rune Voncloud hangs limply in the Knight's grip, blood dripping from the wounds that cover her as her breathing comes out weak and weezing. Once thrown, she would likely land heavily, letting out a weak groan as she passes out, at the mercy of her wounds and the victors of the battle.

[18:07]  Dreadknight looks over to the Undead knight, walking forwards towards him "Prehaps you would like to test yourself agaisnt a more, formidable opponant, Servent of Undeath Filth"

[18:08]  Sarix Andel drug himself up from the cold ground, recovered from the gash in his arm, the shock of his first battle wound behind him... His magic sight was not functional, having lost a good amount of his magic through the bleeding he had endured.

[18:10]  Locney Esgal me 's grin turns to terror as he sees this new foe. "Oh my......" He looks around to the wounded, then up at the Undead Knight. "This won't end well..."

[18:11]  Vincent Airin blinks before running towards the wounded Rune, slowing as he neared her before he knelt to lift her slowly, aiming to get her off the field and some attention before she died.

[18:12]  Keldrahir was just letting go of Hasufel, as he should feel better with each heartbeat, as the next half dead landed nearly to his feet. What caused him actually to turn around and to see the undead knight. Baring his teeth, he just grabbed Rune, glad that someone gave him some cover. Again he placed both hands on the near dead Ringtail and breathed heavy, while he gave his own energy into her body, to restore her life forces and body. Slow hissing words from his lips begun to knit the flesh together, while he himself seemed to grow weaker.

[18:12]  Hasufel groaned as he managed to get to his feet, spitting and wiping the blood from his mouth. "What... what happened?" He looked around and scrambled to attention as the Knight approached, reaching for his sword, which he could not find. it was underneath the ghoul. Which was now frozen solid.

[18:16]  Rune Voncloud remains limp as she gets grabbed and has the healing spell cast on her. Due to the fact she was a creature of mana and her aer reserves were so low, the healing spell would find itself lacking materials to repair her wounds. Instead of healing her as expected, the spell ends up going towards restoring her lost mana and its effect only goes to slowing her bleeding. She will not bleed out now, but requires specilist care to recover.

[18:16]  Undead Knight would simply cackle eerily at the boasting. "Your lands shall be ours, your people shall be slaves." He simply comments again, the undead being making no apparent move to attack just yet.

[18:19]  Dreadknight looks at him "Words i myself, have uttered, for centurys... But no more, i will protect these lives from you, and whatever undead horde it is you serve, you,will answer to me" She holds her blade up to him "And you, will be the next to fall to my blade"

[18:22]  Sarix Andel drug himself up to his full height, he watched the woman and leaned forward slightly... he would follow her lead, and hoped that he didn't get in her way.

[18:26]  Locney Esgal me holds his sword shakely, knowing full well there the likely-hood of him fending of an attack by the Undead Knight is next to none, but fear seems to have frozen his feet as he stares wide-eyed at this monster.

[18:26]  Vincent Airin stands, moving Run off the battlefield, dressing her woulds with bit of bandaging to slow the bleeding further before he stood and readied himself for battle once more.

Husky Dragon

  • Guest
Re: The zombie horde event
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 07:24:07 am »

[18:27]  Keldrahir sighed with a mix of exhaustion and relief as he felt that the Ringtail was out of mortal danger for now. A bit with shaking legs he stood up again scowling at the dead knight. He clenched his fists again, but waited for now, he needed himself to gather strength if he did not want to kill himself soon without the help of that undead.

[18:28]  Hasufel staggered a little as he looked around for his sword, very woozy from blood loss

[18:31]  Undead Knight would finally move into a more appropriate battle stance. "...large words for one who has sided with these pathetic mortals..." His scythe readied within his bony grasp and within the next moment he steps in and would lash down the blade towards the Dreadknight.

[18:33]  Dreadknight brings her blade up to meet his scythe, the clang of unholy metals echos through the grounds, She snarls as they lock weapons "These pathetic mortals...Kept your horde at Bay"

[18:34]  Sarix Andel swept in, trying to throw a strong side kick into the side of the Undead Knight, while his blow was met with that of Dreadknight's. If connected, Sarix's weight was at odds with his appearence, it would hurt and have the force of a man twice his size.

[18:36]  Locney Esgal me offers Hasufel a shoulder as he watches the battle. He looks at the rusty sword in his hand, painfully aware of his own combat ineptitude.

