Author Topic: War on the Dracrovan Empire  (Read 3521 times)


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War on the Dracrovan Empire
« on: May 30, 2020, 11:34:29 pm »
The Qalasian fennecs have (after much thorough yet discreet preparations) mobilized for war against the Dracrovan Empire!

An ambassador (Zen) was sent from Kun Qalasi to Lismore where a meeting had been arranged with an emissary of the dragon empire, and after tense negotiations, no compromise could be found.  <those in the know would be aware that the Qalasians captured a dragon warrior; the dragons demanded her return. The fennecs argued that the dragons attack and conquest and enslavement of the alicorn lands and race were an affront to their way of life, and demanded that the dragons returned all captured alicorns (and alicorn horns), in exchange for the return of their warrior. The dragons refused!>

Upon the return and debriefing of the ambassador, the Qalasians declared war on the Dracrovan Empire, with an inspiring speech by King Senusnet to the assembled people and troops:

  "My beloved people, my friends, my brothers and sisters, we dwellers of these desert lands, inhabitants of the domain of Set, blessed by my father the Sun God Ra, protected by the magic of Iset who sent Heka himself to dwell among us, we have long ago taken upon ourselves the mantle of responsibility upon those who are in servitude. Guided by the gods, we have created rules and procedures that enhance peace and harmony between master and servant and uphold the law of Ma'at! That is a heavy mantle we carry, for every once in a while, we must right that which has been wronged by those less enlightened than us!
  My beloved people, the dragons of the Dracrovan Empire have broken the rules set forth to maintain the harmonious existence between master and servant! Still fresh in the memory of the alicorn survivors, they have invaded and destroyed the alicorn kingdom, and taken its peoples into slavery! We have offered the dragons peaceful means through which they could repent for their transgression, but they refused! These dragons have refused our help and our enlightened ways, they upset the balance of Ma'at, and because of that, where words have failed now force must be used to set things right!
  Our mighty warriors shall be sent forth to enact justice! To free the alicorn people from the dragons' merciless, ignorant clutches! The Dracrovan dragons will be enlightened, or they will be destroyed! For in this world, there is no room for a race of monsters that spit in the face of the gods!"

Having been preparing for a while for the conflict, they mobilized immediately. The portal to Lismore was closed for the night, and was used instead to send troops to key strategic locations in the Dracrovan Empire. The dragons would not know the result of the meeting since their representative possessed no fast way to travel back home to be debriefed, so the attacks took them by surprise.

(numbers were determined by complicated dice rolls between Nem and Ash)
On the first wave of attacks, 70 warriors from Kun Qalasi were sent into Dracrovan territory through the portal in 5 groups. Although there were losses (20 Qalasians perished), they also inflicted heavy casualties upon the dragons, and managed to return with 14 alicorn slaves, 15 dead dragon bodies (for the various parts that can be used from them), and 55 alicorn horns! Of those 15 dead dragons, 5 were important key targets within the Dracrovan government: 3 generals, 1 slave master, 1 drake master.

Further incursions would occur in the following days, to gather intelligence and for assassinations, and when possible further recovery of alicorns and horns!
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 08:57:03 pm by Ashtyn »


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The Fate of the Alicorns
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2020, 01:40:26 am »
King Senusnet of Kun Qalasi would ask Emperor Ascari of Lismore (due to their extensive experience in rehabilitating ex-slaves) to put together a plan to rehabilitate the alicorn slaves that are being taken from the Dracrovan Empire.


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Second Wave of Attacks on the Dracrovan Dragons
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2020, 08:55:18 pm »
  On the second wave of attack, the Qalasians sent 55 warriors in 5 groups. They were able to kill 18 dragons and bring back 6 bodies home. 21 fennecs perished during the attack (9 bodies were brought back home). They were able to rescue 5 alicorns, and brought back 6 alicorn horns.

  Overall they were able to complete their goal. The dragons killed included captains, slave masters, and a drake master. The next incursions to take place would be specifically assassination and sabotage missions.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 08:58:18 pm by Ashtyn »


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The Secret Plot
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2020, 02:03:02 pm »
Only 4 people IC know of the following facts:

  The war against the dragons progressed slowly, with the Qalasian fennecs launching sporadic attacks on strategic locations in the Dracrovan territory, but the high costs of wars weighted heavy on King Senusnet's mind, so he started considering alternative ways to win this war.

  On a chance meeting with the shapeshifter demon Greed from Lismore, King Senusnet came up with an audacious plan to deal a decisive blow on the dragons. Greed was trained in the ways of the dragons (based on information acquired from the various prisoners and deserters that were taken), and would use his abilities to give himself the appearance of the dragon king, who would then be replaced by the shapeshifting demon, whom once in charge of the dragons, would concede to the Qalasian demands of alicorn slaves and alicorn horns, and start peace talks with the fennecs.

  A small strike force of only three (the captain of the guard Neftet, his brother the bug farmer and aspiring wizard Nebankh, and the shapeshifter Greed) was sent to infiltrate a fortress that Qalasian intelligence had pinpointed as being visited by the dragon king at the time, and with remarkable stealth they managed to overcome and kill the dragon king and two of his guards! Their bodies were brought back to Kun Qalasi, where the guards were 'harvested' for parts to be used in alchemy and other magical needs where dragon parts are notoriously powerful, and the body of the dragon king was Converted into tass, which was kept by King Senusnet.

  Greed was left in place of the dragon king, and if everything from there on went as planned, should be sending peace emissaries to Lismore to act as mediator between the Dracrovans and the Qalasians once again during peace talks.

  A great feast was thrown in honor of the strike team that deposed the dragon king, but because that was a secret mission, it was disguised as a celebration to commemorate the bug farmer Nebankh being promoted to Magical Advisor to the King.



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Re: War on the Dracrovan Empire
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2020, 02:52:11 am »
  The shapeshifter Greed was able to successfully pass himself as the dragon emperor, and initiated the surrender process as planned!

  An emissary was sent from the Dracrovan Empire, along with a rather valuable alicorn. They first reached Lismore, and from there made it to Kun Qalasi where they met with King Senusnet, and presented him with the dragon's surrender in the war. They would from there on set free any remaining alicorns, turn in the horns still in the possession of the dragons, and allow the Slavers Guild to set up headquarters in their land to regulate the slave trade in the empire.

  Senusnet would make a public announcement about the end of the war, and declare celebration time, where for three days food and drinks would be served at the Feast Hall for anyone who wished to take part in the celebrations.