Author Topic: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)  (Read 6024 times)

Xahu Fu Sheng

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Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:16:14 pm »
Since it's looking pretty solid like the coronation will take place Thursday, I'm going to schedule the first court meeting with Xahu for this Saturday, December 21st, 2013, at 1pm SLT.

Currently matters to be address include:

  • Preparations for the Winter Celebrations
  • The future of the Valentines
  • Revision of actions/titles/laws taken by the Valentine rulers
  • miscelaneous topics
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 09:16:47 pm by Ashtyn »


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2013, 10:03:05 pm »
And Xahu's first court meeting went out without a hitch! Here's the summary, and then follows the logs for those who want to read the whole thing!

!Athian's Title was maintained
!Emir's title was maintained
!correct/undo demon decrees/warrants
!Ciran's death was discussed
!Appointment of Val as minister of dark arts
!Law on necromancy has been revised
!ban on archdemons implemented - Valencia exempt
!Valentines dealt with:


[13:03] Athian Hoggard nods at Emir: "I am sure he would like to see you. Best to talk to his family first, though. They like to make sure that he is not getting crowded by too many people in a short amount of time. He still needs a lot of rest." He turns at the sound of the harsh landing: "Greetings there, Cena. You are with us for the open court day?"
[13:04] Flo lets herself up the steps with a small bundle of papers wrapped up under her arm. With a small sigh, the thought of monotany was coming over her.... this one better keep... she hates making new drafts of the treatys only for them to be void wihin the month. She looks to the bunch already here and bows. "Greetings."
[13:04] Cena Valentine nods. "AYe. I wish to know what is to be done family." She seems to spit those last two words out. "Even though those responsible are gone from this world...against my wishes." She clenches a fist, but soon relaxes. " is...still a sore topic with me."
[13:06] Emir chuckles at Athian. "And yet you saw him as well, so it would seem he is seeing more than just family? Or was it your power of being in the right place at the right time?" he asks, amused. "Any landing you can walk away from, that is the saying my winged cousins said," he comments, and then nods to Flo. "Good afternoon."
[13:10] Athian Hoggard nods at Emir with a chuckle. "Something like that. Xahu himself invited me along to join him when he went for a visit. And like i said, he is seeing more than just family, they just try to keep the number of people low, so that he has enough time to recuperate." He then bows his head to Flo: "Greetings, mylady." His eyes linger a bit, trying to place her, but nothing sticks. At Xena's remard he just nods: "That is perfectly understandable. I have faith that Xahu will settle the matter in a fair way."
[13:13] Relina Harem makes her way up the ramp to meet the others "Good day everyone"
[13:13] Flo lightly smiles a bit as she looks around the decoration. Not really wanting to but into their conversation... so she keeps to the task at hand of keeping the papers dry from Lismores random weather. Seeing Relina coming, she bows softly to her. "Greetings Lady Relina."
[13:13] Felix Stourmead: ((erh nix that, im gonna have to charswap))
[13:17] Emir strolls to the doors and takes a peek inside before closing them again. "Apologies for the late start," he says, not in full announcement-voice, but loud enough to be heard over any wind or background noise. "We will be ready to begin momentarily. Please have your questions or comments ready for when it is your time to address the court. ((And that goes OOCly as well, try to keep things moving along. :) ))
[13:19] Cena Valentine looks around. "Mmmh;.....I was hoping Mom woul dbe here to speak for me..I hate public speaking..."
[13:22] Bellatrix Valentine instead Bella comes up the ramp while dressed in a more formal attire, though she perks her ears when she hears Cena "No need to fear it dear"
[13:22] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[13:22] Cena Valentine turns to her Mother, and sighs happily, whispering somethign quietly into her ear as she hugs.
[13:23] Flo will jut chill here then. Snow not bothering her at least so that's a plus!
[13:24] Athian Hoggard smiles when he sees Lady Bellatrix heading up the ramp: "Greetings and a good day to you. Are you representing the temple today, Lady Bellatrix?"
[13:26] Bellatrix Valentine nods slowly when Cena whispers in her ear "I will have the same questions dear" then to Athian "If Mariah cannot make it, yes"
[13:29] Cena Valentine nods. "that's good....And I am...torn between joining Phoenix as a dancer.....or perhaps the Temple...But I am not sure...Not certain at all.."
[13:30] Nazatuur Radonovich IV is naturally drawn to the little crowd of people, wondering what's he missing, but keeps quiet before turning around, finding it's none of his beeswax
[13:30]  "Good people of Lismore and honored guests," Emir speaks, projecting his voice and speaking formally. "Those of you intending to visit court today, please follow me inside. Our leader will make a statement, and afterwards he will entertain questions," he goes on, attempting to make eye contact with each of the gathered people.  He gestures for the guards to open both the double doors. "And now, guests of court, may I announce Xahu Fu Sheng, Emperor of the Sky Islands and Lord of Lismore." Having said that, he leads the way inside.
[13:31] Athian Hoggard follows Lord Emir inside, bowing his head to the emperor when he sees him.
[13:32] Bellatrix Valentine after Emir speaks, she follows him inside while making sure her dress is all fixed up!
[13:32] Cena Valentine turns, and follows after Bellatrix, keepign behind her!
[13:33] Xahu Fu Sheng stands in the middle of the room, and he smiles as the people make it inside, waiting for everyone to be settled, though he does say a few soft and friendly 'hello's' here and there, greeting them informally.
[13:33] Nazatuur Radonovich IV moves in, taking off his hat as he enters.
[13:33] Flo would make her way inside as well. Not to far from the group herself though taes a spot at the side. Local matters should take importance right now an will keep herself for last.
[13:33] Valencia Versthaler would be seen standing to the left of Xahu, watching the people enter as well, simply nodding in greeting to them for now.
[13:34] Miriamella nods to her brother in arms "So then, the Order of the Sun is assembled. Let's move in."
[13:34] Roh peers over to Miri as he approaches the town hall, glancing about and sniffing gently as he would make his way up the ramp "Indeed, let us see how they run things here now that they have their liberty.
[13:34] Cena Valentine moves off to the side with her Mother ((Who seems to be having some issues. O.o))
[13:35] Athian Hoggard gives a friendly nod to Lady Valencia, glad to see her around. While waiting for Xahu to start, he looks around a little, taking in todays audience, wondering what to expect.
[13:38] Miriamella would bow to the Xahu and represent her and Roh as representatives of the Order of the Eternal Flame, in which role they would attend court today.
[13:38] Nazatuur Radonovich IV looks around, still taking in the sights as this is only his second time here. he puts on a smile and sniffles as he rubs his nose
[13:38] Miriamella C. Solis (Cylliano Dreamscape) OOC: *the Emperor Xah i I mean :D
[13:38] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((The Emperor is Xah? Xahu! You're an imposter!))
[13:39] Miriamella C. Solis (Cylliano Dreamscape) OOC: Meh, not enough coffee... i ll fix that
[13:39] Roh would confir to bow along with Miriamella, not wanting to skimp on showing off their teamwork infront of Emperor Xaxixuxixohxoxafandango, standing upright after a brief moment and keeping his arms astride, keeping his eye on the new Emporah.
[13:39] Flo would just stand abut untill adressed. Not much else seeing as she doesn't know anyone here other then :ady Valencia... and it was only a one time meet....  So many new faces here.
[13:41] Emir waits for everyone to file in before indicating for the guards to shut the doors. More people will be allowed in should they arrive late, as this is Lismore and not a more formal place, but here's no sense letting in the draft from the cold outside. Other than that, the Prime Minister merely stands his post to the emperor's right.
[13:43] Xahu Fu Sheng glances about after a while, and concluding people are all here, he clears his throat, and gives Emir a glance, since he has the big voice and the job of announcing they're about to get started...
[13:45] Valencia Versthaler remains silent, she looks over to Xahu, waiting for him to start
[13:46] Nazatuur Radonovich IV sees flo standing all by her lonesome, so he subtly steps to the side to keep her company
[13:46] Roh knows what sort of counciling Naz is up to.
[13:46] Bellatrix Valentine remains silent while hugging her daughter close
[13:47] Emir holds up his hands. "If everyone could please find a place, and if I could ask everyone's attention," he announces, and it doesn't really sound like he's asking much of anything so much as ordering, "The Emperor will now address court."
[13:47] Roh glances behind him for a moment, moving towards one of the seats and brushing his tail to Miri , attempting to steer her towards the other one.
[13:48] Plain Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[13:48] Plain Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[13:50] Xahu Fu Sheng speaks up, glancing around the room and smiling a little, "....welcome, citizens of Lismore, my friends... ...Thank you for coming here today. I would like for us to start with a moment of silence, to honor the memory of those who perished in the recent past events...", and he would go quiet, for several long seconds...
[13:50] Bellatrix Valentine didnt see that many seats so she opts to stand!
[13:51] Roh places his hands together, a warm glow emitting from his palms as he began to utter a silent prayer in reverence. He of all people had hosted quite enough funerals in his day!
[13:51] Nazatuur Radonovich IV bows his head in respect for the dearly departed
[13:51] Athian Hoggard looks down in silence, thinking of the victims these past events had cost Lismore. He has a silent prayer on his lips.
[13:52] Emir dips his horned head respectfully while Xahu is silent.
[13:52] Bellatrix Valentine also folds her paws together and bows her head, muttering a prayer to Atarni for those fallen
[13:52] Cena Valentine bows her head, but stays quite close to Bellatrix. It seems that she was...quite scared to be here!
[13:53] Miriamella bows her head for a moment and whispers a silent prayer in honor of the fallen. She had done her own fair share of killing during the uprising and even though it had been demons, she still mourned every life she had to take.
[13:54] Valencia Versthaler lowers her head for the moment.
[13:55] Flo would also lower her head in honor of the fallen.
[13:57] Xahu Fu Sheng after a moment, looks up again to those present, and gingerly he steps away from the center of the room, to take his place on one of the chairs beneath the stairs arches. He then speaks up again, loud enough that it's clear to be heard, but still in a calm tone, "...I'm pleased to announce that my father's health is improving! My mother has been spending a great deal of time with him at Cruentus, where he is recovering. Heavens willing, he will come back to the city in time for the winter celebrations."
[13:59] Roh raises his head for a moment, perking his ears at Xahu's words, cawing momentarily before nodding slowly, speaking up shortly after "May the blessing of the ever-incandescent sun be upon them both - and speed to their recovery." he praised.
[13:59] Miriamella simply nods and smiles at Xahu. There had been too many parents killed already. It was good at least some came back.
[14:00] Emir remains quiet at his spot near the stairs, though he does silently attempt to make eye contact with people and indicate the remaining two open chairs, should they wish to be seated. Flo first, then Bellatrix.
[14:00] Cena Valentine just remain squiet....but her ears do pin at t he mention of Xahu's father. She shrinks a bi, trying to hid3e behind Bellatrix.
[14:01] Athian Hoggard looks up again and smiles hearing the good news from Xahu, though he already knew as much from the visit earlier. In a quiet voice he says a "Hear, hear." to those around him before focusing on the what may follows the announcement.
[14:02] Flo raises her head with a small smile, happy to hear that the man was doing better.... though saly she will have to miss the festivities. She has been away from home a long tim and letters are piling up for her approval back at her current residence.
[14:03] Nazatuur Radonovich IV raises his head and smiles at the mention of Xahu's father stabilizing, happy to hear some good news for a change
[14:04] Xahu Fu Sheng picks up a paper where he has his notes, and then says loud and clearly again, in his formal voice, which he has practiced for years as a prince and heir-apparent, "I will start now, by addressing some of the things the demon usurpers enacted while in power... First of all, Lord Athian Hoggard, Overseer of the Granaries, your title and rank within Lismore are to be preserved. If the demons hadn't given it to you, I would give it to you, so let it be known that Lord Athian hoggard is indeed Overseer of the Granaries!"
[14:05] Valencia Versthaler would actually move to sit in the chair next to Xahu, though remains silent all the while.
[14:05] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[14:05] Roh taps a claw loudly against the wood of his chair - well, he could not do it with his weapon, that'd be rude - before peering up at Athian "Much praise to you, my friend. All of the praise." he said simply, smiling gently up at the big woof.
[14:06] Miriamella would smile at Athian and bow in recognition "Bien hecho, Athian. I am happy for you."
[14:06] Athian Hoggard bows to his emperor: "Thank you for your trust. I will make sure to prove my worth and keep our granaries well stocked so no one will go hungry in the realm ever again."
[14:06] Cena Valentine just continues to hide behind her Mother, who seems to be pulling a Mark the Red!
[14:06] Bellatrix Valentine takes her seat "Congratulations Athian"
[14:07] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[14:07] Felix Stourmead: (theres))
[14:07] Emir raises a brow at Valencia's action, but otherwise calls no attention to the matter. He gives Athian a congratulatory nod, but remains quiet.
[14:08] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((Slight modification to my post))
[14:08] Cena Valentine watches her Mother move up to the chair to the left of Lord Xahu....and just....stnads where she is. Quite awkwardly. Trying to appear as small and insigifnicant as possible!
[14:10] Xahu Fu Sheng speaks up again, this time addressing Emir, "Also let it be known that Lord Emir Brightmane is to remain in his role as Lismore's prime minister!", and he bites his lip a little. Emir is sure going to be annoyed that he addressed Athian's role before his own which is technically hierarchically higher and should have come first, but this is his first time holding court! There will be some slips!
[14:10] Flo does take note of the shy woman next to her, but doesn't do much for her other then acknowlaging it... but she would hope the other valantine can catch on. She looks to Athian and gives a small nod his way.... she wsn't outspoken when it comes to public congrat. She rather do it in person and out of peoples eyes. Better felt that way then it being responsive.
[14:12] Roh nods to this following announcement, doing the same as before, although seeing as Emir did seem to be a bit on the stern side, he simply said "Hail to you, Prime Minister." from his corner, and slowly glanced aside at his sister-in-arms, observing her reaction to this.
[14:12] Bellatrix Valentine would motion for Cena to stand to her left, though she noticed she was quite nervous
[14:12] Nazatuur Radonovich IV does a little fist pump upon hearing Athian's good fortune, happy for his friend and Emir
[14:13] Miriamella was regarding the prime minister with a thoughtful look on her face, and just lightly bowed her head, remaining quiet.
[14:13] Bella Macabre walked in wincing in pain, she seemed to be ashamed that she missed the court meeting, and was ariving late. her head downcast, not for sure what to do.
[14:14] Athian Hoggard nods his head with a smile at Lord Emir. It is nice to see some continuity.
[14:14] Athian Hoggard nods his head with a smile at Lord Emir. It is nice to see some continuity.
[14:15] Cena Valentine nods, and moves to Bella's left, keeping her the floor. Staring.
[14:16] Xahu Fu Sheng picks up now a pile of smaller papers, and begins reading through them as he announces loud and clear, " mother Lady Drucilla Fu Sheng was forced to sign an instrument of abdication. Due to the unlawful manner of such, I'm officially deeming such document invalid!"