[18:38]  Vincent Airin frowns as he saw the fighting before he looked arround at those that were weak and wounded before reaching for his pack, digging at his medical supplise as he set to work on dressing wounds and clearing those who couldn't fight from the field for now, it showed now, with his current weapon he really wasn't able to offer too much aid without adding another corpse to the undeads. He glanced up at Locney before tossing him some bandages. "Help me get those who can't fight out of the field."

[18:43]  Keldrahir looks around, slowly his head stopping to spin, he could not do much for the fight. But he noticed and remembered that something was wrong with shamaelistor. So he made his way slowly to check on him. He tried to make haste, but was not entirely walking in a straight line.

[18:44]  Hasufel leans havily on the offered shoulder, looking down at the foxes sword/ "Sword... let me use... your sword..." He tried to straighten up. "I can still... fight..."

[18:46]  "Shadow" Shamaelistor looks up at Keldrahir and smiles blearily, then shudders and gags. "I don't know what this is." he states simply.

[18:47]  Undead Knight glared towards the Dreadknight, with the weapons clashing he would growl though he would not reply, instead, as he noticed Sarix move to attack, he would attempt to push the Dreadknight's sword down to his left and into Sarix his path. If successful he would have defended his side, if not...well no doubt the skeleton would stagger to the right.

[18:48]  Dreadknight does indeed get deflected to the left as the Knight intends, her sword hitting the ground point first, this didnt phase the Undead thel, throwing apunch with both her left hand and her left wing in unison

[18:51]  Sarix Andel was unable to stop the momentum he already shot towards the Undead Knight,  the flat of Dreadknight's blade is kicked and launched back out of the dirt, back towards the Undead Knight while the Thel's wing and fist came to pincer from the opposite side... it cost him, however, as the contact that shot the sword free and toward the enemy had resulted in his pawpads becoming ice, his know leg numb, a yowl of pain coming from the Tox as he fell to the ground
[18:52]  Sirix Finesmith: his whole leg numb* )

[18:54]  Locney Esgal catches the bandages with a nod. He looks to Hasufel. "You can barely stand, let alone do anything with this rusted metal scrap of a sword. Besides...." He winces upon seeing Sarix take the blow. "...we might need you're help getting the wounded to safety."

[18:51]  Keldrahir looked down with a concerned frown towards Shamaelistor, then back over his shoulder as the sounds of crossed weapons continue. "Tell me when it gets worse..." he says as he opens a bag from his belt and begins to pour a line between them and the dead knight, forming a large circle around the boulder next to them. "I will first secure an area... if things turn out for the worst."

[19:00]  Hasufel looked down at the fox, body shaking. "Fight... have to... fight..." The horse kept looking around for a weapon, then, apparently feeling dizzy, stumbled backwards, tripped, and sat on the ground with a dazed expression. [Hasufel is out of it, exclude from posting order\

[19:05]  Undead Knight was apparently fortunate to have his scythe pressing against the blade then as it would disallowed the sword from touching him, that fist however socked him right into the side of his head, even forcing the hood to go down. A low growl could be heard from him as his free arm would reach out and up in an attempt to grab at the undead Thel's head.

[19:07]  Dreadknight Was alittle offbalance with her blade being kicked up, but the punch to his head was enough to get her on track, suddenly her head being gripped, this might not of been the best idea for the Skeletal knight, as the Thel pulls backwards, letting her helmet come off in its hand, to then swing her blade for the knights neck

[19:08]  Sarix Andel was not out, only in a fuck-ton of pins-and-needles pain. From the ground he threw another shot at the Undead Knight, this time aiming his shin for the back of the Undead Knight's ass, hopefully pushing him into the swing Dreadknight took at the evil skeletal freak.

[19:09]  Locney Esgal attempts to pull Hasufel over behind the rocks in order to make sure he's out of the line of fire before tending to the other wounded.

[19:12]  Keldrahir continues to draw a large circle in the snow and ground with a thin line of white powder, that could have been salt, passing Locney and including him and the horse within that circle. Still it was not closed though, but war nearly done. He hoped it could do some good in the end to have a secured area.

[19:15]  Undead Knight would simply usher out a g'ack when the sword connected to his neck, cutting his head clean off and causing his body to just sink down through his knees and collapse onto the ground.

[19:16]  Dreadknight stands over the knight lowering her sword "you seem to forget...i know how you work" She comments, crushing the skull under hoof

Husky Dragon

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Re: The zombie horde event
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2012, 07:24:38 am »
Thanks, everyone! Post away, screenshots, comments, suggestions!