And Xahu's first court meeting went out without a hitch! Here's the summary, and then follows the logs for those who want to read the whole thing!
!Athian's Title was maintained
!Emir's title was maintained
!correct/undo demon decrees/warrants
!Ciran's death was discussed
!Appointment of Val as minister of dark arts
!Law on necromancy has been revised
!ban on archdemons implemented - Valencia exempt
!Valentines dealt with:
LOG:[13:03] Athian Hoggard nods at Emir: "I am sure he would like to see you. Best to talk to his family first, though. They like to make sure that he is not getting crowded by too many people in a short amount of time. He still needs a lot of rest." He turns at the sound of the harsh landing: "Greetings there, Cena. You are with us for the open court day?"
[13:04] Flo lets herself up the steps with a small bundle of papers wrapped up under her arm. With a small sigh, the thought of monotany was coming over her.... this one better keep... she hates making new drafts of the treatys only for them to be void wihin the month. She looks to the bunch already here and bows. "Greetings."
[13:04] Cena Valentine nods. "AYe. I wish to know what is to be done family." She seems to spit those last two words out. "Even though those responsible are gone from this world...against my wishes." She clenches a fist, but soon relaxes. " is...still a sore topic with me."
[13:06] Emir chuckles at Athian. "And yet you saw him as well, so it would seem he is seeing more than just family? Or was it your power of being in the right place at the right time?" he asks, amused. "Any landing you can walk away from, that is the saying my winged cousins said," he comments, and then nods to Flo. "Good afternoon."
[13:10] Athian Hoggard nods at Emir with a chuckle. "Something like that. Xahu himself invited me along to join him when he went for a visit. And like i said, he is seeing more than just family, they just try to keep the number of people low, so that he has enough time to recuperate." He then bows his head to Flo: "Greetings, mylady." His eyes linger a bit, trying to place her, but nothing sticks. At Xena's remard he just nods: "That is perfectly understandable. I have faith that Xahu will settle the matter in a fair way."
[13:13] Relina Harem makes her way up the ramp to meet the others "Good day everyone"
[13:13] Flo lightly smiles a bit as she looks around the decoration. Not really wanting to but into their conversation... so she keeps to the task at hand of keeping the papers dry from Lismores random weather. Seeing Relina coming, she bows softly to her. "Greetings Lady Relina."
[13:13] Felix Stourmead: ((erh nix that, im gonna have to charswap))
[13:17] Emir strolls to the doors and takes a peek inside before closing them again. "Apologies for the late start," he says, not in full announcement-voice, but loud enough to be heard over any wind or background noise. "We will be ready to begin momentarily. Please have your questions or comments ready for when it is your time to address the court. ((And that goes OOCly as well, try to keep things moving along.

[13:19] Cena Valentine looks around. "Mmmh;.....I was hoping Mom woul dbe here to speak for me..I hate public speaking..."
[13:22] Bellatrix Valentine instead Bella comes up the ramp while dressed in a more formal attire, though she perks her ears when she hears Cena "No need to fear it dear"
[13:22] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[13:22] Cena Valentine turns to her Mother, and sighs happily, whispering somethign quietly into her ear as she hugs.
[13:23] Flo will jut chill here then. Snow not bothering her at least so that's a plus!
[13:24] Athian Hoggard smiles when he sees Lady Bellatrix heading up the ramp: "Greetings and a good day to you. Are you representing the temple today, Lady Bellatrix?"
[13:26] Bellatrix Valentine nods slowly when Cena whispers in her ear "I will have the same questions dear" then to Athian "If Mariah cannot make it, yes"
[13:29] Cena Valentine nods. "that's good....And I am...torn between joining Phoenix as a dancer.....or perhaps the Temple...But I am not sure...Not certain at all.."
[13:30] Nazatuur Radonovich IV is naturally drawn to the little crowd of people, wondering what's he missing, but keeps quiet before turning around, finding it's none of his beeswax
[13:30] "Good people of Lismore and honored guests," Emir speaks, projecting his voice and speaking formally. "Those of you intending to visit court today, please follow me inside. Our leader will make a statement, and afterwards he will entertain questions," he goes on, attempting to make eye contact with each of the gathered people. He gestures for the guards to open both the double doors. "And now, guests of court, may I announce Xahu Fu Sheng, Emperor of the Sky Islands and Lord of Lismore." Having said that, he leads the way inside.