[14:16] Emir turns so his body is mostly facing the seated ruler, but he can still see and speak to the whole room. He settles his forearm across his abdomen and dips in a polite formal bow. "You honor me, my lord; thank you for your confidence. I shall continue to serve you, your city, the empire, and all its people to the best of my ability. With the aid of the gods, our prosperity shall continue to grow under the watchful eyes of you and the council," he says, enunciating crisply. If he's upset about the small slight, he masks it quite well. Addressing the room after addressing his liege, he adds, "If you ever have matters of concern; please bring them to my attention. I am here to aid you."
[14:18] Roh nods slowly to the words of the newly cristened Prime Minister, slowly turning his gaze back to Xahu upon hearing his announcement, perking a brow at this before seemingly sighing a sigh of relief. Though it seemed to be a given that they had invalidated that document seeing as they were back in power...
[14:18] Bellatrix Valentine frowns as she sees the documents of abdication, wondering when Xahu was going to get around to burning those documents
[14:19] Bella Macabre winced leaning heavilly on her cane, it was the weather again for sure. But she didn't dare sit down without permission!
[14:20] Nazatuur Radonovich IV smiles at the Prime Minister's comment, and at the nixing of the papers before he moves up to pat Bella on the shoulder gently to try and ease her nerves.
[14:20] Miriamella was watching Xahu while he addressed the issues. The boy was doing well so far. She was curious though how he would handle the rather more... delicate issues.
[14:21] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Emir and says simply but sincerely to him, "Thank you for all your services, Lord Emir.", and he takes another paper, and reads clearly again, "...The usurpers also granted Radem the purple rabbit slave a letter of pardon on the occasion of the death of the necromancer Hazel. I'm also maintaining this pardon. Radem is to suffer no prosecution because of his act against the necromancer!"
[14:21] Nazatuur Radonovich IV secretly just feels more comfy with a female on either side of him.


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2013, 10:03:45 pm »
[14:22] Cena Valentine lowers her ears even more when Xahu rewferes to Fangshi as "Usurpers", could she feel any worse today...
[14:23] Emir nods in satisfaction to the announcement regarding the fated document, it's one he'd wanted to tear up himself upon receiving it, were circumstances not what they were. In fact, he glances toward Val after its mention. Returning his eyes to scanning the crowd, he notes Bella's apparent discomfort; if he can meet her gaze, he would indicate one of the chairs for her.
[14:23] Roh could not help but caw happily at this, nodding slowly. More justice in their time! And anything to spite the old rulers seemed to be meeting his fancy.
[14:23] Bellatrix Valentine on the note of necromancers, she wondered if the ban on necromancy was going to be altered
[14:24] Valencia Versthaler flickers an ear and would look over to Xahu when he commented about Radem's pardon, she had no qualms with it, after all, she was quite glad with Hazel removed.
[14:25] Bella Macabre placed her hand against his arm suddenly, Trying to get some of the weight off of her hip. She realized what she done, and flinched. letting go of naz's  arm. her look was that of an apology to him.
[14:29] Nazatuur Radonovich IV blinks at the sudden action, catching him off guard, but he smiles generously and moves his elbow towards her, offering his arm out to her, then gesturing at the chairs
[14:29] Xahu Fu Sheng picks up another paper, and speaks up, "...I am also voiding the bounty placed on Cena Valentine's person, as well as the arrests and warrants for the one identified simply as "cloaked assassin" who first attempted on the life of Edhel Valentine, Kawadias the slaver, the paladin Derrin Roberts, Navaru the necromancer, and Ciran... the gray cheetah. None of them are to suffer any further persecution for their deeds during the rule of the demons!"
[14:29] HUD-Weather: Clear skies.
[14:29] Weather Report: Clear skies.
[14:30] Bellatrix Valentine grins when she hears the bounty on her daughter's head was voided, reaching over to grab Cena's paws with glee!
[14:31] Cena Valentine perks her ears, and lowers them again, whispering into Bellatrix's ear loud enough for Xahu to hear, "Ciran is dead. Killed by angels."
[14:31]  somewhere in the distance, below the ground at a quiet cemetery, a certain Necromancer would raise a skull in a cheerful toast
[14:31] Felix Stourmead: XD
[14:31] Bella Macabre whispered under her breath "Not without permission" she said placing her hand on his arm again since he did offer. Hey she was in pain! Once she heard that the warrent out for Navaru was lifted, a smile beamed onto her face. "Wait till I tell him!"
[14:31] Valencia Versthaler flickers an ear, she would lean over to Xahu and whisper to him that it would be a good moment now to as well address what happened to Ciran.
[14:32] Athian Hoggard smiles over to Cena, hoping the words of the emperor would have a calming effect on her. He also gives a proud nod to Xahu, should he look over. The prince-turned-emperor is handling his first court session with flying colors so far.
[14:32] Cena Valentine is more nervous becauseof what is to be done with her family! She knew that the bounty on her head would be removed once Xahu returned to power, but still! She was nervous!
[14:33] Roh could not help but blink for a moment as he gazed at Cena, furrowing a brow at this "I see.." he trailed off. He did not like hearing of any deaths...let alone people he knew. Still,  he seemed to focus her gaze upon Cena again as he began to realize she was the Valentine they were talking about.
[14:33] Nazatuur Radonovich IV chuckles softly at the Jackal's whisper and shakes his head "Is not that big deal, but at least let me help for you stand. He then blinks at the news  of Ciran's death "Wait. Wh-what...?"
[14:34] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((Hold on. THese were WHISPERS people.))
[14:35] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Val, but he's not done yet with the 'paperwork', speaking up once more, "Moreover, I'm issuing a pardon for Valencia Versthaler for her actions during the reign of the Valentine demons. Valencia was bewitched by the demons and was unable to avoid committing the crimes she was made perform. Such has been confirmed by our scholars to be true, and therefore I rule that Valencia should not be harassed or blamed for her involvement during the reign of the usurpers!"
[14:35] Valencia Hydraconis: (( Aye, the comments about Ciran's death were whispers ))
[14:35] Emir speaks up this time, addressing Bella directly this time. "Please be seated if you must," the unicorn states, very quietly, waiting for a lull in the conversation.
[14:36] Cena Valentine twitches visibly at the word 'usurpers', but remains still and quiet, clutching her mother's paw tightly.
[14:36] Roh glances over at the woman in question, nodding to her before simply listening along. He had seen her before, but he had little idea of anything she had commited during the time.
[14:37] Valencia Versthaler flickers her ear at that comment of being pardoned, she would actually mumble to herself for a moment...not quite pleased with her forced actions that happened during those times, including the death of an innocent man.
[14:38] Bella Macabre "Thankyou" she said to both Nav and Emir. Curtsying toward the royals, but the pain was visible in her face, however she was all 'keep decorum, do not shirk civalities.' She had some  experiance with the 'upper crust' of society at home, and did not want to be brown nosed due to anything that has gone wrong, even if it was something minor like a slopppy curtsy!
[14:38] Miriamella would raise a brow at that revelation and look to Valencia. Bewitched, hm... so the little hellcat of the Versthalers had experienced the rather unpleasant side of being a demon. Interesting indeed.
[14:38] Nazatuur Radonovich IV (Nazatuur Resident) OOC: *cough*naz*cough*
[14:38] Bellatrix Valentine would guide Cena to kneel down next to her so she could pet her along her head "shhh its ok dear. Dont worry" she whispers
[14:38] Tarquin Evermore: ((naz nav damn familiar abrivviations))
[14:39] Ookamisuke Babenco: obcutie
[14:39] Cena Valentine kneels next to Bellatrix, whimpering softly, but keepign mostly quiet other than that, her ears still pinned.
[14:40] Tarquin Evermore: ((and come to think of it I think shed preferr to len on naz instead of sit down XD!!!))
[14:40] Valencia Hydraconis: (( Please keep OOC to the group chat ))
[14:40] Flo blinks as she has matters to scoot off to and shall have to return another time. (-char hopping.-)
[14:41] Xahu Fu Sheng puts down the papers, and glances around the room now, and asks loudly, " there anything that needs to be addressed concerning charges or accusations that don't involve a member of the Valentine family?"
[14:42] Nazatuur Radonovich IV blinks as suddenly, the females disappear from his sides, he looks around quickly and steps back to Bella's side before anyone notices he's standing alone, but also to offer his services to the Jackal, should she need them.
[14:44] Miriamella just lightly shakes her head to Xahu's question.
[14:44] Bella Macabre "yes, the ban on the necromancy. Can we have a clarification on what necromatic practices are banned, and what are allowed? Surely I understand the raising of the dead, but as for contact with spirits, this can have useful applications."
[14:44] Athian Hoggard silently shakes his head, waiting for the next topic on Xahu's list.
[14:45] Cena Valentine nods, and whispers to her Mother again.
[14:45] Roh peers aside to Miri for a brief moment, checking with her just incase she had something to bring up, seeing as he didn't have anything to add.
[14:45] Bellatrix Valentine humms as she does mention "I remember my sister mentioning something about the ban on necromancy..... One of the people charged was a necromancer though since he will be pardoned, will that law be modified somewhat?" she was concerned about Yamanu as well
[14:46] Xahu Fu Sheng nods a little to Bellatrix, "I will address the law concerning necromancy shortly. Just handling personal accusations and issues right now."
[14:46] Bellatrix Valentine also shakes her head to Cena, whispering as well
[14:47] Zerahcero: 4 would let herself right in, trying to not be to intrusive on the meeting, but she wanted to at least be there. Taking a spot on the side of the room, she goes to being a fly on a wall.
[14:47] Zerah the Reckless does that
[14:48] Bella Macabre "thankyou" she returned to her silence. Bella wasnt used to such 'ease' that the meetings were conducted. She was used to much, much, stricter rules and ettiquite.
[14:48] Emir addresses Xahu, "There is the matter of Ciran, my lord. His crimes and sentence should be announced." He leaves it to Xahu to schedule the matter, as he's holding the agenda.
[14:49] Miriamella at the mentioning of Ciran just looks down and shakes her head, a sad look in her eyes. "Ciran, you fool..." she whispered softly.
[14:49] Cena Valentine looks to Emir, then to Xahu...then back to her Mother. She whsipers again, "Regardless, Mother...Roku was -not- all bad..a bit of a horndog....I will talk with you later." She said al that quite quietly, and the only one that could feasibly hear it, aside from other Fennecs, would be Xahu or Valencia!
[14:52] Valencia Versthaler would glance over to Cena. "Keep your silence, those matters will be addressed once the subject arises."
[14:52] Xahu Fu Sheng rubs his head a little and nods as Emir brings up Ciran, and he says softly, "...the attack occurred in the Temple grounds, didn't it? Ciran never swore his allegiances to any one faction of Lismore, I'm thinking this is a Temple matter... Please enlighten those present here who are not aware of the events, Lord Emir, since you were there in person and part of it..."
[14:52] Nazatuur Radonovich IV blinks and turns his head at Zerah and clears his throat, starting to rock on tht ball of his feet as his mind starts to wander
[14:53] Bellatrix Valentine would speak to Cena on this after the meeting
[14:53] Zerah the Reckless blinks somewhat as she looks to Naz as he cleared his throat and smirks, giving him a silent hat tilt of a greeting. He should have seen her in her dress the other day.
[14:56] Cena Valentine nods to Valencia, and resumes her silence.
[14:57] Roh clears his throat after a brief moment, noticing all of the awkward silence before standing up briefly, speaking up "Your eminance. My sister and I would like to make an announcement, if you plan on allowing anyone attended to make announcements during this meeting. "
[14:58] Xahu Fu Sheng nods a little to Roh, but he raises a paw, indicating for him to hold his peace for now until they're done addressing the matter Emir is about to speak of...
[14:58] Roh nods promptly , and without a word he sits back down, respecting their wishes.
[14:58] Nazatuur Radonovich IV raises his his head with a sheepish smile as he's caught staring and nods back in greeting before his attention is once again redirected elsewhere; this time, at Roh
[15:03] Emir regards Cena with a brief glare, but as Valencia handles the matter, he adds no instruction. "As you wish, my lord." He turns to address the assembled people. "The cheetah known as Ciran Acinonyx committed a physical attack upon Commander Zepira and myself while she was recovering upon Temple grounds. In addition to a violation of Temple rule, it was an attack upon a person and a noble. Caught up in zealotry, Ciran refused to surrender or defer to the command of myself or the Temple stewardship. In the ensuing combat, he was slain by Commander Zepira, a clean death. For his crimes of assault, assault upon nobility, and refusal to follow the orders of a City Official, Ciran is hereby sentenced to death, and I name Zepira the agent to carry out said sentence in the name of the city. By your leave, my lord, the record shall reflect this, in addition to any crimes the Temple wishes to commit to record for posterity."
[15:06] Bellatrix Valentine raised a brow at Emir even though she was relieved her daughter wouldnt be harrassed by that cheetah anymore but she wondered how someone who was slain in combat could later on be executed
[15:06] Roh glances over at Nazatuur, catching his gaze and returning it with a little smile, turning his own gaze back to Emir. He could not help but give a slightly uneasy look at this, thought after a few moments he shook his head. Many ways to go out in this world, being killed by an angel has to be one of the cleaner ones.
[15:06] Bella Macabre was wondering this as well, or was zephyer technacly te executioner with Ciran's death?
[15:07] Athian Hoggard gives a grim nod. A senseless death, but sadly one he had expected sooner or later, given the rather erratic behavior of the cheetah. He could only hope Ciran would find peace in the afterlife this time around. He glances over to Lady Miriamella and Sir Roh.
[15:08] Cena Valentine remains quiet, as usual, her ears still pinned.
[15:08] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Emir, saying softly, and simply, "So be it!", and he sighs, and then speaks again in his official tone, "For his misconduct at the Temple and assaulting a noble and ranking official of Lismore, Ciran Acinonyx is posthumously charged with treason, assault, and attempted murder, and whatever charges the Temple wishes to add against him.", and he gives Bellatrix a glance since she's the Temple representative right now, if she wants to add anything now would be the time!, "...I rule his execution an act of self-defense."
[15:09] Miriamella bites on her lip and just shakes her head. She had seen the scene at the temple but came to late to keep the foolish cheetah from doing anything silly in his zealotry. She had warned him of it, but he would not listen. And this was exactly why paladins underwent a training before becoming one. Ciran had taken the short route, and it had resulted in his death. She softly raises her voice "He will be remembered for his heroics during the uprising and aiding me in freeing one of the to be executed when Fanghsi held her public executions."
[15:09] Valencia Versthaler wasn't at all bothered by Ciran's death, in fact she welcomed it really. Though she remains silent during this all.
[15:09] Cena Valentine was greatly bohtered by the conditions of his death. She will have to discuss it with her Mother. And zepira. At a later time!
[15:10] Zerah the Reckless didn't even know the man, but he sounded like a hot head who lost it. Litterally.
[15:10] Quinn would enter the Palace with heavy steps, and opened the doors lacking any form of discretion or politeness to stay quiet when coming in late and gave Emir a glare the moment she stepped in. Apparently she came just in the right time, and therefor did not say a word, nor greet, nor anything as she listened to his excuse for Cirans demise. "Should what you say be true... and only If..." she spoke that with a special tone of voice for a reason, no doubt"...punishment was without a doubt reasonable... Even tho i greatly wonder what brought Ciran to attack you and the "Angel" in the open, and what deed you must have committed to endanger him this much." She had not the slightest problem with being very loud, even here, likely without being asked for her opinion. "Attacking a so called..." again a meaningful pause "...noble however is not a reason for you to kill him. Even less since i am sure both of you were able to fight him off without ending his life, no matter how "clean" you pretend it was." She crossed
[15:10] Quinn arm over her chest.
