Author Topic: Entertaining Quotes  (Read 14218 times)


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Re: Entertaining Quotes
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2015, 06:29:12 am »
[06:19] Rex Valiant looks at Tiana for a few moments. No doubt if Tiana gets angry with Xahu and expresses that to the man, Xahu will only get more agitated, and that'll cascade down to further strain the situation. An angry father can quickly mean an angrier son! Time to try and incubus up. "Well really, I'm sure he didn't mean it. Besides, who could hate a pretty lady like you?" he asks, his tails wagging some, ears perking as he puts on that shit-eating grin. "Why don't you and I go check out the kitchen while we wait, hm? I know where the potatoes are! We can cut 'em up and fry them, they taste fantastic!"

[06:20] Arondale: Oh sorry... I am all laughing here
[06:20] Arondale: 'I know where the potatoes are'
[06:20] Arondale: That is my new favorite flirting line
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Re: Entertaining Quotes
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2015, 02:42:10 pm »
[14:34] Fen nods and smiles to Ausar. "Yes Milord, but should you desire something please just call for me and I shall see it done." Fen had been hearing so much about this wedding, sadly he would not be able to attend. Someone had to tend to things here as the rabbit's hole would not be the only busy place that day. "I hope the wedding go well and that there are smiles all around. Hehe, I wonder if the groom is nervous.."
[14:35] Ausar (druongrawal): ((Hehe, it still is the rabbit hole, not the rabbit's hole. *smirks*))
[14:36] Kian (terralance): ((opps, my bad. guess we know where my mind is))
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Re: Entertaining Quotes
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2016, 03:32:46 pm »
[15:25] Ausar (druongrawal): erysipelas?
[15:26] Ausar (druongrawal): My dictionary translates that as an infection of the skin, so I assume you mean something else?
[15:28] Nem Eliwood (nem.ethaniel): it was meant to be the pelasures
[15:28] Nem Eliwood (nem.ethaniel): *pleasures
[15:28] Nem Eliwood (nem.ethaniel): sorry i  dont knwo how i got that
[15:28] Ausar (druongrawal): Hehe
[15:28] Ausar (druongrawal): Now that is funny, your misspelled word actually turned into the correct term for a skin infection
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.