Author Topic: Mana-poisoning and Corruption Revision  (Read 6541 times)


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Mana-poisoning and Corruption Revision
« on: August 31, 2012, 04:38:27 am »
If you wish to play getting mana-poisoned and become mana-corrupted that you HAVE to follow these rules and guidelines, this is mandatory!

Mana poisoning is an arcane disease that is the precursor to the races known as the corrupted and the manabeasts. Becoming poisoned is completely voluntary as is all diseases and character altering things. HOWEVER by becoming mana poisoned you agree to all of the terms and conditions that apply.

How To Contract Mana Poisoning:
Mana poisoning is contracted by either consuming tass, food or drink that has become tainted by mana, being exposed to a toxic amount of mana, or by being around a high level of mana on a daily basis (such as Zenko's crystal forest)

Who can contract it?
Mana poisoning effects anyone who does not have a mana pool and does not use mana as their primary resource. anyone using energy, stamina,  chakra, or anything else is susceptible to mana poisoning.  anyone who uses mana or has a mana pool are normally immune

But wait, you said normally.... what aren't you telling us?
Normally mages and those using mana cannot become poisoned because they can simply expel the higher than normal amount of mana from their body, while they do become sick with a illness called mana overflow, they can still contract mana poisoning, however it requires a stupid amount and the effects are normally much more violent, painfully, and well, suck much much more.

How do I cure mana poisoning?
Mana poisoning has a single cure. You must be drained of all of the mana in your body by a mana beast OR a device that can drain mana. If you do not seek a cure, it is your own fault if you progress and therefore you are doing it willingly.

So if I get mana poisoned, I get to become a corrupted or a manabeast right?
WRONG. While yes it is required to become one, it is not an automatic yes you get this sort of thing. Anyone wishing to become a manabeast or a corrupted MUST fill out a request to have this done to their character and it must be monitored by both Caex Levethix and Novaku Sirnah/Valencia Hydraconis during each phase. Unless you RP it out properly, you will not be allowed to become a corrupted. Also, your character CAN die from this.

Symptoms and Stages

Stage 1: Minor Mana Poisoning.
External: Small patches of fur/skin start to glow and radiate a small amount of light. These patches have actually crystallized and turned into Aer. The process is rather itchy and unpleasant, like a bad rash on top of having flees AND ticks at the same time. You will itch, you will scratch, and the more you do, the more it progresses. this urge IS UNCONTROLLABLE and CANNOT be resisted no matter how strong of will you have or any special character abilities or powers. The sickness overwrites ALL OF THEM

Internal: Internal mana poisoning is not detectable by a outward appearance and normally goes undetected. The symptoms for the latter are a severely upset stomach and internal pain near the ribcage as the inside of them begins to crystallize. The need to vomit is uncontrollable and happens from time to time. It can not be resisted by any character card ability as the disease overwrites all of them at this point.

Stage 2: Moderate Mana Poisoning
External: After a while of scratching, itching, and generally being unpleasant, the mana poisoning advances. At this stage, someone's hand may have been completely consumed by it or another portion of their body may be crystallized such as a forearm, left breast, foot, etc. The process from advancing is twice as agitating as minor as much more of the body has been crystallized. The victim also becomes hyper sensitive to blunt trauma in the area of crystallization. Meaning a stubbed toe, is like breaking the toe not just stubbing it. The itching starts to increase a bit more, and the area around the crystallization begins to ache and throb.

Internal: The victim slowly falls into a bed ridden state where moving too quickly is highly uncomfortable and extremely unpleasant. If forced to it, signs of mana poisoning may be seen at this state outwardly as they begin to cough up blue fog and appear to suffer from Asthma like attacks. Breathing is slightly problematic and the insides of their body start to feel as if they crack and pop every time they make a large movement.

Stage 3: Major Mana Poisoning
External: At this point an entire appendage is consumed by the crystallization process. An entire arm, chest, leg, what have you is now completely converted to Aer. Any blunt trauma what so ever ranging from a blunt toe to setting their arm down on a desk too hard proves to be a crippling experience as their body wracks itself with pain akin to breaking that limb. The area around the crystallization feels as if it's burning and the sensation of tendrils of arcane presence reaching out and grasping the rest of the body like that of a squid or an octopus constricting it can be felt as the rest of the body is consumed. At this stage, any clothing, armor, or literally anything else that is consumed by the crystallization process seems to bond with the victim like it's a part of their body.

Internal: Suffering from internal mana poisoning at this point the person afflicted begins to wish they were dead to a degree. Nearly all of the person's internal organs are crystallized and the person is for all intensive purposes bed ridden. Small boils begin to form just under the skin and their veins glow blue, curing at this point is highly recommended, ignoring it at this point IS NOT ADVISED. The person is not dead despite the crystallization of their internal organs, the forces of the arcane prevent the victim from dyeing from the process, but that doesn't mean they aren't in pain. A special note, at this point, the person is highly contagious and by coming into contact with the person, you have a higher chance of contracting external poisoning.