[15:10] Bella Macabre didnt know Ciran. So she didnt have any opinion toward one end or the other
[15:10] Roh nods slowly, peering over at his sister-in-arms before commenting alongside her "Indeed...wreckless as he was and brash as he could be, one does not deserve to perish for such things. May the warm glow of the sun embrace his soul. But justice had to be done."
[15:11] Bellatrix Valentine would speak up "Even though I personally had problems with Ciran's treatment of my daughter, It is a personal matter. Though I wonder if he was slain already, how can there be an execution later?"
[15:12] Nazatuur Radonovich IV sighs and shakes his head, wondering what could've possibly provoked Ciran to do something so... stupid. He shrugs, however, glad to hear that the death was clean at least, and hopefully found the eternal rest that seemed to so elude the worgen.. He shrugs, then his head turns to the newest, rather disgruntled arrival "Ah, he was good man.. And this person does bring up good point.. Angels were only things Ciran listens to..." He voices his thoughts, before realizing he actually said them out loud "whoops.."
[15:13] Cena Valentine whispers to her mother, "Mother...I believe they are calling his death at the hands of Zepira his execution..."
[15:14] Emir answers Bellatrix first. "A matter of formality for the records," he explains, and then looks to Quinn. "If you question the Emperor's ruling, you may request clarification at such a time as it is indicated for you to ask. I believe the Emperor plans to leave time for questions," he states, keeping his opinions on the matter to himself, not making it a discussion. He make sure to look at everyone that made a comment.
[15:14] Bella Macabre head, meet palm. Good thing Bella's hip was hurting, and she wasin no mood to make a scene
[15:15] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to what Emir says, and then he turns to Roh, gesturing for him now to speak up, " wished to say something, mister........?", prompting him also to introduce himself.
[15:17] Valencia Versthaler arches a brow at Quinn. "Ciran left little to no choice, his continued hostilities left Zepira with no other choice. Now I must add in that Ciran committed treason due to attacking the very Prime Minister of Lismore, not to mention that he has been trying to push through advises to Lord Xahu in manners that can be considered manipulation. He had already self-proclaimed himself as leader of the resistance when none of such was true, suffice to say that he had potentially hostile ambitions. And let us not forget, he was executed by late High Priest Glasere long ago for crimes, it is clear that he had not changed his ways."


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2013, 10:04:24 pm »
 [15:18] Miriamella would slowly rise with Roh as he is addressed by Xahu.
[15:19] Athian Hoggard nods firmly at Lady Valencia's words. He hasn't forgotten the bizarre scene that played out down at the Phoenix the night before the rise of the guardians.
[15:19] Bella Macabre was tempted to go into trance mode to bring Ciran's ghost there to speek for himself, but then thought better of it. If her spirituality fell under the blanket rule of necromancy, here wasnt the place to do it.
[15:19] Cena Valentine may have had every reason to hate ciran....but she still wished things were much, much different.
[15:20] Bellatrix Valentine blink blinks as this now was getting insanely confusing, but she wouldnt speak
[15:21] Roh glances to Xahu, nodding to him for a moment before slowly standing up to full size, giving a low bow "Roh Amen Rah, your greatness. It would be my honor to address this court. " he began, stepping forth to  face them all, gesturing to Miri to come join him "I, Roh Amen Ra, Grandmaster of the Order of the Sun, would like to announce that we intend to establish a chapter here within Lismore." He turned to Xahu, giving him a steely stare and a nod, speaking sincerely "Our Order is dedicated to spreading the divine light of the sun across many worlds, we are holy warriors sworn to slay any dark threat that happens to endanger a land or it's people. With the approval of yourself and your gracious council, whom have proven such integrity during this meeting, I would like to receive your approval and permission for this chapter to be establish. Together, we can help prevent this same horro from befalling Lismore again, and help preserve the safety of it's citizens."
[15:22] Miriamella would solemnly nod and add "I already took the liberty to speak about this with various members of the royal family, your wife included Lord Xahu. She seemed quite fond of the idea and even hinted at wanting to join us."
[15:23] Ookamisuke Babenco: BRB
[15:24] Sina catches up with Rowan and reaches to put a paw on his arm, "Hey.. um, can I come with you?"
[15:24] Quinn would keep the arm crossed over her chest and wait a moment. "Considering this matter has just been brought up, and is about someone who aided just as well as you in the retaking of this Palace from the Valentines in Question i think this is the right place and time to discuss this questions, even more since the Emperor as your commander and chief is present who - with all due respect..." She indeed turned a more respectfull gaze to Xahu for a second. "...should be more concerned about the fate of those aiding him - especially when their live ends under such strange circumstances." She states before she can be shrugged off and tilts her head lightly, staring at Emir still, till Valencia joined the discussion she without a doubt broke into the meeting they held. "You may take my respect again, Lady Versthaler but i think we all should be a little less focused on ranks when making decisions after what we all just went through with so called authorities. And as far as i am concerned, no matter how much of a
[15:24] Quinn cheat he was, its just the word of two suspects that they did not commit murder, but had a reason." She glanced at Emir again and paused. "All i ask is that this matter is treated with less blind foolnishness, and reviewed... unless you suggest that yet again those working for the leadership are free of any doubt, Emperor..." She turned from Xahu, listening two the light-cheerleaders next to her and rose her head slightly as she listened.
[15:25] Rowan F. Valentine pushes open the palace doors & enters the palace hall, his head kept low for being so late even though it'd been pretty much insisted he stayed at the infirmary today after yesterday's events. He does shake off Sina's paw as she touches him though. "Just be quiet, ok?" he'd whisper to her.
[15:29] Valencia Versthaler tilts her head slightly. "With all due respect Quinn, you are insulting us by saying that this was done with blinded foolishness, Ciran made himself a traitor to Lismore and considering his past, this is not surprising. Now, unless the Emperor has anything to add to this, I consider this matter settled." She glances over to Roh and Miri, and did catch up on the whole, wanting to make a chapter here. Though she did not comment on it.
[15:29] Xahu Fu Sheng perks his ears and listens to Roh, and he nods a little, thinking about what they say for a moment, then speaking up, "Welcome to Lismore, Roh Amen Rah.", and switches from the 'greetings' tone, to a more 'business-like' tone, "So, with your offer, are you saying you swear your allegiances to Lismore and its rulers, or are you a... rogue group of darkness-fighters who work by their own rules?"......., and he stops there, and actually stands up, saying in a very stern tone to Quinn, who seems quite vocal there, "Who are you, who questions the authority of my appointed ministers in such rude outspoken manners? Do you wish to present evidence against what Lord Emir has said?"
[15:30] Nazatuur Radonovich IV silently agrees with Quinn's comments, nodding his head lightly and then looking at Rowan, still surprised he's still alive after all this, but shrugs and waves, also still under the misguided belief that hey are friends
[15:30] Cena Valentine hides behind the chair when all thes houting starts. How she wishes she was close to the door right now!
[15:31] Bella Macabre was thinking, 'SHUT UP SHUT UP ANd AWAIT YOUR TURN!" Bella tried to stand up. She had enough!  however her hip demanded her to sit back down. "Silence, it is quite rude to burst into a meeting to try to drag an issue into a debate when you can debate the decision after the meeting. You are holding everyone up here." She then shut up, and then looked to the emporor as if asking for forgiveness and resumed her 'place as a woman,' shutting up so the men can handle it
[15:31] Sina keeps quiet as ordered and listens
[15:32] Emir closes his eyes and lets out the faintest of sighs. His plans for keeping court nice and orderly, dashed upon the rocks of passions! Ah well. The look passes quickly enough and he swallows his planned rebuke; the Emperor has made his address to the woman. He does look to the two who had rightfully been given the floor, looking slightly apologetic about the interruption.
[15:32] Zerah the Reckless blinks so ewhat as tentions be rising. Yep. Time to go~ She wasn't going to be here for anymore squablings.... sides she thinks she missed the possision announcements. She will read up on it or ask about a summery later on. She is sure news will spread to people who didn't attend.
[15:32] Bellatrix Valentine facepaws with an irritated grunt "This isnt going well..."
[15:33] Miriamella bows lightly to Xahu and says "My Lord, as I also told Lady Dru already, we are here to serve the people of Lismore and the legitimate ruler of these lands, which is you. To put it briefly, we will be a sword of light and justice you can wield to burn away the darkness threatening this place, no matter the kind of threat, although we are specialized in the fighting of dark forces. We already protected your laws and the people of Lismore during the usurpers reign, and what we intend to do is a continuation of it."
[15:33] Nazatuur Radonovich IV blinks as Bella tries to get up, but reaches out for her so she doesn't just plop back down all hard in her seat, giving her a kinda worried look
[15:33] Roh shakes his head, gesturing to himself "We swear allegiance to you, Emperor. That you may be assured, during the time of the userpers, we helped to perpetuate their downfall, we fought their minions and helped learn the weakness of the tyrant queen." he began, trying his best not to allow his speech to be faltered by Strongarm Fatshield. Glancing back and noticing Rowan come in to join them, he would turn back to the Emperor "We were always in full support of you and your family, and would like to continue supporting them as guardians and protectors. Our forces grow in strength every day, and we hope that with your approval, we can continue to safeguard this land. Other then that, we also offer services to tend to the innocents by offering food to the hungry, volunteering for repairs, donating regularly..."
[15:34] Bellatrix Valentine also looks up to Rowan when he enters, nodding to acknowledge the entrance
[15:36] Rowan F. Valentine would move to take a seat on one of the chairs. ((and brb waking-up routines...))
[15:37] Athian Hoggard: ((And there goes Roh's chair. *chuckles*))
[15:37] Goody Swords: ((Shh...Rowan can be my new chair))
[15:37] Miriamella C. Solis (Cylliano Dreamscape) OOC: smites the chair thieves!
[15:39] Nazatuur Radonovich IV shakes his head slowly at Rowan. Tsk. Tsk. If only Rowan called seat-check))
[15:39] Quinn would step forward, and did not seem to feel the slightest bit intimidated by Xahu, no matter how loud they where spoken. "I am Quinn Fontaine, Demonhunter of the Kynesguard..." She said loudly once she had stepped up close enough, much closer than the rest but did keep a honorable distance. Her actions only intention was here to make him clear that he could not expect more from her than she gave to anyone else if it came down to a predjugemental discussion. "And i provided you with the Head you gladly used to endanger Fangshi Valentine." She added quickly then, not speaking out what part she played, even though this made it fairly obvious. "You want Evidence for me to convict your... Lord as a murderer? I got none... But what evidence do you have? His word?" She paused, speaking clear, but with more respect than before. "Do you believe Ciran attacked him without reason, without a clear point because he said that, or because there is evidence? If there is evidence please show me, and i swear i will excuse
[15:39] Quinn and stand down, but till then: Ciran asked me to be his mentor. He wanted me to aid him in changing his ways once this whole war was over, and i was willing to believe him. Now all that i am left to do is to make sure he will not judged to soon... Since nobody else is speaking for him..." She looked over her shoulder. "Fangshi Valentine was once a great loyal friend to your mother, and yet she turned into a crazed tyran killing everyone she disliked, was in her way..." She paused and took a deep breath. "What i am saying is; If you want to rule this City better... if you want to make sure corruption is NOT AGAIN flowing through the veins of this town; Proof it to me... and order a fair review of what happens, see through the evidence given and dont just believe what is said to you..." She became calmer with every word and made a step back once she was done.
[15:41] Cena Valentine meekly offers up, "Umm...C..Ciran was supposed to kill me on being a demon and all, but...but he showed me mercy on nu...numerous occasions...watching him get killed was...sorry..." She falls silent when people start looking ot her.
[15:44] Bellatrix Valentine sighs as she looks away "He also bullied and harrassed you Cena..."she says quietly
[15:45] Xahu Fu Sheng perks his ears, looking to Quinn (making a note to address the sun worshipers in a moment), "So you are the kingslayer?", and he bites his lip. Killing off Edhel was a strategical advantage he couldn't deny, but Quinn's actions were known to be seen as questionable pretty much in every realm out there. He takes a deep breath, and says simply, "What you propose, Quinn Fontaine, is a state of paranoia, of constant inquisition and suspicious. I will not rule Lismore with fear, nor in fear! If you wish to add to the matter of Ciran's death, we will do it so after this meeting has adjourned.", and he says to the others present, "Lord Emi's loyalty is not in question! Neither was Ciran's loyalty, ...but the same could not be said about his emotional state! In the time he was close to me during the resistance, I observed Ciran to be uncontrollably impulsive, reckless even! He would go from silvertongued politician, to paranoid zealot on a moment's notice. I find little reason to doubt anything Lord Emir has
[15:45] Xahu Fu Sheng described, and there were several witnesses from the Temple itself!"
[15:46] Cena Valentine whines, wishing they would stop talking about Ciran and the Temple! She nods ot her Mother. "Just...ask me later, Mom..please.."
[15:47]  "If you do not have the floor, and are not being addressed by any members of this court, please respect this gathering and be silent. For the sake of order, all matters will be addressed in their due time," Emir states firmly.
[15:49] Bella Macabre was beating herself up over the outburst, how could she have forgotten?  Bella remained quiet.
[15:49] Rowan F. Valentine grits his teeth a little as his mother continues to be mentioned in court, but he's trying his hardest to behave right now. The outcome of today depended solely on how well he could make himself look, and it had not started good so far with him being late.
[15:49] Roh could not help but take a step back...let the crazy person do their yelling. He could not help but grimace at this, before speaking up himself "Ciran's fate is a sad one, as is the fate of any paladin. My sister and I felt it necessary to avenge their fate, and their loss inspired us to continue fighting on against the demonic threat. But this that you propose is not what they died for." he said simply, not wanting to press the issue any further. Shaking his head slowly, he turned his gaze back to Xahu and waited for him to get back to them, not wanting to rush the matter. It was more for him then anyone else after all.
[15:51] Miriamella just quietly says: "Him becoming a paladin and representative of his newfound faith... it was too rushed. he was not ready."
[15:51] Quinn would quickly look at Bellatrix. "And that makes him a murderer in your eyes? I can not judge what he has done to this women but she is not dead." She looked at her for a while longer before turning back to Xahu and heared him out, just as much as he had heared her. After all he could have thrown her out without fearing any bad talk. "But he was murderer, Lord Xahu... There was a reason for his actions... He may have done wrong, this may be." She turned to Emir with a more quiet look. "But with all respect to you and his position, let me just say this last thing to be clear: Just because the word you get is that of a noble, a hero, an angel or whoever... you should not take it as more of a fact than of any given mean." She looked to the others speaking, as they had stated what Xahu did, especially Roh. "I do not ask for a rulership of paranoia, but a rulership where everyone is the same in the eye of the law... If the roles where reversed... would you believe Ciran if he said Emir and Zepira attacked him?