[13:31] Athian Hoggard follows Lord Emir inside, bowing his head to the emperor when he sees him.
[13:32] Bellatrix Valentine after Emir speaks, she follows him inside while making sure her dress is all fixed up!
[13:32] Cena Valentine turns, and follows after Bellatrix, keepign behind her!
[13:33] Xahu Fu Sheng stands in the middle of the room, and he smiles as the people make it inside, waiting for everyone to be settled, though he does say a few soft and friendly 'hello's' here and there, greeting them informally.
[13:33] Nazatuur Radonovich IV moves in, taking off his hat as he enters.
[13:33] Flo would make her way inside as well. Not to far from the group herself though taes a spot at the side. Local matters should take importance right now an will keep herself for last.
[13:33] Valencia Versthaler would be seen standing to the left of Xahu, watching the people enter as well, simply nodding in greeting to them for now.
[13:34] Miriamella nods to her brother in arms "So then, the Order of the Sun is assembled. Let's move in."
[13:34] Roh peers over to Miri as he approaches the town hall, glancing about and sniffing gently as he would make his way up the ramp "Indeed, let us see how they run things here now that they have their liberty.
[13:34] Cena Valentine moves off to the side with her Mother ((Who seems to be having some issues. O.o))
[13:35] Athian Hoggard gives a friendly nod to Lady Valencia, glad to see her around. While waiting for Xahu to start, he looks around a little, taking in todays audience, wondering what to expect.
[13:38] Miriamella would bow to the Xahu and represent her and Roh as representatives of the Order of the Eternal Flame, in which role they would attend court today.
[13:38] Nazatuur Radonovich IV looks around, still taking in the sights as this is only his second time here. he puts on a smile and sniffles as he rubs his nose
[13:38] Miriamella C. Solis (Cylliano Dreamscape) OOC: *the Emperor Xah i I mean

[13:38] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((The Emperor is Xah? Xahu! You're an imposter!))
[13:39] Miriamella C. Solis (Cylliano Dreamscape) OOC: Meh, not enough coffee... i ll fix that
[13:39] Roh would confir to bow along with Miriamella, not wanting to skimp on showing off their teamwork infront of Emperor Xaxixuxixohxoxafandango, standing upright after a brief moment and keeping his arms astride, keeping his eye on the new Emporah.
[13:39] Flo would just stand abut untill adressed. Not much else seeing as she doesn't know anyone here other then :ady Valencia... and it was only a one time meet.... So many new faces here.
[13:41] Emir waits for everyone to file in before indicating for the guards to shut the doors. More people will be allowed in should they arrive late, as this is Lismore and not a more formal place, but here's no sense letting in the draft from the cold outside. Other than that, the Prime Minister merely stands his post to the emperor's right.
[13:43] Xahu Fu Sheng glances about after a while, and concluding people are all here, he clears his throat, and gives Emir a glance, since he has the big voice and the job of announcing they're about to get started...
[13:45] Valencia Versthaler remains silent, she looks over to Xahu, waiting for him to start
[13:46] Nazatuur Radonovich IV sees flo standing all by her lonesome, so he subtly steps to the side to keep her company
[13:46] Roh knows what sort of counciling Naz is up to.
[13:46] Bellatrix Valentine remains silent while hugging her daughter close
[13:47] Emir holds up his hands. "If everyone could please find a place, and if I could ask everyone's attention," he announces, and it doesn't really sound like he's asking much of anything so much as ordering, "The Emperor will now address court."
[13:47] Roh glances behind him for a moment, moving towards one of the seats and brushing his tail to Miri , attempting to steer her towards the other one.
[13:48] Plain Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[13:48] Plain Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[13:50] Xahu Fu Sheng speaks up, glancing around the room and smiling a little, "....welcome, citizens of Lismore, my friends... ...Thank you for coming here today. I would like for us to start with a moment of silence, to honor the memory of those who perished in the recent past events...", and he would go quiet, for several long seconds...