Stage 4: Severe Mana Poisoning AKA the YOU'RE FUCKED stage.
External: The person who was afflicted with mana poisoning is essentially on their death bead for lack of a better term. Their body is mostly crystal now, everything has crystallized, even the clothing they were wearing before. The crystallization process has now also worked it's way inwards past the skin to consume the meat, bones, circulatory system, and well everything else. ANY blunt trauma at this point to the victim results in a strong pulse in mana that explodes from their body, the pulse enough to knock books off shelves, plates off tables, and hats off heads. The body slowly begins to sprout crystals of tass as well. Recovering from the sickness at this point is still possible, if only barely and requires daily treatments for a  week straight. Missing a single treatment is a death sentence.

Internal. If suffering from internal mana poisoning, the boils advance and break out of the skin like pods. The boils are filled with liquid tass and will pop if provoked threatening to infect others with mana poisoning. The victim from internal poisoning is bed ridden and totally and completely immobile. no force can move them.

Stage 5: Consumed
External:  The crystals growing out of the body create a barbed, spiny, crystal formation around the host, suspending the host off the ground for the incubation process. During this process the victims' body undergoes catastrophic mutations as the body forcefully adapts to the toxic level of mana that has now taken over the body. After a while, the crystals recede and the victim is released, Either DEAD, INSANE, or all be it highly unlikely, alive and in tact, though the latter is excessively rare. At this point the person is now no longer a member of their former race, the mutations have transformed them into one of the corrupted or if they were a mage, they are now a manabeast or corrupted.

Internal: People suffering from internal mana poisoning have their boils pop all at once, covering themselves in the liquid tass which forms a foamy skin over their body which continues to grow to the thickness of two inches, forming a cocoon. After a time the cocoon will rip itself open releasing the victim  either DEAD, INSANE, or all be it highly unlikely, alive and in tact, though the latter is excessively rare. At this point the person is now no longer a member of their former race, the mutations have transformed them into one of the corrupted or if they were a mage, they are now a manabeast or corrupted.



The Corrupted:

The corrupted are a new race in Lismore, their body has undergone severe mutations from exposure to toxic levels of mana. As such they no longer resemble their previous race and have a completely new appearance compared to their old one. Any armor that was previously worn during the poisoning phases is now bonded to the flesh itself unable to ever be removed again as it now fits to their body.

Corrupted abilities:
-Mana Sight: The corrupted see the arcane flows of mana, and can trace it, track it, and actually see it in a way normal people cannot understand. It's like aura sight in a sense, but more primal in a sense.

-Drain Mana: The corrupted can feast on the mana of another individual via their bite. This vampiric trait is required by the race as they now need to feed on mana.

-Tolerance: The corrupted have a higher tolerance to toxic levels of mana.

Corrupted Weaknesses:
-Blunt force Trauma: The corrupted are susceptible to many forms of blunt force trauma. blunt attacks deal 3 times the amount of damage they would do to a normal person.

-Mana susceptible: While they have a higher tolerance for toxic levels of mana, they are also susceptible to different kinds of mana and therefore are more susceptible to succumb to arcane disease

-Consume Mana: The corrupted now have to consume mana as a food stuff and they could no more go without feeding on it than they could go without drinking water. If a mana corrupted does not feed within 3 days, they die.

Manabeasts are mages who have undergone mana poisoning. Their body has undergone catastrophic mutations from the exposure and as such they no longer resemble the people they once were or even the race they once belonged to. To say they look different is an understatement. Unlike the corrupted, armor is not always absorbed by the body and may or may not be converted.

ManaBeast abilities:
-Mana Sight: The manabeast now have a constant arcane sight that allows them to see the arcane flows of mana. They can follow it, trace it, track it, and understand it in a way normal people cannot comprehend. They will know immediately if an object is enchanted or enhanced in any way.

-Tolerance: The manabeast has a high tolerance for toxic levels of mana, in fact they thrive in them.

-Feed: The mana beast is able to feed both on people, AND, on spells. If the spell is coming at them, they can absorb much of the mana that goes into creating the spell, still taking some of the damage from the effect, but most of it is mitigated by the healing effect of consuming the spell.

-Healing: Both a boon and a bane of the manabeast. They cannot be healed by standard medicine. Only arcane healing will work on them.

ManaBeast weaknesses:
-Blunt Force trauma: the mana beasts are extremely susceptible to many forms of blunt trauma. Blunt force trauma deals 3 times as much damage as a normal person would take. After three blunt force trauma attacks in a row, they become unstable.

-Unstable: Mana beasts who receive three blunt force trauma attacks in a row become unstable, their body seems to come apart at the seams and starts to float apart from itself in chunks. The wounds appear hollow as if holding in all of the raw arcane energy that is trying to constantly escape from the beast. A manabeast who is unstable looses 20% of their mana every turn for 3 turns unless arcane healing is preformed on them. This will drag them past 0% mana as well if they don't have enough mana, causing a mana burn which converts their very life energy into mana.

-Feed: manabeasts require Tass as a food stuff. They could no more go without eating it than a normal person could go without drinking water. If a manabeast goes for 3 days without feeding, they enter a comatose state until their body is exposed to a extremely toxic level of mana.  During this time, they appear as nothing more than a statue of tass.

-Dangers of Death: Mana beasts explode with tremendous explosive force upon death capable of leveling an entire building in the blast alone.
"We are nothing but pawns in the world, in this  world that is nothing but a game. Our actions, our fates are bound decided by the game, we move because the game commands us to do so. Only the players know what faith will befall us for we signify nothing but strategic movements." Valencia Versthaler