[15:51] Quinn would you judge him for his habbits?" She would bow, which was a rare side, and closed her eyes, just slowly rising. "Thank you. And sorry for the commotion." She turned, making her way to the entrance and would wait next to the wall.
[15:52] Gilliana Parx: ((...great; "But he WASN'T a murderer"))
[15:53] Gilliana Parx: ((and "of any given man." many typos... im sorry.))
[15:54] Athian Hoggard looked over to Quinn, not without sympathy, though he had wished for her to address the issue in a different manner. He smiles at the rather gentle and very controlled reaction of Xahu. Hopefully the two of them would indeed have a chat afterwards. He sighs with relief when Quinn retreats and focuses on the two paladins again.
[15:54] Cena Valentine growls quietly, and mentions, again, "I was *there*....he *did* attack in cold blood...and was swiftly punished for his crimes....He -should- have faced the system, yes, and -should- have had his sentence carried out off of Temple property...but it is in the past!" She has electricit ycrackling about her. She just plain can't keep quiet about t he matter anymore,....and her nervousness at being here, especially so close to Xahu,  was casing her fur to stand on end. She was caerfully reining in her electrical energy, though, so it wo uld only make her fur styand on end.
[15:54] Nazatuur Radonovich IV quickly turns and leans over to Bella, putting a paw on her shoulder to pat it gently again; he doesn't like to see people in discomfort, and does wish for the proceeding to advance. He quickly looks around, however, not being able to lie to himself that he wished for further investigation of Ciran's death
[15:55] Ookamisuke Babenco: obrelease
[15:56] Xahu Fu Sheng shakes his head, and says to Quinn, "You certainly do not understand how things work. For example.... You murdered Edhel Valentine. Your attack upon the demon usurper was not sanctioned by any deliberating body or ruling entity. It was an act of selfish zealotry. Shall I have you thrown in jail? Your murder of the demon is more of a crime than Ciran's murder! At least Lord Emir and Zepira can claim self-defense! What excuse did you have?"
[15:57] Roh shakes his head at Quinn's final words, before spreading his arms "That is -in a way- what we propose." he began, turning to notice Xahu beginning to yell at her now...he lowered his arms, giving a sigh and simply watching. Who knew dead annoying people could cause so much commotion. Oh well, time to wait for the inevitable brawl to start off.
[15:57] Bellatrix Valentine sighs as she tries to get her daughter to sit in her lap so she could help drain some of that electricity into her own core if she was allowed, though she speaks up "Everyone... Can we not have a review to speak on this manner later?!"
[15:58] Cena Valentine just....stares at Quinn...a look of horror crossing her face. Fangshi, she oculd understand. Roku...barely, but she could understand....but at the mention of quinn's -murder- of Edhel....someone she thought to be good of heart, albeit married and blinded by the woman he loved...her electricity kicks up a notch, thankfully draining into Bellatrix's own body!
[15:59] Dice roll D20 (Cena Valentine): 4
[15:59] Rowan F. Valentine sighs and grumbles to himself. "This is just going to go in circles..." he'd mutter.
[15:59] Ookamisuke Babenco: >.< ((Yeah....That roll will become important my next post))
[16:00] Valencia Versthaler raises a brow and looks over to Xahu. "M'lord, while I agree that Quinn is speaking out of her bounds, the matter of her killing Edhel, though on her own initiative, was an act beneficial to the resistance, I do not believe it should be questioned or even punished."
[16:00] Miriamella just shook her head slightly, as she watched the court session turn more and more chaotic, She and her brother in arms had made their proposal, and now they would wait in silence for the Lord and his advisors to bring the court in order again and address the matter.
[16:01] Emir corrects quietly, "Ciran was executed, my lord, not murdered. If I might be so bold, it might be best to table this issue for further discussion after court."
[16:01] Roh glances aside at Miriamella, moving to reach for her hand and give it a squeeze, nodding to her and leaning in to whisper something, before leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. Best to wait and see when they would move along. Though the subject seemed to be sticking.


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2013, 10:05:26 pm »
[16:01] Bella Macabre was thinking 'please'
[16:03] Quinn would lean against the wall of the Palace and wrap her normal arm over her armored chest, keeping her eyes closed. "The difference is... Ciran was a simple man... and whatever reason he may had... clearly not able to fight both of them... And no threat to anyone but maybe himself. And like i said; Ciran was not known for being a murderer..." She did not feel the need to make more examples of the differences of both cases, especially as she was already told to keep quiet. She had his attention on the matter. That was most important to her, not what anyone else thought of this, but him. "Please proceed with the meeting. I will wait."
[16:05] Cena Valentine continues to stare at Quinn from her place on Bellatrix's lap...a low growl in her throat barely audible. Oh, she and Quinn would have -words- at some point about this...Bellatrix was getting quite a charge off of Cena's body from all the power she was putting out.
[16:06] Xahu Fu Sheng arches his brow, looking to Quinn, "...Ciran was EXECUTED for MURDER, amongst other violent charges, by the Tirrenelda High Priest, many years ago. He returned to life like many did after the great war... Check your facts before you bring statements to this court!", and he says in the official tone, "The death of the cheetah known as Ciran will be further reviewed, but now right now.", and he turns to sit back on his chair, and turns to Miriamella and Roh at last, saying to them, "...welcome to Lismore, once again! ...I intend to create a ministry to deal with the broadly-defined 'darkness', and I am appointing lady Valencia Versthaler head of such. I am counting on the collaboration of the Zenko and Cruentus in organizing this new institution, so it would be good if you were to discuss your order and your methods and your plans with Valencia, sometime after this meeting."
[16:06] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[16:07] Hazel Alchemi: ((but not right now))
[16:10] Bellatrix Valentine squints her eyes as she was just focusing on drawing electricity from her daughter "This is getting out of hand..."
[16:10] Miriamella lightly bows and says "Thank you, Lord Xahu, we will discuss this with Lady Valencia then and see if we can align our goals." She would look to Valencia for a brief moment and could not help but grin a bit. Discussing an order of specialzed warriors to fight the very beings Valencia was part of. Classic.
[16:11] Valencia Versthaler raises a brow, Ministry of Dark Arts...that had an ominous ring to it.
[16:11] Quinn looked up fast to Xahu, but kept silent, even though she had enough words on her tongue to disable the claims he kept holding... and admitted; Being told to check her facts was an easy way to get Quinn on her bad-side. But she would get back to him on that soon enough. So instead, she just looked forward to Valencia as she had involved herself for her here...  She was to much of an ice- (some would say bitch-) queen to give a thankfull glance, but she would remember that. Hearing Xahu speak on, she would rise a corner of her mouth. With Cruentus? Oh good... for Quinn at least.
[16:12] Felix Stourmead: its levioooosaaaaa
[16:12] Gilliana Parx: Stop it Ronn. Mhhh.
[16:12] Emir (Darren Azemus) OOC: Guys.
[16:13] Roh peers back towards Xahu for a moment, before averting his gaze to Valencia, giving a slight bow before saying "In that case...I look forward to speaking with you and co-operating with you, millady." he said simply, offering her a kindly smile before standing back up "Very well. I thank you for your attention, sir. Our blessings are upon you and your rule. I hope that no matter what happens, we can work to make sure this city stays free of taint and corruption...we will be sure of that." he said, before bowing out once more and turning to Miri, pulling her along back towards the chairs and gesturing for her to sit down by Rowan, moving to stand by his side. He didn't want to make the man stand up. Wouldn't be right.
[16:14] Bella Macabre would be a card carrying member!
[16:14] Cena Valentine growls one last time...before her electricity suddenly -stops-, and she slumps against her Mother, closing her eyes and breathing deeply, and slowly.
[16:16] Rowan F. Valentine continues to observe the court & listen to the talks!
[16:16] Xahu Fu Sheng glances around, and asks loud and clear, "...are there any other personal matters you wish to address before we move on to the next matter, concerning the Valentines family?"
[16:17] Quinn had shifted her stare to Cena by now, and just gave her that glance she was known for. Not hostile, not friendly... just... extremely uncomfortable. Oh yea, she had noticed her struggling there... but she was not a hotshot to just wield her sword at any dog that barked. As she calmed down enough, Quinn would look from Cena to Xahu again, and stay quiet... well... for now.
[16:17] Bellatrix Valentine shakes her head as she lets Cena rest agains her "I hope not..." she mutters
[16:17] Emir glances calmly around the room, watching for anyone that wishes to take up Xahu's offer.
[16:18] Athian Hoggard gives a brief indication to Emir and Xahu
[16:20] Xahu Fu Sheng gestures to Athian as he notices the big wolf wants to say something...
[16:20] Rowan F. Valentine stays quiet until he's called on to stand!
[16:22] Athian Hoggard steps up in the middle upon being called to speak: "Thank you for hearing me. There are two minor issues I wanted to bring to this courts attention. The first still relates to the title that was upheld earlier.Along with the title the usurpers bestowed on me, there went some trade deals, involving the meat imports as well as a business license to maintain a proper stall on the market and sell there as well as stocking the granary. I would like for you and maybe Lord Emir to look into these arrangements and see if you want to sustain them. I will be at your disposal for any questions that may arise concerning this."
[16:24] Xahu Fu Sheng looks to Athian, and the matter seems pretty easy to resolve to him, "...were those matters established by you, or were they orders from the demons?"
[16:25] Emir stays quiet for the moment; as Xahu stated, they're simple enough.
[16:28] Athian Hoggard smiles at Xahu: "They were negotiated by me, with Lismore's benefit in mind. Though it is fair to say that I still will make an honest profit from them as well. What in turn could mean a surplus in taxes for the crown. You can review the papers at any time at your leisure."
[16:30] Bellatrix Valentine leans down to lick at Cena's ear while listening
[16:31] Xahu Fu Sheng says simply, in his official tone, "Since those were your inventions Lord Athian, I see no reason to believe any malice is involved. Make your documents available, but you are under no auditing. Proceed as you would, and if along the way we believe something needs to be revised, we will do it so then. Does that satisfy you?"
[16:31] Cena Valentine seems to be mostly...dormant....right now. Content!
[16:33] Bella Macabre seemed to relax since court is going orderly again
[16:33] Athian Hoggard bows his  head to the emperor: "Absolutely. Thank you, my lord. Let me quickly move over to my second issue: With Lismore growing into a true empire now, we should think about having some of the offices and roles about that properly reflect that. I would encourage to give head librarian Abbadon the means to appoint a herald as part of his staff that would chart the noble bloodlines of Lismore independently as well as help with the census."
[16:34] Nazatuur Radonovich IV folds his ears back as he watches the affectionate actions of parent and child, blinking, and suddenly feeling empty inside.
[16:37] Bellatrix Valentine grins when she noticed Cena was more relaxed so she resorts to giving her belly a couple of soothing rubs, whispering into her ear "Just like when you were younger...." emotional moment here!
[16:37] Xahu Fu Sheng nods simply to Athian, saying to him, "Very well. I will let you take care of that, you're given authority to appoint a herald or to allow Abbadon to choose and appoint one himself."
[16:38] Emir says quietly to Athian, "As I am responsible for the operations of the city, I will want to meet your suggested appointment before they begin work. I have every faith that you will choose wisely, but Lismore is a different sort of place than most."
[16:40] Athian Hoggard bows his head: "Thank you. I will consult with our head librarian and once we have set our sights on someone we will give word to Lord Emir for a proper review." He nods around and leaves, reassuming his previous position among the audience.
[16:40] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Emir, and Athian, and he glances around the room to see if anyone seems to wish to speak, before he carries on....
[16:41] Nazatuur Radonovich IV just keeps staring at Bella and Cena, sniffling and putting his hat back on before his eyes get all shiny. He misses those days...
[16:43] Rowan F. Valentine would still wait!
[16:43] Emir nods to Athian and resumes stoic silence.
[16:44] Bella Macabre sat in silence
[16:46] Roh chewed air.
[16:46] Xahu Fu Sheng speaks up again, announcing, " light of recent past events, I have decided to revise the law which imposes a ban on the practice of necromancy!", and he makes a little pause, and continues, "After great deliberation and consideration, I've decided to issue special licenses for the more benign forms of that art. Resurrection of the dead, animation of corpses and any such practices remain irrevocably banned and are a crime by our laws! But other forms such as communing with spirits will be allowed, provided the necromancer acquires the proper permission BEFORE engaging in such activities.", and he glances around, and asks softly, "Any questions?"
[16:47] Roh glances aside for a moment, before giving a shake of his head, not seeming against this little announcement. It seemed like a good way of keeping order.
[16:47] Bella Macabre "Is this permission in form of a specific licence?" she asked softly
[16:47] Miriamella C. Solis (Cylliano Dreamscape) OOC: Since I cant be on Navaru right now, he d have sent a letter asking what about his research at Zenko for healing methods. He d use his powers there. So what about that?"
[16:48] Athian Hoggard smiles once more, very happy with this revision.
[16:48] Bellatrix Valentine humms "Not sure I have much to say about it"
[16:49] Rowan F. Valentine seems rather happy with that ruling, himself.
[16:50] Emir merely dips his head in a slight nod.
[16:50] Xahu Fu Sheng nods and says to Bella, "Yes. The necromancer wishing to practice his art is to approach the authorities, lord Emir or myself, and describe his intentions and then receive our permission or denial. Once Valencia's ministry is properly organized, Cruentus and the Zenko will have power to issue such licenses as well. The Temple stance on this depends entirely on the High Priestess Mariah and her views on the matter."
[16:50] Cena Valentine appears to be asleep!
[16:51] Bella Macabre "What catagory does seances fall under?"
[16:52] Xahu Fu Sheng says softly to Bella, "So long as they inflict no harm upon any unwilling person or spiritual entity, they would be permissible."
[16:53] Bellatrix Valentine is just relaxing with Cena asleep in her arms!
[16:54] Miriamella just comments "As someoen specialized in fighting demons and undead and all aligned with that, I can assure you I am available for investigations in these matters should the need arise."
[16:54] Bella Macabre "Thankyou, I am for the liscence idea as well, It will also help weed out necromancers with good intentions, from bad. And also the charltans from the real thing. Protects necromancers whom are in it for good reasons. Now a question about ressurecting the dead, What if the resurecction was preformed under permission of the king if it happens to be a person of importance whom are needed in the physical relm?"
[16:54] Nazatuur Radonovich IV is hatin on Bella so hard right now..
[16:54] Roh glances at Miriamella, before speaking up "I am also avalable for such things, and will gladly help."
[16:54] Quinn would look up for a moment. "I do suppose seeing into the spiritual world, meaning; seeing the ghosts of those passed is not in need of a license then?" She asked quietly.
[16:55] Bella Macabre is rather....indiffrent to Nazatuur
[16:57] Xahu Fu Sheng nods once acknowledging Miriamella and Roh. He then he says to Bella, "...if it's a matter of such importance that I am involved in it, yes, in such cases I may order the resurrection of someone if I deem it be of such importance. But I am a firm believer that the dead should not be disturbed.", and he says to Quinn, "Anybody's natural talents that involve communing with spirits is not in question so long as it's not harmful to anyone. If you wish to perform it publicly as a service to others, you should check with the authorities first."