[13:50] Bellatrix Valentine didnt see that many seats so she opts to stand!
[13:51] Roh places his hands together, a warm glow emitting from his palms as he began to utter a silent prayer in reverence. He of all people had hosted quite enough funerals in his day!
[13:51] Nazatuur Radonovich IV bows his head in respect for the dearly departed
[13:51] Athian Hoggard looks down in silence, thinking of the victims these past events had cost Lismore. He has a silent prayer on his lips.
[13:52] Emir dips his horned head respectfully while Xahu is silent.
[13:52] Bellatrix Valentine also folds her paws together and bows her head, muttering a prayer to Atarni for those fallen
[13:52] Cena Valentine bows her head, but stays quite close to Bellatrix. It seems that she was...quite scared to be here!
[13:53] Miriamella bows her head for a moment and whispers a silent prayer in honor of the fallen. She had done her own fair share of killing during the uprising and even though it had been demons, she still mourned every life she had to take.
[13:54] Valencia Versthaler lowers her head for the moment.
[13:55] Flo would also lower her head in honor of the fallen.
[13:57] Xahu Fu Sheng after a moment, looks up again to those present, and gingerly he steps away from the center of the room, to take his place on one of the chairs beneath the stairs arches. He then speaks up again, loud enough that it's clear to be heard, but still in a calm tone, "...I'm pleased to announce that my father's health is improving! My mother has been spending a great deal of time with him at Cruentus, where he is recovering. Heavens willing, he will come back to the city in time for the winter celebrations."
[13:59] Roh raises his head for a moment, perking his ears at Xahu's words, cawing momentarily before nodding slowly, speaking up shortly after "May the blessing of the ever-incandescent sun be upon them both - and speed to their recovery." he praised.
[13:59] Miriamella simply nods and smiles at Xahu. There had been too many parents killed already. It was good at least some came back.
[14:00] Emir remains quiet at his spot near the stairs, though he does silently attempt to make eye contact with people and indicate the remaining two open chairs, should they wish to be seated. Flo first, then Bellatrix.
[14:00] Cena Valentine just remain squiet....but her ears do pin at t he mention of Xahu's father. She shrinks a bi, trying to hid3e behind Bellatrix.
[14:01] Athian Hoggard looks up again and smiles hearing the good news from Xahu, though he already knew as much from the visit earlier. In a quiet voice he says a "Hear, hear." to those around him before focusing on the what may follows the announcement.
[14:02] Flo raises her head with a small smile, happy to hear that the man was doing better.... though saly she will have to miss the festivities. She has been away from home a long tim and letters are piling up for her approval back at her current residence.
[14:03] Nazatuur Radonovich IV raises his head and smiles at the mention of Xahu's father stabilizing, happy to hear some good news for a change
[14:04] Xahu Fu Sheng picks up a paper where he has his notes, and then says loud and clearly again, in his formal voice, which he has practiced for years as a prince and heir-apparent, "I will start now, by addressing some of the things the demon usurpers enacted while in power... First of all, Lord Athian Hoggard, Overseer of the Granaries, your title and rank within Lismore are to be preserved. If the demons hadn't given it to you, I would give it to you, so let it be known that Lord Athian hoggard is indeed Overseer of the Granaries!"
[14:05] Valencia Versthaler would actually move to sit in the chair next to Xahu, though remains silent all the while.
[14:05] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[14:05] Roh taps a claw loudly against the wood of his chair - well, he could not do it with his weapon, that'd be rude - before peering up at Athian "Much praise to you, my friend. All of the praise." he said simply, smiling gently up at the big woof.
[14:06] Miriamella would smile at Athian and bow in recognition "Bien hecho, Athian. I am happy for you."
[14:06] Athian Hoggard bows to his emperor: "Thank you for your trust. I will make sure to prove my worth and keep our granaries well stocked so no one will go hungry in the realm ever again."
[14:06] Cena Valentine just continues to hide behind her Mother, who seems to be pulling a Mark the Red!
[14:06] Bellatrix Valentine takes her seat "Congratulations Athian"
[14:07] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[14:07] Felix Stourmead: (theres))
[14:07] Emir raises a brow at Valencia's action, but otherwise calls no attention to the matter. He gives Athian a congratulatory nod, but remains quiet.
