Nansen, ShaRroos
Guardswoman Third Class
Guard Barracks, Lismore
Lieutenant Solis,
As an active member of the Lismore city guards, I am pleased to see the posting for Quartermaster is available. I thought it prudent to offer my services in filling this role. While my qualifications are known I would like to take the opportunity to highlight those you may find as the most relevant for this posting.
I am currently posted for general city patrol, with limited tasking in reconnaissance and long distance communications. During the normal course of duty I have made connections with several of the localy available merchants and crafters. Additionally, my former tasking as long distance courier gives me a unique perspective on supply chains and logistics.
While the void left by our now former Quartermaster will be impossible to truly fill my skill set will bring the following to the tower.
* Nine years of Long distance logistics planning
* Seven years of business finance experience
* Exceptional experience in negotiation of business contracts
* Intimate familiarity with material requirements for new recruits
* High availability due to sporadic requirements of my scout specialty
Again the paws of our former quartermaster can never be fully filled. With that said, I am confident that my skill set would prove an invaluable in attempting to fill the void. Assuming that you feel my qualifications sufficient and the position is still available I would like submit my name for consideration.
[Signed in a very jagged rushed pattern]
ShaRroos Nansen Guardswoman Third Class