[16:57] Nazatuur Radonovich IV hatin on Bellatrix*
[16:58] Weather Report: Cloudy.
[16:58] HUD-Weather: Cloudy.
[16:58] Quinn would give a... nodded bow in response and leans back again to the wall, still making up for the commotion from earlier by being very quiet.
[17:01] Bella Macabre smiled! "Well may I please speek with you after the meeting?" She was going to be on this like stink on a warthog!
[17:02] Xahu Fu Sheng says softly to Bella, "There will be time for such, later.", and he takes a deep breath, and then turns to glance to Bellatrix, and Rowan. And he starts with the 'easy one', "...Bellatrix Valentine, please stand...", and he would give her a moment to do so, and continue, "...please describe your involvement with your brother and sister's plot to overthrow my family the Fu Shengs and usurp the throne of Lismore..."
[17:02]  Nazatuur grooms Nazatuur's tail making the fur nice and neat
[17:05] Rowan F. Valentine looks up at Bella & Xahu as the matter turns to the Valentine situation, & he watches.
[17:07] Nazatuur Radonovich IV perks his ears up and breaks free from his envious mindset to hear out the temple demon
[17:07] Bellatrix Valentine closes her eyes and takes a breath before she stands and lets her daughter sit on the floor "I Bellatrix Valentine have had no involvement in the plot to overthrow the Fu Shengs. I believed the initial story had many holes in it, but there wasnt much I could do to even get inside to prove it. During the time my brother and sister ruled I continued my faithful service to the temple until I could no longer sit by and let my brother and sister kill innocent people and tarnish the name given to them by my mother and father"
[17:07]  Nazatuur lightly caresses Nazatuur between their ears.  Good puppy!
[17:10] Xahu Fu Sheng nods a little to Bellatrix, though he asks her, "What about your brother Vheljen, who now also dwells in the vicinity of the Temple? It's been suggested he's one of two people who had the power to summon and control an archdemon such as my aunt Valencia, and the other person with such power has been dead for a while..."
[17:12] Emir moves behind Xahu's chair to whisper to him quietly.
[17:13] Bellatrix Valentine lowers her ears, but she does speak honestly "I am not aware of Vheljen's involvement so I couldnt tell you."
[17:13]  Rayenne Valentine would silently slip inside the palace, being rather fashionably late but apparently still in time. The Foxramau moved to stand close to Rowan and watches silently. Rayenne also has no current account online but her player is well present amongst the people here.
[17:13] Miriamella would listen closely now. Living at Vheljen's place for some time now had given her quite a few unique insights into the life of that particular branch of Valentines.
[17:18] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Emir, and then he nods to Bellatrix, and he's going to go about this the way the Roman emperors did: He's the jury and the judge! He's clearly not enjoying it, though, but soldiers on with 100% professionalism,  "...your account is verifiable, Bellatrix Valentine... I find you clear of any accusations of participating in your relatives plot. You are not to be harrassed any further on this matter! ...your brother Vheljen however will still be investigated, but no harassment or  acts of aggression are to be taken against him or his servants or issues until it's been decreed officially whether he's guilty or not.", and he says more softly to Bellatrix, "You may resume your seat...", and turns to Cena, "...Cena Valentine please stand..."
[17:21] Bella Macabre "Cena Valentine is innocent m'lord. She was under contract with Navaru, and I don't know how he did it,but apparently, it was binding."
[17:21] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[17:23] Quinn would watch Xahu and listened to his judgment closely in this moment. She slightly rose her head a bit as he spoke, but would nod very lightly as he made sure nobody would take actions till he was deemed guilty. Maybe there was still a chance for him getting what she had said before...
[17:23] Bellatrix Valentine takes her seat but she does grumble about the contract, clearly not approving!
[17:25]  Rayenne Valentine glances over to Bellatrix whom was pardoned, that was good. Her gaze then moves to Cena and she frowns, she sucker-punched the girl the day she was told about everything was happened.
[17:27] Xahu Fu Sheng turns to address Rayenne then, since Cena seems to be in no condition right now, speaking up to her, "...Rayenne Valentine... please come forth.", and like with Bellatrix, he asks, already knowing most of the answers however, "...tell this court what was your involvement with your mother and your uncle's plan to usurp the throne of Lismore for themselves..."
[17:28] Emir remains at his post, listening.
[17:28] Rowan F. Valentine tap-taps his foot a bit impatiently against the floor.
[17:29] Bellatrix Valentine tries to wake her daughter up!
[17:31]  Rayenne Valentine would step forward, the femme sighing softly. "Aproximately three weeks before my mother and that moron's made their move, I was sent away to the old world to conduct international business. I was fully unaware of what plans my mother had as she has kept me largely out of the loop due to the fact that I have opposed her various times before, starting since the day she had tried to kill my father. I have only returned recently."
[17:33] Xahu Fu Sheng nods a little to what Rayenne says, and he asks the room, since there are no charges presently against her, "...Does anyone here wish to press charges and present evidence of such against Rayenne Valentine?"
[17:34] Athian Hoggard watches intently, curious for the statements of the different members of the Valentine family. He glances over to Rowan, also trying to get his reaction to all of this - if any.
[17:38] Rowan F. Valentine just looks incredibly impatient, foot still tapping. He doesn't seem to be paying attention to anything, just waiting to be called up there.


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2013, 10:05:57 pm »
[17:39]  Rayenne Valentine perked her ears in case anyone would speak up, other then that she remained silent and waited.
[17:40] Cena Valentine comes to a few moments after her name was called! She blushes, noticing that others seemed to be looking towards her. "Zz-huh? Whazzat?" She wipes her muzzle off on the back of one of her paws. It seems that Bellatrix's rubbing had put her clean out!
[17:41] Xahu Fu Sheng glances around. As it seems nobody has anything to add, he takes a deep breath, and passes his judgment, "...I find you innocent of any charges accrued by your mother and your uncle and any other participating relatives. Rayenne Valentine is not to be harassed as result of what the other members of her family did."
[17:43]  Rayenne Valentine bows her head. "I thank you my lord, but if I may, I am discontent over the fact that the house and assets, whom were being written in my name, were disregarded by the City."
[17:44] Bellatrix Valentine looks to Rayenne, relieved she was considered innocent though she wondered what she would do with the house
[17:46] Xahu Fu Sheng Says simply to Rayenne, "That matter is still to be addressed. Your assets were frozen pending investigation. We will get to that, be patient.", and he turns to Cena, while she's awake, "...Cena Valentine, please stand... ...You are accused of conspiring with the demon usurpers; you've been heard openly defending Edhel Valentine and making several aggressive implications regarding the peoples of Lismore. You are accused of being emotionally unstable, and possibly mentally unfit, as I have witnessed myself as you performed an abortion upon your own self, killing your unborn children in your very womb...", that act of hers really shocked him! And he turns around to the others in the room, "Does anybody have anything to add in favor or against Cena Valentine?"
[17:47]  Rayenne Valentine just nodded and turns back to stand by the side.
[17:48] Bellatrix Valentine would speak up to Xahu "She had told me that she did that because she was being threatened by Ciran"
[17:48] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((Loing post, I'm sorry. x.x))
[17:49] Bella Macabre "When i first met her, I have found out she was under contract under Navaru, I don't know the specifics of this contract however."
[17:49] Miriamella looks up and says softly "She is a young girl at a dangerous age. The war and what happened around her with her family did make her emotionally unstable, but it is to be expected. She will be cared for by her mother and the temple, don't punish her please..." And with that the inquisitor would fall silent again.
[17:50] Valencia Versthaler would speak up. "People, only speak when asked to, miss Cena can speak for herself."
[17:50] Nazatuur Radonovich IV raises a hand and clears his throat "I'd just like to...... ehm,.... commend... her. The accusations of mental instability are false. At least in my personal observation. she showed considerable restraint, even when asked to take, err, less-than-necessary measures to prove her trustworthiness.."
[17:51] Rowan F. Valentine whispers a quiet "Come on already..." to himself.
[17:52] Quinn looked up for obvious reasons and rose an eyebrow. "Is that so?" She asked passionless. But not because she did not care, or because she believed it was wrong, but because this actually made her wonder. After all she had no reason to assume this was wrong... not more than she had to assume it was right. "Punishment... needs to be held. If she aided the Part of the Valentine-Family that did wrong, she is lacking the needed maturity... but for the same reason my opinion as a Kynesguard is, that she rather than suffering strong punishment... being held on close leash by her more adult relatives... should make any hard judgment unnecessary in my opinion..." They where asked to speak against or for her after all...
[17:53] Athian Hoggard looks over to the Anubian jackal: "When she was considered a thread by Ciran and others down at the Phoenix, Navaru offered to allow her to go into a contract with him as to prove where her loyalties lay regarding the political uproar. I very much believed it saved her from lynch justice."
[17:53] Gilliana Parx: ((blugh... cut the second "opinion". Whats wrong with me today ahh ;-;))
[17:53] Cena Valentine raises a paw. "Sir.....I will not admit to or deny the charges of being emotionally unstable...but as for conspiring with Fangshi and Edhel....during the early days of t heir rule, once I was back in Lismore, I  needed to toe the line, as it were, until I myself knew what was going on. That meant getting the trust of Edhel and Fangshi. Once I knew what was going on, I became very clear on my stance." she looked to her mother as she spoke, then continued after she quieted down. "As my  Mother has said. My actions were made out of concern for my own life. I firmly believed that the cheetah Ciran would have cut the children otu of my belly with a sword or some form of painful method. He did not clarify until -after- the deed was done that there was a doctor on hand." She closes her eyes. "As you can probablyu guess, Sir...words are not my strong point....I am thankful for everyone else speaking for me," she turns to everyone. "But I am certain that Lord Xahu will take this into consideration, and serve
[17:53] Cena Valentine judgement that is ultimately beneficial to the city of Lismore." She turns to Athian. "Yes, I am currently under contract with Navaru, and that contract still stnads." finally, she turns to Xahu. "I throw myself at the merc of these courts, Sir."
[17:54] Ookamisuke Babenco: obrelease
[17:56] Ookamisuke Babenco: mercy, not merc^
[17:58] Xahu Fu Sheng says softly, "...Ciran's actions at the time have been noted, and while I personally consider bad practice to speak bad of the dead, I must say Ciran overstepped his boundaries several times, made false accusations and allegations, most notably claiming to be the leader of the resistance AND the one in charge of Phoenix during Xela's absence. He also vehemently disregarded Ewyllyn's plead to stand down when Valencia visited Phoenix, AND was about to disregard my command to stand down as well! He took upon himself the authority to determine that Cena's children should be aborted!", and he looks to Athian, "Lord Athian, what was Ciran's role during the resistance movement?", the discussion turning back to the cheetah now, because clearly he had a great deal of influence in the way Cena behaved, as witnessed by Xahu in person!
[17:58] Weather Report: Clear skies.
[17:58] HUD-Weather: Clear skies.
[18:00] Cena Valentine says, "Cena could be seen visibly shaking once the focus was off of her, but her face remained a mask of no emotion. She was quite scared, but seems she meant what she said: Whatever ruling the court ordered, she would have to live with. She just hoped the yowuldn't kill her. She'd go back to the edges of the Islands, to live out her days in exile if necessary, but not death!"
[18:00]  Even the usually stoic Emir seems to have a bit of trouble with the notion of someone commanding the destruction of children in the womb. His look of distaste passes quickly with a slow shake of his head, but it was there for a moment nonetheless.
[18:02] Bella Macabre "I have reason to belive it would be Ciran guilty for the murder of the childeren." her eyebrows furrowed in sympathy to Cena. If she could she get up from her chair and hug the poor demon! childern killed from the womb, she would never wish that on her worst enemy!
[18:02] Rowan F. Valentine begins tugging a little on his hair to pass the time, twirling it around his fingers & generally just playing with it to keep himself occupied while he waits.
[18:02] Valencia Versthaler leans over to Xahu and whispers something to him.
[18:02] Athian Hoggard bows his head to Xahu: "My lord, to my knowledge Ciran was never an official member of the resistance movement. He never spoke with me or anyone of the inner circle of the Winter-White Guardians. He was actually among those people we singled out to not approach, because he had the tendency to act irrational and at a moments notice, often drawing unwanted attention to himself and his surroundings. We considered that though he maybe meant well, he would sadly be a liability for the resistance. And we were proven right when you encountered him down at the Phoenix. I have never seen him assume a role in the resistance before, otherwise I would have acted in order to prevent that."
[18:05] Nazatuur Radonovich IV would tilt the brim of his hat lower over his eyes and leans back on the wall at the mention of the whole ordeal "I'd also like to point out that I was also in improvised group Ciran formed, though I -did- check him --or at least tried to-- check him on both abortion the assassination of Roku..." He says, as a little disclaimer
[18:06] Quinn was probably just as stoic as Emir was, even if she had this tendency to be loud about it, if things where going - from her point of view - out of bounds. Cirans seeming command over killing Cenas offspring was rendering her just as speechless however. That did not change the reason for her argument earlier, but it sure threw a different light on Ciran, and the fact that there where at least witnesses convinced Quinn, who would refuse from giving Ciran any benefit just by knowing him, that this actually had been true. Since she trusted Athian by now, this thought was just growing more solid. She apparently missed a few things at Phoenix when she had passed out.. "And what did he respond?" She asked Nazatuur firmly after his claims.
[18:06] Cena Valentine flinches at the mention of Roku's death....The fact that the forced abortion of Roku's pups...combined with his soon-after death..yeah. That had hurt her quite a bit. As had the death of so many of her family.
[18:07]  One of the guards from outside the room opens the door and makes his way quickly inside.  "My apologies," he says in a hurried tone, making his way quickly to Xahu, saluting briefly, and then leaning in to whisper something rapidly. Once Valencia is done, of course.
[18:08] Valencia Versthaler was done whispering to Xahu, she just listened along now.
[18:09] Xahu Fu Sheng was whispering things with Valencia, when a guard comes in to whisper things to him. He merely nods, then motions for Emir to come closer, and he would then whisper to him now! So much whispering, while the chatter is growing in the room.
[18:09] Bellatrix Valentine raised a brow as she looks around to the others, just wanting to flail her arms about worriedly!
[18:10] Nazatuur Radonovich IV clears his throat, preferring not to answer, but takes some time choosing his words carefully "Well, he, ehm... expressed hypothesis that offspring, which would be second generation pureblood demons, would lose ability to distinguish right from wrong, and eventually become as Legion was; however, just the day before he, along with a few others, witnessed the alleged execution of Zenko woman by Legion, as ordered the late Fangshi..."
[18:11] Rowan F. Valentine finally makes a little groan of frustrated impatience. "Mnnnngh..."
[18:11] Bella Macabre ignored the pain in her hip as she stood up from her seat. "That makes no sense, how many pureblood demons are we amoung right now who have still the clear sense?"
[18:12] Emir looks over the guard, and will surely be educating guards on who they should be troubling at court when matters arise. Such will come later, and he moves when beckoned. "My lord?" he asks quietly.
[18:12] Valencia Versthaler raises a paw at Bella's comment
[18:12] Cena Valentine takes a couple steps to her right, away from Emir and Xahu, to let themc onfer ias much secrecy as they could. She also didn't want it to seem like she was trying to get away.