[14:08] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((Slight modification to my post))
[14:08] Cena Valentine watches her Mother move up to the chair to the left of Lord Xahu....and just....stnads where she is. Quite awkwardly. Trying to appear as small and insigifnicant as possible!
[14:10] Xahu Fu Sheng speaks up again, this time addressing Emir, "Also let it be known that Lord Emir Brightmane is to remain in his role as Lismore's prime minister!", and he bites his lip a little. Emir is sure going to be annoyed that he addressed Athian's role before his own which is technically hierarchically higher and should have come first, but this is his first time holding court! There will be some slips!
[14:10] Flo does take note of the shy woman next to her, but doesn't do much for her other then acknowlaging it... but she would hope the other valantine can catch on. She looks to Athian and gives a small nod his way.... she wsn't outspoken when it comes to public congrat. She rather do it in person and out of peoples eyes. Better felt that way then it being responsive.
[14:12] Roh nods to this following announcement, doing the same as before, although seeing as Emir did seem to be a bit on the stern side, he simply said "Hail to you, Prime Minister." from his corner, and slowly glanced aside at his sister-in-arms, observing her reaction to this.
[14:12] Bellatrix Valentine would motion for Cena to stand to her left, though she noticed she was quite nervous
[14:12] Nazatuur Radonovich IV does a little fist pump upon hearing Athian's good fortune, happy for his friend and Emir
[14:13] Miriamella was regarding the prime minister with a thoughtful look on her face, and just lightly bowed her head, remaining quiet.
[14:13] Bella Macabre walked in wincing in pain, she seemed to be ashamed that she missed the court meeting, and was ariving late. her head downcast, not for sure what to do.
[14:14] Athian Hoggard nods his head with a smile at Lord Emir. It is nice to see some continuity.
[14:14] Athian Hoggard nods his head with a smile at Lord Emir. It is nice to see some continuity.
[14:15] Cena Valentine nods, and moves to Bella's left, keeping her the floor. Staring.
[14:16] Xahu Fu Sheng picks up now a pile of smaller papers, and begins reading through them as he announces loud and clear, " mother Lady Drucilla Fu Sheng was forced to sign an instrument of abdication. Due to the unlawful manner of such, I'm officially deeming such document invalid!"
[14:16] Emir turns so his body is mostly facing the seated ruler, but he can still see and speak to the whole room. He settles his forearm across his abdomen and dips in a polite formal bow. "You honor me, my lord; thank you for your confidence. I shall continue to serve you, your city, the empire, and all its people to the best of my ability. With the aid of the gods, our prosperity shall continue to grow under the watchful eyes of you and the council," he says, enunciating crisply. If he's upset about the small slight, he masks it quite well. Addressing the room after addressing his liege, he adds, "If you ever have matters of concern; please bring them to my attention. I am here to aid you."
[14:18] Roh nods slowly to the words of the newly cristened Prime Minister, slowly turning his gaze back to Xahu upon hearing his announcement, perking a brow at this before seemingly sighing a sigh of relief. Though it seemed to be a given that they had invalidated that document seeing as they were back in power...
[14:18] Bellatrix Valentine frowns as she sees the documents of abdication, wondering when Xahu was going to get around to burning those documents
[14:19] Bella Macabre winced leaning heavilly on her cane, it was the weather again for sure. But she didn't dare sit down without permission!
[14:20] Nazatuur Radonovich IV smiles at the Prime Minister's comment, and at the nixing of the papers before he moves up to pat Bella on the shoulder gently to try and ease her nerves.
[14:20] Miriamella was watching Xahu while he addressed the issues. The boy was doing well so far. She was curious though how he would handle the rather more... delicate issues.
[14:21] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Emir and says simply but sincerely to him, "Thank you for all your services, Lord Emir.", and he takes another paper, and reads clearly again, "...The usurpers also granted Radem the purple rabbit slave a letter of pardon on the occasion of the death of the necromancer Hazel. I'm also maintaining this pardon. Radem is to suffer no prosecution because of his act against the necromancer!"
[14:21] Nazatuur Radonovich IV secretly just feels more comfy with a female on either side of him.