[18:13] Bella Macabre limped toward Cena. "I know this won't help much." she said offering a hug to the poor fennec.
[18:13] Quinn would keep her one normal arm over her chestarmor and nodded. "You can rest assured that this opinion is not mine." She would say that with... a little less noise, instead of speaking with the usual clear and loud tone. "Newborn are free of Sin. I am disappointed." She added a bit more low, but with a much more grumpy tone.
[18:14] Nazatuur Radonovich IV blinks and steps forward, moving with Bella, just in case.
[18:14] Cena Valentine puts her paws up. "Just...take your seats until after he passes judgement...Please, keep things formal."
[18:15] Nazatuur Radonovich IV would've left out a few more, dehumanizing views that Ciran had, for the sake of his friend's reputation.
[18:15] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Emir, so he may go take care of matters elsewhere, and returns his attention to the court, saying loudly now to get over the chatter, "...Very well! ", and he pauses for a moment, hoping people will quiet down, and continues, "It's the opinion of this court that Cena Valentine should be kept under watch. You are cleared of any accusations of involvement with the demon usurpers, but mind yourself Cena, your name is marked, you will be watched. Transgressions will not be tolerated!", and he turns to Bellatrix, her mother, "...please make sure she stays out of trouble.", and then calls out to the rest of the room, "Does anyone have anything else to add in the matter regarding Cena?"
[18:16] Cena Valentine slumps, quite visibly, when her name is...almost...cleared. She bows to him, then returns to her Mother's lap, and sighs, eyes closing once more as she relaxes.
[18:17] Valencia Versthaler would speak up. "She is to seek out help for her unstable emotions." The feline would say.
[18:17] Emir straightens with a deep scowl. "My apologies for an early departure," he says quietly, bows a bit stiffly to Xahu, offers the rest of the room at large a nod, and he walks quickly out of the room in a series of long strides.
[18:17] Emir (Darren Azemus) OOC: ((Take care all!))
[18:17] Valencia Hydraconis: (( Take care! ))
[18:17] Bella Macabre nodded and limped back. "If there is anything I can do for you, anything to hlp ease your pain. I can't bring your childern back, but I'll try to help in any way I can." she grabbed onto Naz's arm the pain hitting her like a thousand knives centered at her hip. "I do belive you won't find her a problem as long as she is contracted under Navaru."
[18:17] Quinn seemed a bit confused by the Guards and the whole... well she could not really complain about commotion after her introduction here, but still... She wondered what all the whispering meant, yet would stay back. As Cenas fate was decided, she seemed again content with it. Well... obviously she was not the one on trail, but regardless of this; To her it was fair. Still... she gave Cena a glance, but it was more about the new insightes on Cirans head that made her almost sorry for the half-demon.
[18:17] Athian Hoggard (Athian Hoggard) OOC: Take care and until later.
[18:17] Gilliana Parx: ((take care~))
[18:17] Rowan F. Valentine continues to keep quiet.
[18:17] Nazatuur whispers: Peace out!!))
[18:18] Bellatrix Valentine would understand "Even though she is an adult, she is still my child" she says before (take care) she lets her fall asleep in her lap again
[18:20] Xahu Fu Sheng says to the others present who are still up and about, "Please resume your places....", and he would now call out the big fish to be fried, "...Rowan Fangshi Valentine... Please come forth."
[18:21] Nazatuur Radonovich IV nods at Cena and Bella, waiting for Bella's pain to ease up before he tried to help her walk back
[18:22] Miriamella looks at her side to Rowan and watches him thoughtfully. after having witnessed his break down earlier she hoped the young demon would manage to pull through this ordeal.
[18:22] Rowan F. Valentine breathes a sigh of relief. *Finally*! He rises up from the chair & makes his way to the center of the room. "Thank you, my Lord." he says to Xahu. "If I may, I wish to make a statement before I begin to explain myself..."
[18:22] Roh steals his chair back as Rowan leaves, having been stiting for quite a while now. He needed to rest his birdybutt.
[18:23] Cena Valentine mutters to her Mother before she passes out once more, " more..Valentines...need to die...I can't stand anymore...death..Mmf....." And she's out.
[18:23] Xahu Fu Sheng tilts his head a bit puzzled, but he gestures with a paw for Rowan to go ahead and make his statement... but he does question him, "Do you think it's wise to make a statement before you know what you're charged with?"
[18:24]  Rayenne Valentine raises a brow, wondering what her brother is up to.
[18:24] Bellatrix Valentine rub rubs along Cena's belly "Its ok dear... I trust Xahu"
[18:26] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((*Click*))
[18:26] Rowan F. Valentine nods at Xahu. "Yes. Because however this goes, it will not influence what I am about to say." he says. "I wish to issue a formal apology on behalf of my entire family for what has happened. We recognize that we are at fault for allowing this to happen and it is regrettable that it did. Therefore, however I should be judged, I wish to give away all of my assets to the city as soon as they are unfrozen." And he takes a moment to gather up the strength for the second part. "And to further apologize for the harm that we've caused, I wish to donate our estate next to the palace, to the city -- on the condition that it is made use of as housing for the poor in this city."
[18:28]  Rayenne Valentine blinks several times... "You cannot make that Rowan, half of that is still rightfully mine, you cannot make such a decision without my consent."
[18:29] Xahu Fu Sheng raises a brow, and unfortunately Rowan's generous offer has the effect of making the bunnyhorsewolf very suspicious, "...Rowan, this is the second time you try to rid yourself of your... things. What is going on?". He would glance to Rayenne, acknowledging her, but he'd let Rowan speak first before getting into those matters.
[18:31] Nazatuur Radonovich IV looks at Bella and contemplates just picking the Jackal up and carrying her wherever she needs to go. His ears then perk up at Rowan's seemingly ridiculous generosity, getting suspicious already as he turns his head to the demon
[18:32] Rowan F. Valentine looks back at Rayenne for a bit, giving her a little glare; he doesn't acknowledge her claim on anything right now. Then he turns back to Xahu again. "My grandfather visited me yesterday and suggested I do a charitable act to show just how repentant we are. I could not think of a more charitable act than offering our high quality house as living quarters for the poor."
[18:33] Bellatrix Valentine blink blinks as Rowan mentioned grandfather "Dad?..... visited yesterday?"
[18:34] Bella Macabre "Last time I heard a story like this about someone giving away all of their things.."Bella whispered. "Was when I was consoling a family who's son hung themselves." She was watching Rowan, closely, afraid that the same fate may be falling onto hum. Being wracked so hard with sadness, that you choose instead of fighting through it, to choose a rope around your own neck.
[18:35]  Rayenne Valentine would step up slightly and speak up again. "Again you cannot make this decision without my consent, further more it's no hidden secret that you dislike your namesake after being fed the lies Mother and Edhel fed you." Oh she was not buying this one bit.


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2013, 10:06:34 pm »
[18:37] Athian Hoggard follows the exchange with open interest. He tries to not judge, but he was suspicious about the amount of generosity, too. Now it sounds a bit as if young Rowan was out to upset one of his elders. And who was this grandfather now? He looks around between the different members of Valentines present.
[18:38] Nazatuur Radonovich IV turns his head back to Bella after her input, overcoming at least the suspicion of maliciousness in Rowan's offer, but still suspects some other underlying intent; it was just way too much to give away, even for reparations, if he truly wasn't guilty.. "Hmm... Are right.. something just not sits right here... I hope is not that.. " He whispers back, only half-lying
[18:39] Xahu Fu Sheng rubs his eyes a little, and he sighs softly. Whatever is it Rowan is up to, is highly unconventional. Emir would be displeased with all this breach in protocol! He takes a deep breath, and speaks, "...Rowan, ...let me clarify to all those present here the situation in which you find yourself... Rowan Fangshi Valentine was the appointed heir of his father Edhel and his mother Fangshi. If the documentation is authentic, which I don't see why it wouldn't be, your father was the proprietor of the Valentines' estate as established after the supposed death of your grandfather Rowan Sr.", and he pulls up a piece of paper, to read on his notes to make sure of what he's saying, it's a lot to remember!, "Even though your mother would be the 'firstborn' rightful heir, she passed control of the estate to your father. ...Who upon their act of usurping the throne of Lismore, immediately passed the estate to your name. Upon their demise, you tried to sign off the estate to your.. what is Rayenne yours? Sister? You tried
[18:39] Xahu Fu Sheng give her the estate but I vetoed that action because you, your family, and your assets were due to investigation!"
[18:41] Bella Macabre "Tell me, once you give up your home, your money and everything,  what do you plan to do?" She asked this for a reason, a very good reason.
[18:41] Bellatrix Valentine was still shocked by her father returning!
[18:42] Rowan F. Valentine looks back at Rayenne. "Silence please, I am not done speaking. You may protest when we are done. You know the protocol." he scolds her, before turning back to Xahu. "I tried to give my sister the estate under false pretense. I was still wrought with grief over the loss of my parents, and Rayenne took advantage of this to try and claim complete ownership of an estate that was rightfully shared."
[18:45] Xahu Fu Sheng makes a point of... pointing out how wealthy the Valentines really were, so whether his previous intentions still get to be executed, the people will know how much he was punishing them, " you even know what all your 'estate' includes, Rowan?"
[18:47]  Rayenne Valentine huffed. "And you're not following protocol yourself." She comments as she looks over to Xahu. "My Lord, half of all the Valentine assets are written in my name upon the death of my mother, it is written within her will. I legally own half of everything my Mother and Edhel rightfully owned before their move to usurp Lismore. I approached my brother about these matters and convinced him to write everything into my name because I wanted to hold the responsibility on that all, I wanted to make sure that I could secure at least our home so that my family would have a place to sleep. My brother is now selfishly giving it all away without any concern over our family or my legal sharing of the estate. He is no doubt doing this to make him seem like the white knight and cover his own ass." She rather bluntly comments.
[18:49] Rowan F. Valentine nods at Xahu. "Yes. Well, most of it. Since our accountant died..." he says, throwing Quinn a bit of a look before turning back to Xahu again. "... it has been difficult to keep track of it all, but I have a very good impression of our wealth nonetheless." Then he turns back to Rayenne. "My father was scared to death of you. You tortured him in the infirmary, right before my mother's eyes a long time ago, and both my mother and my father were scared to death that you might turn into an emotionless demon monster that would kill them all. Anything you 'convinced' them to do, they did out of fear to keep you docile."
[18:50] Rowan F. Valentine adds to Rayenne: "Why do you think mother had you sent away before this started?"
[18:50] Bellatrix Valentine rubs her temples as she shakes her head
[18:53] Bella Macabre just listened for the moment
[18:53] Rowan F. Valentine also misunderstood the 'brother' remark in his outrage over being continuously interrupted, since Edhel was technically also Rayenne's brother. ((should've specified))
[18:54] Nazatuur Radonovich IV leans to Bella to ask "Was his hair always purple...?"
[18:54] Xahu Fu Sheng says softly to Rayenne, "We will have to find such documents, my lady... We only have records of Edhel Valentine as the proprietor.", and he turns to Rowan, and lists out loud everything the Valentines do own that's worthy of mention, "Rowan, the Valentines own the bath house, the house where the artist Siarra currently resides, your palatial home right next to the palace, the underground boilers, four specially trained slaves, a market stall, two ships, one of which is still docked in our port outside the portal but the other has vanished! and this is without getting into your personal collection of art and artifacts and treasure..."
[18:56] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((OK, posting it here since Group Chat seems to be FUBARed again. The minute I laid down, I was wide awake, so I'm back))
[18:56] Cena Valentine stirs on her mother's lap, and looks around, listening again.
[18:59] Felix Stourmead: ((mrrh not sure how much longer I can remain...))
[18:59] Xahu Fu Sheng adds to the list, "...and the noble title of 'duke'..."
[18:59]  Rayenne Valentine blinked. "That's a lie, Edhel contested against Mother over the family and beat her to near death in the arena. I told him I could do the same to him without laying a finger on him and he willingly accepted such. I never acted hostile to mother, they were afraid of me opposing them and quite frankly, they should have been because unlike you, who willingly accepted their sudden claim to the throne, I would have opposed against it because I damn well know that they would not have done it legitimately!" She glances over at Xahu next and would speak to him, more calmly...or at least trying to, "My lord, I wish to contest against his claim over the family estate, I care little for our assets, they may be retaken by the City but the house and my part of the family wealth I will contest to. Rowan is only out to cover himself"
[19:01] Rowan F. Valentine nods at Xahu. "Correct. I am willing to give it all to the city by way of apology for all of this trouble that my parents have caused. Unlike the rest of my family, I have no interest in titles or wealth. My motivation is for this all to go back to as normal as it can be possible-- My Lord, I cannot do this with Rayenne in the room interrupting me. If she is allowed to continue then you may as well decide my fate this very moment for I shall not attempt to explain anything with her constantly interrupting me. I will accept whatever fate you decide without question or protest."
[19:02] Bellatrix Valentine would suggest "Why not keep the house to see what we could do to rebuild it?......"
[19:03] Quinn would rise an eyebrow, wondering what idea the Valentine on the chair had, that made her think it was better than using the house for those without a home...
[19:07] Xahu Fu Sheng sighs a little, and says to Rayenne, "My lady, I must ask that you remain calm. Unless you have legal evidence that you are entitled to the share you claim to be, you must understand I must proceed according to the solid evidence we possess. There are no records of your name as a heiress, or as having a stake in your family's business, except for the position of management at the baths... The house is listed as belonging to your... bother? Uncle? Edhel Valentine. The baths are listed on his name as well, and so are all other properties. Legally, Edhel Valentine was the sole proprietor of everything your family possessed..."
[19:08] Bella Macabre leans over to Naz and whispers "I have not camehere to listen to two rich people bicker about their estates when there are  Lismorians who are going to sleep on the streets tonight."
[19:10] Nazatuur Radonovich IV taps his maw, then nods at Bella with a little snicker before whispering back "Da, is terrible, though. Some rich just not want to let go.. I -do- hope however that Rowan's suggestion goes through, no matter his intentions..."
[19:10] Bellatrix Valentine didnt really care about the estate personally so she stands to take Cena home "Anyway, if it would be alright m'lord, I would like to return home..." ((need to go to sleep x.x))
[19:10] Rowan F. Valentine (Elerlissa Ashbourne) OOC: Alrighty, nightnight & sleep tight!
[19:11] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Bellatrix, and says softly but stern to her, "...please keep an eye on Cena. I don't want to hear of her getting in trouble!"
[19:11] Athian Hoggard (Athian Hoggard) OOC: Goodnight and thanks for the RP Bellatrix
[19:11] Cena Valentine holds up a paw. "Mother, I wish to stay...."
[19:12] Ookamisuke Babenco: (Nix that post, sicne she left already)
[19:12] Cena Valentine turns to Xahu, her motehr looking to Xahu as Cena asks, "With al respect..I wish to stay through the remainder of court."
[19:13] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Cena.
[19:14]  Rayenne Valentine blinked what Xahu said and snarled, damn her mother, damn her brother, she snarls again before then taking several deep breaths to calm herself down. "Very well then, if that how it must be done. As rightful appointed heir of Rowan Valentine Senior, I hereby wish to contest the full claim of the Valentine assets on charge of attempted murder of the original owner whom was forcefully ousted by Xian Valentine and Edhel Valentine. They did not gain these assets legitimately and thus, they are already property of the City and for you to do with as you see fit." She then turns to her brother. "As for you, Rowan Fangshi Valentine, you are herby disowned from the Family, you are no longer permitted to carry the name, nor your children." Rayenne had a trump card alright.
[19:16] Cena Valentine's jaw just...drops. Seeing as how her Mother left, she just...stands where she was, not taking the seat, but not moving back amognst the crowd yet. Disown Rowan?! Ooooh, Mother would have a fit. She looks to Xahu, wondering what he would do abotu this!
[19:17] Rowan F. Valentine looks at Rayenne. "Fuck. You." she says simply. "I'm done. I'm going back to the infirmary, I don't care if I'm executed for it. Rayenne, I hope you and your father go die in holy fire." He's 8000% through. "Mother never loved you, you never loved your mother. You don't love this family, all you want is your own father's dick. So fuck you, you whore."
[19:18] Bella Macabre gasped and began to fan herself with her hand! How dare they use such language in the royal court!
[19:19] Cena Valentine stands at that. "Take the family business out of this court room, I beg you. Our family name ahs suffered -enough-. Such matters should NOT take up Lord Xahu's time!" She meant what she said! If necessary, s he'd defend Xahuf rom her own family. Oh, Cena....acting rash as always...
[19:20] Xahu Fu Sheng looks to Rayenne, and he blinks blinks, and says simply to her, "...miss Rayenne, ......", and he stops there and turns his attention to Rowan, and raises his voice to him, "You will show respect while you stand before the throne of Lismore, Rowan! Now if you value the slightest bit your life, you will hold your peace, you are not dismissed!", and he turns to Rayenne, "...Edhel's and Fangshi's punishment was already enacted by my father long before any of this! Your father was officially declared dead, his estate passed to his rightful heirs at the time, and when he made himself known to be alive he relinquished any ownership to any possessions within the realm of Lismore!", and he says to Cena, holding back a growl, "Sit down Cena."
[19:21] Cena Valentine turns to Xahu...and bows, taking the closest seat....which..regrettably, was the one Bellatrix had vacated.
[19:21] Gold Inlaid Chair whispers: Touch me to change poses.
[19:22] Cena Valentine says, "My apologies, Lord Xahu..."
[19:24] Nazatuur Radonovich IV puts a paw over his mouth as he hears the Rowan's barrage, barely able to keep the snicker from bursting into full-on laughter. He secretly wants to point Rayenne to the infirmary to treat that major burn she just took, sure that the paladins across the room from him couldn't deliver a more searing wound as what just went down.
[19:27] Athian Hoggard still watches the exchange with interest. While he agrees that such language isn't to be used at court, he still is a bit impressed with Rowan fighting it out like that. That his something else than the timid boy that sat in his living room a few weeks past.
[19:27]  Rayenne Valentine raises a brow at Rowan's outburst. "You're wrong, I loved mother, but I did not agree with her." She comments as she then looks at Xahu. "As you wish my lord, but I simply cannot stand by idly while this one seeks to cover his own and try to be the innocent white knight when he is nothing of such. I have been lied to by my own flesh and blood, deceived by them when it was originally written that half the assets would be mine upon my Mother's death, I will do anything in my power to prevent him from just giving it all away so he can gain some sweet points before his sentencing." Rayenne, also wasn't burned, not in her opinion.
[19:30] Rowan F. Valentine turns to Xahu again. "No, I will not show you respect when you permit Rayenne to continue her interruptions. I helped you, I betrayed my parents, I gave you the means with which to kill my mother, I freed your wife from my father's clutches and returned her to you. The very least you could offer me in return is to shut my bitch sister up so this can continue like it's planned. All I want is to go back to life as it was. I was happy and- and well behaved and we were friends until my parents had to go and ruin everything! Now I can't even give my stuff away so I have a chance at starting anew and bring redemption to our bloodline!" he exclaims, tears beginning to stream down his face. "And now I'm not even allowed to defend myself because you're allowing this diarrhea to escape my sister's mouth! All I want is to live a peaceful life and if I can't have that because of her, then you may as well kill me where I stand, or I shall depart whether you dismiss me or not! I am done with this trial, I will no longe
[19:30] Rowan F. Valentine defend myself. Do with me as you will. I, for one, stand for my transgressions and face their consequences! Is this not what you want, Rayenne? To see me die so you can take the family all to yourself? Well now you get your wish."
[19:30] Rowan F. Valentine (Elerlissa Ashbourne) OOC: I will no longer*
[19:31] Cena Valentine says to Rowan, "Seek me out at the temple when this is done, Rowan. I wish to speak with you." She shuts her muzle firmly after that, knowing she shouldn't say any more.
[19:33] Quinn stared at Rowan for a long while and kept silent. She just stared with her known, icy eyes. She held more respect to him than to Rayenne, considering his actions, since they for some reason she felt more honest intention there, than behind his sister. Of course, she still had no doubt he did this greatly to save his reputation from further damage... like Edhel and Fangshi did before. So... in the end... it was probably all the same. If he really indented sweet points, she was therefor not convinced it had worked. "And what do you want? Keep your belongs? Keep the wealth your family has greatly increased by treason? Or do you just seek to make sure your unloved brother is punished? If you accuse him of egoistic intents, mind that yours is not any less greedy." She would bite out at Rayenne after her words, and just slowly turned away before she looked and watched Rowan as he had his outburst... and seemed done for.
[19:33] Bella Macabre "For nobles, you sure do not no ediquite within the royal court!"
[19:36] Bella Macabre "For nobles you sure do not KNOW ediquite in the royal court!" (Sorry for accedently chatspeeking)
[19:37] Miriamella had listened for quite a while now and watched the bickering between the siblings. She shook her head slightly. If this was the state of affairs within the Valentines, then she wondered how they had managed to even climb to such positions. As much as she was naturally wary of demons and their antics, this display was just sad. And no different from what she had seen go on behind the velvet curtains of Europe's most prestigious families. She looked to Roh and cast him a meaningful glance, then continued to watch.
[19:38] Nazatuur Radonovich IV shrugs and nods "Da, but you must admit, considering all that has happen, it could've gone -much- worse... I've seen much worse, at least..
[19:39] Xahu Fu Sheng says softly but stern to Rayenne, "Rowan is not 'winning points' with any of this, if anything I personally find his actions highly suspicious!....", and as Rowan has another outburst, he grits his teeth and holds on until the foxramau is done. Temper. Temper. Must hold his temper, though he'd like nothing more than to throw Rowan into a dungeon right now and make him experience what a 'tough life' is like... When he's done, he says to Rayenne, "Please be quiet.", and turns to Rowan, now all-out professional, using his official tone, "Rowan Fangshi Valentine, I disregard your offer to donate anything of your estate at this time. You will be judged as you are. After sentence is issued, you may do with whatever you're left with as you please, but right now you stand here as Rowan Fangshi Valentine, son and heir of Edhel Valentine and Xian Fangshi Valentine, the usurper demons! You are accused of facilitating their coup by withholding important information from the authorities. You are accused of attempting
[19:39] Xahu Fu Sheng withhold crucial information regarding the city's treasure. Your actions in this court raise suspicious on you and your integrity and good intentions. Do you have anything to say about your involvement with your parents plot?"
[19:39] Roh could not help himself, he was leaning against one of the arm rests and drumming his fingers against it, listening and filling his ears with the blighted drivel going on, rather unsure on how to act. He could not intervene, as much as he wanted to. He turned his head, cathcing Miri's stare and smiling back to her, nodding to her and leaning in close, muttering something quietly.
[19:42]  Rayenne Valentine chose to ignore Rowan for now, instead she looks over to Quinn and addresses her. "No, I wish to secure a place for my family to stay in, I live in that house, my relatives lives in that house. Without a single care, he would give it all away so he can be a glorious white knight, leaving us all homeless without anything else." She explains to the demon hunter, she looks over to Xahu next when he addressed her and she would bow her head. "As you wish my Lord."


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2013, 10:07:00 pm »
[19:44] Rowan F. Valentine takes a couple of moments to calm down, breathing heavily from his angry outburst. He's not concerned with winning points anymore, all he's concerned about is speaking truthfully. Which he has done so far, at least in his mind. "My mother nearly killed me when I tried to tell her to stop whatever secret plots she was making after my father had brought me back home following my escape to the Temple with Kleopatra Valentine who was pregnant at the time." he says. "Fearing for my own life, I intentionally told them to keep me completely out of the loop for my mother would have killed me if I had tried to stop her again, or I had told anyone. It was not until I discovered Valencia had been summoned and enslaved that I finally took the initiative to learn what was going on, and started to aid your family. Without so much as asking for anything in return. It was unconditional support from the moment I learned the truth."
[19:45] Bella Macabre "And this is comming from somoene who can afford to buy every house in the city" she said rolling her eyes at Rayenne.
[19:46] Miriamella had been quietly whispering with her brother in arms, whenshe suddenly looked up and realized something. A small smile appeared on her muzzle, as she nudged Roh gently and made a gesture towards the throne. And those sitting next to it, framing the young emperor. If she had not been at court right now she would have laughed out loud, such irony was at display here.
[19:50] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Rowan, and says sternly, "...your help was instrumental, and it will not be forgotten. But I question your clarity of mind and role as supposed head of your family, as per your parents will, when you propose to give everything away. Don't you have another sister, besides Rayenne, who resides in that home, with two babies, and if rumors are to be believed pregnant again? You intent to send your sisters out to fend for themselves?"
[19:51] Roh stares at the young emperor for a moment, staring at him before he would caw quietly, quickly looking away and smirking to himself, quickly moving to place a hand over her lips as she begins to laugh out loud, wanting to silence her and pull her gaze back to him.
[19:51]  Rayenne Valentine blinked. "With what? I have nothing on my own, have you not been listening? He owns everything, he has all the wealth, all I got is what little coin I still have on me." She comments to Bella after taking a few steps back so to not interrupt Xahu and Rowan at the moment.
[19:51] Bella Macabre rose her finger "May I make a suggestion? His half of the money be used to build a much needed poor house?"
[19:52] Cena Valentine looks to Xahu...then to Valencia...then to herself....and smirks a little herself...not laughing, that would come later, but she does smile as she  gets what everyone else has seen!
[19:53] Nazatuur Radonovich IV nods at Bella "I second that idea..." Forgetting that he wants the Valentine's estate completely handed over to the government
[19:55] Cena Valentine leans over to Xahu and whispers something in his ear.
[19:55] Rowan F. Valentine shakes his head at Xahu. "No. I do not intend for such, I always plan ahead for these things. I am fully prepared and equipped to provide for my family, had I been allowed to make the apology." he says. "And I am perfectly clear of mind, I understand exactly where I am in the scope of what is happening. Which was why I was willing to show you exactly how repentant of my parents' actions we are."
[19:56] Valencia Versthaler would glance over to Cena and raises a brow.
[19:58] Miriamella looked back to Roh and held his gaze for a moment, before her smile would widen. They had been through much lately and here in a room strongly occupied by demons it felt good to have some support. When she glances back at Xahu she notices Cena whispering something in his ear. Which made her previous observation even more poignant. It seemed as if Valencia did object though. Valencia Versthaler.. oh, she would have to deal with that kitten from hell soon enough. Hopefully in pleasant ways though.
[19:59] Roh let go of her face after staring back at her, unable to help smile a bit more when she did. He pat her cheek, then leth er continue her evesdrooping and spying. He leaned back a bit again,  taking notice of her staring at Valencia Vagineer.
[20:00] Goody Swords: ...*versthaler...that was an honest mistake]]
[20:00] Gilliana Parx: ((I don't believe you...))
[20:00] Goody Swords: [[I blame youtube for htis]]
[20:01] Xahu Fu Sheng raises a brow to Cena, and he just sighs and gives her a stern glance. Now is not the time for this! He returns his attention to Rowan, and says again in official tone, "As head of the Valentines family in Lismore, ...", and he turns to Rayenne, who's sure to be protesting "...a matter that was forsaken by the former Rowan Valentine Sr. once he faked his own death and then returned under a different identity and officially relinquished all his assets in these islands to his son and daughter at the time!", and he returns to Rowan, "As head of your family, it falls upon you the penalty to pay for the reparations the coup your parents enacted now demand! Therefore, I'm stripping you and all your descendants of any and all titles of nobility! I'm going as well to appropriate in the name of the city of Lismore the baths, the other house, the market, and any other holdings your family possessed outside of your main residency! You are here then declared to pay an annual sum to be determined by our accountants fo
[20:01] Xahu Fu Sheng period to be determined as well until all costs of the war your parents brought upon us have been covered!"
[20:01] Hazel Alchemi: ((for))
[20:03] Xahu Fu Sheng adds still, "...and as for your generous offer of donating your house to be made into a poor house, I must decline. I know very well the maintenance costs of a home the size of yours, Rowan, and I won't be stuck with that white elephant! ...the proceeds of your reparation payments will be used to construct a proper, sustainable home for those in need!"
[20:04] Cena Valentine stares straight ahead, keepign a tight lip and a neutral face.
[20:06]  Rayenne Valentine miffs lightly. "I abide to your decision my lord, but I will note that Rowan Jr is no longer officially a Valentine, his disowning is within my right as the heir of Rowan Valentine Senior, as such, I ask for you to legitimately confirm this."
[20:07] Miriamella raises a brow at that decision "Does this appropriation... include Vheljen's residence then?" she d quietly ask.
[20:08] Rowan F. Valentine takes a deep breath, and then exhales again. At least his grandfather isn't getting the house back. Anything else, he can live with. "Thank you, m'lord. I shall comply." he says, though he still throws Rayenne a glare. "Then I wish to change my family name, and the name under which my residency is registered, since this appears to be such a sore point for my former sister."
[20:08] Nazatuur Radonovich IV's ears perk up at the sound of the harp, looking around and getting -completely- distracted after the verdict is made
[20:08] Bella Macabre rolls her eyes at Rayenne. Serously she had no proof that she was heir!
[20:09] Athian Hoggard smiles at that, the house under a new name, that could still pass as the symbol people are hoping for. He glances at Xahu, wondering how much the bunnyhorsewolf knew in advance.
[20:09] Cena Valentine sighs, and pinches her nose between her fingers. This...was getting rather...annoying. Sure, Rowan could be disowned from *Fangshi's* family. But she'd try to s4ee what she and Bellatrix could do. At the least, she wanted to offer the support of herself and her Mother, if necessary.
[20:10]  Rayenne Valentine has papers but no one asks for those~
[20:14] Xahu Fu Sheng continues, clearly there was a lot to deal with the Valentines!, "...moreover, you and your immediate relatives are forbidden from displaying any banners and making any claims to titles of nobility....", and he turns to Rayenne, saying softly to her, "The name of Valentine is no longer a noble name, I can recommend Rowan adopts a different surname here, and he seems inclined to do so, but that's a matter to be debated between you and him, and if you believe you require official arbitration, you may ask to have the matter reviewed by the authorities..."
[20:16] Tarquin Evermore: (OUUCHHH)
[20:17] Roh glances alongside at Miri, noticing her question and the fact it had been such a sensative one,  he reached over to her side, moving to place his hand upon her shoulder and stroke it , squeezing it and attempting to give her some assurance.
[20:17] Bella Macabre fanned herself still but then grabbed onto naz's arm. Damn hip.
[20:18]  Rayenne Valentine nods. "As you wish my lord, I will speak to my father. Should Rowan Jr not willingly change his name, then I will come back on this matter."
[20:19] Rowan F. Valentine smiles a bit darkly at Rayenne. "If you had let me speak without upsetting me, perhaps I could have salvaged the nobility of your name... Now at the very least is your opportunity to cut me out of the family tree as you've always wished to do. Since I am already disowned, I will simply change my surname and be done with it." he says to her, before he turns back to Xahu again. "As you declare, my lord. Shall we handle the matter of naming when we are done here?"
[20:20] Tarquin Evermore: ((Itd be hylarous if Rowan chooses the name "Caganer"))
[20:20] Xahu Fu Sheng answers now regarding Vheljen and the others, " for the Valentines living outside the city island, ....Vheljen's house and assets are not in contest here, but Vheljen himself is pending further investigation. He shall be informed that any attempt to leave Lismore at this time will be an admission of guilt and will carry severe repercussions for him! Amon Valentine is also pending further investigation and he too should not leave Lismore at this time until his situation can be properly assessed!"
[20:21] Goody Swords: ((Go for Lumpington))
[20:21] Cena Valentine hangs her head. her family had done so much harm...
[20:21] Hazel Alchemi: ((please refrain from this type of OOC comment on the main chat. Use the GroupChat for it!))
[20:21] Tarquin Evermore: ((Caganer would be funnier, it means shitter))
[20:21] Ookamisuke Babenco: ((Keep the OOC in GRoup Chat please. x.x))
[20:22] Hazel Alchemi: ((Tarquin I'm giving you an official warning since I already told you personally in IMs to stop this sort of comment on LocalChat))
[20:24] Gilliana Parx: ((Uh... okay, its getting way to late for me. |D Rejoice, i deliver you from my company for now. Sleep well everyone! Thanks for the RP!))
[20:24] Nazatuur Radonovich IV smiles down at Bella as she grabs his arm; sure he knows it's not affection, but it makes him feel good anyways.
[20:26] Goody Swords: Tata Lili~
[20:26]  Rayenne Valentine glances over to Rowan. "Oh but dear brother.. may you enjoy your failed attempts at making yourself look truth you're nothing but a coward, you willingly kept yourself out of their plots, where as I would have directly opposed them. I loved my mother, but I would have ripped out her powercore myself if she had taken over the throne. Your actions of purposely keeping yourself out of the loop has cost the lives of people, the lives of your father, your brother. You valued your own life, over that of the whole city of Lismore....had you acted against your mother, your might have kept everything you might have saved everyone, you might have been a hero." She looks over to Xahu. "My lord, if I am no longer needed, then I wish to be excused from court,"
[20:27] Miriamella nodded slowly as she heard the sentence. Except for the residence at the palace the Valentines were back to zero. She really wondered how they would be able to keep up with the costs for the house without their wealth and status, without their business. Still, it was better than execution. Xahu had made an example of them to calm the people but at the same time given them a chance at redemption. The inquisitor was pleased. If her order was to rise under this rulers reign, she would be able to respect his command.
[20:28] Roh BLINKS FOR A MOMENT AT THE SENTENCE BEING PASSED OUT, GIVING A SLOD nod to himself , peering over at Miri and patting her again, nodding in appraisal as he peeked back at the ongoing talks. He semeed to be learning more then he thought he would about the residents of Lismore
[20:30] Bella Macabre waited quietly for a chance to speek with the king
[20:30] Rowan F. Valentine shakes his head at Rayenne. "Don't care, leave me be." he says to her. "And tell your father of what has transpired here. Then tell him never to return to /my/ house ever again."
[20:31] Xahu Fu Sheng speaks up, "...does anyone have anything else to say about the matter concerning the Valentines?"
[20:31] Cena Valentine keeps her lips shut...probably the smartest thing she's done since she came back!
[20:31] Miriamella lays for a moment her own paw on Roh's hand on her shoulder and smiles at him.She was having a headache by now from all the chattering and bickering. She was looking to Valencia for a sign if the Cruentus Leader was still approachable after this, but did not really expect it. They were all tired and exhausted after this.
[20:32] Athian Hoggard shakes his head, the hint of a smile on his muzzle as he looks over at Xahu. The new emperor had done very well in his eyes on this tricky subject. He would tell him so at the next opportunity.
[20:35]  Rayenne Valentine snorts. "Your house now huh? And just moments ago you wanted to give it all shows how selfish you are, you're not even worthy of carrying /my/ father's name, but I am sure you will do your bastard father proud, you act just like him, no doubt you will become like him." She comments and would look to Xahu, waiting to be dismissed, she was done here.
[20:35] Valencia Versthaler did seemed...tired, she enjoyed chaos but even this was too much for her.
[20:36] Nazatuur Radonovich IV looks around and shrugs, not finding anything to add as he just listens to the fallout from the demonic siblings
[20:37] Bella Macabre rise a finger "Your magesty, may I please discuss the possibility of becomming a licenced necromancer?"
[20:37] Roh could not help but peer under Miri's hood, glancing at her tired eyes before slowly leaning in close and uttering something quietly, before slowly sitting up at bit , peering about and standing up to full height, waiting for things to quiet down before he speaks up "We will be taking our leave for the time being...Millady Versthaler, iI hope we can find time to speak soon."
[20:37] Cena Valentine clenches a fist, electricity crackling within her body again. She was quickly growing tired of this bickering between her family...But no, no...she was sitting in the Temple chair, she had to be a good she lets the electricity dissipate, but not b3efore a growl escapes her mouth, and hse gives an angered, pleading look to Xahu. "M'lord...I ask that this embarassment my family is causing be stopped one way or another, please..."
[20:38] Xahu Fu Sheng says again officially, "Very well, I declare that Rowan Fangshi Valentine - and whatever name he chooses to go by afterwards - has been held accountable for his parents offenses to the realm, and his punishment has been carried out. He is not to be harassed any further in matters concerning what transpired!". He lets that sink in for a moment, then speaks up again, "There's one more official matter I must announce: I have decreed, that to minimize the probability of conflict, no archdemon shall be allowed to take residence in Lismore ever again unless under very special permission from the authorities! Valencia Versthaler, for her indisputable and indispensable assistance to Lismore through so many years, has been granted such special permission to live amongst us!"
[20:40] Miriamella smiles and Roh and whispers "Thank you, good thinking there..." She then slowly rises and would bow to the present court "If you will excuse us, we have much to discuss and prepare." She also nods to Valencia "We'll come visit for a tea I think." smiling a bit before turning to leave.
[20:42] Nazatuur Radonovich IV breathes a sigh of relief, nodding at the conclusion and adjusts his collar with his free paw
[20:42] Xahu Fu Sheng after he's made that statement, he turns to Rayenne, and says softly to her, "You are dismissed, miss Rayenne.". And he asks, "Before we conclude this court meeting, I'm also to announce that the Winter Celebrations are officially started! Lord Athian can enlighten us properly on all he has prepared. You may all be dismissed now. Thank you all!"
[20:42] Xahu Fu Sheng asks! "If anyone has any questions to address now, please do so."
[20:43] Roh makes his way up and towards the door to the room, pushing it open and allowing Miri through first, before heading through and closing it behind him, giving a big sigh before glancing over at her "Are you okay? Do you need me to fly you there?"
[20:43] Athian Hoggard chuckles: "It is best to let the lights outside enlighten you. For the next week the granary will be open for anyone wishing to be merry and having his or her spirits lifted to some degree. I hope I will see many of you there. Good night."


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Re: Open Court Day (meet the new new rulers)
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2013, 10:07:27 pm »
 [20:43] Bella Macabre "Yes may I please speek to you about the  possibility of getting a licence?"
[20:44] Cena Valentine looks to Xahu, as if waiting for him to say he's done with her as well.
[20:44] Cena Valentine was *Technically* here from the Temple, after all, since her Mother was gone.. >.>
[20:44]  A swift wind would blow through the area; the vulpine dress in white seeming appearing from nowhere as he spoke, "...the wind... it blows a calm air... Though... for how long?" speaking to himself...
[20:45]  Rayenne Valentine nodded and would turn to take her leave just as silently as she entered.
[20:45] Miriamella the moment they are outside kinda slumps against Roh a bit sighing softly "By the gods am I tired... I have been up all day, running errands for that expedition, then making sure Rowan actually got to his trial alive by watching his house and... I am done for." She leans against him and whispers "Yes, let's fly..."
[20:46] Rowan F. Valentine step aside to let Bella speak, although he does add: "I wish to finalize a full name change as soon as possible." to Xahu. He's been thinking about this a lot, having anticipated the possibility of needing to change his name for some time now.
[20:47] Weather Report: Partly cloudy.
[20:47] HUD-Weather: Partly cloudy.
[20:47] Nazatuur Radonovich IV moves up with Bella, having his own questions, but the female comes first.
[20:48] Roh chuckkles softly at her, slowly squeezing her against him as she would   ask him to fly, slowly flapping his wings as he would lift her up, smiling gently "So busy...I must say, I am envious of all of your work." he admitted, peering over to the home as he flew her to it "Do you always get this tired?"
[20:48] Nazatuur Radonovich IV female's safety*
[20:48] Athian Hoggard briefly steps over to Rowan and whispers: "You put on a good fight, Rowan. I am glad you can start over with a new name and a clean slate. This time around you are not doing it for the old family name, for traditions and expectations. So maybe you want to remember some of the thinks we talked about a while ago. Oh, and if you want to have another talk, I wouldn't mind."
[20:49] Valencia Versthaler lightly yawns lightly, she glances over to those whom had remained
[20:49] Xahu Fu Sheng perks his ears and looks to Bella, "...yes, what is it you wish?"
[20:50] Kata Misashi close his eye's; twitching his ears, "...yes, I can hear you, Oh goddess of the wind. May your divine power look other the people of this city... as by the power you grant me... I shall not fail you..." opening his eye's before blinkng as Roh began to take flight, "...hmm?".
[20:51] Bella Macabre "You see, I am able to speek with the dead, and make them appear within something called ectoplasem. I wish to have a licence so I am able to help greiving families talk one more time to the dead to get unsolves matters settled, or the possibility of solving murders with the information derrived from the artform. I would like to be able to do this legally within Lismore."
[20:53] Rowan F. Valentine looks up at Athian. "I just wish that little bitch hadn't ruined my chances at maybe preserving the nobility of the Valentine name before I cut my ties with them..." he replies with a dejected sigh. He still looks pretty upset. "And sure we can have another talk once I've settled the name matter...and told Kleopatra what is going on."
[20:54] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Bella, and says softly, after he gives a glance around for Emir, and of course the horse isn't back yet, so he picks up a piece of paper and quill and starts writing, "...I will take note of your wish, but since the nature of your ability needs to be assessed, I can't grant you the license right here right now. We will contact you or you contact us tomorrow or after when we can evaluate what is it you do."
[20:54] Cena Valentine clears her throat. "Rowan. Please come find me at the Temple sometime in the next few days, alright? Just...wiat at least one. I have to think and may e talk to Mom."
[20:56] Bella Macabre "Yes certaintly"
[20:56] Valencia Versthaler perks her ear. "Rowan, your nobility was going to be taken away regardless, your sister is nothing to blame for that. You have been punished accordingly by Emperor Xahu, your sister's words had no influence to that, only your own outbursts."
[20:57] Athian Hoggard simply nods at Rowan: "Of course, just let me know. Good luck." He then turns and bows his head to Xahu and Valencia: "A good night to both of you." He would also offer the other present polite nods before taking his leave.
[20:58] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Athian, and to Bella, and he turns to Rowan who seems bent on changing his name right now, "Yes Rowan what is it?"
[21:00] Kata Misashi would continue to glance downward; noting the people leaving the building below as he stayed perched upon the flag post, ", my how Lismore has changed... Wonder is the Zenko still around." tilting his head in confusin, "...I can't really make heads or tails of this place... Have I really been gone, that long?".
[21:00] Rowan F. Valentine shrugs some at Valencia. "I don't care about the nobility, Rayenne cared about that. I was going to cut my ties with the family anyway, I just wanted to extend my goodwill and maybe convince the council the Valentine name was still a noble one, but she had to go and interrupt me with her own arguments. That failure is on her, and I don't want to discuss this any further right now..." he says, and then he nods at Athian. "Thank you. Take care." Then he turns back to Xahu. "I have been considering a new name for quite some time already, my lord. While we are here, perhaps we may as well make it official?"
[21:00] Rowan F. Valentine also adds to Cena: "I do not wish to wait, I'm afraid. I will speak to you and your mother later."
[21:01] Rowan F. Valentine (Elerlissa Ashbourne) OOC: cut my ties with their branch of the family*
[21:01] Rowan F. Valentine (Elerlissa Ashbourne) OOC: her branch**
[21:01] Rowan F. Valentine (Elerlissa Ashbourne) OOC: guh...
[21:01] Cena Valentine nods. "Then at your convienence, Sir."
[21:02] Xahu Fu Sheng nods to Rowan, and gestures with a paw for him to proceeds, "Yes Rowan?"
[21:04] Valencia Versthaler tilts her head. "Then you do admit you cared about the nobility if you were going to try and convince. Regardless, you seem fit enough again. Expect your training to begin after the Winter Celebrations are over."
[21:06] Rowan F. Valentine scratches his head a bit. Changing his name is just awkward on every level, but it has to be done so... "Anthony Vance." he says. "I wish to cut all my ties to the Valentines, and no longer be known as Rowan Fangshi Valentine, but Anthony Vance. And Vance shall be my new family." Then he nods at Valencia. "I stand corrected and will rephrase: I don't care about my own nobility, I just wished to be fair."
[21:06] Rowan F. Valentine adds: "And after the winter celebrations. Understood."
[21:08] Cena Valentine makes note of his new name...and makes sure to commit it to memory.
[21:09] Xahu Fu Sheng nods a little saying softly, beginning to show signs that he's tired, but still, with no less enthusiasm on his official tone, "So be it! From now on Rowan Fangshi Valentine shall be know as.... Anthony Vance!"
[21:10] Valencia Versthaler would just nod at Ro...Anthony and remains silent otherwise
[21:10] Rowan F. Valentine kneels down before Xahu as he announces his new name, closing his eyes some. He's tired, too, but yet another inquiry awaits after this one. "My thanks." he says. "And finally, you forbade the use of banners, m'Lord... but may we still have a family shield?"
[21:12] Cena Valentine hmms at that. She'd have to remember to ask that of Xahu herself forhte Valentines a thte temple..
[21:14] Xahu Fu Sheng rubs his eyes a little and says now softly to the former Rowan, now Anthony, "...keep it inside your home... Don't hang it in your balcony or anything like that, and don't wear it on your clothes or your servants uniforms."